Books by John Kendrick Bangs
Quotes by John Kendrick Bangs
Whate'er there be of Sorrow I'll put off till To-morrow, And when To-morrow comes, why then 'T will be To-day and Joy again. |
For me, my craft is sailing on, Through mists to-day, clear seas anon. Whate'er the final harbor be 'T is good to sail upon the sea! |
To-day, whatever may annoy, The word for me is Joy, just simple Joy. |
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John Kendrick Bangs A House-Boat on the Styx
John Kendrick Bangs Alice in Blunderland An Iridescent Dream
John Kendrick Bangs Andiron Tales
John Kendrick Bangs Cobwebs from a Library Corner
John Kendrick Bangs Mr. Munchausen
John Kendrick Bangs Paste Jewels
John Kendrick Bangs R. Holmes & Co.
John Kendrick Bangs The Autobiography of Methuselah
John Kendrick Bangs The Bicyclers and Three Other Farces
John Kendrick Bangs The Booming of Acre Hill
John Kendrick Bangs The Idiot
John Kendrick Bangs The Pursuit of the House-Boat