“Elmer said we’d take a vote on it!”
“Yes, and tonight the next regular
meeting of the Hickory Ridge Boy Scout Troop is scheduled
to take place, so we’ll soon know where we stand.”
“Thith hath been a pretty tame
thummer for the cwowd, all told, don’t you think,
Lil Artha?”
“It certainly has, as sure as
your name’s Ted Burgoyne. Our camping
out was cut short, for with so many rainy days we just
had to give it up.”
“Yeth, after three of the fellowth
came down with bad cases of malarial fever.
The mothquitoes were so plentiful.”
“That was some news to me to
find out that a certain breed of mosquitoes are the
only ones that give you the malarial poison when they
smack you.”
“Huh! I used to think
all that talk was a silly yarn, too, Toby, but now
I put a heap of stock in the same,” declared
the unusually tall and thin boy, who seemed to answer
to the queer name of “Lil Artha;” he had
evidently been dubbed so by his comrades as an undersized
cub, and when shooting up later on had been unable
to shake off the absurd nickname.
“But here we’ve still
got a couple of weeks left of our vacation, you know,”
remarked the chap called Toby, “and it’d
be just a shame to let the good old summer time dribble
away without one more whack at the woods, and the
open air life we all love so well.”
“Toby, jutht hold your horthes!”
exclaimed the one who lisped so dreadfully, and whose
name was Theodore Burgoyne, though seldom called anything
but Ted; “you let Elmer decide for the crowd.
I’m dead certain he’ll lay out a joyouth
plan at the meeting tonight that’ll call for
the unanimous approval of every member of the troop
to be found in thith sleepy town these dog days.”
“Hear! hear! Ted has got
it down pat, let me tell you!” cried Toby Jones,
who in the bosom of his family was occasionally reminded
that he had once upon a time been christened Tobias
Ellsworth Jones.
“Yes, you know our faithful
and hard-working patrol leader to a dot, Ted,”
added the long-legged scout, with a wide grin on his
thin and freckled face. “Trust Elmer Chenowith
to think up a programme that will meet with universal
approval. But this is a pretty warm proposition
for a late August day. Let’s sit in the
shade a while, and cool off, while we’re waiting
for Landy and Chatz to show up.”
Accordingly the trio of boys in faded
khaki suits, that looked as though they had seen considerable
service, proceeded to perch upon the top-most rail
of a fence at a point where a splendid oak tree threw
its wide-spreading branches over the road.
They were just outside the town of
Hickory Ridge, and if you want to know where this
usually wide-awake place was situated it might be well
to refer to earlier books in this Series in order to
ascertain all the interesting particulars.
These three lads belonged to the local
troop of scouts, just then in a most flourishing condition.
Under the leadership of Elmer Chenowith the Wolf
Patrol of the troop had accomplished so many unusual
things that a fever had taken possession of the town
boys to become enrolled.
There was also the Beaver Patrol,
with a full number, and the Eagle as well as the Fox
seemed destined to finish their quota of eight members
in the early Fall.
The three boys whom we have met on
the road chanced to be among the original charter
members of the troop. All of them belonged to
the Wolf Patrol; for it often happens that fellows
wearing the same totem are brought closer together
than others.
Since it chances that the exciting
incidents which we have started out to chronicle in
the present story fell almost exclusively to the portion
of the boys belonging to the original Wolf Patrol,
it might be well to give a brief description of who
and what they were, before going any further.
Elmer Chenowith, being the patrol
leader, comes first in line. He was a manly
lad, with many winning qualities that made him a prime
favorite among his fellows. At one time his
father had had charge of a vast farm and cattle ranch
up in the Canadian Northwest, and while there the
boy had learned a thousand things calculated to be
useful to him in his capacity of a scout.
He had long ago received official
authority from Boy Scout Headquarters to act as a
deputy or assistant scout master, whenever the regular
overseer, young Mr. Roderic Garrabrant, could not be
present. Elmer filled the position in such a
clever fashion that no one ever questioned his ability
to play the part of guide.
