And now, courteous reader, perchance
thou art weary with thy wanderings, and the flowers
we have gathered may appear withered to thee, and
devoid of beauty or fragrance, and the peep into memory’s
inner chambers may not have afforded thee the pleasure
that I have derived from the survey. If so, farewell,
I will intrude no more upon thy time or patience.
The curtain has fallen, the dim, misty curtain, and
memory has turned her golden key, closed her portfolio,
and sat down with folded hands, to brood over her
hoarded treasures, placing each in its proper place,
to be brought forward again at her mandate, to beguile,
perchance, other weary midnight hours with their magic
spell. The past cannot be redeemed, and the future
is hid in uncertainty; but the present, the golden
present is ours, and while our little bark is floating
upon the stream of time, let us improve the precious
moments as they fly, and spend them in a cultivation
of the best affections of the human mind. The
mind, that boundless ocean of human thought that is
placed within each individual, stretching on throughout
the ceaseless ages of eternity. But there must
come a solemn time to all who live. Death is
upon our track, and will surely soon overtake us,
and our decaying bodies must be hid forever from sight
beneath the clods of the valley: but these minds
shall then live, and happy they who, by a cultivation
of the best principles of our nature, have an antepast
of heaven while upon earth.
May this be our happy case, gentle
reader, if we meet not again on earth, we shall meet
in heaven, “for we must all stand before the
judgment seat of Christ.” I have spread
out before you the secret musings of many a midnight
hour, and I feel that I am responsible for what I
have written. May God grant forgivness for the
wrong. And thus we part, gentle reader, to toss
yet a little longer upon the stream of time, ere its
waves and its billows pass over us forever.
“When midnight o’er the moonless
Her shades of mimic death
has spread,
When mortals sleep, when spectres rise;
And nought is wakeful but
the dead.
No bloodless shape my path pursues;
No shiv’ring ghost my
couch annoys,
Visions more sad my fancy views,
Visions of dear departed joys,
The shade of youthful hope is there.”