The general observance of a “Bird
Day” in our schools would probably do more to
open thousands of young minds to the reception of bird
lore than anything else that can be devised.
The scattered interests of the children would thus
be brought together, and fused into a large and compact
enthusiasm, which would become the common property
of all. Zeal in a genuine cause is more contagious
than a bad habit.
The first Bird Day in the schools
was celebrated on the first Friday in May, 1894.
This is as good a date as any for the sections not
in the extreme North or South.
It would better come a little after
the birds begin to arrive. The afternoon session
will be found sufficient to devote to the special
exercises. The date should be announced some time
beforehand, so that the children may prepare for it.
They will not only prepare themselves, but will have
the whole community aroused by the sharp points of
their inquisitorial weapons. Exercises should
be held in all grades, from the primary to the high
We quote the following from circular N sent out by the United States
Department of Agriculture:
From all sides come reports of a decrease
in native birds, due to the clearing of the forests,
draining of the swamps, and cultivation of lands,
but especially to the increasing slaughter of
birds for game, the demand for feathers to supply
the millinery trade, and the breaking up of nests to
gratify the egg-collecting proclivities of small
boys. An attempt has been made to restrict
these latter causes by legislation. Nearly
every State and Territory has passed game laws,
and several States have statutes protecting insectivorous
birds. Such laws are frequently changed and cannot
be expected to accomplish much unless supported by
popular sentiment in favor of bird protection.
This object can only be attained by demonstrating
to the people the value of birds, and how can
it be accomplished better than through the medium
of the schools?
Briefly stated, the object of Bird
Day is to diffuse knowledge concerning our native
birds and to arouse a more general interest in
bird protection. As such it should appeal
not only to ornithologists, sportsmen, and farmers,
who have a practical interest in the preservation
of birds, but also to the general public, who
would soon appreciate the loss if the common
songsters were exterminated.
It is time to give more intelligent
attention to the birds and appreciate their value.
Many schools already have courses in natural
history or nature study, and such a day would
add zest to the regular studies, encourage the pupils
to observe carefully, and give them something
to look forward to and work for. In the
words of the originator of the day, “the
general observance of a Bird Day in our schools
would probably do more to open thousands of young
minds to the reception of bird lore than anything
else that can be devised.” The first
thing is to interest the scholars in birds in
general and particularly in those of their own locality.
Good lists of birds have been prepared for several
of the States, and popular books and articles
on ornithology are within the reach of every
one. But the instruction should not be limited
to books; the children should be encouraged to
observe the birds in the field, to study their habits
and migrations, their nests and food, and should be
taught to respect the laws protecting game and
song birds.
When the question of introducing Arbor
Day into the schools was brought before the National
Educational Association in February, 1884, the
objection was made that the subject was out of
place in the schools. The value of the innovation
could not be appreciated by those who did not
see the practical bearing of the subject on an
ordinary school course. But at the next
meeting of the Association the question was again
brought up and unanimously adopted to the
mutual benefit of the schools and of practical forestry.
With the advent of more progressive ideas concerning
education there is a demand for instruction in
subjects which a few years ago would have been
considered out of place, or of no special value.
If the main object of our educational system
is to prepare boys and girls for the intelligent
performance of the duties and labors of life, why
should not some attention be given to the study of
nature, particularly in rural schools where the
farmers of the next generation are now being
The study of birds may be taken up
in several ways and for different purposes; it
may be made to furnish simply a course in mental
training or to assist the pupil in acquiring
habits of accurate observation; it may be taken up
alone or combined with composition, drawing, geography,
or literature. But it has also an economic
side which may appeal to those who demand purely
practical studies in schools. Economic ornithology
has been defined as the “study of birds
from the standpoint of dollars and cents.”
It treats of the direct relations of birds to
man, showing which species are beneficial and
which injurious, teaching the agriculturist how
to protect his feathered friends and guard against
the attacks of his foes. This is a subject in
which we are only just beginning to acquire exact
knowledge, but it is none the less deserving
of a place in our educational system on this
account. Its practical value is recognized
both by individual States and by the National Government,
which appropriate considerable sums of money for investigations
of value to agriculture. Much good work has been
done by some of the experiment stations and State
boards of agriculture, particularly in Illinois,
Indiana, Massachusetts, Michigan, Nebraska, and
Pennsylvania. In the United States Department
of Agriculture, the Division of Biological Survey
(formerly the Division of Ornithology) devotes
much attention to the collection of data respecting
the geographic distribution, migration, and food
of birds, and to the publication and diffusion
of information concerning species which are beneficial
or injurious to agriculture. Some of the
results of these investigations are of general
interest, and could be used in courses of instruction
in even the lower schools. Such facts would thus
reach a larger number of persons than is now possible,
and would be made more generally available to
those interested in them.
