It was an ancient and laudable custom
with tradesmen in England always to balance their
accounts of stock, and of profit and loss, at least
once every year; and generally it was done at Christmas,
or New-year’s tide, when they could always tell
whether they went backward or forward, and how their
affairs stood in the world; and though this good custom
is very much lost among tradesmen at this time, yet
there are a great many that do so still, and they
generally call it casting up shop. To speak
the truth, the great occasion of omitting it has been
from the many tradesmen, who do not care to look into
things, and who, fearing their affairs are not right,
care not to know how they go at all, good or bad;
and when I see a tradesman that does not cast up once
a-year, I conclude that tradesman to be in very bad
circumstances, that at least he fears he is so, and
by consequence cares not to inquire.
As casting up the shop is the way
to know every year whether he goes backward or forward,
and is the tradesman’s particular satisfaction,
so he must cast up his books too, or else it will
be very ominous to the tradesman’s credit.
Now, in order to doing this effectually
once a-year, it is needful the tradesman should keep
his books always in order; his day-book duly posted,
his cash duly balanced, and all people’s accounts
always fit for a view. He that delights in his
trade will delight in his books; and, as I said that
he that will thrive must diligently attend his shop
or warehouse, and take up his delight there, so, I
say now, he must also diligently keep his books, or
else he will never know whether he thrives or no.
Exact keeping his books is one essential
part of a tradesman’s prosperity. The books
are the register of his estate, the index of his stock.
All the tradesman has in the world must be found in
these three articles, or some of them:
Goods in the shop; Money in cash; Debts abroad.
The shop will at any time show the
first of these upon a small stop to cast it up; the
cash-chest and bill-box will show the second at demand;
and the ledger when posted will show the last; so that
a tradesman can at any time, at a week’s notice,
cast up all these three; and then, examining his accounts,
to take the balance, which is a real trying what he
is worth in the world.
It cannot be satisfactory to any tradesman
to let his books go unsettled, and uncast up, for
then he knows nothing of himself, or of his circumstances
in the world; the books can tell him at any time what
his condition is, and will satisfy him what is the
condition of his debts abroad.
In order to his regular keeping his
books, several things might be said very useful for
the tradesman to consider:
I. Every thing done in the whole circumference
of his trade must be set down in a book, except the
retail trade; and this is clear, if the goods are
not in bulk, then the money is in cash, and so the
substance will be always found either there, or somewhere
else; for if it is neither in the shop, nor in the
cash, nor in the books, it must be stolen and lost.
II. As every thing done must
be set down in the books, so it should be done at
the very time of it; all goods sold must be entered
in the books before they are sent out of the house;
goods sent away and not entered, are goods lost; and
he that does not keep an exact account of what goes
out and comes in, can never swear to his books, or
prove his debts, if occasion calls for it.
I am not going to set down rules here
for book-keeping, or to teach the tradesman how to
do it, but I am showing the necessity and usefulness
of doing it at all. That tradesman who keeps
no books, may depend upon it he will ere long keep
no trade, unless he resolves also to give no credit.
He that gives no trust, and takes no trust, either
by wholesale or by retail, and keeps his cash all
himself, may indeed go on without keeping any books
at all; and has nothing to do, when he would know his
estate, but to cast up his shop and his cash, and see
how much they amount to, and that is his whole and
neat estate; for as he owes nothing, so nobody is
in debt to him, and all his estate is in his shop;
but I suppose the tradesman that trades wholly thus,
is not yet born, or if there ever were any such, they
are all dead.
A tradesman’s books, like a
Christian’s conscience, should always be kept
clean and clear; and he that is not careful of both
will give but a sad account of himself either to God
or man. It is true, that a great many tradesmen,
and especially shopkeepers, understand but little of
book-keeping; but it is as true that they all understand
something of it, or else they will make but poor work
of shopkeeping.
I knew a tradesman that could not
write, and yet he supplied the defect with so many
ingenious knacks of his own, to secure the account
of what people owed him, and was so exact doing it,
and then took such care to have but very short accounts
with any body, that he brought up his method to be
every way an equivalent to writing; and, as I often
told him, with half the study and application that
those things cost him, he might have learned to write,
and keep books too. He made notches upon sticks
for all the middling sums, and scored with chalk for
lesser things. He had drawers for every particular
customer’s name, which his memory supplied,
for he knew every particular drawer, though he had
a great many, as well as if their faces had been painted
upon them; he had innumerable figures to signify what
he would have written, if he could; and his shelves
and boxes always put me in mind of the Egyptian hieroglyphics,
and nobody understood them, or any thing of them, but
It was an odd thing to see him, when
a country-chap, came up to settle accounts with him;
he would go to a drawer directly, among such a number
as was amazing: in that drawer was nothing but
little pieces of split sticks, like laths, with chalk-marks
on them, all as unintelligible as the signs of the
zodiac are to an old school-mistress that teaches the
horn-book and primer, or as Arabic or Greek is to a
ploughman. Every stick had notches on one side
for single pounds, on the other side for tens of pounds,
and so higher; and the length and breadth also had
its signification, and the colour too; for they were
painted in some places with one colour, and in some
places with anther; by which he knew what goods had
been delivered for the money: and his way of casting
up was very remarkable, for he knew nothing of figures;
but he kept six spoons in a place on purpose, near
his counter, which he took out when he had occasion
to cast up any sum, and, laying the spoons in a row
before him, he counted upon them thus:
By this he told up to six; if he had
any occasion to tell any farther, he began again,
as we do after the number ten in our ordinary numeration;
and by this method, and running them up very quick,
he would count any number under thirty-six, which
was six spoons of six spoons, and then, by the strength
of his head, he could number as many more as he pleased,
multiplying them always by sixes, but never higher.
I give this instance to show how far
the application of a man’s head might go to
supply the defect, but principally to show (and it
does abundantly show it) what an absolute necessity
there is for a tradesman to be very diligent and exact
in keeping his books, and what pains those who understand
their business will always take to do it.
This tradesman was indeed a country
shopkeeper; but he was so considerable a dealer, that
he became mayor of the city which he lived in (for
it was a city, and that a considerable city too), and
his posterity have been very considerable traders
in the same city ever since, and they show their great-grandfather’s
six counting spoons and his hieroglyphics to this
After some time, the old tradesman
bred up two of his sons to his business, and the young
men having learned to write, brought books into the
counting-house, things their father had never used
before; but the old man kept to his old method for
all that, and would cast up a sum, and make up an
account with his spoons and his drawers, as soon as
they could with their pen and ink, if it were not
too full of small articles, and that he had always
avoided in his business.
However, as I have said above, this
evidently shows the necessity of book-keeping to a
tradesman, and the very nature of the thing evidences
also that it must be done with the greatest exactness.
He that does not keep his books exactly, and so as
that he may depend upon them for charging his debtors,
had better keep no books at all, but, like my shopkeeper,
score and notch every thing; for as books well kept
make business regular, easy, and certain, so books
neglected turn all into confusion, and leave the tradesman
in a wood, which he can never get out of without damage
and loss. If ever his dealers know that his books
are ill kept, they play upon him, and impose horrid
forgeries and falsities upon him: whatever he
omits they catch at, and leave it out; whatever they
put upon him, he is bound to yield to; so that, in
short, as books well kept are the security of the
tradesman’s estate, and the ascertaining of
his debts, so books ill kept will assist every knavish
customer or chapman to cheat and deceive him.
Some men keep a due and exact entry
or journal of all they sell, or perhaps of all they
buy or sell, but are utterly remiss in posting it
forward to a ledger; that is to say, to another book,
where every parcel is carried to the debtor’s
particular account. Likewise they keep another
book, where they enter all the money they receive,
but, as above, never keeping any account for the man;
there it stands in the cash-book, and both these books
must be ransacked over for the particulars, as well
of goods sold, as of the money received, when this
customer comes to have his account made up; and as
the goods are certainly entered when sold or sent
away, and the money is certainly entered when it is
received, this they think is sufficient, and all the
rest superfluous.
I doubt not such tradesmen often suffer
as much by their slothfulness and neglect of book-keeping,
as might, especially if their business is considerable,
pay for a book-keeper; for what is such a man’s
case, when his customer, suppose a country dealer,
comes to town, which perhaps he does once a-year (as
in the custom of other tradesmen), and desires to
have his account made up? The London tradesman
goes to his books, and first he rummages his day-book
back for the whole year, and takes out the foot
of all the parcels sent to his chapman, and they make
the debtor side of the account; then he takes his cash-book,
if it deserves that name, and there he takes out all
the sums of money which the chapman has sent up, or
bills which he has received, and these make the creditor
side of the account; and so the balance is drawn out,
and this man thinks himself a mighty good accountant,
that he keeps his books exactly; and so perhaps he
does, as far as he keeps them at all; that is to say,
he never sends a parcel away to his customer, but he
enters it down, and never receives a bill from him,
but he sets it down when the money is paid; but now
take this man and his chap, together, as they are
making up this account. The chapman, a sharp clever
tradesman, though a countryman, has his pocket-book
with him, and in it a copy of his posting-book, so
the countrymen call a ledger, where the London tradesman’s
accounts are copied out; and when the city tradesman
has drawn out his account, he takes it to his inn
and examines it by his little book, and what is the
If the city tradesman has omitted
any of the bills which the country tradesman has sent
him up, he finds it out, and is sure to put him in
mind of it. ‘Sir,’ says he, ’you
had a bill from me upon Mr A.G. at such a time, for
thirty pounds, and I have your letter that you received
the money; but you have omitted it in the account,
so that I am not so much in your debt by thirty pounds,
as you thought I was.’
‘Say you so!’ says the
city tradesman; ’I cannot think but you must
be mistaken.’
‘No, no!’ says the other,
’I am sure I can’t be mistaken, for I have
it in my book; besides, I can go to Mr A.G., whom
the bill was drawn upon, and there is, to be sure,
your own endorsement upon it, and a receipt for the
‘Well,’ says the citizen,
’I keep my books as exact as any body I’ll
look again, and if it be there I shall find it, for
I am sure if I had it, it is in my cash-book.’
‘Pray do, then,’ says
the countryman, ’for I am sure I sent it you,
and I am sure I can produce the bill, if there be
Away goes the tradesman to his books,
which he pretends he keeps so exact, and examining
them over again, he finds the bill for thirty pounds
entered fairly, but in his running the whole year over
together, as well he might, he had overlooked it,
whereas, if his cash-book had been duly posted every
week, as it ought to have been, this bill had been
regularly placed to account.
But now, observe the difference:
the bill for thirty pounds being omitted, was no damage
to the country tradesman, because he has an account
of it in his book of memorandums, and had it regularly
posted in his books at home, whatever the other had,
and also was able to bring sufficient proof of the
payment; so the London tradesman’s omission was
no hurt to him.
But the case differs materially in
the debtor side of the account; for here the tradesman,
who with all his boasts of keeping his books exactly,
has yet no ledger, which being, as I have said, duly
posted, should show every man’s account at one
view; and being done every week, left it scarce possible
to omit any parcel that was once entered in the day-book
or journal I say, the tradesman keeping
no ledger, he looks over his day-book for the whole
year past, to draw up the debtor side of his customer’s
account, and there being a great many parcels, truly
he overlooks one or two of them, or suppose but one
of them, and gives the chapman the account, in which
he sums up his debtor side so much, suppose L136,
10s.: the chapman examining this by his book,
as he did the cash, finds two parcels, one L7, 15s.,
and the other L9, 13s., omitted; so that by his own
book his debtor side was L153, 18s.; but being a cunning
sharp tradesman, and withal not exceeding honest, ’Well,
well,’ says he to himself, ’if Mr G. says
it is no more than L136, 10s. what have I to do to
contradict him? it is none of my business to keep
his books for him; it is time enough for me to reckon
for it when he charges me.’ So he goes
back to him the next day, and settles accounts with
him, pays him the balance in good bills which he brought
up with him for that purpose, takes a receipt in full
of all accounts and demands to such a day of the month,
and the next day comes and looks out another parcel
of goods, and so begins an account for the next year,
like a current chapman, and has the credit of an extraordinary
customer that pays well, and clears his accounts every
year; which he had not done had he not seen the advantage,
and so strained himself to pay, that he might get
a receipt in full of all accounts.
It happens some years after that this
city tradesman dies, and his executors finding his
accounts difficult to make up, there being no books
to be found but a day-book and a cash-book, they get
some skilful book-keeper to look into them, who immediately
sees that the only way to bring the accounts to a
head, is to form a ledger out of the other two, and
post every body’s account into it from the beginning;
for though it were a long way back, there is no other
In doing this, they come to this mistake,
among a great many others of the like kind in other
chapmen’s accounts; upon this they write to the
chapman, and tell him they find him debtor to the estate
of the deceased in such a sum of money, and desire
him to make payment.
The country shopkeeper huffs them,
tells them he always made up accounts with Mr. G.,
the deceased, once a-year, as he did with all his other
chapmen, and that he took his receipt in full of all
accounts and demands, upon paying the balance to him
at such a time; which receipt he has to show; and
that he owes him nothing, or but such a sum, being
the account of goods bought since.
The executors finding the mistake,
and how it happened, endeavour to convince him of
it; but it is all one-he wants no convincing, for he
knows at bottom how it is; but being a little of a
knave himself, or if you please, not a little, he
tells them he cannot enter into the accounts so far
back Mr G. always told him he kept his books
very exactly, and he trusted to him; and as he has
his receipt in full, and it is so long ago, he can
say nothing to it.
From hence they come to quarrel, and
the executors threaten him with going to law; but
he bids them defiance, and insists upon his receipt
in full; and besides that, it is perhaps six years
ago, and so he tells them he will plead the statute
of limitations upon them; and then adds, that he does
not do it avoid a just debt, but to avoid being imposed
upon, he not understanding books so well as Mr G. pretended
to do; and having balanced accounts so long ago with
him, he stands by the balance, and has nothing to
say to their mistakes, not he. So that, in short,
not finding any remedy, they are forced to sit down
by the loss; and perhaps in the course of twenty years’
trade, Mr G. might lose a great many such parcels
in the whole; and had much better have kept a ledger;
or if he did not know how to keep a ledger himself,
had better have hired a book-keeper to have come once
a-week, or once a-month, to have posted his day-book
for him.
The like misfortune attends the not
balancing his cash, a thing which such book-keepers
as Mr G. do not think worth their trouble; nor do they
understand the benefit of it. The particulars,
indeed, of this article are tedious, and would be
too long for a chapter; but certainly they that know
any thing of the use of keeping an exact cash-book,
know that, without it, a tradesman can never be thoroughly
satisfied either of his own not committing mistakes,
or of any people cheating him, I mean servants, or
sons, or whoever is the first about him.
What I call balancing his cash-book,
is, first, the casting up daily, or weekly, or monthly,
his receipts and payments, and then seeing what money
is left in hand, or, as the usual expression of the
tradesman is, what money is in cash; secondly, the
examining his money, telling it over, and seeing how
much he has in his chest or bags, and then seeing
if it agrees with the balance of his book, that what
is, and what should be, correspond.
And here let me give tradesmen a caution or two.
1. Never sit down satisfied with
an error in the cash; that is to say, with a difference
between the money really in the cash, and the balance
in the book; for if they do not agree, there must be
a mistake somewhere, and while there is a mistake
in the cash, the tradesman cannot, at least he ought
not to be, easy. He that can be easy with a mistake
in his cash, may be easy with a gang of thieves in
his house; for if his money does not come right, he
must have paid something that is not set down, and
that is to be supposed as bad as if it were lost;
or he must have somebody about him that can find the
way to his money besides himself, that is to say,
somebody that should not come to it; and if so, what
is the difference between that and having a gang of
thieves about him? for every one that takes
money out of his cash without his leave, and without
letting him know it, is so far a thief to him:
and he can never pretend to balance his cash, nor,
indeed, know any thing of his affairs, that does not
know which way his money goes.
2. A tradesman endeavouring to
balance his cash, should no more be satisfied if he
finds a mistake in his cash one way, than another that
is to say, if he finds more in cash than by the balance
of his cash-book ought to be there, than if he finds
less, or wanting in cash. I know many, who, when
they find it thus, sit down satisfied, and say, ’Well,
there is an error, and I don’t know where it
lies; but come, it is an error on the right hand;
I have more cash in hand than I should have, that
is all, so I am well enough; let it go; I shall find
it some time or other.’ But the tradesman
ought to consider that he is quite in the dark; and
as he does not really know where it lies, so, for ought
he knows, the error may really be to his loss very
considerably and the case is very plain,
that it is as dangerous to be over, as it would be
to be under; he should, therefore, never give it over
till he has found it out, and brought it to rights.
For example:
If there appears to be more money
in the cash than there is by the balance in the cash-book,
this must follow namely, that some parcel
of money must have been received, which is not entered
in the book; now, till the tradesman knows what sum
of money this is, that is thus not entered, how can
he tell but the mistake may be quite the other way,
and the cash be really wrong to his loss? Thus,
My cash-book being cast up for the
last month, I find, by the foot of the leaf, there
is cash remaining in hand to balance L176, 10d.
To see if all things are right, I
go and tell my money over, and there, to my surprise,
I find L194, 10d. in cash, so that I have L18 there
more than I should have. Now, far from being pleased
that I have more money by me than I should have, my
inquiry is plain, ’How comes this to pass?’
Perhaps I puzzle my head a great while
about it, but not being able to find out, I sit down
easy and satisfied, and say, ’Well, I don’t
much concern myself about it; it is better to be so
than L18 missing; I cannot tell where it lies, but
let it lie where it will, here is the money to make
up the mistake when it appears.’
But how foolish is this! how ill-grounded
the satisfaction! and how weak am I to argue thus,
and please myself with the delusion! For some
months after, it appears, perhaps, that whereas there
was L38 entered, received of Mr B.K., the figure 3
was mistaken, and set down for a figure of 5, for
the sum received was L58; so that, instead of having
L18 more in cash than there ought to be, I have 40s.
wanting in my cash, which my son or my apprentice
stole from me when they put in the money, and made
the mistake of the figures to puzzle the book, that
it might be some time before it should be discovered.
Upon the whole, take it as a rule,
the tradesman ought to be as unsatisfied when he finds
a mistake to his gain in his cash, as when he finds
it to his loss; and it is every whit as dangerous,
nay, it is the more suspicious, because it seems to
be laid as a bait for him to stop his mouth, and to
prevent further inquiries; and it is on that account
that I leave this caution upon record, that the tradesman
may be duly alarmed.
The keeping a cash-book is one of
the nicest parts of a tradesman’s business,
because there is always the bag and the book to be
brought together, and if they do not exactly speak
the same language, even to a farthing, there must
be some omission; and how big or how little that omission
may be, who knows, or how shall it be known, but by
casting and recasting up, telling, and telling over
and over again, the money?
If there is but twenty shillings over
in the money, the question is, ‘How came it
there?’ It must be received somewhere, and of
somebody, more than is entered; and how can the cash-keeper,
be he master or servant, know but more was received
with it, which is not, and should have been, entered,
and so the loss may be the other way? It is true,
in telling money there may have been a mistake, and
he that received a sum of money may have received
twenty shillings too much, or five pounds too much and
such a mistake I have known to be made in the paying
and receiving of money and a man’s
cash has been more perplexed, and his mind more distracted
about it, than the five pounds have been worth, because
he could not find it out, till some accident has discovered
it; and the reason is, because not knowing which
way it could come there, he could not know but some
omission might be made to his loss another way, as
in the case above mentioned.
I knew, indeed, a strong waterman,
who drove a very considerable trade, but, being an
illiterate tradesman, never balanced his cash-book
for many years, nor scarce posted his other books,
and, indeed, hardly understood how to do it; but knowing
his trade was exceedingly profitable, and keeping
his money all himself, he was easy, and grew rich
apace, in spite of the most unjustifiable, and, indeed,
the most intolerable, negligence; but lest this should
be pleaded as an exception to my general rule, and
to invalidate the argument, give me leave to add,
that, though this man grew rich in spite of indolence,
and a neglect of his book, yet, when he died, two
things appeared, which no tradesman in his wits would
desire should be said of him.
I. The servants falling out, and maliciously
accusing one another, had, as it appeared by the affidavits
of several of them, wronged him of several considerable
sums of money, which they received, and never brought
into the books; and others, of sums which they brought
into the books, but never brought into the cash; and
others, of sums which they took ready money in the
shop, and never set down, either the goods in the
day-book, or the money into the cash-book; and it was
thought, though he was so rich as not to feel it,
that is, not to his hurt, yet that he lost three or
four hundred pounds a-year in that manner, for the
two or three last years of his life; but his widow
and son, who came after him, having the discovery
made to them, took better measures afterwards.
II. He never did, or could know,
what he was worth, for the accounts in his books were
never made up; nor when he came to die, could his
executors make up any man’s account, so as to
be able to prove the particulars, and make a just
demand of their debt, but found a prodigious number
of small sums of money paid by the debtors, as by
receipts in their books and on their files, some by
himself, and some by his man, which were never brought
to account, or brought into cash; and his man’s
answer being still, that he gave all to the master,
they could not tell how to charge him by the master’s
account, because several sums, which the master himself
received, were omitted being entered in the same manner,
so that all was confusion and neglect; and though the
man died rich, it was in spite of that management that
would have made any but himself have died poor.
Exact book-keeping is to me the effect
of a man whose heart is in his business, and who intends
to thrive. He that cares not whether his books
are kept well or no, is in my opinion one that does
not much care whether he thrives or no; or else, being
in desperate circumstances, knows it, and that he
cannot, or does not thrive, and so matters not which
way it goes.
It is true, the neglect of the books
is private and secret, and is seldom known to any
body but the tradesman himself, at least till he comes
to break, and be a bankrupt, and then you frequently
hear them exclaim against him, upon that very account.
‘Break!’ says one of the assignees; ’how
should he but break? why, he kept no books;
you never saw books kept in such a scandalous manner
in your life; why, he has not posted his cash-book,
for I know not how many months; nor posted his day-book
and journal at all, except here and there an account
that he perhaps wanted to know the balance of; and
as for balancing his cash, I don’t see any thing
of that done, I know not how long. Why, this fellow
could never tell how he went on, or how things stood
with him: I wonder he did not break a long time
Now, the man’s case was this:
he knew how to keep his books well enough, perhaps,
and could write well enough; and if you look into his
five or six first years of trade, you find all his
accounts well kept, the journal duly posted, the cash
monthly balanced; but the poor man found after that,
that things went wrong, that he went backwards, and
that all went down-hill, and he hated to look into
his books. As a profligate never looks into his
conscience, because he can see nothing there but what
terrifies and affrights him, makes him uneasy and melancholy,
so a sinking tradesman cares not to look into his
books, because the prospect there is dark and melancholy.
‘What signify the accounts to me?’ says
he; ’I can see nothing in the books but debts
that 1 cannot pay, and debtors that will never pay;
I can see nothing there but how I have trusted my
estate away like a fool, and how I am to be ruined
for my easiness, and being a sot:’ and
this makes him throw them away, and hardly post things
enough to make up when folks call to pay; or if he
does post such accounts as he has money to receive
from, that’s all, and the rest lie at random,
till, as I say, the assignees come to reproach him
with his negligence.
Whereas, in truth, the man understood
his books well enough, but had no heart to look in
them, no courage to balance them, because of the afflicting
prospect of them.
But let me here advise tradesmen to
keep a perfect acquaintance with their books, though
things are bad and discouraging; it keeps them in
full knowledge of what they are doing, and how they
really stand; and it brings them sometimes to the
just reflections on their circumstances which they
ought to make; so to stop in time, as I hinted before,
and not let things run too far before they are surprised
and torn to pieces by violence.
And, at the worst, even a declining
tradesman should not let his books be neglected; if
his creditors find them punctually kept to the last,
it will be a credit to him, and they would see he
was a man fit for business; and I have known when
that very thing has recommended a tradesman so much
to his creditors, that after the ruin of his fortunes,
some or other of them have taken him into business,
as into partnership, or into employment, only because
they knew him to be qualified for business, and for
keeping books in particular.
But if we should admonish the tradesman
to an exact and regular care of his books, even in
his declining fortunes, much more should it be his
care in his beginning, and before any disaster has
befallen him. I doubt not, that many a tradesman
has miscarried by the mistakes and neglect of his
books; for the losses that men suffer on that account
are not easily set down; but I recommend it to a tradesman
to take exact care of his books, as I would to every
man to take care of his diet and temperate living,
in order to their health; for though, according to
some, we cannot, by all our care and caution, lengthen
out life, but that every one must and shall live their
appointed time, yet, by temperance and regular
conduct, we may make that life more comfortable, more
agreeable, and pleasant, by its being more healthy
and hearty; so, though the exactest book-keeping cannot
be said to make a tradesman thrive, or that he shall
stand the longer in his business, because his profit
and loss do not depend upon his books, or the goodness
of his debts depend upon the debtor’s accounts
being well posted, yet this must be said, that the
well keeping of his books may be the occasion of his
trade being carried on with the more ease and pleasure,
and the more satisfaction, by having numberless quarrels,
and contentions, and law-suits, which are the plagues
of a tradesman’s life, prevented and avoided;
which, on the contrary, often torment a tradesman,
and make his whole business be uneasy to him for want
of being able to make a regular proof of things by
his books.
A tradesman without his books, in
case of a law-suit for a debt, is like a married woman
without her certificate. How many times has a
woman been cast, and her cause not only lost, but
her reputation and character exposed, for want of
being able to prove her marriage, though she has been
really and honestly married, and has merited a good
character all her days? And so in trade, many
a debt has been lost, many an account been perplexed
by the debtor, many a sum of money been recovered,
and actually paid over again, especially after the
tradesman has been dead, for want of hits keeping
his books carefully and exactly when he was alive;
by which negligence, if he has not been ruined when
he was living, his widow and children have been ruined
after his decease; though, had justice been done,
he had left them in good circumstances, and with sufficient
to support them.
And this brings me to another principal
reason why a tradesman should not only keep books,
but be very regular and exact in keeping them in order,
that is to say, duly posted, and all his affairs exactly
and duly entered in his books; and this is, that if
he should be surprised by sudden or unexpected sickness,
or death, as many are, and as all may be, his accounts
may not be left intricate and unsettled, and his affairs
thereby be perplexed.
Next to being prepared for death,
with respect to Heaven and his soul, a tradesman should
be always in a state of preparation for death, with
respect to his books; it is in vain that he calls for
a scrivener or lawyer, and makes a will, when he finds
a sudden summons sent him for the grave, and calls
his friends about him to divide and settle his estate;
if his business is in confusion below stairs, his books
out of order, and his accounts unsettled, to what
purpose does he give his estate among his relations,
when nobody knows where to find it?
As, then, the minister exhorts us
to take care of our souls, and make our peace with
Heaven, while we are in a state of health, and while
life has no threatening enemies about it, no diseases,
no fevers attending; so let me second that advice
to the tradesman always to keep his books in such
a posture, that if he should be snatched away by death,
his distressed widow and fatherless family may know
what is left for them, and may know where to look
for it. He may depend upon it, that what he owes
to any one they will come fast enough for, and his
widow and executrix will be pulled to pieces for it,
if she cannot and does not speedily pay it. Why,
then, should he not put her in a condition to have
justice done her and her children, and to know how
and of whom to seek for his just debts, that she may
be able to pay others, and secure the remainder for
herself and her children? I must confess, a tradesman
not to leave his books in order when he dies, argues
him to be either.
1. A very bad Christian, who
had few or no thoughts of death upon him, or that
considered nothing of its frequent coming unexpected
and sudden without warning; or,
2. A very unnatural relation,
without the affections of a father, or a husband,
or even of a friend, that should rather leave what
he had to be swallowed up by strangers, than leave
his family and friends in a condition to find, and
to recover it.
Again, it is the same case as in matters
religious, with respect to the doing this in time,
and while health and strength remain. For, as
we say very well, and with great reason, that the
work of eternity should not be left to the last moments;
that a death-bed is no place, and a sick languishing
body no condition, and the last breath no time, for
repentance; so I may add, neither are these the place,
the condition, nor the time, to make up our accounts.
There is no posting the books on a death-bed, or balancing
the cash-book in a high fever. Can the tradesman
tell you where his effects lie, and to whom he has
lent or trusted sums of money, or large quantities
of goods, when he is delirious and light-headed?
All these things must be done in time, and the tradesman
should take care that his books should always do this
for him, and then he has nothing to do but make his
will, and dispose of what he has; and for the rest
he refers them to his books, to know where every thing
is to be had.