Books by J. Hudson Taylor
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Quotes by J. Hudson Taylor
True devotion will rather ask to be allowed to give, and will count as loss all which may not be given up for the Lord’s sake. |
How sadly possible it is to delight in the rest of faith while forgetful to fight the good fight; to dwell upon the cleansing and the purity effected by faith, but to have little thought for the poor souls struggling in the mire of sin. |
If I am guided by God, in going out, He will open the way and provide the means. |
But God makes no mistakes; according to their service He divides the help, and those who are called to the holiest service are those who can have least assistance. |
Nearness to GOD calls for tenderness of conscience, thoughtfulness in service, and implicit obedience. |
Satan may build a hedge about us and fence us in and hinder our movements, but he cannot roof us in and prevent our looking up. |
I so want you to realise this principle of working with God and asking Him for everything. If the work is at the command of God, then we can go to Him in full confidence for workers; and when God gives the workers, we can go to Him for means to supply their needs. |
Let us give up our work, our thoughts, our plans, ourselves, our lives, our loved ones, our influence, our all, right into His hand, and then, when we have given all over to Him, there will be nothing left for us to trouble about, or to make trouble about. |
Christ is either Lord of all, or is not Lord at all. |
At home you can never know what it is to be alone – absolutely alone, amidst thousands, as you can in a Chinese city, without one friend, one companion, everyone looking on you with curiosity, with contempt, with suspicion or with dislike. Thus to learn what it is to be despised and rejected of men – of those you wish to benefit, your motives not understood . . . and then to have the love of Jesus applied to your heart by the Holy Spirit . . . this is worth coming for. |
It will not do to say that you have no special call to go to China. With these facts before you and with the command of the Lord Jesus to go and preach the gospel to every creature, you need rather to ascertain whether you have a special call to stay at home. |
The use of means ought not to lessen our faith in GOD; and our faith in GOD ought not to hinder our using whatever means He has given us for the accomplishment of His own purposes. |
We have so often been disappointed that we must not be too sure of anything, save of God’s help and presence which He will never withhold. |
For our Master’s sake, may He make us willing to do or suffer all His will. |
If you want blessing, make room for it. |
I have found that there are three stages in every great work of God: first, it is impossible, then it is difficult, then it is done. |
The sin of neglected communion may be forgiven, and yet the effect remains permanently. |
Work is the outcome of effort; fruit, of life. |
Let there be no reservation; give yourselves up fully and wholly to Him whose you are and whom you wish to serve in this work; and then there can be no disappointment. |
We shall find that Separation to GOD is followed by Blessing from GOD; and that those who receive large blessing from Him, in turn render to Him acceptable Service; service in which GOD takes delight, and which He places in everlasting remembrance. |
The Apostolic plan was not to raise ways and means, but to go and do the work. |
And he who in all things recognises himself as the servant of GOD may count on a sufficiency from GOD for all manner of need, and look with confident expectation to GOD to really prosper him in whatever he does. |
If there was more true abiding in Christ, there would be less selfish abiding at home. |
Wave after wave of trial rolled over us; but at the end of the year some of us were constrained to confess, that we had learned more of the loving-kindness of the Lord than in any previous year of our lives. |
Some are jealous of being successors of the Apostles. I would rather be a successor of the Samaritan woman, who, while the Apostles went for meat and forgot souls, forgot her water pot in her zeal to spread the good tidings. |
My work is a very peculiar [unique] one; in many respects it has, and can have no precedent. It may be called an experiment; to a certain extent it is so. And by God’s help it shall be, as it is being, faithfully made. |
If I had a thousand pounds, China should have it. If I had a thousand lives, China should have them. No! not China, but Christ. Can we do too much for Him? |
If this is a real work for God it is a real conflict with Satan. |
Consider six or eight hours a day sacred to the Lord and His work, and let nothing hinder your giving this time (to language study and practice) till you can preach fluently and intelligibly. |
I have never passed a more anxious or trying month in my life, but I never felt God so present with me. |
