The debt habit has been diligently
cultivated and encouraged, until the nations are enslaved.
Public bonds imply bondsmen, and the nations are no
longer free. There is a mortgage upon the inventive
genius, industry and productive energy of the world.
Usurers greatly prefer an organized
government as a debtor. The individual may die,
but a nation’s debts bind from age to age, are
bequeathed by the fathers to the children, and thus
descend from generation to generation. The bonds
of no corporation, however great and rich, can be
so secure. They embrace special industries, while
national debts are a claim upon every industry and
a mortgage upon every foot of soil, and every dollar
of present personal property, and of all that may
be produced in the whole realm.
If we express the world’s indebtedness,
the national debts, in the terms of our currency,
as nearly as we can reduce the currency of other nations
to such an expression, we find the national debts as
follows, in 1890:
Denmark $ 33,004,722
Great Britain 3,848,460,000
United States 915,962,112
Germany 1,956,217,017
Austria-Hungary $2,666,339,539
France 4,446,793,398
Russia 3,491,016,074
Italy 2,324,826,329
Spain 1,251,433,096
Netherlands 430,539,653
Belgium 360,504,099
Sweden 64,220,807
Norway 13,973,752
Portugal 490,493,599
Greece 107,306,518
Turkey 821,000,000
Switzerland 10,912,925
--------------------- ----------------
These debts aggregate $22,955,386,008
Hundreds of millions have been added
to these national debts in the last ten years.
Nearly every nation has increased its indebtedness,
possibly no nation has decreased it, and others, like
China, with its recent great loan, and little Korea,
with its twelve millions, must be added to the list.
The debts of the nations of Europe have been increased
until they now amount in the aggregate to twenty-three
billions. The debts of the nations of all the
world have increased one-half since 1890, and now
aggregate thirty-three billions.
These great national debts are practically
perpetual, and though they may be at so low a rate
of interest as three per cent., they absorb the energies
of the people, and, like a glacier grinding over the
earth, crush all beneath them.
Public debts are incurred to relieve
the present wealth of the burden of present duty.
Debts place the whole burden on producers of the future.
They relieve those who hold the wealth now, but are
a draft upon those who make the wealth that is to
An individual incurring debt places
a mortgage upon his productions; by a pledge of future
production he relieves himself of the strain of the
A family incurs debt; a part of the
members of the house are strong and capable of productive
labor, and a part are not; the whole burden of the
payment comes upon the productive members of the home.
The weak and helpless and the indolent, though strong,
bear no part of the burden. This family has a
home, and a mortgage is placed upon it to secure the
present needs. The burden of paying the interest
on this mortgage, and the final payment of the principal,
is wholly on the capable and industrious members of
the family.
National debts are incurred to relieve
the present wealth of the burden of present government
calls and obligations, and to roll it upon those who
shall produce wealth in the future. So the debt
of a city, state, or nation is a present relief to
property holders, by placing the producers under future
A street in a city is to be paved;
no additional tax is levied; but bonds are issued
running twenty years.
This relieves the present wealth of
the burden, placing it upon those who shall produce
the wealth that shall be in twenty years.
The expenses of a great war must be
met. Present taxes may be slightly increased,
but to meet the burden consols or public bonds are
issued to be paid at a distant date. This relieves
the present wealth, but binds it upon those who shall
be the producers of wealth in the generations to come.
Hume says, “The practice of contracting debts
will almost invariably be abused by every government.
It would scarcely be more imprudent to give a prodigal
son a credit with every banker, than to empower statesmen
to draw bills in this manner on posterity.”
These public bonds are the golden
opportunity of the usurers. Not only is their
wealth relieved of all burden, but it affords an opportunity
of profitable investment with the best possible debtor.
They can pose as enterprising citizens, and urge great
public improvements, and at the same time gain a most
sure and profitable investment. They can pose
as patriots in time of war, and urge that it be pressed
with energy at whatever cost of treasure and blood.
It is not their blood that is shed, nor their wealth
that is wasted. It gives them the opportunity
of binding their burdens on the nation for the producers
of the coming generations to carry.
Usurers never wish public debts paid.
They wish them issued for as long time as possible,
and then reissued, or the time extended before they
are due. This is done by the figment called refunding,
as if it were a concession and favor to a poor debtor.
It is but a device to keep the burden on the public
back. It is not a financial feat and triumph
for the chancellor of the exchequer to refund a public
debt. He but yields himself as a tool to the
usurers to continue their loans. They resist
the payment when due, but when an officer is found
willing to extend them before they are due all trouble
is avoided and the accretions of interest are not
interrupted for a day.
