The people who emigrated from Norway
and settled in Iceland, after Harald the Fairhaired
had subdued the many independent chiefs and established
the monarchy (872), for the most part belonged to the
flower of the nation, and Iceland naturally became
the home of the old Norse literature. Among the
oldest poetical works of this literature is the so-called
“Elder Edda,” also called “Saemund’s
Edda,” because for a long time it was believed
to be the work of the Icelander Saemund. “The
Younger Edda,” also called “Snorre’s
Edda,” because it is supposed to have been written
by Snorre Sturlason (born 1178, died 1241), contains
a synopsis of the old Norse religion and a treatise
on the art of poetry. Fully as important as the
numerous poetical works of that period was the old
Norse Saga-literature (the word saga means a historical
tale). The most prominent work in this field is
Snorre Sturlason’s Heimskringla, which
gives the sagas of the kings of Norway from the
beginning down to 1777. A continuation of the
Heimskringla, to which several authors have
contributed, among them Snorre Sturlason’s relative,
Sturla Thordson, contains the history of the later
kings down to Magnus Law-Mender.
The literary development above referred
to ceased almost entirely toward the end of the fourteenth
century, and later, during the union with Denmark,
the Danish language gradually took the place of the
old Norse as a book-language, and the literature became
essentially Danish. Copenhagen, with its court
and university, was the literary and educational center,
where the young men of Norway went to study, and authors
born in Norway became to all intents and purposes,
Danish writers. But Norway furnished some valuable
contributors to this common literature. One of
the very first names on the records of the Danish
literature, Peder Claussoen (1545-1614), is that of
a Norwegian, and the list further includes such illustrious
names as Holberg, Tullin, Wessel, Steffens, etc.
One of the most original writers whom
Norway produced and kept at home during the period
of the union with Denmark was the preacher and poet,
Peder Dass (1647-1708). The best known among his
secular songs is Nordlands Trompet, a beautiful
and patriotic description of the northern part of
Ludvig Holberg was born in Bergen,
Norway, De, 1684. His father, Colonel Holberg,
had risen from the ranks and distinguished himself,
in 1660, at Halden. Shortly after his death the
property of the family was destroyed by fire, and
at the age of ten years Ludvig lost his mother.
It was now decided to have him educated for the military
service; but he showed a great dislike for military
life, and, at his earnest request, he was sent to
the Bergen Latin School. In 1702 he entered the
University of Copenhagen. Being destitute of means,
he took a position as private tutor. As soon
as he had saved a small sum he went abroad. He
was first in Holland, and afterward studied for a
couple of years at Oxford, where he supported himself
by giving instruction in languages and music.
Upon his return to Copenhagen he again took a position
as private tutor and had an opportunity to travel
as teacher for a young nobleman. In 1714 he received
a stipend from the king, which enabled him to go abroad
for several years, which he spent principally in France
and Italy. In 1718 he became regular professor
at the Copenhagen University. Among Holberg’s
many works the following are the most prominent:
Peder Paars, a great comical heroic poem, containing
sharp attacks on many of the follies of his time;
about thirty comedies in Moliere’s style, and
a large number of historical works. Holberg,
who was ennobled in 1747, died in January, 1754, and
was buried in Soroe Church. His influence on the
literature and on the whole intellectual life of Denmark
was very great. He is often called the creator
of Danish literature.
Christian Baumann Tullin (1728-1765),
a genuine poetical genius, who has been called the
father of Danish lyrical verse, was born in Christiania,
and his poetry, which was mainly written in his native
city, breathes a national spirit. From his day,
for about thirty years, Denmark obtained the majority
of her poets from Norway. The manager of the
Danish National Theater, in 1771, was a Norwegian,
Niels Krog-Bredal (1733-1778), who was the first to
write lyrical dramas in Danish. A Norwegian,
Johan Nordal Brun (1745-1816), a gifted poet, wrote
tragedy in the conventional French taste of the day.
It was a Norwegian, Johan Herman Wessel (1742-1785),
who by his great parody, Kjaerlighed uden Stroemper,
“Love without Stockings,” laughed the
French taste out of fashion. Among the writers
of this period are also Claus Frimann (1746-1829),
Peter Harboe Frimann (1752-1839), Claus Fasting (1746-1791),
John Wibe (1748-1782), Edward Storm (1749-1794), C.H.
Pram (1756-1821), Jonas Rein (1760-1821), and Jens
Zetlitz (1761-1821), all of them Norwegians by birth.
Two notable events led to the foundation of an independent
Norwegian literature: the one was the establishment
of a Norwegian university at Christiania, in
1811, and the other was the separation of Norway from
Denmark, in 1814. At first the independent Norwegian
literature appeared as immature as the conditions
surrounding it. The majority of the writers had
received their education in old Copenhagen, and were
inclined to follow in the beaten track of the old literature,
although trying to introduce a more national spirit.
