In the civil and military architecture
of Ancient Egypt brick played the principal part;
but in the religious architecture of the nation it
occupied a very secondary position. The Pharaohs
were ambitious of building eternal dwellings for their
deities, and stone was the only material which seemed
sufficiently durable to withstand the ravages of time
and man.
It is an error to suppose that the
Egyptians employed only large blocks for building
purposes. The size of their materials varied very
considerably according to the uses for which they
were destined. Architraves, drums of columns,
lintel-stones, and door-jambs were sometimes of great
size. The longest architraves knownthose,
namely, which bridge the nave of the hypostyle hall
of Karnakhave a mean length of 30 feet.
They each contain 40 cubic yards, and weigh about
65 tons. Ordinarily, however, the blocks are
not much larger than those now used in Europe.
They measure, that is to say, about 2-1/2 to 4 feet
in height, from 3 to 8 feet in length, and from 2
to 6 feet in thickness.
Some temples are built of only one
kind of stone; but more frequently materials of different
kinds are put together in unequal proportions.
Thus the main part of the temples of Abydos consists
of very fine limestone; but in the temple of Seti
I., the columns, architraves, jambs, and lintels,
all parts, in short, where it might be feared that
the limestone would not offer sufficient resistance,the
architect has had recourse to sandstone; while in
that of Rameses II., sandstone, granite, and alabaster
were used. At Karnak, Luxor, Tanis, and Memphis,
similar combinations may be seen. At the Ramesseum,
and in some of the Nubian temples, the columns stand
on massive supports of crude brick. The stones
were dressed more or less carefully, according to
the positions they were to occupy. When the walls
were of medium thickness, as in most partition walls,
they are well wrought on all sides. When the
wall was thick, the core blocks were roughed out as
nearly cubic as might be, and piled together without
much care, the hollows being filled up with smaller
flakes, pebbles, or mortar. Casing stones were
carefully wrought on the faces, and the joints dressed
for two-thirds or three-quarters of the length, the
rest being merely picked with a point .
The largest blocks were reserved for the lower parts
of the building; and this precaution was the more
necessary because the architects of Pharaonic times
sank the foundations of their temples no deeper than
those of their houses. At Karnak, they are not
carried lower than from 7 to 10 feet; at Luxor, on
the side anciently washed by the river, three courses
of masonry, each measuring about 2-1/2 feet in depth,
form a great platform on which the walls rest; while
at the Ramesseum, the brickwork bed on which the colonnade
stands does not seem to be more than 10 feet deep.
These are but slight depths for the foundations of
such great buildings, but the experience of ages proves
that they are sufficient. The hard and compact
humus of which the soil of the Nile valley is composed,
contracts every year after the subsidence of the inundation,
and thus becomes almost incompressible. As the
building progressed, the weight of the superincumbent
masonry gradually became greater, till the maximum
of pressure was attained, and a solid basis secured.
Wherever I have bared the foundations of the walls,
I can testify that they have not shifted.
The system of construction in force
among the ancient Egyptians resembles in many respects
that of the Greeks. The stones are often placed
together with dry joints, and without the employment
of any binding contrivance, the masons relying on
the mere weight of the materials to keep them in place.
Sometimes they are held together by metal cramps, or
sometimesas in the temple of Seti I.,
at Abydosby dovetails of sycamore wood
bearing the cartouche of the founder. Most commonly,
they are united by a mortar-joint, more or less thick.
All the mortars of which I have collected samples are
thus far of three kinds: the first is white, and
easily reduced to an impalpable powder, being of lime
only; the others are grey, and rough to the touch,
being mixtures of lime and sand; while some are of
a reddish colour, owing to the pounded brick powder
with which they are mixed. A judicious use of
these various methods enabled the Egyptians to rival
the Greeks in their treatment of regular courses,
equal blocks, and upright joints in alternate bond.
If they did not always work equally well, their shortcomings
must be charged to the imperfect mechanical means at
their disposal. The enclosure walls, partitions,
and secondary façades were upright; and they raised
the materials by means of a rude kind of crane planted
on the top. The pylon walls and the principal
façades (and sometimes even the secondary façades)
were sloped at an angle which varied according to
the taste of the architect. In order to build
these, they formed inclined planes, the slopes of
which were lengthened as the structure rose in height.
These two methods were equally perilous; for, however
carefully the blocks might be protected while being
raised, they were constantly in danger of losing their
edges or corners, or of being fractured before they
reached the top . Thus it was almost always
necessary to re-work them; and the object being to
sacrifice as little as possible of the stone, the
workmen often left them of most abnormal shapes . They would level off one of the side faces,
and then the joint, instead of being vertical, leaned
askew. If the block had neither height nor length
to spare, they made up the loss by means of a supplementary
slip. Sometimes even they left a projection which
fitted into a corresponding hollow in the next upper
or lower course. Being first of all expedients
designed to remedy accidents, these methods degenerated
into habitually careless ways of working. The
masons who had inadvertently hoisted too large a block,
no longer troubled themselves to lower it back again,
but worked it into the building in one or other of
the ways before mentioned. The architect neglected
to duly supervise the dressing and placing of the
blocks. He allowed the courses to vary, and the
vertical joints, two or three deep, to come one over
the other. The rough work done, the masons dressed
down the stone, reworked the joints, and overlaid the
whole with a coat of cement or stucco, coloured to
match the material, which concealed the faults of
the real work. The walls rarely end with a sharp
edge. Bordered with a torus, around which a sculptured
riband is entwined, they are crowned by the cavetto
cornice surmounted by a flat band ; or, as
at Semneh, by a square cornice; or, as at Medinet
Habu, by a line of battlements. Thus framed in,
the walls looked like enormous panels, each panel
complete in itself, without projections and almost
without openings. Windows, always rare in Egyptian
architecture, are mere ventilators when introduced
into the walls of temples, being intended to light
the staircases, as in the second pylon of Horemheb
at Karnak, or else to support decorative woodwork
on festival days. The doorways project but slightly
from the body of the buildings , except where
the lintel is over-shadowed by a projecting cornice.