Those who hold the bonds of a nation
direct its destinies. The nation borrowing is
servant to the lender, just as an individual.
The nation compromises its freedom and becomes the
slave of its bond-holders. The usurers use their
power for the advancement of their own material interests,
and hold all other purposes of government as inferior
to their own ends. This subordination of a people,
to the creditors, is fatal to republican and constitutional
governments; the form may be preserved for a time,
but the substance of free government has departed.
The concentration of wealth carries
with it the concentration of power, and is inimical
to republican institutions. A proper distribution
of wealth and power must be preserved or popular government
is put in jeopardy.
The first bank of deposit and discount
was the Bank of Venice, in the republic of Venetia.
It continued its existence for six hundred years,
until the government that gave it life itself perished.
From its long continuous business, and its success
as a bank, it has been spoken of in every work on
banking as a model. It began its association with
the republic in 1171, and dominated it, sapping its
life, and assuming its functions, until the bank practically
ruled the state, and when one fell both perished in
1797. The usurers received their hold on the
state in a time of the greatest need. The republic
had been impoverished by the crusades, and was in
dire financial straits. Advantage was taken of
this by the usurers to so bind the bank and state
together that when one lived the other must, or both
must die together. Stock in the bank was a loan
to the state at four per cent. annual interest.
The union seemed to promise great prosperity for a
time, but really absorbed all the republic’s
vitality during the last hundred years of their life.
Venetia was at the first a pure democracy.
The Doge was elected by the people and administered
the government, himself being the responsible head.
He, later, chose advisers, or a cabinet, to be associated
in the responsible duties. After this, and about
the time of the association with the bank, a representative
council was elected by the people, and the government
was administered by the Doge and this council.
This was gradually transformed from a government of
the people to an oligarchy; and as the years passed
there were no steps taken toward a return, but the
authority and power was more and more centralized.
The ruling class was, in a hundred years, limited
to those families enrolled in the “Golden Book.”
In another hundred years the government was in control
of the “Council of Ten.” Later the
secret tribunal of three was the terror of the people
and the instrument of their oppression. The republic
was only such in name, the people were deprived of
all voice in the government, and the Doge became a
puppet to obey the ruling cabal.
Shakespeare went to Venice to find
his typical usurer in Shylock the Jew. He found
there also his typical Christian, Antonio. Antonio
was a benevolent great soul, who loved his friends,
supported all benevolences, and hated the usurers.
Shylock hated him because he would lend without interest,
and was constantly reproving him for his usurious
The contest between the usurers and
the people of the Venetian republic was a struggle
for the life, but the usurers never relaxed their
hold. They dominated until the end.
Another great triumph of the usurers
was in England at the time of great need. William
and Mary had been placed upon the throne by the Protestants,
but were in need of money to carry on the struggle
for its complete establishment. This was the
usurers’ opportunity. Former kings, in
like straits, had confiscated the wealth of the usurious
Jews, Lombards and Goldsmiths, and appropriated their
property as a penalty for their unchristian practice,
but William and Mary entered into a contract with
them to gain their assistance, giving them special
privileges to secure a permanent loan. They were
to loan the crown 1,200,000 pounds sterling.
This was never to be repaid, but interest at the rate
of eight per cent. per annum was to be paid forever.
This loan was a marvel of success. There was a
great rush of usurers to place their money with the
crown as a perpetual loan at that rate of increase.
Their usuries, which had hitherto been counted dishonest
gain, were henceforth to be honorable, and they esteemed
as patriots.
Thus, the first Protestant power in
the world was established in the hands of usurers,
and bound to continue associated with them forever.
The story, by Macauley, of the establishment of the
Bank of England, is familiar to all students of English
This bank is a great corporation;
the Board of Directors is composed of twenty-six members,
who elect their own successors, and thus it is entirely
independent. It makes laws for its own direction
in the name of the people or defies their control.
In 1797 it secured an order from the privy council
ordering itself to suspend specie payment. It
obeyed its own order promptly, and at the same time
announced their strength and that the order would
be temporary; but for one excuse and another it was
continued for twenty-five years.
Sir Robert Peel, in 1844, having become
convinced of the dangerous and disastrous influence,
expanding and contracting its loans, secured the enactment
of a law to regulate and limit its circulation.
This law was distasteful to the bank, and was, upon
its enactment, defied by open disobedience. It
has not only dictated the laws for its own regulation,
but directed both the domestic and the foreign policy
of the government. It has subordinated the public
weal to financial profit. This corporation of
usurers manage all the finances of the kingdom, and
has more influence than Crown and Parliament combined.
