Most of the travellers who push as
far north as Hammerfest content themselves with one
experience of the midnight sun, and return with the
same steamer to Drontheim. A few extend their
journey to the North Cape, and, once a year, on an
average, perhaps, some one is adventurous enough to
strike across Lapland to Tornea. The steamers,
nevertheless, pass the North Cape, and during the
summer make weekly trips to the Varanger Fjord, the
extreme eastern limit of the Norwegian territory.
We were divided in opinion whether to devote our week
of sunshine to the North Cape, or to make the entire
trip and see something of the northern coast of Europe,
but finally decided that the latter, on the whole,
as being unfamiliar ground, would be most interesting.
The screw-steamer Gyller (one of Odin’s horses)
was lying in the harbour when we arrived, and was
to leave in the course of the next night; so we lost
no time in securing places, as she had but a small
cabin and no state-rooms. Nevertheless, we found
her very comfortable, and in every respect far superior
to the English vessels which ply between Hull and
Christiania. Our fellow travellers were all returning
to Drontheim except three Norwegian officers
on their way to make an official inspection of the
fortress of Wardohuus and the last we saw
of them was their return, an hour past midnight, from
making a second attempt to see the sun from the hills.
The night was somewhat obscured, and I doubt if they
were successful.
When I went on deck on the morning
after our departure, we were in the narrow strait
between the island of Mageroe, the northern extremity
of which forms the North Cape, and the mainland.
On either side, the shores of bare bleak rock, spotted
with patches of moss and stunted grass, rose precipitously
from the water, the snow filling up their ravines from
the summit to the sea. Not a tree nor a shrub,
nor a sign of human habitation was visible; there
was no fisher’s sail on the lonely waters, and
only the cries of some sea-gulls, wheeling about the
cliffs, broke the silence. As the strait opened
to the eastward, a boat appeared, beating into Kjelvik,
on the south-eastern corner of the island; but the
place itself was concealed from us by an intervening
cape. This is the spot which Von Buch visited
in the summer of 1807, just fifty years ago, and his
description would be equally correct at the present
day. Here, where the scurvy carries off half
the inhabitants, where pastors coming from
Southern Norway die within a year, where
no trees grow, no vegetables come to maturity, and
gales from every quarter of the Icy Sea beat the last
faint life out of nature, men will still persist in
living, in apparent defiance of all natural laws.
Yet they have at least an excuse for it, in the miraculous
provision which Providence has made for their food
and fuel. The sea and fjords are alive with fish,
which are not only a means of existence but of profit
to them, while the wonderful Gulf Stream, which crosses
5000 miles of the Atlantic to die upon this Ultima
Thule in a last struggle with the Polar Sea, casts
up the spoils of tropical forests to feed their fires.
Think of arctic fishers burning upon their hearths
the palms of Hayti, the mahogany of Honduras, and
the precious woods of the Amazon and the Orinoco!
In the spring months, there are on
an average 800 vessels on the northern coast, between
the North Cape and Vadso, with a fishing population
of 5000 men on board, whose average gains, even at
the scanty prices they receive amount to $30 apiece,
making a total yield of $150,000. It is only
within a very few years that the Norwegian Government
has paid any attention to this far corner of the peninsula.
At present, considering the slender population, the
means of communication are well kept up during eight
months in the year, and the result is an increase
(perceptible to an old resident, no doubt) in the
activity and prosperity of the country.
On issuing from the strait, we turned
southward into the great Porsanger Fjord, which stretches
nearly a hundred miles into the heart of Lapland,
dividing Western from Eastern Finmark. Its shores
are high monotonous hills, half covered with snow,
and barren of vegetation except patches of grass and
moss. If once wooded, like the hills of the Alten
Fjord, the trees have long since disappeared, and
now nothing can be more bleak and desolate. The
wind blew violently from the east, gradually lifting
a veil of grey clouds from the cold pale sky, and
our slow little steamer with jib and fore-topsail
set, made somewhat better progress. Toward evening
(if there is such a time in the arctic summer), we
reached Kistrand, the principal settlement on the
fjord. It has eight or nine houses, scattered
along a gentle slope a mile in length, and a little
red church, but neither gardens, fields, nor potato
patches. A strip of grazing ground before the
principal house was yellow with dandelions, the slope
behind showed patches of brownish green grass, and
above this melancholy attempt at summer stretched
the cold, grey, snow-streaked ridge of the hill.