All were greatly influenced by the political feeling
of the hour. There was a period when all poetry
had for its subject the beauties and strength of Norway
and its people, and The Rocks of Norway, The Lion
of Norway, etc., sounded everywhere.
Three poets called Trefoil, were the prominent
writers of this period. Of these, Conrad Nicolai
Schwach (1793-1860) was the least remarkable.
Henrik A. Bjerregaard (1792-1842) was the author of
The Crowned National Song, and of a lyric drama,
Fjeldeventyret, “The Adventures in the
Mountains.” The third member of the Trefoil,
Mauritz Christian Hansen (1794-1842), wrote a large
number of novels and national stories, which were quite
popular in their time. His poems were among the
earliest publications of independent Norway.
The time about the year 1820 is reckoned
as the beginning of the new Norwegian literature,
and Henrik Wergeland is called its creator. Henrik
Arnold Wergeland was born in 1808. His father,
Nicolai Wergeland, a clergyman, was a member of the
Constitutional Convention at Eidsvold. Henrik
studied theology, but did not care to become a clergyman.
In 1827, and the following years, he wrote a number
of satirical farces under the signature Siful Sifadda.
In 1830 appeared his lyric, dramatic poem, Skabelsen,
Mennesket og Messias, (The Creation, Man and Messiah),
a voluminous piece ’of work, in which he attempted
to explain the historical life of the human race.
As a political writer he was editorial assistant on
the Folkebladet (1831-1833), and edited the
opposition paper Statsborgeren (1835-1837).
He worked with great zeal for the education of the
laboring class, and from 1839 until his death edited
a paper in the interest of the laborer. The prominent
features of his earliest efforts in literature are
an unbounded enthusiasm and a complete disregard of
the laws of poetry. At an early age he had become
a power in literature, and a political power as well.
From 1831 to 1835 he was subjected to severe satirical
attacks by the author Welhaven and others, and later
his style became improved in every respect. His
popularity, however, decreased as his poetry improved,
and in 1840 he had become a great poet but had no
political influence. Among his works may be named
Hasselnoedder, Joeden, “The Jew,”
Jodinden, “The Jewess,” Jan
van Huysum’s Blomsterstykke, “Jan van
Huysum’s Flowerpiece,” Den Engleske
Lods, “The English Pilot,” and a great
number of lyric poems. The poems of his last five
years are as popular to-day as ever. Wergeland
died in 1845.
The enthusiastic nationalism of Henrik
Wergeland and his young following brought conflict
with the conservative element, which was not ready
to accept everything as good simply because it was
Norwegian. This conservative element maintained
that art and culture must be developed on the basis
of the old association with Denmark, which had connected
Norway with the great movement of civilization throughout
Europe. As the political leader of this “Intelligence”
party, as it was called, appeared J.S. Welhaven.
John Sebastian Cammermeyer Welhaven
was born in Bergen in 1807, entered the university
in 1825, became a Lector in 1840, and afterward
Professor of Philosophy. “His refined esthetic
nature,” says Fr. Winkel Horn, “had been
early developed, and when the war once broke out between
him and Wergeland, he had reached a high point of
intellectual culture, and thus was in every way a match
for his opponent.” The fight was inaugurated
by a preliminary literary skirmish, which was, at
the outset, limited to the university students; but
it gradually assumed an increasingly bitter character,
both parties growing more and more exasperated.
Welhaven published a pamphlet, Om Henrik Wergelands
Digtekunst og Poesie, in which he mercilessly
exposed the weak sides of his adversary’s poetry.
Thereby the minds became still more excited.
The “Intelligence” party withdrew from
the students’ union, founded a paper of their
own, and thus the movement began-to assume wider dimensions.
In 1834, appeared Welhaven’s celebrated poem,
Norges Daemring, a series of sonnets, distinguished
for their beauty of style. In them the poet scourges,
without mercy, the one-sided, narrow-minded patriotism
of his time, and exposes, in striking and unmistakable
words, the hollowness and shortcomings of the Wergeland
party. Welhaven points out, with emphasis, that
he is not only going to espouse the cause of good
taste, which his adversary has outraged, but that he
is also about to discuss problems of general interest.
He urges that a Norwegian culture and literature can
not be created out of nothing and to promote their
development it is absolutely necessary to continue
the associations which have hitherto been common to
both Norway and Denmark, and thus to keep in rapport
with the general literature of Europe. When a
solid foundation has in this manner been laid, the
necessary materials for a literature would surely not
be wanting, for they are found in abundance, both
in the antiquities and in the popular life of Norway.