As a great uncrowned king it dictates the diplomatic
policies of the United Kingdom. Its influence
has not been extended to promote Protestant Christian
faith, Jews are not zealous for any Christian sect;
nor for the purpose of lifting up the degraded and
enlightening them; nor in the east has it exercised
its power to relieve human suffering, but its diplomatic
policy has been mercenary greed always.
It should be noted that the enlightened
Christian people of the United Kingdom are not the
English government. There has been, for two hundred
years, a power behind the Throne, behind Parliament,
behind the people, essentially selfish and commercial.
This has controlled India for profit, while the benevolent
people were anxious to christianize and uplift.
It has befriended the Turk while England wept over
the Turkish barbarities. It forced opium upon
China while the Christian people sent missionaries.
The people of England love freedom, yet the government
has endeavored to crush it in the American colonies
and everywhere throughout the world, when in conflict
with a selfish commercial policy. The English
people cry out against human slavery, yet in the struggle
in the United States, when slavery was in the balance,
the English government earnestly espoused the cause
of those who upheld slavery. The English people
rejoiced that the slave trade in Africa was abolished,
yet the government enacted the hut tax, and compels
now the service of the young and vigorous blacks in
the mines, sending them back to their people when
their strength declines.
In the establishment of the republic
of the United States there was a strong resistance
to any debt or subordination to usurers. The history
of banks in the United States shows a struggle at the
birth of the nation between the usurers, who demanded
the management of the finances, and the people who
resisted. This struggle continued for half a
century, when the people triumphed, and for thirty
years there was no hint of a purpose to overthrow
what was regarded as the settled policy of the nation.
The first bank was incorporated in
1791. Its establishment was strongly resisted,
but being urged by the Secretary of the Treasury, a
charter was granted for twenty years. When that
charter expired by limitation in 1811, there was a
struggle by the usurers to secure its renewal, but
they were defeated. They did not, however, abandon
their effort. In 1816 they secured the charter
of the second bank of the United States. This
charter was also limited to twenty years, expiring
in 1836. There was a tremendous struggle for its
renewal, but the chief executive, backed by a strong
political party, so completely defeated it that the
usurers for the time yielded, and for thirty years
the settled policy of the government forbade the alliance
with usurers and the making of any public debt.
Many of the leading statesmen of that period were
very pronounced in their opposition.
“The banking system concentrates
and places the power in the hands of those who control
“Never was an engine invented
better calculated to place the destines of the many
in the hands of the few, or less favorable to that
equality and independence which lies at the bottom
of our free institutions.” J.C.
“I object to the continuance
of this bank because its tendencies are dangerous
and pernicious to the government and the people.
It tends to aggravate the inequality of fortunes;
to make the rich richer, and the poor poorer; to multiply
nabobs and paupers, and to deepen and widen the gulf
that separates Dives from Lazarus.” Thomas
H. Benton.
“I sincerely believe that banking
establishments are more dangerous than standing armies.
I am not among those who fear the people. They
and not the rich are our dependence for continued freedom.
And to preserve their independence, we must not let
our rulers load us with perpetual debts.” Thomas
“Events have satisfied my mind,
and I think the minds of the American people, that
the mischief and dangers which flow from a national
bank far overbalance all its advantages.” Andrew
The usurers were compelled to remain
under public condemnation during thirty years, as
sentiment was strongly against them and conditions
were not in their favor, but they did not relax their
watchful effort nor abandon hope of ultimate success.
When the nation was struggling to prevent its dissolution
in 1861-5, and unusual war measures seemed necessary
to meet the great emergency, the usurers saw their
opportunity and came forward, as they did in Venice
and England; they would loan the government the funds
necessary to carry on the war, if the government would
comply with their conditions and grant them the privileges
demanded. They asked that their loan be perpetual,
like the English loan; that they should be freed from
the burdens of the government; that their loan should
be free from taxation; that they should receive their
interest semi-annually, and not in the common legal
tender, but in coin; that they be permitted to issue
their own notes as currency to be loaned to their
customers; that the government discredit its own issues
and endorse theirs; and that they be given a monopoly
by taxing out of existence all opposition.
These were great demands, and were
regarded as extortionate and oppressive. The
struggle was severe, but the enemy in the field was
threatening the life of the nation, while the usurers
were urgent and posing as patriots, that they might
accomplish their ends. True patriots, anxious
to defeat the enemy in arms, regarded these usurers
at home as equally the enemies of freedom. They
were in a strait betwixt two foes.