Then there was Mark Anthony Cummings,
who was looked upon as Elmer’s chum. He
was the grandson of a famous artist, and there were
those who prophesied that some day Mark would follow
in the footsteps of his illustrious ancestor; for
he would draw off-hand charcoal sketches of his chums,
mostly in a humorous vein, that excited roars of laughter.
Mark was also something of a musician, and had in the
beginning been elected to fill the position of bugler
to the troop.
Ted Burgoyne was afflicted with a
dreadful lisp, on account of a hare-lip, so that as
the boys used to say if offered a fortune he could
get no closer to the real thing when dared than to
say “thoft thoap.” But then Ted was
a marvel in his way, for he had more knowledge of
medicine than all the other boys of the troop combined;
and on this account they often called him “Doctor
Ted,” or “Old Sawbones.”
In cases of snake-bite, fainting,
cramps, near-drowning, cuts from the camp axe or hatchet,
gun-shot wounds, broken bones, or, in fact, anything
likely to happen to campers, Ted was what Lil Artha
always called “Johnny-on-the-spot,” though
Toby could never pin him down to saying “which
Toby Jones was really the “funny”
boy of the patrol. His grandfather being one
of those Zouave veterans, who had accompanied Colonel
Ellsworth to Washington when the war between the States
broke out, and saw the latter shot in Alexandria,
Virginia, while taking down a Confederate flag, nothing
would do but that the boy must bear that venerated
name and so he was christened Tobias Ellsworth Jones.
Toby was ambitious. His leaning
lay in the line of aeronautics, and he was always
trying to invent some sort of aeroplane that would
discount all the efforts of such men as the Wright
brothers. The dreadful fate of Darius Green
and his famous flying machine had no terrors for Toby,
though his chums were always warning him to beware.
He had, on several occasions in the
past, attempted to show off with one of these ambitious
contraptions. Those who have read some of the
preceding volumes of this Series know what ludicrous
results came about because of this over-vaulting ambition
on the part of Toby. But he was not one whit
discouraged, and often declared that unless his life
were cut short he meant to see that the name of the
Joneses went “ringing down the ages” as
one of the most illustrious since the days of Paul
Jones, the American who fought sea battles in the Revolutionary
Lil Artha, in reality Arthur Stansbury,
was reckoned a good scout, and a loyal companion who
could both play a joke and take one when it was aimed
at him; he was rather fond of photography, and addicted
somewhat to harmless slang.
The sixth member of the original Wolf
Patrol was a Southern boy, Charlie Maxfield by name,
though known simply as “Chatz.” He
possessed all the traits to be found in boys who have
been born and raised south of Mason and Dixon’s
line, was inclined to be touchy whenever he thought
anyone doubted his honor, talked with a quaint little
twang that was really delightfully musical, and taken
in all had grown to be a prime favorite with his fellows.
Chatz had one silly weakness which,
though he tried hard to overcome it, would occasionally
crop up. He was dreadfully superstitious, and
believed in ghosts, which failing he laid to his having
associated with piccaninnies when a youngster, and
in some way imbibing their belief in the supernatural.
Yes, Chatz at one time had even carried
a rabbit’s foot for luck, and to ward off evil
spirits. The animal was said to have been killed
in a graveyard in the full moon and it was a sure-enough
left hind foot, too, which he believed to be
a very important distinction, since no other would
answer. Of late, however, Chatz said less about
these things than when he first came to Hickory Ridge;
and Elmer believed he was by degrees out-growing the
foolish, superstitious beliefs of his childhood.
Two later additions to the Wolf Patrol
were Henry Condit, known simply as “Hen,”
and Landy Smith, otherwise Philander. The latter
was a fat, good-natured chap, always perspiring, and
who had a queer habit of placing his forefinger alongside
his nose when puzzled or reflecting.
As occasional mention may be made
in these pages to other members of the Troop, it might
be well to simply give a list of their names and “let
it go at that,” as Lil Artha would say.
