Amos Huntingdon
Book Summary
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This book contains 102573 words. With an average reading speed of 420 words per minute, you will finish reading this book in 2 days if you devote 4 hours daily.
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Comments about Amos Huntingdon
The Reading Personality Quiz Comments
Teva Yancy on
5/28/2012 9:43:30 PM
I love All books no matter what type of books.
bianca on
3/12/2011 1:39:58 PM
i like books that arent stupid like the twilight series. i am not a big fan of fiction. i like realistoc books that one way or another you can actually relate to whether its emotionaly or physically.
sandy on
7/5/2011 8:47:25 PM
intresting quiz
Sarah on
8/31/2011 5:17:15 PM
cool quiz
First on
4/20/2011 2:17:41 PM
I like to have more questions than answers when I come to the end of a book.