In a Little Town
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Comments about In a Little Town
The Reading Personality Quiz Comments
Brandon on
7/10/2011 12:39:30 AM
I will read books once, and if the books captivated my mind, I might even read it a second time. Books are my inner sanctum, an escape from reality, if you will. Books have a place in my heart most people cannot even dream of reaching. Books are man's true best friend, hopefully we will never forget that.
anthony on
7/16/2011 11:02:34 PM
it make sense...
Patrycja on
11/24/2011 11:35:06 AM
good quiz
Asif on
4/14/2012 8:22:01 PM
I used to spend most of the time reading books.
jane on
3/3/2011 3:50:37 PM
I read every free moment I have (& often when I should be doing something else!). I read mostly fiction because I love to get absorbed in another place, time, or perspective. I don't have a favorite author or genre - just whatever grabs my interest at the library or bookstore, & it's easier than ever, now that we have the internet. I love going to "school" and ofter take courses at the local colleges just for fun because I enjoy researching & learning new subjects. I'm a book Junkie!!