The Beaver Patrol being full consisted
of eight boys. Matty Eggleston was the leader,
and after him came “Red” Huggins, Ty Collins,
Jasper Merriweather, Tom Cropsey, Larry Billings,
Phil Dale and “Doubting George” Robbins,
a cousin to Landy.
There were also four members to the
Eagle Patrol, with others about to come in.
Jack Armitage filled the position of leader, and after
him came Nat Scott, Ben Slimmons and Jim Oskamp.
Apparently, the three fellows perched
on the Virginia rail fence had agreed to wait for
others who were to join them in starting for the favorite
“swimmin’ hole,” for their conversation
betrayed this fact.
Lil Artha began to grow a little impatient.
He wiped his perspiring face and in so many words
gave his two chums to understand that if the laggards
did not put in an appearance inside of ten minutes
he meant to start without them.
“A fine lot of scouts Chatz
and Landy are showing themselves to be, not keeping
their word,” the tall boy grumbled; “there,
didn’t you hear the clock strike ten?
They were to be here not later than a quarter to the
“Oh! well, you know Chatz isn’t
in a hurry,” chuckled Toby. “Fellows
raised down in Dixie are used to taking their time.
It’s the warm climate that does it, he told
me. But speaking of angels and you hear their
wings, they say; for unless my eyes deceive me there
comes Chatz right now.”
“Yeth, and thauntering along
like he might be away ahead of the time thet for meeting
here. Chatz ith what I call a cool cuthtomer.”
When the fourth lad joined the bunch,
there was a lot of good-natured badinage indulged
in all around, after the manner of boys in general.
“Do you intend waiting any longer
fo’ Landy?” asked the newcomer.
At that remark the other laughed uproariously.
“It makes me think of the full
’bus,” said Lil Artha; “when it stops
to take on another passenger they all look cross;
and he squeezes into a seat wondering why people will
act so piggish; but let it stop again for another
fare and he grumbles louder than anybody else.”
“Yeth, we’ve waited fifteen
minutes for you, Chatz,” said Ted, “and
it’d be only fair to give poor, fat Landy ten
minutes more.”
Chatz immediately took out his little
nickel watch and held it in his hand, just as though
he might have been the judge at a sprinting match.
Before five minutes had crept past,
however, there was a cry raised.
“Here comes poor old Landy,”
said Toby, “mounted on his wheezy bicycle, and
pegging for all he’s worth. Look at him
puffing away, will you? He just knows he’s
been keeping us waiting here ever so long, and that’s
making him put on so much steam. Wow! he nearly
took a header that time into the ditch. What
a splash there would have been, my countrymen, if
he played leap-frog into that mud-puddle!”
The boys sat there on the rail fence
and began to greet the coming bicycle rider with loud
“Hit her up, Landy!”
“One good turn deserves another, you know.”
“A little more power to your
left foot, or you’ll be in that ditch yet, Landy!”
“Oh! Landy, does your
mother know you’re risking your precious old
neck on that beaut of a wheel?”
The fat scout did not cease his exertions
until he had reached the place where his four chums
sat on the fence. Then they saw that while his
round face was red, and the perspiration stood out
in beads on his forehead, there was a drawn, almost
a scared look on his countenance.
“Hey! what ails the fellow?”
burst out Lil Artha, as though discovering that Landy
was trembling more with some mysterious emotion than
“Yeth, hurry up and tell uth
what’s happened!” cried Ted Burgoyne,
jumping off his perch, and hastening to the side of
the panting boy.
Landy seemed to swallow something
that may have been threatening to choke him.
Then making a great effort, he managed to say a few
“Terrible thing’s happened,
fellows! Knocks the reputation of the Wolf Patrol
all to smithereens!”
Of course, this excited those four
scouts as nothing else could have done.
“Has anything happened to Elmer?” almost
shouted Toby.
“No, it’s Hen Condit!”
answered Landy; “he’s gone and stole a
lot of money from his guardian, and lit out, that’s
what! And him belonging to the Wolf Patrol,