Credit is, or ought to be, the tradesman’s
mistress; but I must tell him too, he must
not think of ever casting her off, for if once he loses
her, she hardly ever returns; and yet she has one quality,
in which she differs from most of the ladies who go
by that name if you court her, she is gone;
if you manage so wisely as to make her believe you
really do not want her, she follows and courts you.
But, by the way, no tradesman can be in so good circumstances
as to say he does not want, that is, does not stand
in need of credit.
Credit, next to real stock, is the
foundation, the life and soul, of business in a private
tradesman; it is his prosperity; it is his support
in the substance of his whole trade; even in public
matters, it is the strengh and fund of a nation.
We felt, in the late wars, the consequence of both
the extremes namely, of wanting and of enjoying
a complete fund of credit.
Credit makes war, and makes peace;
raises armies, fits out navies, fights battles, besieges
towns; and, in a word, it is more justly called the
sinews of war than the money itself, because it
can do all these things without money nay,
it will bring in money to be subservient, though it
be independent.
Credit makes the soldier fight without
pay, the armies march without provisions, and it makes
tradesmen keep open shop without stock. The force
of credit is not to be described by words; it is an
impregnable fortification, either for a nation, or
for a single man in business; and he that has credit
is invulnerable, whether he has money or no; nay, it
will make money, and, which is yet more, it will make
money without an intrinsic, without the materia
medica (as the doctors have it); it adds a value,
and supports whatever value it adds, to the meanest
substance; it makes paper pass for money, and fills
the Exchequer and the banks with as many millions
as it pleases, upon demand. As I said in last
chapter, it increases commerce; so, I may add, it makes
trade, and makes the whole kingdom trade for many
millions more than the national specie can amount
It may be true, as some allege, that
we cannot drive a trade for more goods than we have
to trade with, but then it is as true, that it is by
the help of credit that we can increase the quantity,
and that more goods are made to trade with than would
otherwise be; more goods are brought to market than
they could otherwise sell; and even in the last consumption,
how many thousands of families wear out their clothes
before they pay for them, and eat their dinner upon
tick with the butcher! Nay, how many thousands
who could not buy any clothes, if they were to pay
for them in ready money, yet buy them at a venture
upon their credit, and pay for them as they can!
Trade is anticipated by credit, and
it grows by the anticipation; for men often buy clothes
before they pay for them, because they want clothes
before they can spare the money; and these are so many
in number, that really they add a great stroke to
the bulk of our inland trade. How many families
have we in England that live upon credit, even to
the tune of two or three years’ rent of their
revenue, before it comes in! so that they
must be said to eat the calf in the cow’s
belly. This encroachment they make upon the
stock in trade; and even this very article may state
the case: I doubt not but at this time the land
owes to the trade some millions sterling; that is to
say, the gentlemen owe to the tradesmen so much money,
which, at long run, the rents of their lands must
The tradesmen having, then, trusted
the landed men with so much, where must they have
it but by giving credit also to one another? Trusting
their goods and money into trade, one launching out
into the hands of another, and forbearing payment
till the lands make it good out of their produce,
that is to say, out of their rents.
The trade is not limited; the produce
of lands may be and is restrained. Trade cannot
exceed the bounds of the goods it can sell; but while
trade can increase its stock of cash by credit, it
can increase its stock of goods for sale, and then
it has nothing to do but to find a market to sell
at; and this we have done in all parts of the world,
still by the force of our stocks being so increased.
Thus, credit raising stock at home,
that stock enables us to give credit abroad; and thus
the quantity of goods which we make, and which is
infinitely increased at home, enables us to find or
force a vent abroad. This is apparent, our home
trade having so far increased our manufacture, that
England may be said to be able almost to clothe the
whole world; and in our carrying on the foreign trade
wholly upon the English stocks, giving credit to almost
all the nations of the world; for it is evident, our
stocks lie at this time upon credit in the warehouses
of the merchants in Spain and Portugal, Holland and
Germany, Italy and Turkey; nay, in New Spain and Brazil.
The exceeding quantity of goods thus
raised in England cannot be supposed to be the mere
product of the solid wealth and stocks of the English
people; we do not pretend to it; the joining those
stocks to the value of goods, always appearing in
England in the hands of the manufacturers, tradesmen,
and merchants, and to the wealth which appears in
shipping, in stock upon land, and in the current coin
of the nation, would amount to such a prodigy of stock,
as not all Europe could pretend to.
But all this is owing to the prodigious
thing called credit, the extent of which in the British
trade is as hard to be valued, as the benefit of it
to England is really not to be described. It must
be likewise said, to the honour of our English tradesman,
that they understand how to manage the credit they
both give and take, better than any other tradesmen
in the world; indeed, they have a greater opportunity
to improve it, and make use of it, and therefore may
be supposed to be more ready in making the best of
their credit, than any other nations are.
Hence it is that we frequently find
tradesmen carrying on a prodigious trade with but
a middling stock of their own, the rest being all managed
by the force of their credit; for example, I have known
a man in a private warehouse in London trade for forty
thousand pounds a-year sterling, and carry on such
a return for many years together, and not have one
thousand pounds’ stock of his own, or not more all
the rest has been carried on upon credit, being the
stocks of other men running continually through his
hands; and this is not practised now and then, as
a great rarity, but is very frequent in trade, and
may be seen every day, as what in its degree runs
through the whole body of the tradesmen in England.
Every tradesman both gives and takes
credit, and the new mode of setting it up over their
shop and warehouse doors, in capital letters, No
trust by retail, is a presumption in trade; and
though it may have been attempted in some trades,
was never yet brought to any perfection; and most
of those trades, who were the forwardest to set it
up, have been obliged to take it down again, or act
contrary to it in their business, or see some very
good customers go away from them to other shops, who,
though they have not brought money with them, have
yet good foundations to make any tradesmen trust them,
and who do at proper times make payments punctual
On the contrary, instead of giving
no trust by retail, we see very considerable families
who buy nothing but on trust; even bread, beer, butter,
cheese, beef, and mutton, wine, groceries, &c, being
the things which even with the meanest families are
generally sold for ready money. Thus I have known
a family, whose revenue has been some thousands a-year,
pay their butcher, and baker, and grocer, and cheesemonger,
by a hundred pounds at a time, and be generally a
hundred more in each of their debts, and yet the tradesmen
have thought it well worth while to trust them, and
their pay has in the end been very honest and good.
This is what I say brings land so
much in debt to trade, and obliges the tradesman to
take credit of one another; and yet they do not lose
by it neither, for the tradesmen find it in the price,
and they take care to make such families pay warmly
for the credit, in the rate of their goods; nor can
it be expected it should be otherwise, for unless the
profit answered it, the tradesman could not afford
to be so long without his money.
This credit takes its beginning in
our manufactures, even at the very first of the operation,
for the master manufacturer himself begins it.
Take a country clothier, or bay-maker, or what other
maker of goods you please, provided he be one that
puts out the goods to the making; it is true that
the poor spinners and weavers cannot trust; the first
spin for their bread, and the last not only weave
for their bread, but they have several workmen and
boys under them, who are very poor, and if they should
want their pay on Saturday night, must want their dinner
on Sunday; and perhaps would be in danger of starving
with their families, by the next Saturday.
But though the clothier cannot have
credit for spinning and weaving, he buys his wool
at the stapler’s or fellmonger’s, and he
gets two or three months’ credit for that; he
buys his oil and soap of the country shopkeeper, or
has it sent down from his factor at London, and he
gets longer credit for that, and the like of all other
things; so that a clothier of any considerable business,
when he comes to die, shall appear to be L4000 or
L5000 in debt.
But, then, look into his books, and
you shall find his factor at Blackwell Hall, who sells
his cloths, or the warehouse-keeper who sells his
duroys and druggets, or both together, have L2000 worth
of goods in hand left unsold, and has trusted out
to drapers, and mercers, and merchants, to the value
of L4000 more; and look into his workhouse at home,
namely, his wool-lofts, his combing-shop, his yarn-chamber,
and the like, and there you will find it in
wool unspun, and in yarn spun, and in wool at the
spinners’, and in yarn at and in the looms at
the weavers’; in rape-oil, gallipoli oil, and
perhaps soap, &c, in his warehouses, and in cloths
at the fulling-mill, and in his rowing-shops, finished
and unfinished, L4000 worth of goods more; so that,
though this clothier owed L5000 at his death, he has
nevertheless died in good circumstances, and has L5000
estate clear to go among his children, all his debts
paid and discharged. However, it is evident, that
at the very beginning of this manufacturer’s
trade, his L5000 stock is made L10,000, by the help
of his credit, and he trades for three times as much
in the year; so that L5000 stock makes L10,000 stock
and credit, and that together makes L30,000 a-year
returned in trade.
When you come from him to the warehouse-keeper
in London, there you double and treble upon it, to
an unknown degree; for the London wholesale man shall
at his death appear to have credit among the country
clothiers for L10,000 or L15,000, nay, to L20,000,
and yet have kept up an unspotted credit all his days.
When he is dead, and his executors
or widow come to look into things, they are frightened
with the very appearance of such a weight of debts,
and begin to doubt how his estate will come out at
the end of it. But when they come to cast up
his books and his warehouse, they find,
In debts abroad, perhaps L30,
In goods in his warehouse L12,000
So that, in a word, the man has died
immensely rich; that is to say, worth between L20,000
and L30,000, only that, having been a long standard
in trade, and having a large stock, he drove a very
great business, perhaps to the tune of L60,000 or
L70,000 a-year; so that, of all the L30,000 owing,
there may be very little of it delivered above four
to six months, and the debtors being many of them considerable
merchants, and good paymasters, there is no difficulty
in getting in money enough to clear all his own debts;
and the widow and children being left well, are not
in such haste for the rest but that it comes in time
enough to make them easy; and at length it all comes
in, or with but a little loss.
As it is thus in great things, it
is the same in proportion with small; so that in all
the trade of England, you may reckon two-thirds of
it carried on upon credit; in which reckoning I suppose
I speak much within compass, for in some trades there
is four parts of five carried on so, and in some more.
All these things serve to show the
infinite value of which credit is to the tradesman,
as well as to trade itself; and it is for this reason
I have closed my instructions with this part of the
discourse. Credit is the choicest jewel the tradesman
is trusted with; it is better than money many ways;
if a man has L10,000 in money, he may certainly trade
for L10,000, and if he has no credit, he cannot trade
for a shilling more.
But how often have we seen men, by
the mere strength of their credit, trade for ten thousand
pounds a-year, and have not one groat of real stock
of their own left in the world! Nay, I can say
it of my own knowledge, that I have known a tradesman
trade for ten thousand pounds a-year, and carry it
on with full credit to the last gasp, then die, and
break both at once; that is to say, die unsuspected,
and yet, when his estate has been cast up, appear
to be five thousand pounds worse than nothing in the
world: how he kept up his credit, and made good
his payments so long, is indeed the mystery, and makes
good what I said before, namely, that as none trade
so much upon credit in the world, so none know so
well how to improve and manage credit to their real
advantage, as the English tradesmen do; and we have
many examples of it, among our bankers especially,
of which I have not room to enter at this time into
the discourse, though it would afford a great many
diverting particulars.
I have mentioned on several occasions
in this work, how nice and how dainty a dame this
credit is, how soon she is affronted and disobliged,
and how hard to be recovered, when once distasted and
fled; particularly in the story of the tradesman who
told his friends in a public coffee-house that he
was broke, and should shut up his shop the next day.
I have hinted how chary we ought to be of one another’s
credit, and that we should take care as much of our
neighbour tradesman’s credit as we would of
his life, or as we would of firing his house, and,
consequently, the whole street.
Let me close all with a word to the
tradesman himself, that if it be so valuable to him,
and his friends should be all so chary of injuring
his reputation, certainly he should be very chary
of it himself. The tradesman that is not as tender
of his credit as he is of his eyes, or of his wife
and children, neither deserves credit, nor will long
be master of it.
As credit is a coy mistress, and will
not easily be courted, so she is a mighty nice touchy
lady, and is soon affronted; if she is ill used, she
flies at once, and it is a very doubtful thing whether
ever you gain her favour again.
Some may ask me here, ’How comes
it to pass, since she is so nice and touchy a lady,
that so many clowns court and carry her, and so many
fools keep her so long?’ My answer is, that those
clowns have yet good breeding enough to treat her
civilly; he must be a fool indeed that will give way
to have his credit injured, and sit still and be quiet-that
will not bustle and use his utmost industry to vindicate
his own reputation, and preserve his credit.
But the main question for a tradesman
in this case, and which I have not spoken of yet,
is, ’What is the man to do to preserve his credit?
What are the methods that a young tradesman is to
take, to gain a good share of credit in his beginning,
and to preserve and maintain it when it is gained?’
Every tradesman’s credit is
supposed to be good at first. He that begins
without credit, is an unhappy wretch of a tradesman
indeed, and may be said to be broke even before he
sets up; for what can a man do, who by any misfortune
in his conduct during his apprenticeship, or by some
ill character upon him so early, begins with a blast
upon his credit? My advice to such a young man
would be, not to set up at all; or if he did, to stay
for some time, till by some better behaviour, either
as a journeyman, or as an assistant in some other
man’s shop or warehouse, he had recovered himself;
or else to go and set up in some other place or town
remote from that where he has been bred; for he must
have a great assurance that can flatter himself to
set up, and believe he shall recover a lost reputation.
But take a young tradesman as setting
up with the ordinary stock, that is to say, a negative
character, namely, that he has done nothing to hurt
his character, nothing to prejudice his behaviour,
and to give people a suspicion of him: what,
then, is the first principle on which to build a tradesman’s
reputation? and what is it he is to do?
The answer is short. Two things
raise credit in trade, and, I may say, they are the
only things required; there are some necessary addenda,
but these are the fundamentals.
1. Industr. Honesty.
I have dwelt upon the first; the last
I have but a few words to say to, but they will be
very significant; indeed, that head requires no comment,
no explanations or enlargements: nothing can support
credit, be it public or private, but honesty; a punctual
dealing, a general probity in every transaction.
He that once breaks through his honesty, violates
his credit once denominate a man a knave,
and you need not forbid any man to trust him.
Even in the public it appears to be
the same thing. Let any man view the public credit
in its present flourishing circumstances, and compare
it with the latter end of the years of King Charles
II. after the Exchequer had been shut up, parliamentary
appropriations misapplied, and, in a word, the public
faith broken; who would lend? Seven or eight per
cent, was given for anticipations in King William’s
time, though no new fraud had been offered, only because
the old debts were unpaid; and how hard was it to
get any one to lend money at all!
But, after by a long series of just
and punctual dealing, the Parliament making good all
the deficient funds, and paying even those debts for
which no provision was made, and the like, how is the
credit restored, the public faith made sacred again,
and how money flows into the Exchequer without calling
for, and that at three or four per cent. interest,
even from foreign countries as well as from our own
people! They that have credit can never want
money; and this credit is to be raised by no other
method, whether by private tradesmen, or public bodies
of men, by nations and governments, but by a general
probity and an honest punctual dealing.
The reason of this case is as plain
as the assertion; the cause is in itself; no man lends
his money but with an expectation of receiving it
again with the interest. If the borrower pays
it punctually without hesitations and défalcations,
without difficulties, and, above all, without compulsion,
what is the consequence? he is called an
honest man, he has the reputation of a punctual fair
dealer. And what then? why, then,
he may borrow again whenever he will, he may take up
money and goods, or anything, upon his bare words,
or note; when another man must give bondsmen, or mainprize,
that is, a pawn or pledge for security, and hardly
be trusted to neither. This is credit.
It is not the quality of the person
would give credit to his dealing; not kings, princes,
emperors, it is all one; nay, a private shopkeeper
shall borrow money much easier than a prince, if the
credit of the tradesman has the reputation of being
an honest man. Not the crown itself can give
credit to the head that wears it, if once he that wears
it comes but to mortgage his honour in the matter of
payment of money.
Who would have lent King Charles II.
fifty pounds on the credit of his word or bond, after
the shutting up the Exchequer? The royal word
was made a jest of, and the character of the king
was esteemed a fluttering trifle, which no man would
venture upon, much less venture his money upon.
In King William’s time the case
was much the same at first; though the king had not
broken his credit then with any man, yet how did they
break their faith with the whole world, by the deficiency
of the funds, the giving high and ruinous interest
to men almost as greedy as vultures, the causing the
government to pay great and extravagant rates for what
they bought, and great premiums for what they borrowed these
were the injuries to the public for want of credit;
nor was it in the power of the whole nation to remedy
it; on the contrary, they made it still grow worse
and worse, till, as above, the parliament recovered
it. And how was it done? Not but by the
same method a private person must do the same, namely,
by doing justly, and fairly, and honestly, by every
Thus credit began to revive, and to
enlarge itself again; and usury, which had, as it
were, eaten up mankind in business, declined, and so
things came to their right way again.
The case is the same with a tradesman;
if he shuffles in payment, bargains at one time, and
pays at another, breaks his word and his honour in
the road of his business, he is gone; no man will take
his bills, no man will trust him.
The conclusion is open and clear:
the tradesman cannot be too careful of his credit,
he cannot buy it too dear, or be too careful to preserve
it: it is in vain to maintain it by false and
loose doing business; by breaking faith, refusing
to perform agreements, and such shuffling things as
those; the greatest monarch in Europe could not so
preserve his credit.
Nothing but probity will support credit;
just, and fair, and honourable dealings give credit,
and nothing but the same just, and fair, and honourable
dealings will preserve it.