Welhaven continued his effective work as a poet and
critic. Through a series of romantic and lyrical
poems, rich in contents and highly finished in style,
he developed a poetical life, which had an important
influence in the young Norwegian literary circles.
He died in 1873.
Andreas Munch (1811-1884), an able
and industrious poetical writer, took no part in the
controversy between Wergeland and Welhaven, but followed
his Danish models independently of either. His
Poems, Old and New, published in 1848, were
quite popular. His best work is probably Kongedatterens
Brudefart, “The Bridal Tour of the King’s
Daughter,” 1861.
In the period of about a dozen years
following the death of Wergeland, the life, manners,
and characteristics of the Norwegian people were given
the especial attention of literary writers. Prominent
in this period was Peter Christian Ashbjornsen (1812-1885),
who, partly alone and partly in conjunction with Bishop
Jorgen Moe (1813-1882), published some valuable collections
of Norwegian folk tales and fairy tales. Moe
also published three little volumes of graceful and
attractive poems. Among other writers of this
period may be named Hans H. Schultz, N. Ostgaard,
Harald Meltzer, M.B. Landstad, and the linguist
Sophus Bugge.
The efforts to bring out the national
life and characteristics of the people in literature
also led to an attempt to nationalize the language
in which the literature was written. The movement
was the so-called Maalstraev, and had in view
the introduction of a pure Norwegian book language,
based upon the peasant dialects. The prominent
supporter of this movement was Ivar Aasen (1813-1898),
the author of an excellent dictionary of the Norwegian
language. A prominent poetical representative
of this school was Aasmund Olafson Vinje (1818-1870),
while Kristofer Janson (born 1841) has also written
a number of stories and poems in the Landsmaal
(country tongue).
A new and grand period in Norwegian
literature commenced about 1857, and the two most
conspicuous names in this period and in
the whole Norwegian literature are those
of Henrik Ibsen and Bjoernstjerne Bjoernson.
Henrik Ibsen was born in Skien, in
1828. He has written many beautiful poems; but
his special field is in the drama, where he is a master.
His first works were nearly all historical romantic
dramas. His first work, Catilina, printed
in 1850, was scarcely noticed until years afterward,
when he had become famous. In 1856 appeared the
romantic drama, Gildet paa Solhaug, “The
Feast at Solhaug,” followed by Fru Inger
til Oestraat, 1857, and Haermaedene paa Helgeland,
“The Warriors on Helgeland,” 1858.
In 1863, he wrote the historical tragedy Kongsemnerne,
“The Pretenders,” in which the author showed
his great literary power. Before this play was
published, he had been drawn into a new channel.
In 1862, he began a series of satirical and philosophical
dramas with Kjaerlighedens Komedie, “Love’s
Comedy,” which was succeeded by two masterpieces
of a similar kind, Brand, in 1866, and Peer
Gynt, in 1867. These two works were written
in verse; but in De Unges Forbund, “The
Young Men’s League,” 1869, a political
satire, he abandoned verse, and all his subsequent
dramas have been written in prose. In 1873 came
Keiser og Galilaeer, “Emperor and Galilean.”
Since then he has published a number of social dramas
which have attracted world-wide attention. Among
them are: Samfundets Stoetter, “The
Pillars of Society,” Et Dukkehjem, “A
Doll’s House,” Gengangere, “Ghosts,”
En Folkefiende, “An Enemy of the People,”
Rosmerholm, Fruenn fra Havet, “The Lady
from the Sea,” Little Eyolf, Bymester Solnes,
“Masterbuilder Solnes,” John Gabriel
Borkman, and the latest and most-talked-about,
Hedda Gabler.
Bjoernstjerne Bjoernson (born in Osterdalen,
in 1832) is the more popular of the two giants of
Norwegian literature of to-day. His works are
more national in tone. It has been said that to
mention his name is to raise the Norwegian flag.
His first successes were made in the field of the
novel, and the first two, Synnoeve Solbakken,
1857, and Arne, 1858, made his name famous.
These, and his other peasant stories, will always
retain their popularity. He soon, however, entered
the dramatic field, and has since published a great
number of dramas and novels.
In the field of belles-lettres
there is at the present time a number of other talented
authors. Jonas Lie (born 1833) has produced a
number of excellent novels. Then there are Alexander
Kielland (born 1849) Magdalene Thoresen (born 1819),
Arne Garborg, Gunnar Heiberg, and a number of young
In the field of science, also, modern
Norway has a rich literature, with many prominent
names, such as the historian Peter Andreas Munch (1810-1864),
Johan Ernst Sars (born 1835), and O.A. Oeverland.