Read The Child of Withered Leaves from Memory's Garland, free online book, by Abigail Stanley Hanna, on

Laughing child of the noble brow,
Whither, say, whither comest thou?
I’ve been wandering long in sunlit bow’rs,
Chasing butterflies and flow’rs;
And this bright garland round my hair,
Is one that I’ve been twining there.

Happy child of the garland gay,
Whither wanderest thou to play?
I’ve been floating bubbles on silver streams:
Printing the sand with golden dreams;
I’ve wandered widely all the day,
And feel much wearied with my play.

Gentle child of the languid brow,
What is this comes o’er thee now?
My wearied limbs are filled with pain,
A scorching fever burns my brain;
Hope dances not before my eyes,
But only points beyond the skies.

Wasted child of the marble brow,
Mysterious death steals o’er thee now.
How pale and ghastly is thy cheek,
Thy quiv’ring lips refuse to speak;
Fluttering and pausing comes thy breath:
It ceases now, thou ’rt cold in death.

There hangs the wreath which yesterday,
Like thee, was blooming bright and gay;
Emblem still, its leaves are dead,
Their colors gone, their beauty fled;
But withered roses shed perfume,
That live beyond the mould’ring tomb.

Happy child of the angel brow,
Brighter wreaths entwine thee now;
Thy paths are spread thro’ fairer bow’rs,
Adorned with amaranthine flow’rs,
And ever happy thou wilt be,
Thro’ a blest eternity.

But I must bid thee farewell now,
Beautiful child of the death cold brow.