It would be foolish to say that the
Revolutionary soldiers never quailed. Militia
too often gave way before the steady bayonet charge
of British regulars, at times fleeing panic-stricken.
Troops whose term of service was out would go home
at critical moments. Hardships and lack of pay
in a few instances led to mutiny and desertion.
But the marvel is that they fought so bravely, endured
so much, and complained so little. One reason
was the patriotism of the people at large behind them.
Soldiers who turned their backs on Boston, leaving
Washington in the lurch, were refused food along the
road home. Women placed rifles in the hands of
husbands, sons, or lovers, and said “Go!”
The rank and file in this war, coming
from farm, work-bench, logging-camp, or fisher’s
boat, had a superb physical basis for camp and field
life. Used to the rifle from boyhood, they kept
their powder dry and made every one of their scanty
bullets tell. The Revolutionary soldier’s
splendid courage has glorified a score of battle-fields;
while Valley Forge, with its days of hunger and nights
of cold, its sick-beds on the damp ground, and its
bloody footprints in the snow, tell of his patient
At Bunker Hill an undisciplined body
of farmers, ill-armed, weary, hungry and thirsty,
calmly awaited the charge of old British campaigners,
and by a fire of dreadful precision drove them back.
“They may talk of their Mindens and their Fontenoys,”
said the British general, Howe, “but there was
no such fire there.” At Charleston, while
the wooden fort shook with the British broadsides,
Moultrie and his South Carolina boys, half naked in
the stifling heat, through twelve long hours smoked
their pipes and carefully pointed their guns.
At Long Island, to gain time for the retreat of the
rest, five Maryland companies flew again and again
in the face of the pursuing host. At Monmouth,
eight thousand British were in hot pursuit of the retreating
Americans. Square in their front Washington planted
two Pennsylvania and Maryland regiments, saying, “Gentlemen,
I depend upon you to hold the ground until I can form
the main army.” And hold it they did.
Heroism grander than that of the battlefield,
which can calmly meet an ignominious death, was not
lacking. Captain Nathan Hale, a quiet, studious
spirit, just graduated from Yale College, volunteered
to enter the British lines on Long Island as a spy.
He was caught, and soon swung from an apple tree in
Colonel Rutgers’s orchard, a corpse. Bible
and religious ministrations denied him, his letters
to mother and sister destroyed, women standing by
and sobbing, he met his fate without a tremor.
“I only regret,” comes his voice from yon
rude scaffold, “that I have but one life to
give for my country.” It is a shame that
America so long had no monument to this heroic man.
One almost rejoices that the British captain, Cunningham,
author of the cruelty to Hale, himself met death on
the gallows, in London, 1791. How different from
Hale’s the treatment bestowed upon Andre, the
British spy who fell into our hands. He was fed
from Washington’s table, and supported to his
execution by every manifestation of sympathy for his
The stanch and useful loyalty of the
New England clergy in the Revolution has been much
dwelt upon-none too much, however.
With them should be mentioned the Rev. James Caldwell,
Presbyterian pastor at Elizabeth, N. J., who, when
English soldiers raided the town, and its defenders
were short of wadding, tore up his hymn-book for their
use, urging: “Give them Watts, boys, give
them Watts.”
No fiercer naval battle was ever fought
than when Jones, in the old and rotten Bon Homme Richard,
grappled with the new British frigate Serapis.
Yard-arm to yardarm, port-hole to port-hole, the fight
raged for hours. Three times both vessels were
on fire. The Serapis’s guns tore a complete
breach in the Richard from main-mast to stern.
The Richard was sinking, but the intrepid Jones fought
on, and the Serapis struck.
As the roll of Revolutionary officers
is called, what matchless figures file past the mind’s
eye! We see stalwart Ethan Allen entering Ticonderoga
too early in the morning to find its commander in a
presentable condition, and demanding possession “in
the name of Almighty God and the Continental Congress
“-destined, himself, in a few months,
to be sailing down the St. Lawrence in irons, bound
for long captivity in England. We behold gallant
Prescott leisurely promenading the Bunker Hill parapet
to inspirit his men, shot and shell hurtling thick
around. There is Israel Putnam-“Old
Put” the boys dubbed him. He was no general,
but we forgive his costly blunders at Brooklyn Heights
and Peekskill as we think of him leaving plough in
furrow at the drum-beat to arms, and speeding to the
deadly front at Boston, or with iron firmness stemming
the retreat from Bunker Hill. Young Richard Montgomery
might have been next to Washington in the war but for
Sir Guy Carleton’s deadly grape-shot from the
Quebec walls the closing moments of 1775. Buried
at Quebec, his remains were transferred by the State
of New York, July 8, 1818, to their present resting-place
in front of St. Paul’s, New York City, the then
aged widow tearfully watching the funeral barge as
it floated past Montgomery Place on the Hudson.