Two boats, manned by sea-Lapps, with square blue caps,
and long ragged locks of yellow hair fluttering in
the wind, brought off the only passenger and the mails,
and we put about for the mouth of the fjord.
Running along under the eastern shore,
we exchanged the dreadful monotony through which we
had been sailing for more rugged and picturesque scenery.
Before us rose a wall of dark cliff, from five to
six hundred feet in height, gaping here and there with
sharp clefts or gashes, as if it had cracked in cooling,
after the primeval fires. The summit of these
cliffs was the average level of the country; and this
peculiarity, I found, applies to all the northern shore
of Finmark, distinguishing the forms of the capes
and islands from those about Alten and Hammerfest,
which, again, are quite different from those of the
Lofodens. “On returning from Spitzbergen,”
said a Hammerfest merchant to me, “I do not
need to look at chart or compass, when I get sight
of the coast; I know, from the formation of the cliffs,
exactly where I am.” There is some general
resemblance to the chalk bluffs of England, especially
about Beachy Head, but the rock here appears to be
mica-slate, disposed in thin, vertical strata, with
many violent transverse breaks.
As we approached the end of the promontory
which divides the Porsanger from the Laxe Fjord,
the rocks became more abrupt and violently shattered.
Huge masses, fallen from the summit, lined the base
of the precipice, which was hollowed into cavernous
arches, the home of myriads of sea-gulls. The
rock of Svaerholtklub, off the point, resembled a
massive fortress in ruins. Its walls of smooth
masonry rested on three enormous vaults, the piers
of which were buttressed with slanting piles of rocky
fragments. The ramparts, crenelated in some places,
had mouldered away in others, and one fancied he saw
in the rents and scars of the giant pile the marks
of the shot and shell which had wrought its ruin.
Thousands of white gulls, gone to their nightly roost,
rested on every ledge and cornice of the rock; but
preparations were already made to disturb their slumbers.
The steamer’s cannon was directed towards the
largest vault, and discharged. The fortress shook
with the crashing reverberation; “then rose
a shriek, as of a city sacked” a wild,
piercing, maddening, myriad-tongued cry, which still
rings in my ears. With the cry, came a rushing
sound, as of a tempest among the woods; a white cloud
burst out of the hollow arch-way, like the smoke of
an answering shot, and, in the space of a second,
the air was filled with birds, thicker than autumn
leaves, and rang with one universal, clanging shriek.
A second shot, followed by a second outcry and an answering
discharge from the other caverns, almost darkened the
sky. The whirring, rustling and screaming, as
the birds circled overhead, or dropped like thick
scurries of snow-flakes on the water, was truly awful.
There could not have been less than fifty thousand
in the air at one time, while as many more clung to
the face of the rock, or screamed from the depth of
the vaults. Such an indignation meeting I never
attended before; but, like many others I have heard
of, the time for action was passed before they had
decided what to do.
It was now eleven o’clock, and
Svaerholt glowed in fiery bronze lustre as we rounded
it, the eddies of returning birds gleaming golden in
the nocturnal sun, like drifts of beech leaves in
the October air. Far to the north, the sun lay
in a bed of saffron light over the clear horizon of
the Arctic Ocean. A few bars of dazzling orange
cloud floated above him, and still higher in the sky,
where the saffron melted through delicate rose-colour
into blue, hung light wreaths of vapour, touched with
pearly, opaline flushes of pink and golden grey.
The sea was a web of pale slate-colour, shot through
and through with threads of orange and saffron, from
the dance of a myriad shifting and twinkling ripples.
The air was filled and permeated with the soft, mysterious
glow, and even the very azure of the southern sky
seemed to shine through a net of golden gauze.
The headlands of this deeply-indented coast the
capes of the Laxe and Porsanger Fjords, and of
Mageroe lay around us, in different degrees
of distance, but all with foreheads touched with supernatural
glory. Far to the north-east was Nordkyn, the
most northern point of the mainland of Europe, gleaming
rosily and faint in the full beams of the sun, and
just as our watches denoted midnight the North Cape
appeared to the westward a long line of
purple bluff, presenting a vertical front of nine
hundred feet in height to the Polar Sea. Midway
between those two magnificent headlands stood the Midnight
Sun, shining on us with subdued fires, and with the
gorgeous colouring of an hour for which we have no
name, since it is neither sunset nor sunrise, but the
blended loveliness of both but shining at
the same moment, in the heat and splendour of noonday,
on the Pacific Isles.