If illustrations of the practical value
of a knowledge of zooelogy are necessary they
can easily be given. It has been estimated
recently that the forests and streams of Maine are
worth more than its agricultural resources.
If this is so, is it not equally as important
to teach the best means of preserving the timber,
the game, and the fish, as it is to teach students
how to develop the agricultural wealth of the State?
In 1885 Pennsylvania passed its famous “scalp
act,” and in less than two years expended
between $75,000 and $100,000 in an attempt to
rid the State of animals and birds supposed to
be injurious. A large part of the money was spent
for killing hawks and owls, most of which belonged
to species which were afterwards shown to be
actually beneficial. Not only was money
thrown away in a useless war against noxious
animals, but the State actually paid for the destruction
of birds of inestimable value to its farmers.
During the last five or six years two States have
been engaged in an unsuccessful attempt to exterminate
English sparrows by paying bounties for their
heads. Michigan and Illinois have each spent
more than $50,000; but, although millions of
sparrows have been killed, the decrease in numbers
is hardly perceptible. A more general knowledge
of the habits of the English sparrow at the time
the bird was first introduced into the United
States would not only have saved this outlay
of over $100,000, but would also have saved many
other States from loss due to depredations by sparrows.
Is it not worth while to do something
to protect the birds and prevent their destruction
before it is too late? A powerful influence
for good can be exerted by the schools if the
teachers will only interest themselves in the movement,
and the benefit that will result to the pupils
could hardly be attained in any other way at
so small an expenditure of time. If it is
deemed unwise to establish another holiday, or
it may seem too much to devote one day in the year
to the study of birds, the exercises of Bird
Day might be combined with those of Arbor Day.
It is believed that Bird Day can be
adopted with profit by schools of all grades,
and the subject is recommended to the thoughtful
attention of teachers and school superintendents throughout
the country, in the hope that they will cooeperate
with other agencies now at work to prevent the
destruction of our native birds.
Acting Chief of Division.
WASHINGTON, D. C., July 2, 1896.
The results of Bird Day are noticeable
in the schools in which it has been observed.
The spirit of the schools has become fresher and brighter.
There has been more marked improvement in the composition
work and in the language of the pupils. Most of
the children know the names of many of our birds and
considerable of their ways of life, and wish to know
more, and are their warm friends and protectors.
The old relations between the small boy and the birds
have been entirely changed. The birds themselves
have been affected. They have become much more
numerous. Many that were formerly rare visitants
now nest freely in the shade trees of the city; for
example, the orioles, the grosbeaks, the scarlet tanagers,
and even the wood thrushes, and their nests are about
as safe as the other homes. The children say that
the birds know about Bird Day, and have come to help
it along.
The correlation of the public library and the public schools is assured in
those towns where Bird Day has been introduced. If there were no other
result of this new day, the demand for healthful literature would be enough.
The call for Burroughs and Bradford Torrey, Olive Thorne Miller, and the other
writers of our out-of-doors literature is so great as to attract attention in
the libraries. In fact, in one the writer knows well there is a constant
and steady demand, particularly from the boys. Frank Bolles is a great
favorite with them. The excursions to the woods have a new and aesthetic
interest. What would Emerson have thought when he wrote that matchless bit
Hast thou named all the birds,
without a gun?
Loved the wood-rose and left
it on its stalk?
if he had known that the boys of another
generation would be able to answer as he would have
liked to have them!
The effect upon teachers is not less
marked. The trip to the woods in the early morning
and at sunset, sometimes with the children and sometimes
in parties by themselves, has resulted in physical
and mental good. A new and charming relation
has sprung up between teachers and children.
The tie of community of interests is a strong one.
A taste in common is always conducive to friendship.
The surprising thing about this new
departure in nature study is that once taken up it
will never be abandoned. There is something fascinating
in it. One may love trees and flowers, but their
processes and habits of growth are in a way unrelated
to us; but our “little brothers in feathers”
are kin to us in their hopes and fears.
“When I think,” said a
bright woman the other day, “that this summer
I have learned to know by plumage and by song twenty
birds, and when I realize the delight the knowledge
has given me, I feel as if I ought to go out as a
missionary to the heathen women in my neighborhood.”
She did not exaggerate the feeling of every bird lover.
So much is lost to life and good cheer by this ignorance.
Now that the Bird Day idea is being
taken up and spread by the United States Government
in the interests of economy, it will do much to sweeten
the lives of the coming generation. The natural
impulse to love and watch the birds will be encouraged
instead of being disregarded.
Hast thou named all the birds,
without a gun?
Loved the wood-rose, and left
it on its stalk?
O, be my friend, and teach
me to be thine!
No longer now the winged inhabitants
That in the woods their sweet
lives sing away,
Flee from the form of man,
but gather round,
And prune their feathers on
the hands
Which little children stretch
in friendly sport
Towards these dreadless partners
of their play.
-- Extract from SHELLEY’S Queen