Apparitions appear. Apparitions
are not necessarily Ghosts. Superstition, Common-sense,
and Science. Hallucinations: their kinds,
and causes. Aristotle. Mr. Gurney’s
definition. Various sources of Hallucination,
external and internal. The Organ of Sense.
The Sensory Centre. The Higher Tracts of the
Brain. Nature of Evidence. Dr. Hibbert.
Claverhouse. Lady Lee. Dr. Donne.
Dr. Hibbert’s complaint of want of evidence.
His neglect of contemporary cases. Criticism
of his tales. The question of coincidental Hallucinations.
The Calculus of Probabilities: M. Richet, MM.
Binet et Fere; their Conclusions. A step beyond
Hibbert. Examples of empty and unexciting Wraiths.
Our ignorance of causes of Solitary Hallucinations.
The theory of ‘Telepathy’. Savage
metaphysics of M. d’Assier. Breakdown of
theory of Telepathy, when hallucinatory figure causes
changes in physical objects. Animals as Ghost-seers:
difficult to explain this by Telepathy. Strange
case of a cat. General propriety and lack of
superstition in cats. The Beresford Ghost, well-meaning
but probably mythical. Mrs. Henry Sidgwick:
her severity as regards conscientious Ghosts.
Case of Mr. Harry. Case of Miss Morton.
A difficult case. Examples in favour of old-fashioned
theory of Ghosts. Contradictory cases.
Perplexities of the anxious inquirer.
Only one thing is certain about apparitions,
namely this, that they do appear. They really
are perceived. Now, as popular language confuses
apparitions with ghosts, this statement sounds like
an expression of the belief that ghosts appear.
It has, of course, no such meaning. When Le
Loyer, in 1586, boldly set out to found a ‘science
of spectres,’ he carefully distinguished between
his method, and the want of method observable in the
telling of ghost stories. He began by drawing
up long lists of apparitions which are not
spectres, or ghosts, but the results of madness, malady,
drink, fanaticism, illusions and so forth. It
is true that Le Loyer, with all his deductions, left
plenty of genuine spectres for the amusement of his
readers. Like him we must be careful not to
confound ‘apparitions,’ with ‘ghosts’.
When a fist, applied to the eye, makes
us ‘see stars’; when a liver not in good
working order makes us see muscae volitantes, or ‘spiders’;
when alcohol produces ’the horrors,’ visions
of threatening persons or animals, when
a lesion of the brain, or delirium, or a disease of
the organs of sense causes visions, or when they occur
to starved and enthusiastic ascetics, all these false
perceptions are just as much ‘apparitions,’
as the view of a friend at a distance, beheld at the
moment of his death, or as the unrecognised spectre
seen in a haunted house.
In popular phrase however the two
last kinds of apparitions are called ‘ghosts’
or ‘wraiths’ and the popular tendency
is to think of these and of these alone when ‘apparitions’
are mentioned. On the other hand the tendency
of common-sense is to rank the two last sorts of apparition
the wraith and ghost with all the other kinds which
are undeniably caused by accident by malady mental
or bodily or by mere confusion and misapprehension
as when one seeing a post in the moonlight takes
it for a ghost. Science following a third path
would class all perceptions which ’have not
the basis in fact that they seem to have’ as
‘hallucinations’. The stars seen
after a blow on the eye are hallucinations there
are no real stars in view and the friend
whose body seems to fill space before our sight when
his body is really on a death-bed far away;
and again the appearance of the living friend whom
we see in the drawing-room while he is really in the
smoking-room or in Timbuctoo are hallucinations
also. The common-sense of the matter is stated
by Aristotle. ’The reason of the hallucinations
is that appearances present themselves not only when
the object of sense is itself in motion but
also when the sense is stirred as it would
be by the presence of the object’.
The ghost in a haunted house is taken
for a figure, say, of a monk, or of a monthly nurse,
or what not, but no monthly nurse or monk is in the
establishment. The ‘percept,’ is
a ‘percept,’ for those who perceive it;
the apparition is an apparition, for them, but
the perception is hallucinatory.
So far, everybody is agreed:
the differences begin when we ask what causes hallucinations,
and what different classes of hallucinations exist?
Taking the second question first, we find hallucinations
divided into those which the percipient (or percipients)
believes, at the moment, and perhaps later, to be
real; and those which his judgment pronounces to be
false. Famous cases of the latter class
are the idola which beset Nicolai, who studied them,
and wrote an account of them. After a period
of trouble and trial, and neglect of blood-letting,
Nicolai saw, first a dead man whom he had known, and,
later, crowds of people, dead, living, known or unknown.
The malady yielded to leeches. Examples of
the first sort of apparitions taken by the judgment
to be real, are common in madness, in the intemperate,
and in ghost stories. The maniac believes in
his visionary attendant or enemy, the drunkard in his
rats and snakes, the ghost-seer often supposes that
he has actually seen an acquaintance (where no mistaken
identity is possible) and only learns later that the
person, dead, or alive and well, was
at a distance. Thus the writer is acquainted
with the story of a gentleman who, when at work in
his study at a distance from England, saw a colleague
in his profession enter the room. ’Just
wait till I finish this business,’ he said,
but when he had hastily concluded his letter, or whatever
he was engaged on, his friend had disappeared.
