There is no noble life without a noble aim. - Charles Dole.
The word Home to the Anglo-Saxon race
calls to mind some definite house as the family abiding-place.
Around it cluster the memories of childhood, the aspirations
of youth, the sorrows of middle life.
The most potent spell the nineteenth
century cast on its youth was the yearning for a home
of their own, not a piece of their father’s.
The spirit of the age working in the minds of men
led them ever westward to conquer for themselves a
homestead, forced them to go, leaving the aged behind,
and the graves of the weak on the way.
There must be a strong race principle
behind a movement of such magnitude, with such momentous
consequences. Elbow room, space, and isolation
to give free play to individual preference, characterized
pioneer days. The cord that bound the whole was
love of home, one’s own home, even
if tinged with impatience of the restraints it imposed,
for home and house do imply a certain restraint in
individual wishes. And here, perhaps, is the
greatest significance of the family house. It
cannot perfectly suit all members in its details,
but in its great office, that of shelter and privacy ownership the
house of the nineteenth century stands supreme.
No other age ever provided so many houses for single
families. It stands between the community houses
of primitive times and the hives of the modern city
As sociologically defined, the family
means a common house common, that is, to
the family, but excluding all else. This exclusiveness
is foreshadowed in the habits of the majority of animals,
each pair preempting a particular log or burrow or
tree in which to rear its young, to which it retreats
for safety from enemies. Primitive man first borrowed
the skins of animals and their burrowing habits.
The space under fallen trees covered with moss and
twigs grew into the hut covered with bark or sod.
The skins permitted the portable tent.
It is indeed a far cry from these
rude defences against wind and weather to the dwelling-houses
of the well-to-do family in any country to-day, but
the need of the race is just the same: protection,
safety from danger, a shield for the young child,
a place where it can grow normally in peaceful quiet.
It behooves the community to inquire whether the houses
of to-day are fulfilling the primary purposes of the
race in the midst of the various other uses to which
modern man is putting them.
As already shown, shelter in its first
derivation, as well as in its common use, signifies
protection from the weather. Bodily warmth saves
food, therefore is an economy in living. From
the first it also implied protection from enemies,
a safe retreat from attack and a refuge when wounded.
But above all else it has, through the ages, stood
for a safe and retired place for the bringing up of
the young of the species.
The colonial houses of New England
with large living-room, dominated by the huge fireplace
with its outfit of cooking utensils, with groups of
buildings for different uses clustered about them,
giving protection to the varied industries of the
homestead, illustrate the most perfect type of family
life. Each member had a share in the day’s
work, therefore to each it was home. To the old
homestead many a successful business man returns to
show his grandchildren the attic with its disused loom
and spinning-wheel; the shop where farm-implements
were made, in the days of long winter storms, to the
accompaniment of legend and gossip; the dairy, no
longer redolent of cream. These are reminders
of a time past and gone, before the greed of gain
had robbed even these houses of their peace. The
backward glance of this generation is too apt to stop
at the transition period, when the factory had taken
the interesting manufactures out of the hands of the
housewife and left the homestead bereft of its best,
when the struggle to make it a modern money-making
plant, for which it was never designed, drove the
young people away to less arduous days and more exciting
This stage of farm life was altogether
unlovely, not wholly of necessity, but because the
adjustment was most painful to the feelings and most
difficult to the muscles of the elders.
Because the family ideal was the ruling
motive, the house-building of the colonial period
shows a more perfect adaptation to family life than
any other age has developed.
Where is the boasted adaptability
of the American? He should be ready to see the
effect of the inevitable mechanical changes and modify
his ideas to suit. For it cannot be too often
reiterated that it is a case of ideas, not
of wood and stone and law.
This homestead has passed into history
as completely as has the Southern colonial type, differing
only in arrangement. Climate, as well as domestic
conditions, demanded a more complete separation of
the manufacturing processes, including cooking, laundry,
etc., otherwise the ideal was the same.
“The house” meant a family life, a gracious
hospitality, a busy hive of industry, a refuge indeed
from social as well as physical storms. Work
and play, sorrow and pleasure, all were connected with
its outward presentment as with the thought.
For its preservation men fought and women toiled,
but, alas! machinery has swept away the last vestige
of this life and, try as the philanthropist may to
bring it back, it will never return. The very
essence of that life was the making of things,
the preparation for winter while it was yet summer,
the furnishing of the bridal chest years before marriage.
Fancy a bride to-day wearing or using in the house
anything five years old!
There are no more pioneer and colonial
communities on this continent. Railroads and
steamboats and electric power have made this rural
life a thing of the past. Let us not waste tears
on its vanishing, but address ourselves to the future.
There are two directions in which
great change in household conditions has occurred
quite outside the volition of the housekeeper.