I said, ‘You are now placed in a position to help the Chinese as you have never been before. They see that your being a foreigner is now no protection, but increases your danger. Let them see that you are rejoicing in God . . . that you do not need any other protection and that you do not go away, although you might; that you put your trust in God, and are prepared either to suffer or be delivered as He sees best, will learn that there is something in the Gospel worth risking life for.’ What was the result? In almost every place where there were native Christians they grew (in spiritual maturity) as never before. |
Brighton, 25 June 1965: “All at once came the thought – If you are simply obeying the LORD, all the responsibility will rest on Him, not on you! What a relief!! Well, I cried to God – You shall be responsible for them, and for me too!” |
Devotion to GOD is still a voluntary thing; hence the differences of attainment among Christians.” |
If we could offer to the ungodly a worldly plan which would ensure their prospering in all that they undertake, how eagerly they would embrace it! And yet when GOD Himself reveals an effectual plan to His people how few avail themselves of it!. |
Those who do not make God Lord of all, do not make Him Lord at all |
The work of a true missionary is work indeed, often very monotonous, apparently not very successful, and carried on through great and varied but unceasing difficulties. |
Where the need is greatest let us be found gladly obeying the MASTER’S command. For it is in the harvest-field, it is among the reapers, that we shall find Him. |
Many there are who fail to see that there can be but one lord, and that those who do not make GOD Lord of all do not make Him Lord at all. |
On September 13, 1888, Jonathan Goforth, famed Canadian pioneer Presbyterian missionary to China, made his first exploration tour of North Honan. Honan was considered one of the most anti-foreign and dangerous parts of China. Yet God had called Goforth to it. Hudson Taylor wrote him, “We have been trying, unsuccessfully, for ten years, to get into Honan. We’ve been beaten, stoned, and turned back time and again. Brother, if you would enter that province, you must go forward on your knees! |
God’s work done in God’s way will never lack God’s supplies. |
We believe that the time has come for doing more fully what He has commanded us; and by His grace we intend to do it. Not to try, for we see no Scriptural authority for trying. Try is a word constantly in the mouth of unbelievers, . . . far too often taken up by believers. In our experience, ‘to try’ has usually meant ‘to fail’. (The Lord’s) command is not ‘Do your best,’ but ‘DO IT’. |
I believe we are all in danger of accumulating – it may be from thoughtlessness, or from pressure of occupation – things which would be useful to others, while not needed by ourselves, and the retention of which entails loss of blessing. |
When the heart submits, then Jesus reigns When Jesus reigns, there is rest. |
Real trust in God cannot be confounded. |
Let but faithful labourers be found, who will prove faithful to God, and there is no reason to fear that God will not prove faithful to them. |
If God try our faith it is to show His faithfulness, and we shall lose the blessing by appeals etc. |
I besought Him to give me some work for Him, as an outlet for love and gratitude; some self-denying service, no matter what it might be, however trying or however trivial |
Fruit-bearing involves cross-bearing. We know how the Lord Jesus became fruitful – not by bearing His Cross merely, but by dying on it. Do we know much of fellowship with Him in this? |
I wish sometimes that I had twenty bodies, that at twenty places at once I might publish the saving name of Jesus. |
With GOD all things are possible, and no conviction ever takes place save by the almighty power of the HOLY GHOST. The great need, therefore, of every Christian worker is to know GOD. |
An easy-going non-self-denying life will never be one of power. |
I could not think that GOD was poor, that He was short of resources, or unwilling to supply any want of whatever work was really His. It seemed to me that if there were lack of funds to carry on work, then to that degree, in that special development, or at that time, it could not be the work of GOD. |
All God’s giants have been weak men, who did great things for God because they reckoned on His being with them. |
We wish to see churches and Christian Chinese presided over by pastors and officers of their own countrymen, worshipping the true God in the land of their fathers, in the costume of their fathers, in their own tongue wherein they were born, and in edifices of a thoroughly Chinese style of architecture. |
I almost wish I had a hundred bodies; they should all be devoted to my Savior in the missionary cause. |
Self-denial surely means somethings far greater than some slight and insignificant lessening of our self-indulgences! |
