Monday. Well, I am glad to
be here at last. Certainly my work is very important.
As the first working day of the week, I begin all business;
and I have always heard that if a thing is well begun,
it is half done. People call me Moon-day - isn’t
that a pretty name, the day of the moon? How
beautiful the moon is, riding in her silver chariot
across the dark blue sky! I am proud of my name.
The moon is constantly changing and I like change.
I like brightness and cleanliness too, and good housewives
wash their clothes on Monday. How white and clean
they look hanging on the line! The sun and wind
play hide and seek and help to cleanse the clothes.
School begins on Monday and the little children run
and laugh on their way to school. Every one seems
happy that another week has begun.
Tuesday. I am named for Tui,
the god of war. In the countries of the north
I am greatly honored by all the people. Soldiers
when going to war call on Tui for help, and they like
to begin a battle on Tuesday. Monday likes to
begin work, but I like to make some progress.
The children always know their lessons better on Tuesday,
and are happier than on Monday. The white clothes
are sprinkled and rolled, and now the maids iron the
pretty baby dresses and the house linen. They
sing and laugh over their work. The world is
all running smoothly on Tuesday, and I think I like
my work the best.
Wednesday. I should be the
best of days, for I am named for Woden, or Odin, the
king of the gods. The hardest work of the week
is finished when I come, and there is time for a rest.
Perhaps mother will bake a special cake for dinner.
To-day the children take their music lessons, and
the boys go for a lesson in swimming or gymnastic exercise.
This is the day young people choose for their wedding
day, and you don’t know how glad I am to be
a part of their happiness. I believe I have more
sunshine than the other days, for Woden likes to have
clear skies and health-giving breezes. I would
not change with any of my sister days.
Thursday. I bring the thunder
and the lightning, and I cleave the dark clouds with
my rapid flashes. I glory in a storm, for Thor,
the god of thunder, has chosen me for his day, and
I bear his name. A life of ease and quiet has
no charms for me. I like the din and crash of
war, the noise and hurry of business. The fury
of the heavens, the crash of falling trees, the roaring
of waters, - what can give greater pleasure?
Business thrives on Thursday. Men rush to and
fro, buying and selling, building great houses, digging
in the mines, and sailing the seas. Life and
action are my delight. Hurrah for Thor’s
Friday. After the bustle and
work of the week I come to clean and settle all disturbances.
Now dirt and dust must disappear under the broom and
brush. How the windows shine and how spotless
is the hearth! Children rake up the leaves and
burn them; all rubbish must be cleared away.
Order and neatness I love; and so does Freya, for whom
I am named. She is the goddess of beauty, and
there is no beauty where neatness and order are absent.
Some say that I am an unlucky day, but that is a mistake.
See what wonderful things have happened on my day,
what great men have been born on Friday! I am
the last school day of the week, and to-day the children
may forget lessons and play outdoors a little longer.
To-day the family gather for a story at the twilight
hour, and all is rest and happiness.
Saturday. I am the jolly day
of the week. “School is out!” the
children cry, and all day long they sing and call to
each other in their games. To-day I smell the
cakes and pies cooking in the range, for Saturday
is baking day. How the little children love to
watch mother stirring the cake and frosting, and how
they beg to clean the sweet stuff out of the bowl.
Father comes home earlier to-day, and all go for a
walk in the woods or park. All men need a holiday,
for “all work and no play makes Jack a dull
boy.” The boys play ball and run and shout
in their joy. The girls have little parties,
and cook gives them some fresh cakes. I am named
for Saetere, god of the harvest, and he is always
merry. So I wish all people to be happy on Saturday,
the play day of the week.
Sunday. You have all spoken
well, my sisters, and each one has some claim to be
the best day of the week. How fine it is that
every day holds some special joy in work or play!
But you all know the highest joy is mine. I am
named for the golden sun that gives light to the world.
On Sunday men think of the inner light that makes
them love the good and the true and persuades them
to do right. To-day the family is united, and
in the morning with fresh garments and happy faces
they seek the knowledge of a higher life. Around
the dinner table they talk happily together of their
work and play, and they plan how they may do better
work during the next week. Love and peace are
in all hearts. A desire to help the weak and
poor and sad is in every soul. I am happy and
blest to be Sunday.