Reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body, wrote Joseph Addison. No doubt, reading is a passion for millions of people around the globe. This, despite naysayers having long ago sounded the death knell for books and reading, what with the internet revolution redefining the ways of modern living.

But actually that is the point. Internet makes doing everything so much easier. Reading books is no exception. And that’s exactly what we do at ReadCentral – make reading a truly pleasurable and completely hassle-free experience. Not only do we make thousands of books available to you absolutely free of charge at the simple click of a mouse, we also take special care to give you a personalized reading experience. So, we give you a Smart Reader which makes navigation easy and enables you to alter the font, the text color, the text size and the background, all according to your liking.

That is the pleasure part, and that is only one part. The other part is simplicity and ease-of-use. To keep things hassle-free for you, ReadCentral makes sure you can access our database from the word go. Which means that you have neither to sign-up or register with us, nor download a thing. All you need to do is look up the author or the book you want to read and... start reading! But that’s not all. With ReadCentral, you also have the privilege to “be mobile” and still be glued to books. That is, if you have an internet-enabled mobile phone, you can have access to our database not only when you are online, but also when you are offline.

With thousands of English and non-English language writings in our collection, we are a preferred destination for readaholics. Of course, we remain committed to constantly expanding and upgrading our stock, so that whatever you may want to read, you have all under one roof.

What is ReadCentral all about?
ReadCentral is a vast online library of novels, dramas, poems, short stories, essays and non-fiction books written not only in English but in several other languages. From fairy tales and sci-fi, to comedy and philosophy, ReadCentral has a database that has something for all kinds of readers across all age-groups.

How is ReadCentral different from other websites offering online books?
ReadCentral is different from other such websites in many ways. One, ReadCentral doesn’t charge for its services at any stage. Two, users are not required to set up accounts before accessing resources on ReadCentral, moreover users reading free are not overwhelmed with advertisements while reading. Three, ReadCentral provides an unparalleled reading experience enabling readers to fully customize every aspect of reading experience online.

How much does it cost to read a book on ReadCentral?
It does not cost a thing to use ReadCentral. Users can read any book featured on ReadCentral absolutely free of charge.

How does ReadCentral fund its operations?
ReadCentral is largely funded by donations from individuals and businesses. Other sources include advertising revenues through Google and partner advertising networks. While working with advertisers, utmost care has been taken to keep advertisements away from pages within books listed on the site.

Who can use ReadCentral?
Anybody and everybody. To the bookworms, ReadCentral is a veritable gold mine of thousands of free books. While to those uninitiated to the pleasures of reading, ReadCentral is a great place to explore the enchanting world of books. ReadCentral is popular with everyone - reading enthusiasts, students, researchers and on-the-go readers.

Can I read books at ReadCentral from my mobile phone?
Yes, each book has been adapted for ease of the reading on mobile phones. Simply navigate to to view the mobile version of all the books. If you are browsing ReadCentral through a mobile device, you will automatically be routed to the mobile version of each book.

Now you can read books on your mobile phone.
Customize your reading environment
Choose your font, text size, color and background.
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