The Children's Longfellow
Told in Prose
Book Summary
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Told in Prose
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Told in Prose
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Told in Prose
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Told in Prose
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Told in Prose
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This book contains 21421 words. With an average reading speed of 420 words per minute, you will finish reading this book in about 1 hour.
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Comments about The Children's Longfellow
Told in Prose
The Reading Personality Quiz Comments
Khalifa Thomas on
3/17/2011 6:06:04 PM
I like romance, action, and comedy!
eam on
3/31/2012 5:05:56 AM
if a book turns a page in my life its a treasure for me
Kristine Rados on
9/30/2011 4:48:46 PM
read the summaries of any genre. Always give us something to learn.
Brad on
11/27/2011 6:11:03 AM
Would love to have more time to really get into books
AliCat on
1/10/2012 10:10:47 AM
Just like with music, with books I read anything that catches my interest.