Home of my childhood, once again,
With fond delight, I turn
to thee;
Here, in this green and silent glen,
I’ll sit beneath the
o’ershadowing tree;
While memory, with its magic power,
Summons to my enraptured mind,
Scenes, which, till this mysterious hour,
Had been to Lethean waves consign’d.
Sweet visions rise before my gaze,
All dim and meagre, like ruins
Which seen beneath the moon’s pale
Scarce can their real form
be told.
Yet, beautiful and fair they seem,
Those shadowy visions of the
And to my soul they bring a dream
Of happines, too bright to last.
Soft eyes are gazing on my own,
Sweet voices fall upon my
I feel that I am not alone,
For spirits of the loved are
And joyfully my soul goes forth,
Mingling with theirs in blissful
Linked in the bonds of union sweet
Through the past scenes of
life we rove.
And once again, they spring to life,
The hopes and joys of other
Fresh as before the world’s rude
Had changed their fount to
bitter tears,
Smiles, looks and words that long had
Erased from memory’s
tablet leaves,
Come thronging o’er my soul again,
Bright as the spell which
Fancy weaves.
Oh, could the dream forever last,
Could those loved forms forever
But no, e’en now the visions past,
Like rainbow hues they fade
And I am left to muse alone,
As one by one, those forms
The chill wind blows with hollow moan,
And sadness broodeth o’er
my heart.
Well, I must nerve my spirit up,
To meet life’s trials,
stern and dark;
I’ll shrink not from the bitter
For fear, though storms assail
my bark.
But I will trust in him, whose power
Curbs the proud billows in
their might,
Whose presence cheers the darkest hour,
And guides the wanderer’s
bark aright.