That was the day of his friend’s death, in England.
Here then the hallucination was taken for a reality;
indeed, there was nothing to suggest that it was anything
else. Mr. Gurney has defined a hallucination
as ’a percept which lacks, but which can only
by distinct reflection be recognised as lacking, the
objective basis which it suggests’ and
by ‘objective basis,’ he means ’the
possibility of being shared by all persons with normal
senses’. Nobody but the ‘percipient’
was present on the occasion just described, so we
cannot say whether other people would have seen the
visitor, or not. But reflection could not recognise
the unreality of this ‘percept,’ till
it was found that, in fact, the visitor had vanished,
and had never been in the neighbourhood at all.
Here then, are two classes of hallucinations,
those which reflection shows us to be false (as if
a sane man were to have the hallucination of a crocodile,
or of a dead friend, entering the room), and those
which reflection does not, at the moment, show to
be false, as if a friend were to enter, who could be
proved to have been absent.
In either case, what causes the hallucination,
or are there various possible sorts of causes?
Now defects in the eye, or in the optic nerve, to
speak roughly, may cause hallucinations from without.
An injured external organ conveys a false and distorted
message to the brain and to the intelligence.
A nascent malady of the ear may produce buzzings,
and these may develop into hallucinatory voices.
Here be hallucinations from without. But
when a patient begins with a hallucination of the
intellect, as that inquisitors are plotting to catch
him, or witches to enchant him, and when he later
comes to see inquisitors and witches, where
there are none, we have, apparently, a hallucination
from within. Again, some persons, like
Blake the painter, voluntarily start a hallucination.
‘Draw me Edward I.,’ a friend would say,
Blake would, voluntarily, establish a hallucination
of the monarch on a chair, in a good light, and sketch
him, if nobody came between his eye and the royal
sitter. Here, then, are examples of hallucinations
begotten from within, either voluntarily, by
a singular exercise of fancy, or involuntarily, as
the suggestion of madness, of cerebral disease, or
abnormal cerebral activity.
Again a certain amount of intensity
of activity, at a ’sensory centre’ in
the brain, will start a ‘percept’.
Activity of the necessary force at the right place,
may be normally caused by the organ of sense,
say the eye, when fixed on a real object, say a candlestick.
(1) Or the necessary activity at the sensory centre
may be produced, abnormally, by irritation of
the eye, or along the line of nerve from the eye to
the ‘sensory centre’. (2) Or thirdly,
there may be a morbid, but spontaneous activity in
the sensory centre itself. (3) In case one, we have
a natural sensation converted into a perception of
a real object. In case two, we have an abnormal
origin of a perception of something unreal, a hallucination,
begotten from without, that is by a vice in
an external organ, the eye. In case three, we
have the origin of an abnormal perception of something
unreal, a hallucination, begotten by a vicious
activity within, in the sensory centre.
But, while all these three sets of stimuli set the
machinery in motion, it is the ‘highest parts
of the brain’ that, in response to the stimuli,
create the full perception, real or hallucinatory.
But there remains a fourth way of
setting the machinery in motion. The first way,
in normal sensation and perception, was the natural
action of the organ of sense, stimulated by a material
object. The second way was by the stimulus of
a vice in the organ of sense. The third way
was a vicious activity in a sensory centre. All
three stimuli reach the ‘central terminus’
of the brain, and are there created into perceptions,
the first real and normal, the second a hallucination
from an organ of sense, from without, the third
a hallucination from a sensory centre, from within.
The fourth way is illustrated when the machinery
is set a-going from the ’central terminus’
itself, ’from the higher parts of the brain,
from the seats of ideation and memory’.
Now, as long as these parts only produce and retain
ideas or memories in the usual way, we think, or we
remember, but we have no hallucination. But when
the activity starting from the central terminus ‘escapes
downwards,’ in sufficient force, it reaches
the ‘lower centre’ and the organ of sense,
and then the idea, or memory, stands visibly before
us as a hallucination.
This, omitting many technical details,
and much that is matter of more dispute than common,
is a statement, rough, and as popular as possible,
of the ideas expressed in Mr. Gurney’s remarkable
essay on hallucinations. Here, then, we have
a rude working notion of various ways in which hallucinations
may be produced. But there are many degrees
in being hallucinated, or enphantosme, as the old
French has it. If we are interested in the most
popular kind of hallucinations, ghosts and wraiths,
we first discard like Le Loyer, the evidence of many
kinds of witnesses, diversely but undeniably hallucinated.
A man whose eyes are so vicious as habitually to give
him false information is not accepted as a witness,
nor a man whose brain is drugged with alcohol, nor
a man whose ‘central terminus’ is abandoned
to religious excitement, to remorse, to grief, to anxiety,
to an apprehension of secret enemies, nor even to a
habit of being hallucinated, though, like Nicolai,
he knows that his visionary friends are unreal.
Thus we would not listen credulously to a ghost story
out of his own experience from a man whose eyes were
untrustworthy, nor from a short-sighted man who had
recognised a dead or dying friend on the street, nor
from a drunkard. A tale of a vision of a religious
character from Pascal, or from a Red Indian boy during
his Medicine Fast, or even from a colonel of dragoons
who fell at Prestonpans, might be interesting, but
would not be evidence for our special purpose.
The ghosts beheld by conscience-stricken murderers,
by sorrowing widowers, by spiritualists in dark rooms,
haunted by humbugs, or those seen by lunatics, or by
children, or by timid people in lonely old houses,
or by people who, though sane at the time, go mad
twenty years later, or by sane people habitually visionary,
these and many other ghosts, we must begin, like Le
Loyer, by rejecting. These witnesses have too
much cerebral activity at the wrong time and place.
They start their hallucinations from the external
terminus, the unhealthy organ of sense; from the morbid
central terminus; or from some dilapidated cerebral
station along the line. But, when we have, in
a sane man’s experience, say one hallucination
whether that hallucination does, or does not coincide
with a crisis in the life, or perhaps with the death
of the person who seems to be seen, what are we to
think? Or again, when several witnesses simultaneously
have the same hallucination, not to be
explained as a common misinterpretation of a real
object, what are we to think? This
is the true question of ghosts and wraiths.
That apparitions, so named by the world, do appear,
is certain, just as it is certain that visionary rats
appear to drunkards in delirium tremens. But,
as we are only to take the evidence of sane and healthy
witnesses, who were neither in anxiety, grief, or
other excitement, when they perceived their one hallucination,
there seems to be a difference between their hallucinations
and those of alcoholism, fanaticism, sorrow, or anxiety.
Now the common mistakes in dealing with this topic
have been to make too much, or to make too little,
of the coincidences between the hallucinatory appearance
of an absent person, and his death, or some other
grave crisis affecting him. Too little is made
of such coincidences by Dr. Hibbert, in his Philosophy
of Apparitions . He ’attempts
a physical explanation of many ghost stories which
may be considered most authentic’. So he
says, but he only touches on three, the apparition
of Claverhouse, on the night of Killiecrankie, to
Lord Balcarres, in an Edinburgh prison; the apparition
of her dead mother to Miss Lee, in 1662; and the apparition
of his wife, who had born a dead child on that day
in England, to Dr. Donne in Paris, early in the seventeenth
Dr. Hibbert dedicated his book, in
1825, to Sir Walter Scott, of Abbotsford, Bart., President
of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. Sir Walter,
at heart as great a ghost-hunter as ever lived, was
conceived to have a scientific interest in the ’mental
principles to which certain popular illusions may
be referred’. Thus Dr. Hibbert’s
business, if he would satisfy the President of the
Royal Society of Edinburgh, was to ’provide
a physical explanation of many ghost stories which
may be considered most authentic’. In our
prosaic age, he would have begun with those most recent,
such as the tall man in brown, viewed by Sir Walter
on the moor near Ashestiel, and other still remembered
contemporary hallucinations. Far from that,
Dr. Hibbert deliberately goes back two centuries for
all the three stories which represent the ‘many’
of his promise. The Wynyard ghost was near him,
Mrs Ricketts’s haunted house was near him, plenty
of other cases were lying ready to his hand.
But he went back two centuries, and then, complained
of lack of evidence about ‘interesting particulars’!
Dr. Hibbert represents the science and common-sense
of seventy years ago, and his criticism probably represents
the contemporary ideas about evidence.
The Balcarres tale, as told by him,
is that the Earl was ’in prison, in Edinburgh
Castle, on the suspicion of Jacobitism’.
‘Suspicion’ is good; he was the King’s
agent for civil, as Dundee was for military affairs
in Scotland. He and Dundee, and Ailesbury, stood
by the King in London, to the last. Lord Balcarres
himself, in his memoirs, tells James II. how he was
confined, ‘in close prison,’ in Edinburgh,
till the castle was surrendered to the Prince of Orange.
In Dr. Hibbert’s tale, the spectre of Dundee
enters Balcarres’s room at night, ‘draws
his curtain,’ looks at him for some time, and
walks out of the room, Lord Balcarres believing it
to be Dundee himself.
Dr. Hibbert never even asks for the
authority on which this legend reposes, certainly
Balcarres does not tell the tale in his own report,
or memoirs, for James II. (Bannatyne Club, 1841).
The doctor then grumbles that he does not know ’a
syllable of the state of Lord Balcarres’s health
at the time’. The friend of Bayle and of
Marlborough, an honourable politician, a man at once
loyal and plain-spoken in dealings with his master,
Lord Balcarres’s word would go for much, if
he gave it. But Dr. Hibbert asks for no authority,
cites none. He only argues that, ’agreeably
to the well-known doctrine of chances,’ Balcarres
might as well have this hallucination at the time
of Dundee’s death as at any other .
Now, that is a question which we cannot settle, without
knowing whether Lord Balcarres was subject to hallucinations.
If he was, cadit quaestio, if he was not,
then the case is different. It is, manifestly,
a problem in statistics, and only by statistics of
wide scope, can it be solved. But Dr. Hibbert
was content to produce his easy solution, without
working out the problem.
His second case is of 1662, and was
taken down, he says, by the Bishop of Gloucester,
from the lips of the father of Miss Lee. This
young lady, in bed, saw a light, then a hallucination
which called itself her mother. The figure prophesied
the daughter’s death at noon next day and at
noon next day the daughter died. A physician,
when she announced her vision, attended her, bled her,
and could find nothing wrong in her health.
Dr. Hibbert conjectures that her medical attendant
did not know his business. ’The coincidence
was a fortunate one,’ that is all his
criticism. Where there is no coincidence, the
stories, he says, are forgotten. For that very
reason, he should have collected contemporary stories,
capable of being investigated, but that did not occur
to Dr. Hibbert. His last case is the apparition
of Mrs. Donne, with a dead child, to Dr. Donne, in
Paris, as recorded by Walton. As Donne was a
poet, very fond of his wife, and very anxious about
her health, this case is not evidential, and may be
dismissed for ‘a fortuitous coincidence’
Certainly Dr. Hibbert could come to
no conclusion, save his own, on the evidence he adduces.
But it was by his own fault that he chose only evidence
very remote, incapable of being cross-examined, and
scanty, while we know that plenty of contemporary evidence
was within his reach. Possibly the possessors
of these experiences would not have put them at his
disposal, but, if he could get no materials, he was
in no position to form a theory. All this would
have been recognised in any other matter, but in this
obscure branch of psychology, beset, as it is, by
superstition, science was content to be casual.
The error which lies at the opposite
pole from Dr. Hibbert’s mistake in not collecting
instances, is the error of collecting only affirmative
instances. We hear constantly about ’hallucinations
of sight, sound, or touch, which suggest the presence
of an absent person, and which occur simultaneously
with some exceptional crisis in that person’s
life, or, most frequently of all, with his death’.
Now Mr. Gurney himself was much too fair a reasoner
to avoid the collection of instantiae contradictoraes,
examples in which the hallucination occurs, but does
not coincide with any crisis whatever in the life
of the absent person who seems to be present.
Of these cases, Dr. Hibbert could find only one on
record, in the Mercure Gallant, January, 1690.
The writer tells us how he dreamed that a dead relation
of his came to his bedside, and announced that he must
die that day. Unlike Miss Lee, he went on living.
Yet the dream impressed him so much that he noted
it down in writing as soon as he awoke. Dr.
Johnson also mentions an instantia contradictoria.
A friend of Boswell’s, near Kilmarnock, heard
his brother’s voice call him by name:
now his brother was dead, or dying, in America.
Johnson capped this by his tale of having, when at
Oxford, heard his name pronounced by his mother.
She was then at Lichfield, but nothing ensued.
In Dr. Hibbert’s opinion, this proves that
coincidences, when they do occur, are purely matters
of chance. There are many hallucinations,
a death may correspond with one of them, that case
is noted, the others are forgotten. Yet the
coincidences are so many, or so striking, that when
a Maori woman has a hallucination representing her
absent husband, she may marry without giving him recognised
ground for resentment, if he happens to be alive.
This curious fact proves that the coincidence between
death and hallucinatory presence has been marked enough
to suggest a belief which can modify savage jealousy.
By comparing coincidental with non-coincidental
hallucinations known to him, Mr. Gurney is said to
have decided that the chances against a death coinciding
with a hallucination, were forty to one, long
odds. But it is clear that only a very large
collection of facts would give us any materials for
a decision. Suppose that some 20,000 people
answer such questions as:
1. Have you ever had any hallucination?
2. Was there any coincidence
between the hallucination and facts at the time unknown
to you?
The majority of sane people will be
able to answer the first question in the negative.
Of those who answer both questions
in the affirmative, several things are to be said.
First, we must allow for jokes, then for illusions
of memory. Corroborative contemporary evidence
must be produced. Again, of the 20,000, many
are likely to be selected instances. The inquirer
is tempted to go to a person who, as he or she already
knows, has a story to tell. Again, the inquirers
are likely to be persons who take an interest in the
subject on the affirmative side, and their
acquaintances may have been partly chosen because
they were of the same intellectual complexion.
All these drawbacks are acknowledged
to exist, and are allowed for, and, as far as possible,
provided against, by the very fair-minded people who
have conducted this inquisition. Thus Mr. Henry
Sidgwick, in 1889, said, ’I do not think we can
be satisfied with less than 50,000 answers’.
But these 50,000 answers have not been received.
When we reflect that, to our knowledge, out of twenty-five
questions asked among our acquaintances in one place,
none would be answered in the affirmative:
while, by selecting, we could get twenty-five affirmative
replies, the delicacy and difficulty of the inquisition
becomes painfully evident. Mr. Sidgwick, after
making deductions on all sides of the most sportsmanlike
character, still holds that the coincidences are more
numerous by far than the Calculus of Probabilities
admits. This is a question for the advanced
mathematician. M. Richet once made some experiments
which illustrate the problem. One man in a room
thought of a series of names which, ex hypothesi,
he kept to himself. Three persons sat at a table,
which, as tables will do, ‘tilted,’ and
each tilt rang an electric bell. Two other persons,
concealed from the view of the table tilters, ran
through an alphabet with a pencil, marking each letter
at which the bell rang. These letters were compared
with the names secretly thought of by the person at
neither table.
He thought of The answers were
1. Jean Racine 1. Igard
2. Legros 2. Neghn
3. Esther 3. Foqdem
4. Henrietta 4. Higiegmsd
5. Cheuvreux 5. Dievoreq
6. Doremond 6. Epjerod
7. Chevalon 7. Cheval
8. Allouand 8. Iko
Here the non-mathematical reader will
exclaim: ’Total failure, except in case
7!’ And, about that case, he will have his private
doubts. But, arguing mathematically, M. Richet
proves that the table was right, beyond the limits
of mere chance, by fourteen to two. He concludes,
on the whole of his experiments, that, probably, intellectual
force in one brain may be echoed in another brain.
But MM. Binet and Fere, who report this, decide
that ’the calculation of chances is, for the
most part, incapable of affording a peremptory proof;
it produces uncertainty, disquietude, and doubt’.
’Yet something is gained by substituting
doubt for systematic denial. Richet has obtained
this important result, that henceforth the possibility
of mental suggestion cannot be met with contemptuous
Mental suggestion on this limited
scale, is a phenomenon much less startling to belief
than the reality, and causal nature, of coincidental
hallucinations, of wraiths. But it is plain that,
as far as general opinion goes, the doctrine of chances,
applied to such statistics of hallucinations as have
been collected, can at most, only ‘produce uncertainty,
disquietude, and doubt’. Yet if even these
are produced, a step has been made beyond the blank
negation of Hibbert.
The general reader, even if credulously
inclined, is more staggered by a few examples of non-coincidental
hallucinations, than confirmed by a pile of coincidental
examples. Now it seems to be a defect in the
method of the friends of wraiths, that they do not
publish, with full and impressive details, as many
examples of non-coincidental as of coincidental hallucinations.
It is the story that takes the public:
if we are to be fair we must give the non-coincidental
story in all its features, as is done in the matter
of wraiths with a kind of message or meaning.
Let us set a good example, by adducing
wraiths which, in slang phrase, were ‘sells’.
Those which we have at first hand are marked ‘(A),’
those at second-hand ‘(B)’. But the
world will accept the story of a ghost that failed
on very poor evidence indeed.
1. (A) A young lady, in the dubious
state between awake and asleep, unable, in fact, to
feel certain whether she was awake or asleep, beheld
her late grandmother. The old lady wept as she
sat by the bedside.
‘Why do you weep, grandmamma,
are you not happy where you are?’ asked the
‘Yes, I am happy, but I am weeping for your
‘Is she going to die?’
‘No, but she is going to lose you.’
‘Am I going to die, grandmamma?’
‘Yes, my dear.’
‘Yes, my dear, very soon.’
The young lady, with great courage,
concealed her dream from her mother, but confided
it to a brother. She did her best to be good
while she was on earth, where she is still, after an
interval of many years.
Except for the conclusion, and the
absence of a mystic bright light in the bedroom, this
case exactly answers to that of Miss Lee, in 1662.
Dr. Hibbert would have liked this example.
2. (B) A lady, staying with a friend,
observed that one morning she was much depressed.
The friend confided to her that, in the past night,
she had seen her brother, dripping wet. He told
her that he had been drowned by the upsetting of a
boat, which was attached by a rope to a ship.
At this time, he was on his way home from Australia.
The dream, or vision, was recorded in writing.
When next the first lady met her friend, she was entertaining
her brother at luncheon. He had never even been
in a boat dragged behind a ship, and was perfectly
3. (B) A lady, residing at a distance
from Oxford wrote to tell her son, who was at Merton
College, that he had just entered her room and vanished.
Was he well? Yes, he was perfectly well, and
bowling for the College Eleven.
4. (B) A lady in bed saw her absent
husband. He announced his death by cholera,
and gave her his blessing, she, of course, was very
anxious and miserable, but the vision was a lying vision.
The husband was perfectly well.
In all these four cases, anxiety was
caused by the vision, and in three at least, action
was taken, the vision was recorded orally, or in writing.
In the following set, the visions were waking hallucinations
of sane persons never in any other instance hallucinated.
5. (A) A person of distinction,
walking in a certain Cambridge quadrangle, met a very
well-known clergyman. The former held out his
hand, but there was before him only open space.
No feeling of excitement or anxiety followed.
6. (A) The writer, standing before
dinner, at a table in a large and brilliantly lit
hall, saw the door of the drawing-room open, and a
little girl, related to himself, come out, and run
across the hall into another room. He spoke
to her, but she did not answer. He instantly
entered the drawing-room, where the child was sitting
in a white evening-dress. When she ran across
the hall, the moment before, she was dressed in dark
blue serge. No explanation of the puzzle could
be discovered, but it is fair to add that no anxiety
was excited.
7. (A) A young lady had a cold,
and was wearing a brown shawl. After lunch she
went to her room. A few minutes later, her sister
came out, saw her in the hall, and went upstairs after
her, telling her an anecdote. At the top of
the stairs, the brown-shawled sister vanished.
The elder sister was in her room, in a white shawl.
She was visible, when absent on another occasion,
to another spectator.
In two other cases (A) ladies, in
their usual health, saw their husbands in their rooms,
when, in fact, they were in the drawing-room or study.
Here then are eight cases of non-coincidental hallucination,
some of people awake, some of people probably on the
verge of sleep, which are wholly without ‘coincidence,’
wholly unveridical. None of the ‘percipients’
was addicted to seeing ‘visions about.’
On the other side, though the writer
knows several people who have ‘seen ghosts’
in haunted houses, and other odd phenomena, he knows
nobody, at first hand, who has seen a ‘veridical
hallucination,’ or rather, knows only one, a
very young one indeed. Thus, between these personally
collected statistics of spectral ‘sells’
on one part, and the world-wide diffusion of belief
in ‘coincidental’ hallucination on the
other, the human mind is left in a balance which mathematics,
and the Calculus of Probabilities (especially if one
does not understand it) fail to affect.
Meanwhile, we still do not know what
causes these solitary hallucinations of the sane.
They can hardly come from diseased organs of sense,
for these would not confine themselves to a single
mistaken message of great vivacity. And why should
either the ‘sensory centre’ or the ‘central
terminus’ just once in a lifetime develop this
uncanny activity, and represent to us a person to whom
we may be wholly indifferent? The explanation
is less difficult when the person represented is a
husband or child, but even then, why does the activity
occur once, and only once, and not in a moment
of anxiety?
The coincidental hallucinations are
laid to the door of ‘telepathy,’ to ‘a
telepathic impact from the mind of an absent agent,’
who is dying, or in some other state of rare or exciting
experience, perhaps being married, as in Col.
Meadows Taylor’s case. This is a theory
as old as Lavaterus, and was proclaimed by Mayo in
the middle of the century; while, substituting ‘angels’
for human agents, Frazer of Tiree used it, in 1700,
to explain second sight. Nay, it is the Norse
theory of a ‘sending’ by a sorcerer, as
we read in the Icelandic sagas. But, admitting
that telepathy may be a cause of hallucinations, we
often find the effect where the cause is not alleged
to exist. Nobody, perhaps, will explain our nine
empty hallucinations by ‘telepathy,’ yet,
from the supposed effects of telepathy they were indistinguishable.
Are all such cases of casual hallucination in the
sane to be explained by telepathy, by an impact of
force from a distant brain on the central terminus
of our own brains? At all events, a casual hallucination
of the presence of an absent friend need obviously
cause us very little anxiety. We need not adopt
the hypothesis of the Maoris.
The telepathic theory has the advantage
of cutting down the marvellous to the minimum.
It also accounts for that old puzzle, the clothes
worn by the ghosts. These are reproduced by the
‘agent’s’ theory of himself, perhaps
with some unconscious assistance from ‘the percipient’.
For lack of this light on the matter, M. d’Assier,
a positivist, who believed in spectres had to suggest
that the ghosts wear the ghosts of garments!
Thus positivism, in this disciple, returned to the
artless metaphysics of savages. Telepathy saves
the believer from such a humiliating relapse, and,
perhaps, telepathy also may be made to explain ‘collective’
hallucinations, when several people see the same apparition.
If a distant mind can thus demoralise the central
terminus of one brain, it may do as much for two or
more brains, or they may demoralise each other.
All this is very promising, but telepathy
breaks down when the apparition causes some change
in the relations of material objects. If there
be a physical effect which endures after the phantasm
has vanished, then there was an actual agent, a real
being, a ‘ghost’ on the scene. For
instance, the lady in Scott’s ballad, ’The
Eve of St. John,’ might see and might hear the
ghost of her lover by a telepathic hallucination of
two senses. But if
The sable score, of fingers four,
Remained on the board impressed
by the spectre, then there was no
telepathic hallucination, but an actual being of an
awful kind was in Smailholm Tower. Again, the
cases in which dogs and horses, as Paracelsus avers,
display terror when men and women behold a phantasm,
are not easily accounted for by telepathy, especially
when the beast is alarmed before the man or
woman suspects the presence of anything unusual.
There is, of course, the notion that the horse shies,
or the dog turns craven, in sympathy with its master’s
exhibition of fear. Owners of dogs and horses
may counterfeit horror and see whether their favourites
do sympathise. Cats don’t. In one
of three cases known to us where a cat showed consciousness
of a spectral presence, the apparition took the
form of a cat. The evidence is only that
of Richard Bovet, in his Pandemonium; or, the Devil’s
Cloyster (1684). In Mr. J. G. Wood’s Man
and Beast, a lady tells a story of being alone, in
firelight, playing with a favourite cat, Lady Catherine.
Suddenly puss bristled all over, her back rose in
an arch, and the lady, looking up, saw a hideously
malignant female watching her. Lady Catherine
now rushed wildly round the room, leaped at the upper
panels of the door, and seemed to have gone mad.
This new terror recalled the lady to herself.
She shrieked, and the phantasm vanished. She
saw it on a later day. In a third case, a cat
merely kept a watchful eye on the ghost, and adopted
a dignified attitude of calm expectancy. If
beasts can be telepathically affected, then beasts
have more of a ‘psychical’ element in their
composition than they usually receive credit for;
whereas if a ghost is actually in view, there is no
reason why beasts should not see it.
The best and most valid proof that
an abnormal being is actually present was that devised
by the ghost of Sir Richard of Coldinghame in the
ballad, and by the Beresford ghost, who threw a heavy
curtain over the bed-pole. Unluckily, Sir Richard
is a poetical figment, and the Beresford ghost is
a myth, like William Tell: he may be traced
back through various mediaeval authorities almost to
the date of the Norman Conquest. We have examined
the story in a little book of folklore, Etudes Traditionistes.
Always there is a compact to appear, always the ghost
burns or injures the hand or wrist of the spectator.
A version occurs in William of Malmesbury.
What we need, to prove a ghost, and
disprove an exclusively telepathic theory,
is a ghost who is not only seen, heard, or even touched,
but a ghost who produces some change in physical objects.
Most provokingly, there are agencies at every successful
séance, and in every affair of the Poltergeist, who
do lift tables, chairs, beds, bookcases, candles,
and so forth, while others play accordions.
But then nobody or not everybody sees these
agencies at work, while the spontaneous phantasms
which are seen do not so much as lift a loo-table,
generally speaking. In the spiritualistic cases,
we have the effect, with no visible cause; in ghost
stories, we have the visible presence, but he very
seldom indeed causes any physical change in any object.
No ghost who does not do this has any strict legal
claim to be regarded as other than a telepathic hallucination
at best, though, as we shall see, some presumptions
exist in favour of some ghosts being real entities.
These rare facts have not escaped
a ghost-hunter so intelligent as Mrs. Henry Sidgwick.
This lady is almost too sportsmanlike, for a psychical
researcher, in her habit of giving an apparition the
benefit of every imaginable doubt which may absolve
him from the charge of being a real genuine ghost.
‘It is true,’ she says, ’that ghosts
are alleged sometimes to produce a physical effect
on the external world;’ but to admit this is
’to come into prima facie collision with the
physical sciences’ (an awful risk to run), so
Mrs. Sidgwick, in a rather cavalier manner leaves ghosts
who produce physical effects to be dealt with among
the phenomena alleged to occur at séances. Now
this is hardly fair to the spontaneous apparition,
who is doing his very best to demonstrate his existence
in the only convincing way. The phenomena of
séances are looked on with deserved distrust, and,
generally, may be regarded as an outworn mode of swindling.
Yet it is to this society that Mrs. Sidgwick relegates
the most meritorious and conscientious class of apparitions.
Let us examine a few instances of
the ghost who visibly moves material objects.
We take one (already cited) from Mrs. Sidgwick’s
own article. In this case a gentleman named
John D. Harry scolded his daughters for saying that
they had seen a ghost, with which he himself
was perfectly familiar. ‘The figure,’
a fair woman draped in white, ’on seven or eight
occasions appeared in my bedroom, and twice in the
library, and on one occasion it lifted up the mosquito-curtains,
and looked closely into my face’. Now,
could a hallucination lift a mosquito-curtain, or even
produce the impression that it did so, while the curtain
was really unmoved? Clearly a hallucination,
however artful, and well got up, could do no such
thing. Therefore a being a ghost with
very little maidenly reserve haunted the
bedroom of Mr. Harry, if he tells a true tale.
Again , a lady (on whose veracity I am ready
to pledge my all) had doors opened for her frequently,
’as if a hand had turned the handle’.
And once she not only saw the door open, but a grey
woman came in. Another witness, years afterwards,
beheld the same figure and the same performance.
Once more, Miss A. M.’s mother followed a ghost,
who opened a door and entered a room, where
she could not be found when she was wanted .
Again, a lady saw a ghost which, ’with
one hand, the left, drew back the curtain’.
There are many other cases in which apparitions are
seen in houses where mysterious thumps and raps occur,
especially in General Campbell’s experience
. If the apparition gave the thumps
then he (or, in this instance, she) was material, and
could produce effects on matter. Indeed, this
ghost was seen to take up and lay down some books,
and to tuck in the bed-clothes. Hallucinations
(which are all in one’s eye or sensory centre,
or cerebral central terminus), cannot draw curtains,
or open doors, or pick up books, or tuck in bed-clothes,
or cause thumps not real thumps, hallucinatory
thumps are different. Consequently, if the stories
are true, some apparitions are ghosts, real
objective entities, filling space. The senses
of a hallucinated person may be deceived as to touch,
and as to feeling the breath of a phantasm (a likely
story), as well as in sight and hearing. But
a visible ghost which produces changes in the visible
world cannot be a hallucination. On the other
hand Dr. Binns, in his Anatomy of Sleep tells us of
’a gentleman who, in a dream, pushed against
a door in a distant house, so that those in the room
were scarcely able to resist the pressure’.
Now if this rather staggering anecdote be
true, the spirit of a living man, being able to affect
matter, is also, so to speak, material, and is an
actual entity, an astral body. Moreover, Mrs.
Frederica Hauffe, when in the magnetic sleep, ‘could
rap at a distance’.
These arguments, then, make in favour
of the old-fashioned theory of ghosts and wraiths,
as things objectively existing, which is very comforting
to a conservative philosopher. Unluckily, just
as many, or more, anecdotes look quite the other way.
For instance, General Barter sees, hears, and recognises
the dead Lieutenant B., wearing a beard which he had
grown since the general saw him in life. He also
sees the hill-pony ridden by Mr. B., and killed by
him a steed with which, in its mortal days,
the general had no acquaintance. This is all
very well: a dead pony may have a ghost, like
Miss A. B.’s dog which was heard by one Miss
B., and seen by the other, some time after its decease.
On mature reflection, as both ladies were well-known
persons of letters, we suppress their names, which
would carry the weight of excellent character and
distinguished sense. But Lieutenant B. was also
accompanied by two grooms. Now, it is too much
to ask us to believe that he had killed two grooms,
as he killed the pony. Consequently, they,
at least, were hallucinations; so what was Lieutenant
B.? When Mr. K., on board the Racoon, saw his
dead father lying in his coffin , there was
no real coffin there, at all events; and hence, probably,
no real dead father’s ghost, only
a ‘telepathic hallucination’. Miss
Rose Morton could never touch the female ghost
which she often chased about the house, nor did this
ghost break or displace the threads stretched by Miss
Morton across the stairs down which the apparition
walked. Yet its footsteps did make a noise, and
the family often heard the ghost walking downstairs,
followed by Miss Morton. Thus this ghost was
both material and immaterial, for surely, only matter
can make a noise when in contact with matter.
On the whole, if the evidence is worth anything, there
are real objective ghosts, and there are also telepathic
hallucinations: so that the scientific attitude
is to believe in both, if in either. And this
was the view of Petrus Thyraeus, S.J., in his Loca
Infesta (1598). The alternative is to believe
in neither.
We have thus, according to the advice
of Socrates, permitted the argument to lead us whither
it would. And whither has it led us? The
old, savage, natural theory of ghosts and wraiths is
that they are spirits, yet not so immaterial but that
they can fill space, be seen, heard, touched, and
affect material objects. Mediaeval and other
theologians preferred to regard them as angelic or
diabolic manifestations, made out of compressed air,
or by aid of bodies of the dead, or begotten by the
action of angel or devil on the substance of the brain.
Modern science looks on them as hallucinations, sometimes
morbid, as in madness or delirium, or in a vicious
condition of the organ of sense; sometimes abnormal,
but not necessarily a proof of chronic disease of
any description. The psychical theory then explains
a sifted remnant of apparitions; the coincidental,
‘veridical’ hallucinations of the sane,
by telepathy. There is a wide chasm, however,
to be bridged over between that hypothesis, and its
general acceptance, either by science, or by reflective
yet unscientific inquirers. The existence of
thought-transference, especially among people wide
awake, has to be demonstrated more unimpeachably,
and then either the telepathic explanation must be
shown to fit all the cases collected, or many interesting
cases must be thrown overboard, or these must be referred
to some other cause. That cause will be something
very like the old-fashioned ghosts. Perhaps,
the most remarkable collective hallucination in history
is that vouched for by Patrick Walker, the Covenanter;
in his Biographia Presbyteriana. In 1686, says
Walker, about two miles below Lanark, on the water
of Clyde ’many people gathered together for
several afternoons, where there were showers of bonnets,
hats, guns, and swords, which covered the trees and
ground, companies of men in arms marching in order,
upon the waterside, companies meeting companies. .
. . and then all falling to the ground and disappearing,
and other companies immediately appearing in the same
way’. This occurred in June and July,
in the afternoons. Now the Westland Whigs were
then, as usual, in a very excitable frame of mind,
and filled with fears, inspired both by events, and
by the prophecies of Peden and other saints.
Patrick Walker himself was a high-flying Covenanter,
he was present: ’I went there three afternoons
together’ and he saw nothing unusual
occur. About two-thirds of the crowd did see
the phenomena he reckons, the others, like himself,
saw nothing strange. ‘There was a fright
and trembling upon them that did see,’ and, at
least in one case, the hallucination was contagious.
A gentleman standing next Walker exclaimed:
’A pack of damned witches and warlocks, that
have the second sight, the deil ha’t do I see’.
’And immediately there was a discernable change
in his countenance, with as much fear and trembling
as any woman I saw there, who cried out: “O
all ye that do not see, say nothing; for I perswade
you it is matter of fact, and discernable to all that
is not stone-blind".’ Those who did see
minutely described ’what handles the swords had,
whether small or three-barred, or Highland guards,
and the closing knots of the bonnets, black or blue.
. . . I have been at a loss ever since what
to make of this last,’ says Patrick Walker, and
who is not at a loss? The contagion of the hallucination,
so to speak, did not affect him, fanatic as he was,
and did affect a cursing and swearing cavalier, whose
prejudices, whose ‘dominant idea,’ were
all on the other side. The Psychical Society
has published an account of a similar collective hallucination
of crowds of people, ‘appearing and disappearing,’
shared by two young ladies and their maid, on a walk
home from church. But this occurred in a fog,
and no one was present who was not hallucinated.
Patrick Walker’s account is triumphantly honest,
and is, perhaps, as odd a piece of psychology as any
on record, thanks to his escape from the prevalent
illusion, which, no doubt, he would gladly have shared.
Wodrow, it should be said, in his History of the
Sufferings of the Kirk, mentions visions of bonnets,
which, he thinks, indicated a future muster of militia!
But he gives the date as 1684.