When I was a boy, few things pleased
me better than to hear a tale about a giant.
Silly and untrue as were the stories that I heard,
they vastly delighted me; but were you now to ask
what information they gave me, or what good I gathered
from them, sadly should I be at fault for a reply.
But if a tale about giants, that was
not true, and that added nothing to my knowledge,
amused me, why should not a story about giants, which
is true, and which gives good information, be equally
entertaining to you? I see no reason why it should
not be so, and therefore it is my determination to
tell you the tale of the Five Giants.
Three of the five giants are old,
so very old that you would hardly believe me were
I to tell you their ages; and the other two are much
older than many people imagine; but, notwithstanding
the great age of these giants, their strength is not
in the least impaired. They can travel as fast
and do quite as much work as they ever did in their
youthful days.
By and by you shall know the real
names of these five giants; but it will answer my
purpose better, and give you, perhaps, quite as much
entertainment, if, at first, I name them according
to my fancy. The three old giants, Flare, Roar,
and Blow, are known in every part of the world; but
the two younger, Bounce and Rush, have not, as yet,
traveled quite as far as their brothers. For
the most part, all five of them are useful characters;
but if once they are in a passion, and this is too
often the case, the sooner you are out of their way
the better.
Giant Flare is somewhat yellow in
complexion, with red hair, and has many good and companionable
qualities; indeed, in the winter, when people like
to gather round the friendly hearth, he is one of the
most agreeable creatures in the world. No wonder,
then, that he should be so much sought after.
He is invited by the prince and the peasant, and accepts
the invitation of both freely, so that on the same
day he is to be seen in the poorest cot and the proudest
But besides his companionable qualities,
Giant Flare is a capital cook, so much so, that he
has been employed by all the crowned heads in all
the quarters of the world. He is very useful in
mining operations, and in smelting ore; and then,
as a manufacturer, he is quite at home, being equally
skilled in making a copper saucepan, a brass warming-pan,
a silver snuff-box, and a golden sovereign.
You will begin to think well of Giant
Flare; but truth is truth, and, as I told you, all
the five giants are sad fellows when in a passion.
Giant Flare has many a time burst out into a perfect
frenzy, and done mischief that could never be repaired.
If he is not used well, he thinks nothing of burning
a person’s house down. He has been the means
of destroying many fine forests, and, on one occasion,
when in London, to his disgrace be it spoken, with
the assistance of one of his brothers, Giant Blow,
he set almost a hundred churches and as many as thirteen
thousand houses all in a blaze.
When Bonaparte set out to conquer
Russia, Giant Flare resisted him, and would not let
him go further than Moscow; and when the Spanish Armada
invaded England, he boldly attacked the Spanish ships,
and was one of the principal means of scattering and
putting them to flight. But now let me tell you
of Giant Roar.
This giant is about the same age as
his brother of whom I have said so much, and, like
him, has done both kind and ill-natured deeds in his
time. He is fond of constructing baths, and fishing
ponds, and canals, and of rendering assistance in
cultivating gardens. He is largely connected
with ships and sailors. Many think he has more
power by sea than by land; but some of his mad pranks
will surprise you.
A long time after the Thames Tunnel
was begun, under the river at London, and when thousands
and tens of thousands of pounds had been spent, in
an angry mood he set his foot against the bottom of
the river, and crushed the in tunnel. Since then
he has behaved better, and allowed them to finish
the work; but, for a time, this prank of his occasioned
great confusion.
I have seen him myself, in his tantrums,
play terrible tricks; I once met him at the Falls
of Niagara, where he roared like a Bedlamite, foamed
at the mouth worse than a mad dog, and at last flung
himself headlong from so high a precipice that he
was dashed into a thousand pieces. Whether the
Americans and Canadians had used him ill, or not, I
will not say, but certain it was, that his rage appeared
You will think that what I have already
said of Giant Roar is bad enough; but on one occasion
he was even yet more ungovernable, for rushing abroad
in his fury, he destroyed more lives than ever had
been destroyed at one time since the world had been
made. Many of his victims struggled hard with
him to the utmost; but he came upon them by surprise,
and they were neither swift enough to escape, nor strong
enough to resist him.
Giant Blow is kind, whimsical, mischievous,
and dangerous, by fits. One day, as I went by
the common, he was good-naturedly helping a group of
school boys to fly their kites. I hardly think
they could have managed without his assistance; but,
in ten minutes after, he tore two of their kites all
to shivers. The same day he snatched widow Woodward’s
shawl from her back, and went off with it, broke half
a dozen clothes lines, tossed about the clothes, and
then, all at once, violently pushed down a large stack
of chimneys. You see by these actions how little
he is to be relied on.
Giant Blow is a great traveler, for
he sailed round the world with Captain Cook, and helped
Columbus to discover America. Indeed Columbus
could not have gone without him. Were he and Giant
Roar to withdraw the assistance they give to seamen,
it would at once put an end to all merchandise, and
not a single ship would be able to sail upon the seas.
But though Giant Blow is one of the
best friends in the world to sailors, he often treats
them very harshly, knocking their vessels to pieces,
and flinging them into the raging deep. Hundreds
of gallant ships, and thousands of hardy tars, has
he destroyed in his time.
Giant Blow grinds a great deal of
corn, and has a method of his own for cooling the
earth in hot weather. Common report says that,
on some occasions, he has removed the plague; and
no physician on the earth has effected such extraordinary
cures as he has done. If every one that he has
kept in health were to give him a fee, of all doctors
in the world he would be the richest.
Giant Blow is well known in the West
Indies, where he has, at different times, made great
confusion. When once his loud voice is heard,
a general terror and consternation are spread around;
for it is well known that, in his passions, he spares
neither friend nor foe. With his great strength
he lays about him in all directions, stripping the
trees of their foliage, and furiously tearing them
up by the roots, flinging the roofs of the houses
in the air, and battering down the walls on the heads
of those who dwell in them. On he goes, till loud
cries of distress are heard, and heaps of rubbish
and rafters, and the dead bodies of men, women, and
children, lie mingled together in confusion on the
You have not, from what I have told
you, I dare say, formed the highest opinion of Flare,
Roar, and Blow; and I fear that the characters of
Giants Bounce and Rush will be very far from perfect
in your estimation. You shall have, however,
the best account of them that I can give you, and
then you will be able to judge more correctly.
Giant Bounce, of all the family of
the giants, is certainly the most peppery in his temper.
His brothers usually give some notice of their outbreaks,
and rise in their position by degrees; not so Giant
Bounce: at one moment he is quiet as a lamb,
and at the next much fiercer than a lion.
In complexion, he is much darker than
the others; indeed he has an ugly, grim, and very
forbidding appearance, which well suits his disposition.
He is the friend of duelists and highwaymen, and this
of itself would be bad enough, if I had nothing else
to bring against him. He has done some good,
certainly, in his day; but take him for all in all,
it might have been well if his friend the monk, who
first introduced him into society, had been otherwise
You would hardly think, from the kind
way in which he amuses children, by making them squibs
and crackers, and other fireworks, that he was half
so mischievous as he is; but as I have told you the
truth about his brothers, so will I tell you the truth
about him. I cannot say that he does not make
himself useful at times, for, in deep mines, he often
does more work, in one hour, than the miners could
do without him in a whole day; yet still he is a dark,
designing, cruel character.
It is true that, some years ago, he
went against a terrible pirate and robber, who lived
on the coast of Barbary, destroying his ships, knocking
his fortifications about his ears, compelling him to
give up all the Christian slaves he had in his dungeons,
and making him promise to behave better in future.
It is true also that he helped Nelson, Napoleon, Wellington,
and Washington, to win their victories; but it was
not because he had any special love for either of them
that he did these things. No! whatever other
people say of him, I say that he is a hasty, cruel,
treacherous, blood-thirsty monster. It was he
who first persuaded people to make guns, pistols,
and cannon mortars, bombshells, and congreve rockets,
so that widows and orphans have been multiplied by
him, and millions of men, by his means, have been destroyed.
I have now come to the last of the
giants, and his character shall be summed up in few
words. If you remember, I told you that, in winter
nights, Giant Flare was a very agreeable companion,
and the same thing may be said of Giant Rush.
When the tea-urn simmers, and friends gather round
the winter tea-table, Giants Flare and Rush ought always
to be there. They are good company even when
you have them one at a time; but still better when
they are together.
Giant Rush is thought to be younger
than his brother Bounce; but of this I have some doubt.
Of the two, however, he is by far the most industrious.
He draws up water out of mines; he blows the bellows
of the blast-furnaces; saws timber; grinds and polishes
metals, makes carriages run without horses, and forces
ships through the waters of the great deep against
both wind and tide. Besides these things, he has
latterly begun to print newspapers and books, and
in this department he will make himself more known
than ever. These are his good deeds; but his bad
ones are a sad reproach to him.
Would you believe it that, some time
back, he undertook to do more destruction, and to
destroy more lives in one hour, than Giant Bounce
could in a day? Few people thought better than
I did of Giant Rush before this; and, to speak the
truth, I hardly thought the report was true.
But when I saw him, with my own eyes, fire sixty or
eighty bullets out of an iron tube, in less time than
Giant Bounce could fire with the same instrument,
I thought to myself, “O! if he can do this, he
can do anything.”
The giant then went into a large field,
and, pointing a cannon into a high sand-bank, fired
off a complete stream of cannon balls, enough, I should
think, to bring down a house, if not a church, to the
very ground. In short, I was quite frightened
at his invention; and all that I hope now is, that
no one will give him the least encouragement in his
horrid undertaking.
Having now related what may appear
to you rather a wonderful story, I must proceed to
tell you the real names of the five giants, though
it is by no means unlikely that you have already guessed
them. The five giants, Flare, Roar, Blow, Bounce,
and Rush, are, then, neither more nor less than the
five gigantic powers, Fire, Water, Wind, Gunpowder,
and Steam; and, though I may have related their adventures
and achievements somewhat fancifully, if you will
examine them you will find that they are strictly
true. The influence of these giant powers in the
world has been very great; and as your attention is
now drawn to the subject, you will, perhaps, be disposed
to think upon it more than you have hitherto done,
connected so closely as it is with the comfort, the
luxury, the knowledge, and indeed, also, with the happiness
and misery of mankind. Had I been disposed, I
might have made my relation much more wonderful; but
I trust you have received from it, as it is, some
amusement, and that it has not been altogether without
instruction. It may be long before you again
hear a true story of five giants; you will therefore
do well to try to turn this one to advantage, and to
inquire what it is, in each case, that gives force
to the power. For you ought to understand that,
in and with all the powers of nature, although man
is allowed to make much use of them, and often to set
them in operation; yet there is a greater Hand than
his, though all unseen, which alone can control them.
Whenever, then, we see either the water or the fire,
or hear the wind, let us remember that these are so
many elements which God has intrusted to the use of
man, and that for an abuse of their capacities we
shall be held accountable.