I have thought it most convenient
to the reader to unite with the text, as it passes
in description from place to place, what knowledge
of the agricultural and other resources of the country
was obtainable at the time. The reader is probably
weary of description by this time; but, should he
make a similar journey, I am convinced he would not
weary of the reality. Travellers, however, differ
strangely in perception. Some are observers,
with imagination to brighten and judgment to weigh,
and, if need be, correct, first impressions; whilst
others, with vacant eye, or out of harmony with novel
and perhaps irksome surroundings, see, or profess
to see, nothing. The readiness, for instance,
of the Eastern “fling” at Western Canada
thirty years ago is still remembered, and it is easy
to transfer it to the North.
Those who lament the meagreness of
our records of the fur-trade and primitive social
life in Ontario, for example, before the advent of
the U. E. Loyalists, can find their almost exact counterpart
in Athabasca to-day. For what that Province was
then, viz., a wilderness, Athabasca is now; and
it is safe to predict that what Ontario is to-day
Athabasca will become in time. Indeed, Northern
Canada is the analogue of Eastern Canada in more likenesses
than one.
That the country is great and possessed
of almost unique resources is beyond doubt; but that
it has serious drawbacks, particularly in its lack
of railway connection with the outer world, is also
true. And one thing must be borne in mind, namely,
that, when the limited areas of prairie within its
borders are taken up, the settler must face the forest
with the axe.
Perhaps he will be none the worse
for this. It bred in the pioneers of our old
provinces some of the highest qualities: courage,
iron endurance, self-denial, homely and upright life,
and, above all, for it includes all, true and ennobling
patriotism. The survival of such qualities has
been manifest in multitudes of their sons, who, remembering
the record, have borne themselves manfully wherever
they have gone.
But modern conditions are breeding
methods new and strange, and keen observers profess
to discern in our swift development the decay of certain
things essential to our welfare. We seem, they
think, to be borrowing from others for they
are not ours by inheritance their boastful
spirit, extravagance, and love of luxury, fatal to
any State through the consequent decline of morality.
The picture is over-drawn. True womanhood and
clean life are still the keynotes of the great majority
of Canadian homes.
Yet very striking is the contrast
with the old days of household economies, the days
of the ox-chain, the sickle, and the leach-tub.
All of these, some happily and some unhappily, have
been swept away by the besom of Progress. But
in any case life was too serious in those days for
effeminate luxury, or for aught but proper pride in
defending the country, and in work well done.
And it is just this stern life which must be lived,
sooner or later, not only in the wilds of Athabasca,
but in facing everywhere the great problems of race-stability the spectres of retribution which are rapidly
rising upon the white man’s horizon.
For the rest, and granting the manhood,
the future of Athabasca is more assured than that
of Manitoba seemed to be to the doubters of thirty
years ago. In a word, there is fruitful land there,
and a bracing climate fit for industrial man, and therefore
its settlement is certain. It will take time.
Vast forests must be cleared, and not, perhaps, until
railways are built will that day dawn upon Athabasca.
Yet it will come; and it is well to know that, when
it does, there is ample room for the immigrant in
the regions described.
The generation is already born, perhaps
grown, which will recast a famous journalist’s
emphatic phrase, and cry, “Go North!” Well,
we came thence! Our savage ancestors, peradventure,
migrated from the immemorial East, and, in skins and
breech-clouts, rocked the cradle of a supreme race
in Scandinavian snows. It has travelled far to
the enervating South since then; and, to preserve its
hardihood and sway on this continent, must be recreated
in the high latitudes which gave it birth.