Read Variety of Withered Leaves from Memory's Garland, free online book, by Abigail Stanley Hanna, on

Variety is sweet to me
As many blossoms to the bee;
And I will roam from flower to flower,
Sipping honey ev’ry hour;
I will wander with the bee,
And drink thy sweets, variety.

But if I idly flit away,
All my sunny summer day,
Dancing round from flow’r to flow’r;
What shall grace my winter bow’r?
No, I’ll not wander with the bee,
So tempt me not, variety.

But I will prune my myrtle tree,
That in winter green will be,
When other flow’rs are pale and dead:
Their color gone, their beauty fled,
No, I’ll not wander with the bee;
So away, variety.

My myrtle then shall be my care,
That’s green and fragrant all the year;
I will not spend the fleeting hours
Flitting round more fragrant flow’rs.
I’ll not wander with the bee,
So begone, variety.

This in youth should be our care,
To improve for future years;
For if we flit from toy to toy,
Chasing the painted bubble, joy,
No real substance shall we find
To nourish or improve the mind.
Then I’ll not wander with the bee
Since it leads to misery.

And youth’s fair morn will vanish soon,
And the bright sun grow dim at noon;
Trials will rise along the way,
To cloud the dreary winter day;
Then I’ll not wander with the bee,
So farewell, variety.