A Padre in France
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This book contains 60845 words. With an average reading speed of 420 words per minute, you will finish reading this book in about 3 hours.
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Comments about A Padre in France
The Reading Personality Quiz Comments
Regina on
12/30/2011 2:13:06 PM
Books rock!!
kat on
2/2/2012 2:32:37 PM
i love reading! so if it grabs my attention its a good book
Sylvie on
7/4/2011 12:21:51 PM
Quite a clever test :-).... Great website ! enjoying every minute spend on it !
Takya on
8/3/2011 9:11:12 PM
it asks good questions
Pratik on
10/19/2011 4:55:25 AM
nice quiz