Secretary McCullough said, “Hostility
to the government has been as decidedly manifested
in the efforts that have been made in the commercial
metropolis of the nation to depreciate the currency
as has been by the enemy.”
The opposition to the usurers was
very strong and bitter, but the conditions were in
their favor and they gained a decided advantage.
In the Senate the vote stood twenty-three yeas to
twenty-one nays. It was carried only as a war
measure. There was an effort to limit the usurers’
privileges to the war and one year after its close.
This was not successful, but their loan was confined
to the war debt, and their time to its payment, limited
to twenty years.
This action caused great distress
and dark forebodings of evil to many of the thoughtful.
It was setting aside the policy of the nation, which
had been generally acquiesced in as wise and judicious
and safe for many years. The old patriot Thadeus
Stevens, in the opening of a speech in a preliminary
skirmish between patriotism and usurers, said:
“I approach the subject with more depression
of spirits than I ever before approached any question.
No personal motive or feeling influences me.
I hope not, at least. I have a melancholy foreboding
that we are about to consummate a cunningly devised
scheme, which will carry great injury and great loss
to all classes of people throughout the Union, except
one.” Later he said, in excuse of the action,
“We had to yield, we did not yield until we
found that the country must be lost or the banks gratified,
and we have sought to save the country in spite of
the cupidity of its wealthier classes.”
The usurers have never relaxed the
hold they secured by this victory, and have since
been continually increasing their power. They
obtained an extension or “refunding” of
the war debt, and a renewal of their charters by the
general laws, so their hold is indefinitely extended.
Bonds are no longer limited to the covering of war
expenses, but are issued freely in times of peace.
The traditions of the fathers have been cast to the
winds, and their fears derided and their policy changed.
The usurers have been firmly in the saddle for many
years, and have defeated every effort that has been
made to unseat them.
The great debts of the nations have
brought all mankind into subjection to the usurers.
Those who hold the bonds have the destinies of the
race in their hands. They pervert the ends of
government; the protection of life, liberty and the
highest good of all the people; they make governments
their tools to gather and appropriate the earnings
of the many.
They have exalted Mammon upon the
throne of the world, and scoff at the God of heaven,
who seeks the poor and needy, and who would in love
lift up every son and daughter of the whole race.
Milton presents Mammon as one of the
devils cast out of heaven with Satan, and as saying
in the council of the demons, “What place can
be found for us within heaven’s bound, unless
heaven’s Lord we overpower?... How wearisome
eternity so spent in worship paid, to one we hate.”
The reign of Mammon subordinates character
and virtue and liberty and human life to sordid gain,
yet he holds the scepter of power.
He elects legislators and senators.
He elects governors or directs their arrest if they
refuse to obey him. He elects presidents and
dictates their policies. He places kings on their
thrones and holds them there while they do his bidding.
He strips a Khedive of power, and yet retains him
as a collector of revenue. He steadies the Sultan’s
tottering throne, and compels six great Christian powers
to stand by in silence while humanity is outraged.
The Armenian’s blood must be permitted to flow
because the persecution is by a great servant, the
Sultan, who pays interest on bonds, and his victims
are only freemen. The murder of one hundred thousand
Armenians meant nothing to Mammon. But when the
Cretans were persecuted by the same Sultan, the suffering
and bloodshed was soon ordered stopped by these same
six powers, at Mammon’s command. The Cretans
were servants of the common master; the Cretan bonds
were endangered. The cry of suffering humanity
came up to deaf ears, but the cry of endangered bonds
was heard from afar by this reigning god of wealth.
The little republics of Africa were
freemen, and therefore Mammon sees them strangled
with indifference. Mammon gathers the civilized
nations around China and demands that she shall be
enslaved by all the bonds she can safely carry or
submit to vivisection and distribution.
This enslavement of the race is not
by the destroying of intelligence, nor by denying
the first principles of civil liberty, nor by crushing
the aspirations for freedom, but by producing conditions
that make the application of these principles and
the exercise of freedom impossible. Though the
race may increase in intelligence and theoretically
have correct views of personal freedom and civil liberty,
yet the conditions produced necessarily by usury utterly
prevent their realization. The intelligence and
aspirations of the race never were higher than at
present, their subjection and subordination to material
wealth was never more complete.
The scepter wherein lies Mammon’s
power to sway the nations is usury. When bonds
bear no increase his sovereignty is gone. All
motive to involve the nation in debt at once disappears,
and the power to control is lost. Moses’
law was divinely wise that forbade interest, that
his people could not be enslaved and might remain a
free people forever.