All men have sacred rights that must
be regarded. That these rights are equal is so
familiar and stale an expression that it hardly need
be spoken. “All men are created equal,”
each having rights, that are inalienable, and each
having the right to resist the encroachment on his
rights by another. To protect these rights governments
are instituted.
The vital energy of a man is his own
and his right to it must be regarded. Since the
abolition of chattel slavery this has been indefeasible
except for crime.
He has a right to his own vital energy
and to all that his own vital force produces.
He has a right to his property inherited, earned, or
however secured, except by fraud. He has no claim
against the vital energy of his fellow man, nor has
he any claim whatever against the property of another.
The working man needs capital.
His vital energy must waste unless there is material
upon which it may be expended. There must be the
tree, land or material in some form, upon which he
can work. But give him the world raw and unsubdued
and he can transform it again as he has. He can
build again everything on land and sea, the farms,
towns, and cities, and the floating palaces.
He can again dig out the mines and refine the silver
and gold, mould the clay, smelt the ore and shape
the iron. His needs and his power, however, give
him no claim to the property of another.
The man of property is dependent upon
the laborer. He may be the owner of farms, forests
and mines, of horses, flocks and herds, of railroads
and oil wells, yet these will not minister to him nor
serve him without the laborer. His coffers may
be filled with gold, and his barns bursting with grain
and his stalls filled with fatlings, yet all this
wealth is useless and lost, unless touched with the
vital energy of an intelligent laborer. But his
dependence and losses give him no right to the labor
of another.
He has no right, no just claim, to
the services of another man, his equal. All his
wealth cannot confer the right. Wealth is but
a thing, in itself without rights, and can therefore
add nothing to the rights of its owner.
He may however use his wealth to command
service by might, but not by right. A club is
but a thing having no will and no rights, yet in the
hands of a savage it adds greatly to his power and
may be used by him to oppress another of his tribe.
A ruffian with his gun meeting a defenseless man may
so command him, that he is ready for the most abject
obedience. An armed highwayman may compel a brave
man “to stand and deliver.” So a
man may use his property to secure the service of
another but it gives him no right to that service.
The usurer, who has himself no rights
against his fellows, uses a thing, his property, as
an instrument or weapon to command service.
He may place his hand upon every material
thing another must have, and withhold it, and the
other is shut up and compelled, he has no alternative.
He must yield to the demands or suffer. Many men
are driven to the last extremity before they will
But if the borrower is very willing
and urgent for the loan, this does not change the
nature of the act. The game may be shot upon the
wing as it is endeavoring to escape, or it may be
snared in a trap by a tempting bait. The wild
broncho may be captured in chase, or beguiled
into the corral.
The voluntary sacrifice of others
to the usurer does not make his gains just. The
foolish ones are now willing to invest in lottery
tickets, yet that does not make the lottery lawful.
Slot machines are being put out of the cities, because
so many are ready to part with their nickels.
If there were none ensnared by them, they could stand
The borrower may be greatly elated
with the hope of gain, but the injustice is the same,
whether the services be secured by compelling force,
or by guile, or by the folly of the victim.
If we admit the supremacy of man over
the material creation, all subordinate to him, and
no right to be, except to serve him, and also admit
the equal rights of all men, there is no escape from
the conclusion that the usurer can have no rightful
claims to any portion of the labor of the borrower,
without surrendering to him some portion of his property
as compensation for the services received. He
must have less property when the service is rendered
and the borrower must have more property if the rights
of both are regarded.
A false impression prevails, that
the lender in some way gives the loan to the borrower;
that the borrower becomes somewhat the owner of the
property. The borrower is encouraged in this illusion
and it becomes a plausible basis for the claim upon
his services.
When a loan is made to a bank it is
called a “deposit” and rightly, for it
is only placed in the banker’s hands and does
not in any part become his. This is true of any
amount, great or small, whether the deposit draws
interest or not. The lender never loses his sense
of ownership of the whole amount, nor does the banker
encourage the fiction that he has become part owner.
Every loan is but a “deposit.”
The ownership of no part passes to the borrower.
It is seldom that the loan or “deposit”
is not safer in the keeping of the borrower than in
the hands of the owner himself, when secured by mortgages
or personal sureties. The usurer gains the earnings
of the borrower but parts with no property. He
receives the service but gives nothing.
Two usurers, A and B, are neighbors.
A has a garden he wishes dug. He has an ax but
no hoe. B has wood that he wishes cut. He
has a hoe but no ax. The laborer appears and
wishes to do their work. Usurer A agrees to lend
him his ax to cut B’s wood on the condition that
he shall return it unimpaired and work his garden
for its use.
He cuts the wood, but has no hoe to
dig A’s garden for the use of the ax. Usurer
B now lends the laborer his hoe to dig the garden,
but takes the cutting of the wood for the use of the
hoe. The confused borrower knows he is defrauded
of his work, though each seems to have a plausible
claim upon him.
A does not give the hoe to the laborer.
He retains the full ownership but deposits it in the
workman’s hands to be returned unimpaired.
B does not give away his ax, he only places it in
the laborer’s hands also to be returned unimpaired.
The full hoe and full ax is returned and they have
taken the services without compensation.
The result is just the same as if
A and B had traded tools and A had given the laborer
a hoe to dig the garden, “the tool and the material
with which to work,” and B had given him an ax
to cut his wood, “the tool and the material
with which to work,” without a pretence of a
payment for his labor.
Taking only a part of the borrower’s
or laborer’s services does not relieve it of
injustice. The nature of the oppression is the
same, only less heinous and flagrant. He who
took a penny belonging to another is a thief as truly
as the man who took a pound. Petit larceny and
grand larceny differ only in the amount stolen.
The man who takes three per cent. of the labor of
another wrongfully defrauds as the man who takes fifty
per cent. The nature of the wrong is the same;
they only differ in degree.
It is a well known fact, however,
often repeated, that ninety-five out of every hundred
who go into business with borrowed capital, that is,
who pay interest on “their material and tools,”
do give the vigor of their lives to the service of
usurers and at the end have nothing.
The element of time is only a figment
that clouds the question of right and deceives the
borrower. In order that the labor of another
may be appropriated it is necessary to give him time
to work. The laborer may dig in A’s garden
a day or all summer and he may chop wood for B a day
or all winter. The result is the same. It
is necessary that the borrower be given time to earn
something before it is or can be appropriated.
The question is, how rapidly can he earn, and how
soon can his earnings be collected? Long time
loans with the frequent payments of the earnings of
the victim are the ideal conditions of the usurer.