They are the disappearance of industries, and lack
of permanence in the homestead. Those who are
busily occupied in productive work of their own are
contented and usually happy. The results of their
efforts, stored for future use barns filled
with hay or grain, shelves of linen and preserves yield
Destructive consumption may be pleasurable
for the moment, but does not satisfy. The child
pulls the stuffing from the doll with pleasure, but
asks for another in half an hour. The delicious
meal daintily served is a joy for an hour. A
room put in perfect order, clean, tastefully decorated,
is a delight to the eye for three hours and then it
must be again cleaned and rearranged. Is this
productive work? Is there any reason why we should
be satisfied with it or happy in it?
In an earlier time, that from which
we derive so many of our cherished ideals, the house
built by or for the young people was used as a homestead
by their children and their children’s children.
Customs grew up slowly, and for some reason.
Furniture, collected as wanted, found its place; all
the routine went as by clockwork. Saturday’s
baking of bread and pies went each on to its own shelf,
as the cows went each to her own stall. If the
duties were physically hard, the routine saved worrying.
To-day how few of us live in the house
we began life with! How few in that we occupied
even ten years ago! And this number is growing
smaller and smaller. The housewife has not time
to form habits of her own; she engages a maid and
expects her to fall at once into the family ways, when
the family has no ways.
In the sociological sense, shelter
may mean protection from noise, from too close contact
with other human beings, enemies only in the sense
of depriving us of valuable nerve-force. It should
mean sheltering the children from contact with degrading
Charles P. Neill, United States Commissioner
of Labor, in his address at the New York School of
Philanthropy, July 16, 1905, said: “In my
own estimation home, above all things, means privacy.
It means the possibility of keeping your family off
from other families. There must be a separate
house, and as far as possible separate rooms, so that
at an early period of life the idea of rights to property,
the right to things, to privacy, may be instilled.”
There may be such a thing as too much
shelter. To cover too closely breeds decay.
Are we in danger of covering ourselves and our children
too closely from sun and wind and rain, making them
weak and less resistant than they should be?
The prevalence of tuberculosis and its cure by fresh
air seems to indicate this. The attempt to gain
privacy under prevailing conditions tends this way.
Hitherto students of social economics
have usually considered the most pressing problem
in the life of the wage-earner to be that of sufficient
and suitable food. But in any large city and in
most smaller communities there are found those who
have refined instincts, aspirations for a life of
physical and moral cleanness, who by force of circumstances
are obliged to come in contact with filth and squalor
and careless disorder in order to find shelter.
If they can be kept from degenerating, their rise when
it comes will lift those below them, but it is a Herculean
task to lift them by lifting all below as well.
The burden which presses most heavily on this valuable
material for social betterment is that of shelter rather
than of food.
The thought underlying this whole
series on Cost is that the place to put the leaven
of progress is in the middle. The class to work
for is the great mass of intelligent, industrious,
and ambitious young people turned out by our public
schools with certain ideals for self-betterment, but
in grave danger of losing heart in the crush due to
the pressure of society around them and above them.
They fear to incur the responsibility of marriage
when they see the pecuniary requirements it involves.
This growing body makes up so large
a proportion of the whole in America that, once aroused,
it may become an all-powerful force for regeneration,
thanks to the pervading influence of public-school
education when enlisted on the side of right.
Faith in the uprightness of American youth is so strong
that strenuous effort for their enlightenment is justified.
Once they have their attention drawn to the need of
action, they will act. Self-preservation is one
of the strongest instincts, and it may be dangerous
to call upon the self-interest of these inexperienced
souls; but for the sake of the results we must risk
the lesser evil, if we can develop a resolution to
secure a personal and race efficiency.
When the young people, with a deep
appreciation of the possibilities of sane and wholesome
living, marry and attempt to realize their ideals,
the conditions are all against them. They find
little sympathy in their yearnings for a rational
life, and soon give up the effort, deciding that they
are too peculiar. They slip almost insensibly
into the routine of their neighbors. There is
great need of a cooperation of like-minded young married
people to form a little community, setting its own
standards and living a fairly independent life.
Two or three such groups would do more than many sermons
to awaken attention to the problem before the race
to-day. Shall man yield himself to the tendencies
of natural selection and be modified out of existence
by the pressure of his environment, or shall he turn
upon himself some of the knowledge of Nature’s
forces he has gained and by “conscious evolution”
begin an adaptation of the environment to the organism?
For we no longer hold with Robert Owen and the socialists
that man is necessarily controlled and moulded by his
surroundings, that he is absolutely subject to the
laws of animal evolution. A new era will dawn
when man sees his power over his own future. Then,
and not till then, will come again that willingness
to sacrifice present ease and pleasure for the sake
of race progress, which alone can make the restrained
life a satisfaction.
The environment is, more largely than
we think, the house and the manner of life it forces
upon us. Therefore the first point of attack is
the shelter under which the family life of the newly
married pair establishes itself. If it is too
large for their income, it leads to extravagance and
debt before the first two years have passed; if it
is too small, it cramps the generous and hospitable
impulses. If unsuited to this need, it irritates
and deforms character, as a plaster cast compresses
a limb encased in it.