This was the midnight sun as I had
dreamed it as I had hoped to see it.
Within fifteen minutes after midnight,
there was a perceptible increase of altitude, and
in less than half an hour the whole tone of the sky
had changed, the yellow brightening into orange, and
the saffron melting into the pale vermilion of dawn.
Yet it was neither the colours, nor the same character
of light as we had had, half an hour before
midnight. The difference was so slight as scarcely
to be described; but it was the difference between
evening and morning. The faintest transfusion
of one prevailing tint into another had changed the
whole expression of heaven and earth, and so imperceptibly
and miraculously that a new day was already present
to our consciousness. Our view of the wild cliffs
of Svaerholt, less than two hours before, belonged
to yesterday, though we had stood on deck, in full
sunshine, during all the intervening time. Had
the sensation of a night slipped through our brains
in the momentary winking of the eyes? Or was
the old routine of consciousness so firmly stereotyped
in our natures, that the view of a morning was sufficient
proof to them of the preexistence of a night?
Let those explain the phenomenon who can but
I found my physical senses utterly at war with those
mental perceptions wherewith they should harmonise.
The eye saw but one unending day; the mind notched
the twenty-four hours on its calendar, as before.
Before one o’clock we reached
the entrance of the Kiollefjord, which in the pre-diluvial
times must have been a tremendous mountain gorge, like
that of Gondo, on the Italian side of the Simplon.
Its mouth is about half a mile in breadth, and its
depth is not more than a mile and a half. It
is completely walled in with sheer precipices of bare
rock, from three to five hundred feet in height, except
at the very head, where they subside into a stony
heap, upon which some infatuated mortals have built
two or three cabins. As we neared the southern
headland, the face of which was touched with the purest
orange light, while its yawning fissures lay in deep-blue
gloom, a tall ruin, with shattered turrets and crumbling
spires, detached itself from the mass, and stood alone
at the foot of the precipice. This is the Finnkirka,
or “Church of the Lapps,” well known to
all the northern coasters. At first it resembles
a tall church with a massive square spire; but the
two parts separate again, and you have a crag-perched
castle of the middle-ages, with its watch-tower the
very counterpart of scores in Germany and
a quaint Gothic chapel on the point beyond. The
vertical strata of the rock, worn into sharp points
at the top and gradually broadening to the base, with
numberless notched ornaments and channels fluted by
the rain, make the resemblance marvellous, when seen
under the proper effects of light and shade.
The lustre in which we saw it had the effect of enchantment.
There was a play of colours upon it, such as one sees
in illuminated Moorish halls, and I am almost afraid
to say how much I was enraptured by a scene which
has not its equal on the whole Norwegian coast, yet
of which none of us had ever heard before.
We landed a single passenger a
government surveyor apparently on the heap
of rocks beyond, and ran out under the northern headland,
which again charmed us with a glory peculiarly its
own. Here the colours were a part of the substance
of the rock, and the sun but heightened and harmonised
their tones. The huge projecting masses of pale
yellow had a mellow gleam, like golden chalk; behind
them were cliffs, violet in shadow; broad strata of
soft red, tipped on the edges with vermilion; thinner
layers, which shot up vertically to the height of four
or five hundred feet, and striped the splendid sea-wall
with lines of bronze, orange, brown, and dark red,
while great rents and breaks interrupted these marvellous
frescoes with their dashes of uncertain gloom.
I have seen many wonderful aspects of nature, in many
lands, but rock-painting such as this I never beheld.
A part of its effect may have been owing to atmospheric
conditions which must be rare, even in the North; but,
without such embellishments, I think the sight of this
coast will nobly repay any one for continuing his
voyage beyond Hammerfest.
We lingered on deck, as point after
point revealed some change in the dazzling diorama,
uncertain which was finest, and whether something
still grander might not be in store. But at last
Nordkyn drew nigh, and at three o’clock the
light became that of day, white and colourless.
The north-east wind blew keenly across the Arctic Ocean,
and we were both satisfied and fatigued enough to
go to bed. It was the most northern point of
our voyage about 71 deg. 20’,
which is further north than I ever was before, or
ever wish to be again.