During a four years’ apprenticeship
under Washington, General Greene had caught more of
his master’s spirit and method than did any other
American leader, and one year’s separate command
at the South gave him a martial fame second only to
Washington’s own. In him the great chief’s
word was fulfilled, “I send you a general.”
A naked, starving army, an empty military chest, the
surrounding country impoverished and full of loyalists-these
were his difficulties. Three States practically
cleared of the royal army in ten months-this
was his achievement. He retreated only to advance,
was beaten only to fight again. One hardly knows
which to admire most, his tireless energy and vigilance,
his prudence in retreat, his boldness and vigor in
attack, his cheerful courage in defeat, or his mingled
kindness and firmness toward a suffering and mutinous
John Stark, eccentric but true, famous
for cool courage-how stubbornly, with his
New Hampshire boys, he held the rail fence at Bunker
Hill, and covered the retreat when ammunition was
gone! But Stark’s most brilliant deed was
at Bennington. “There they are, boys-the
redcoats, and by night they’re ours, or Molly
Stark’s a widow.” Those “boys,”
without bayonets, their artillery shooting stones
for balls, were little more than a mob. But with
confidence in him, on they rush, up, over, sweeping
Baume’s Hessians from the field like a tornado.
The figure of General Schuyler comes before us-quieter
but not less noble, an invalid, set to hard tasks
with little glory. His magnanimous soul forgets
self in country as he cheerfully gives all possible
help to Gates, his supplanter, and puts the torch
to his own grain-fields at Saratoga lest they feed
the foe.
And matchless Dan Morgan of Virginia,
with his band of riflemen, tall, sinewy fellows, in
hunting-shirts, leggins, and moccasins, each with
hatchet, hunter’s knife, and rifle, dead sure
to hit a man’s head every time at two hundred
and fifty yards. It was one of these men who shot
the gallant Briton, Fraser, at Bemis’s Heights.
Morgan became the ablest leader of light troops then
living. How gallantly he headed the forlorn hope
under the icy walls of Quebec, where he was taken prisoner,
and at Saratoga with his shrill whistle and stentorian
voice called his dauntless braves where the fight
was thickest! But Cowpens was Morgan’s
crowning feat. Inspiring militia and veterans
alike with a courage they had never felt before, he
routs Tarleton’s trained band of horse, and
then, skilful in retreat as he had been bold in fight,
laughs at baffled Cornwallis’s rage.
Gladly would one form fuller acquaintance
with other Revolutionary leaders: Stirling, Sullivan,
Sumter, Mad Anthony Wayne, of Monmouth and Stony Point
fame, Glover with his brave following of Marblehead
fishermen, who, able to row as well as shoot, manned
the oars that critical night when General Washington
crossed to Trenton. But space is too brief.
Colonel Washington, the dashing cavalryman, was the
Custer of the Revolution. All the patriot ladies
idolized him. In a hot sword-fight with the Colonel,
Tarleton had had three fingers nearly severed.
Subsequently in conversation with a South Carolina
lady Tarleton said: “Why do you ladies
so lionize Colonel Washington? He is an ignorant
fellow. He can hardly write his name.”
“But you are a witness that he can make his
mark,” was the reply.
DeKalb was an American, too-by
adoption. It is related that he expostulated
with Gates for fighting so unprepared at Camden, and
that Gates intimated cowardice. “Tomorrow
will tell, sir, who is the coward,” the old
fellow rejoined. And tomorrow did tell. As
the battle reddened, exit Gates from Camden and from
fame. We have recounted elsewhere how like a
bull De Kalb held the field. A monster British
grenadier rushed on him, bayonet fixed. DeKalb
parried, at the same time burying his sword in the
grenadier’s breast so deep that he was unable
to extract it. Then seizing the dead man’s
weapon he fought on, thrusting right and left, till
at last, overpowered by numbers, he slipped and fell,
mortally hurt.
Among the civilian heroes of the Revolution,
Robert Morris, the financier, deserves exceeding praise.
Now turning over the lead ballast of his ships for
bullets, now raising $50,000 on his private credit
and sending it to Washington in the nick of time,
now leading the country back to specie payment in
season to save the national credit, the Philadelphia
banker aided the cause as much as the best general
in the field.
Faithful and successful envoys as
Jay and John Adams were, the Revolution brought to
light one, and only one, true master in the difficult
art of diplomacy-Franklin. Wise with
a lifetime’s shrewd observation, venerable with
years, preceded by his fame as scientist and Revolutionary
statesman, grand in his plain dignity, the Philadelphia
printer stood unabashed before the throne of France,
and carried king and diplomats with an art that surprised
Europe’s best-trained courtiers. Never
missing an opportunity, he yet knew, by delicate intuition,
when to speak and when to hold his tongue. Through
concession, intrigue, and delay, his resolute will
kept steady to its purpose. To please by yielding
is easy. To carry one’s point and be pleasing
still, requires genius. This Franklin did-how
successfully, our treaty of alliance with France and
our treaty of peace with England splendidly attested.
Towering above Revolutionary soldier,
general, and statesman stands a figure summing up
in himself all these characters and much more.
That figure is George Washington, the most perfect
human personality the world has known. Washington’s
military ability has been much underrated. He
was hardly more First in Peace than First in War.
That he had physical courage and could give orders
calmly while bullets whizzed all about, one need not
repeat. He was strategist and tactician too.
Trenton and Yorktown do not cover his whole military
record. With troops inferior in every single
respect except natural valor, he out-generalled Howe
in 1776, and he almost never erred when acting upon
his own good judgment instead of yielding to Congress
or to his subordinates. His movements on the
Delaware even such a captain as Frederick the Great
declared “the most brilliant achievements in
the annals of military action.” Washington
advised against the attempt to hold Fort Washington,
which failed; against the Canada campaign, which failed;
against Gates for commander in the South, who failed;
and in favor of Greene for that post, who succeeded.
His army was indeed driven back in several battles,
but never broken up. At Monmouth his plan was
perfect, and it seems that he must have captured Clinton
but for the treason of Charles Lee, set, by Congress’s
wish, to command the van. Indeed, of Washington’s
military career, “take it all in all, its long
duration, its slender means, its vast theatre, its
glorious aims and results, there is no parallel in
Yet we are right in never thinking
of the Great Man first as a soldier, he was so much
besides. Washington’s consummate intellectual
trait was sound judgment, only matched by the magnificent
balance which subsisted between his mental and his
moral powers. “George had always been a
good son,” his mother said. Nature had
endowed him with intense passions and ambitions, but
neither could blind him or swerve him one hair from
the line of rectitude as he saw it. And he made
painful and unremitting effort to see it and see it
correctly. He was approachable, but repelled
familiarity, and whoever attempted this was met with
a perfectly withering look. He rarely laughed,
and he was without humor, though he wrote and conversed
well. He had the integrity of Aristides.
His account with Congress while general shows scrupulousness
to the uttermost farthing. To subordinate, to
foe, even to malicious plotters against him, he was
almost guiltily magnanimous. He loved popularity,
yet, if conscious that he was right, would face public
murmuring with heart of flint. Became the most
famous man alive, idolized at home, named by every
tongue in Europe, praised by kings and great ministers,
who compared him with Cæsar, Charlemagne, and Alfred
the Great, his head swam not, but with steadfast heart
and mind he moved on in the simple pursuit of his
country’s weal. “In Washington’s
career,” said Fisher Ames, “mankind perceived
some change in their ideas of greatness; the splendor
of power, and even the name of conqueror had grown
dim in their eyes.” Lord Erskine wrote
him: “You are the only being for whom I
have an awful reverence.” “Until
time shall be no more,” said Lord Brougham,
“will a test of the progress which our race has
made in Wisdom and Virtue be derived from the veneration
paid to the immortal name of Washington.”
And Mr. Gladstone: “If among all the pedestals
supplied by history for public characters of extraordinary
nobility and purity I saw one higher than all the
rest, and if I were required at a moment’s notice
to name the fittest occupant for it, my choice would
light upon Washington.”