Imagine the young people beginning
life in the average city flat, at a rent of twenty
to thirty dollars a month, with its shams, its makeshifts,
its depressing, unsanitary, morally unsafe quarters
for the maid, its friction with janitor and landlord the
whole sordid round necessitated by the mere manner
of building, and by that only.
A few strong souls flee to the country.
Counting the cost and finding that all the earnings
go to mere living, they decide to get that living in
company with nature under free skies their
own employers. Such may live in Altruria with
the happy zest of the authors of that charming sketch.
It is not given to many of earth’s
children to be so well mated and so heavenly-wise.
The young man has been brought up to consider the house
the young wife’s prerogative, and she well,
she has been trained to believe that housewifely wisdom
will come to her as unsought as measles.
Two thirds the friction in the early
years of married life is caused by the house and its
defects, resulting in dissatisfaction, disenchantment,
and the flight to a hotel or non-housekeeping apartment.
If some of the problems to be faced
and the difficulties in solving them could be presented
to the young people to be studied and discussed before
the actual encounter came, they would be more prepared.
In discussing this part of the subject,
as in the consideration of the Cost of Living in general
and the Cost of Food, we shall deal in particular
with incomes of from $1000 to $5000 a year for families
of five, recognizing that under present-day conditions
the annual sum of $1500 to $3000 means the greatest
struggle between desires and power of gratifying them.
On the surface it appears that the
things which go to make up delicate cleanly living
cost more and more each year, with no limit in sight.
It is not only the poet who moves from one boarding-house
to another; the young clerk and struggling business
man go into smaller and smaller quarters until the
traditional limit of room to swing a cat is reached.
The constantly diminishing space occupied
by a family seems to prove that the 40% increase in
the cost of living within a few years is not caused
by an advance in the necessary cost of food; it is
certainly not due to the increased cost of necessary
clothes. It is more than probable that the increasing
cost of shelter and all that it implies increased
water-supply, service, repairs, etc. is
the main factor in the undoubtedly increased expense.
This will be considered in some detail in Chapter
While the socialist may take the ground
that salaries must be raised to keep pace with the
rise in living expenses, the student of social ethics Euthenics,
or the science of better living may
well ask a consideration of the topic from another
standpoint. Is this increased cost resulting
in higher efficiency? Are the people growing more
healthy, well-favored, well-proportioned, stronger,
happier? If not, then is there not a fallacy
in the common idea that more money spent means a fuller
Recent examination of school children
in various cities in England and America has revealed
a state of physical ill-being most deplorable in the
present, and horrifying to contemplate for its future
results. One has only to keep one’s eyes
open in passing the streets to become aware of the
physical deterioration of thousands of the wage-earners.
One has only to listen to the housewife’s complaints
of inefficiency, lack of strength among the housemaids,
to realize that the world’s work is not being
well done in so far as it depends upon human hands.
This loss of efficiency is usually
attributed to insufficient food and long hours, but
it is at least an open question if housing conditions
are not the more potent factor not only in the case
of the very poor, but even in the case of the family
having an income of $2000 a year. Life in a boarding-house
adapted from the use by one family to that of five
or six without increase of bathing and ventilating
conveniences, with old-style plumbing, cannot be mentally
or bodily invigorating.
The house cannot be said to be a place
of safety so long as the “great white plague”
lurks in every dark corner tuberculosis,
colds, influenza, etc., fasten themselves upon
its occupants. Explorers exposed to extremes
of weather do not thus suffer. The dark, damp
house incubates the germs.
But homes there must be: places
of safety for children, of refuge for elders.
Men will marry and women may keep house. How shall
it be managed so as to be in harmony with present-day
demands? Certainly not by ignoring the difficulties.
Progress in any direction does not come through wringing
of hands and deploring the decadence of the present
generation. President Roosevelt’s advice
is to bring up boys and girls to overcome obstacles,
not to ignore them. Let the educated, intelligent
young people join in devising a way to surmount this
obstacle as the engineers of 1890 invented new ways
of crossing impassable gorges and “impossible”
mountain ranges.
The writer has no ready-prepared panacea
to offer. Patent medicine is not the remedy.
This kind cometh out only by fasting and prayer.
A long course of diet is needed to cure a chronic
This little volume is intended merely
as a spur to the imagination of the indolent student,
to arouse him to the mental effort required to deal
with the readjustment of ideas to conditions before
it is too late.
It is no exaggeration to say that
the social well-being of the community is threatened.
The habits of years are broken up; sad to say, the
middle-aged will suffer unrelieved, but the young can
be incited to grapple with the situation and hew out
for themselves a way through.
Certain elements in the problem will
be touched upon in the following pages as a result
of much going to and fro in the “most favored
land on earth.” Certain questions will
be raised as to what constitutes a home and a shelter
for the family in the twentieth-century sense of both
family and shelter.