If we are faithful to GOD in little things, we shall gain experience and strength that will be helpful to us in the more serious trials of life. |
It was no vain or unintelligent act when, knowing the land, its people and climate, I laid my dear wife and the darling children with myself on the altar for this service. |
You do not need a great faith, but faith in a great God. |
One difficulty follows another very fast – but God reigns, not chance. |
Pray for those you send, shield them by prayer. |
Let us give up our work, our thoughts, our plans, ourselves, our lives, our loved ones, our influence, our all, right into His hand, and then, when we have given all over to Him, there will be nothing left for us to be troubled about, or to make trouble about. |
Argument almost always leaves behind a sore feeling in the heart of the one who has been worsted. By loving teaching, by Christ-like living, we are to win this people for our Lord. They do not understand what disinterested love and unselfishness mean: you are to go and live it amont them. |
How important, therefore, to learn before leaving England to move man through God by prayer alone. |
The more we rest on this fact, – that we do not know the way we are going, but that we have a GUIDE who does know; that we do not know how to accomplish our service, but that He never leaves us to devise our own service; – the more restful does our life become. |
We are taking our four little children, and I never need anyone to remind me that they need their breakfast . . . dinner . . . supper. And I cannot imagine that our heavenly Father is less able or less willing to remember His children’s needs, when He sends them forth to the end of the earth about His business. |
A little thing is a little thing, but faithfulness in little things is a great thing. |
Not infrequently our GOD brings His people into difficulties on purpose that they may come to know Him as they could not otherwise do. |
Our eyes must be upon the Lord, not upon His people. His means – not ours, not theirs, but His means are large; and to a faithful steward He will prove a faithful master. |
When you need it, rest in body; rest always in spirit. |
After proving God’s faithfulness for many years, I can testify that times of want have ever been times of spiritual blessing, or have led to them. |
What I have to watch against is impatience at waiting His time. |
Power with God will be the gauge of real power with men. |
You are not sent to preach death and sin and judgment, but life and holiness and salvation – not to be a witness against the people, but to be a witness for God – to preach the good news – Christ Himself. |
The vine . . . is not the root merely, but all - root, stem, branches, twigs, leaves, flowers, fruit: and Jesus is not only that: He is soil and sunshine, air and showers, and ten thousand times more than we ever dreamed, wished for, or needed. |
China is not to be won for Christ by quiet ease-loving men and women. |
I am in great straits for funds. I am happy about it. The Lord may take away all our troublesome people through it and give us true-hearted ones instead. |
There is great danger of not, in happiness, finding our delight in the Lord. |
There are three great truths, 1st, That there is a God; 2nd, That He has spoken to us in the Bible; 3rd, That He means what He says. Oh, the joy of trusting Him! |
It is not lost time to wait upon God! |
While unbelief sees the difficulties, faith sees God between itself and them. |
The highest service demands the greatest sacrifice, but it secures the fullest blessing and the greatest fruitfulness. |
To know and to do His will – this is our safety; this is our rest. |
I . . . know how much easier it is to lean on an arm of flesh than on the Lord; but I have learned too how much less safe it is. |
All God's giants have been weak men, who did great things for God because they reckoned on His being with them |
The work . . . is steadily growing and spreading – especially in that most important department, native help. . . . The future hope of China doubtless lies in them. I look on all us foreign missionaries as platform work round a rising building; the sooner it can be dispensed with the better; or rather, the sooner it can be transferred to other places, to serve the same temporary purpose, the better for the work sufficiently forward to dispense with it, and the better for the places yet to be evangelized. |
We may fail, do fail continually, but He never fails. |
It needs the presence of special difficulties to manifest to all the workings of God’s mighty power, and for such difficulties we may and should be grateful, and not cast down. |
The missionaries should be men of apostolic zeal, patience, endurance, willing to be all things to all men. May the Lord raise up suitable instruments, and fit me for this work. |
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And Other Bible Studies
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