Against Odds
A Detective Story
Book Summary
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A Detective Story
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A Detective Story
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A Detective Story
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A Detective Story
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A Detective Story
overview and detailed summary.
This book contains 100173 words. With an average reading speed of 420 words per minute, you will finish reading this book in about 4 hours.
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Comments about Against Odds
A Detective Story
The Reading Personality Quiz Comments
kelly on
5/29/2011 3:19:04 PM
I love books based on real life events
Ladina on
11/17/2011 10:59:28 AM
I like all kinds of books!
janaki on
12/18/2011 5:11:21 AM
i enjoyed this quiz.
Mariah Dominique Laurente on
4/26/2011 9:15:50 AM
I always read. I can finish a book in a day or two. when i read a book and i like the plot or story, i will finish it even if it means i'll get no sleep. i'm addicted to books. i'm very happy when people give me books. i'm so happy that i found your website. though i prefer buying the book so i can add it to my collection of books than reading it online. but it's hard finding these kind of books nowadays. i can't live without a book. I HEART BOOKS
Shelby on
9/11/2011 7:07:14 AM
I love to read (: