The Chinese is justly termed a poetical
language. The titles of emperors, the names of
men, the signs of shops, all have some felicitous meaning.
It is therefore somewhat of a disappointment to discover
that the names of Chinese villages, unlike those of
cities, are not as a rule either poetical or significant.
The drafts upon the language by the incessant multiplication
of hamlets are too great to be successfully met.
Nearly all Chinese surnames serve as the designation
of villages, as in other lands the names of families
are attached to the settlements which they make.
Sometimes two or more surnames are linked together
to denote the village, as Chang-Wang Chuang, the village
of the Chang and the Wang families. It often
happens that in the changes, wrought by time, of the
families for whom the place was named not a single
representative remains. In such cases the name
may be retained or it may be altered, though all recollection
of the circumstances of the change may be lost.
The most conspicuous object in a Chinese
village is generally a temple, and this building often
gives its name to the hamlet. Thus the wall surrounding
a temple is covered with red plaster, and the village
is dubbed Red Temple. In a few years the plaster
falls off, but the name sticks. Temples are frequently
associated with the families which were prominent
in their construction, and the name of the village
is very likely to be derived from this source, as
Wang Chia Miao, the Temple of the Wang Family; the
Hua Chia SsA-, the monastery of the Hua Family.
If there happen to be two temples of a similar appearance,
the village may get the title of Double Temple, and
in general any peculiarity in edifices of this sort
is likely to be stereotyped in the village name.
The habit of using the names of families
and temples to indicate the villages is a fertile
source of confusion through the indefinite multiplication
of the same name. There is no postal system in
China compelling each post office to have a designation
which shall not be confounded with others in the same
province. Hence the more common names are so
exceedingly common that they lose all value as distinctive
designations. “Chang, Wang, Li, and Chao,”
are the four surnames which the Chinese regard as
the most prevalent, the first two of them far out-distancing
all their competitors. The number of places in
a given district bearing the same, or similar names,
is past all ascertaining; as, say eight or ten Wang
Family villages, the Larger Wang Village, the Smaller
Wang Village, the Front Wang Village, the Rear Wang
Village, the Wang Village Under-the-bank, and so forth.
Even with this complexity, distinction would be a
much easier matter if the same name were always used,
but anything which has a Wang about it is like to be
called simply Wang Village, and only on inquiry is
it to be learned which of all these Wangs is the one
A similar ambiguity is introduced
along the line of imperial highways, where the hamlets
at which food is sold, and where accommodations are
offered to travellers, are called “shops,”
taking their distinctive title from the distance to
the district city, as Five Mile Shop, Ten
Mile, Fifteen, Twenty, Thirty, and Forty Mile Shop.
Each district city may have “shops” of
this kind on each side of it, and while the one twenty
miles (or li) north is Twenty Li Shop, so is
the one twenty li south, to the great confusion
of the traveller, who after all is not sure where he
is. In addition to this ambiguity, the Thirty
Li Shop of one city is liable to be confounded with
the Thirty Li Shop of the next city. It is a common
circumstance to find an insignificant hamlet with a
name comprising four or five characters, the local
pronunciation of which is generally difficult to catch,
as the words are spoken as one prolonged, many-syllabled
sound. This leads to abbreviations, the same long
title having perhaps two or three different modes
of utterance, to the bewilderment of strangers, and
to the intense amusement of the rustic born on the
spot, who cannot conceive what there can be so hard
to understand about a name which is to him as familiar
as his own.
Another source of confusion in the
nomenclature of Chinese villages, is the almost universal
habit of varying one or more characters of a name
without any apparent reason. The alteration has
no connection with euphony, ease of pronunciation,
or with any known cause whatever, but seems to be
due to an irresistible instinct for variety, and to
an antipathy to a too simple uniformity. Thus
a village the proper title of which is the Ancient
Monastery of the Li Family, (Li Ku SsA-) is generally
called Li Kuang SsA-; a village known as that of Benevolence
and Virtue (Jen Te Chuang), is ordinarily styled
Jen Wang Chuang. Analogous to this habit, is
that of affixing two entirely distinct names to the
same little hamlet, neither name suggesting the other,
and the duplication merely serving to confound confusion.
Thus a village which has a name derived from a temple,
like HsA1/4an Ti Miao (the temple to HsA1/4an Ti)
is also known as Chang Chuang (the village of the Chang
Family), but as there are many other villages of Chang
families near by this, one will be known by way of
distinction, as the “Chang Family village which
has a temple to HsA1/4an Ti”! Many persons
have occasion to write the names of villages, who
have but the scantiest knowledge of Chinese characters,
and they are as likely to indite a false character
having the same sound as a right one nay,
far more so and thus it happens that there
is a perpetual uncertainty, never set at rest in any
manner whatsoever, as to what the real name of a place
ought to be, for to all Chinese one name is as good
as another, and in such matters, as in many others,
there appears to be no intuition of right and wrong.
Chinese villages are only individual
Chinese amplified, and, like individuals, they are
liable to be nicknamed; and, as often happens with
human beings, the nickname frequently supplants the
original, of which no trace may remain in memory.
This helps to account for the singular appellations
of many villages. A market-town on the highway,
the wells of which afford only brackish water, was
called “Bitter Water Shop,” but as this
name was not pleasing to the ear, it was changed on
the tax lists to “Sweet Water Shop.”
If any one inquires how it is that the same fountain
can send forth at the same time waters both bitter
and sweet, he is answered with conclusive simplicity,
“Sweet Water Shop is the same as Bitter Water
Shop!” A village situated on the edge of a river
was named after the two leading families, but when
the river rose to a great height this name sunk out
of sight, and there emerged the title, “Look
at the Water;” but even this alteration not
being sufficient to satisfy the thirst for variety,
the name is written and pronounced as if it meant,
“Look at the Grave!” A hamlet named for
the Liu Family had in it a bully who appeared in a
lawsuit with a black eye, and hence was called the
Village of Liu with the Black Eye. In another
instance a town had the name of Dropped Tooth, merely
because the local constable lost a central incisor
(Lao Ya Chen); but in course of time this fact was
forgotten, and the name altered into “Market-town
of the Crows,” (Lao Kua Chen) which it still
A village in which most of the families
joined the Roman Catholics and pulled down all their
temples, gained from this circumstance the soubriquet
of “No Gods Village” (Wu Shen Chuang).
The following specimens of singular village names
are all taken from an area but a few miles square,
and could doubtless be paralleled in almost any other
region. “The Imperial Horse Yard”
(YA1/4 Ma YA1/4an). This title is said to have
been inherited from the times of the founder of the
Sung Dynasty. It is generally corrupted into
“Sesame Garden,” (Chih Ma YA1/4an).
“End of the Cave,” a village situated
on a great plain, with vague traditions of an underground
passage. “Seeing the Horse”; “Horse
Words Village,” from a tradition of a speaking
animal; “Sun Family Bull Village”; “Female
Dog Village”; “Wang Family Great Melon
Village”; “Separating from the King Village”;
“Basket Village of the Liu Village”; “Tiger-catching
Village,” and “Tiger-striking Fair”;
“Duck’s Nest of the Chou Family”;
“Horse Without a Hoof”; “Village
of Chang of the Iron Mouth”; “Ts’ui
Family Wild Pheasant Village”; “Wang Family
Dog’s Tooth”; “Village of the Benevolent
and Loving Magistrate”; “Village of the
Makers of Fine-tooth Combs,” (Pi-tzA chiang
Chuang), which is now corrupted into “The Village
Where They Wear Pug-noses”!