Real windows occur only in the pavilion of Medinet
Habu; but that building was constructed on the model
of a fortress, and must rank as an exception among
religious monuments.
The ground-level of the courts and
halls was flagged with rectangular paving stones,
well enough fitted, except in the intercolumniations,
where the architects, hopeless of harmonising the
lines of the pavement with the curved bases of the
columns, have filled in the space with small pieces,
set without order or method . Contrary
to their practice when house building, they have scarcely
ever employed the vault or arch in temple architecture.
We nowhere meet with it, except at Deir el Baharí,
and in the seven parallel sanctuaries of Abydos.
Even in these instances, the arch is produced by “corbelling”;
that is to say, the curve is formed by three or four
superimposed horizontal courses of stone, chiselled
out to the form required . The ordinary
roofing consists of flat paving slabs. When the
space between the walls was not too wide, these slabs
bridged it over at a single stretch; otherwise the
roof had to be supported at intervals, and the wider
the space the more these supports needed to be multiplied.
The supports were connected by immense stone architraves,
on which the roofing slabs rested.
The supports are of two types,the
pillar and the column. Some are cut from single
blocks. Thus, the monolithic pillars of the temple
of the sphinx , the oldest hitherto found,
measure 16 feet in height by 4- 1/2 feet in width.
Monolithic columns of red granite are also found among
the ruins of Alexandria, Bubastis, and Memphis,
which date from the reigns of Horemheb and Rameses
II., and measure some 20 to 26 feet in height.
But columns and pillars are commonly built in courses,
which are often unequal and irregular, like those
of the walls which surround them. The great columns
of Luxor are not even solid, two-thirds of the diameter
being filled up with yellow cement, which has lost
its strength, and crumbles between the fingers.
The capital of the column of Taharka at Karnak contains
three courses, each about 48 inches high. The
last and most projecting course is made up of twenty-six
convergent stones, which are held in place by merely
the weight of the abacus. The same carelessness
which we have already noted in the workmanship of the
walls is found in the workmanship of the columns.
The quadrangular pillar, with parallel
or slightly inclined sides, and generally without
either base or capital, frequently occurs in tombs
of the ancient empire. It reappears later at
Medinet Habu, in the temple of Thothmes III., and
again at Karnak, in what is known as the processional
hall. The sides of these square pillars are often
covered with painted scenes, while the front faces
were more decoratively treated, being sculptured with
lotus or papyrus stems in high relief, as on the pillar-stelae
of Karnak, or adorned with a head of Hathor crowned
with the sistrum, as in the small speos of Abu Simbel , or sculptured with a full-length standing
figure of Osiris, as in the second court of Medinet
Habu; or, as at Denderah and Gebel Barkal, with the
figure of the god Bes. At Karnak, in an edifice
which was probably erected by Horemheb with building
material taken from the ruins of a sanctuary of Amenhotep
II. and III., the pillar is capped by a cornice, separated
from the architrave by a thin abacus .
By cutting away its four edges, the square pillar
becomes an octagonal prism, and further, by cutting
off the eight new edges, it becomes a sixteen-sided
prism. Some pillars in the tombs of Asuan and
Beni Hasan, and in the processional hall at Karnak , as well as in the chapels of Deir el Baharí,
are of this type. Besides the forms thus regularly
evolved, there are others of irregular derivation,
with six, twelve, fifteen, or twenty sides, or verging
almost upon a perfect circle. The portico pillars
of the temple of Osiris at Abydos come last in the
series; the drum is curved, but not round, the curve
being interrupted at both extremities of the same
diameter by a flat stripe. More frequently the
sides are slightly channelled; and sometimes, as at
Kalabsheh, the flutings are divided into four groups
of five each by four vertical flat stripes .
The polygonal pillar has always a large, shallow plinth,
in the form of a rounded disc. At El Kab it bears
the head of Hathor, sculptured in relief upon the
front ; but almost everywhere else it is
crowned with a simple square abacus, which joins it
to the architrave. Thus treated, it bears a certain
family likeness to the Doric column; and one understands
how Jomard and Champollion, in the first ardour of
discovery, were tempted to give it the scarcely justifiable
name of “proto-Doric.”
The column does not rest immediately
upon the soil. It is always furnished with a
base like that of the polygonal pillar, sometimes square
with the ground, and sometimes slightly rounded.
This base is either plain, or ornamented only with
a line of hieroglyphs. The principal forms fall
into three types: (1) the column with campaniform,
or lotus-flower capital; (2) the column with lotus-bud
capital; (3) the column with Hathor-head capital.
I. Columns with Campaniform Capitals - The
shaft is generally plain, or merely engraved with
inscriptions or bas-reliefs. Sometimes, however,
as at Medamot, it is formed of six large and six small
colonnettes in alternation. In Pharaonic
times, it is bulbous, being curved inward at the base,
and ornamented with triangles one within another, imitating
the large leaves which sheathe the sprouting plant.
The curve is so regulated that the diameter at the
base and the top shall be about equal. In the
Ptolemaic period, the bulb often disappears, owing
probably to Greek influences. The columns which
surround the first court at Edfu rise straight from
their plinths. The shaft always tapers towards
the top. It is finished by three or five flat
bands, one above the other. At Medamot, where
the shaft is clustered, the architect has doubtless
thought that one tie at the top appeared insufficient
to hold in a dozen colonnettes; he has therefore
marked two other rings of bands at regular intervals.
The campaniform capital is decorated from the spring
of the curve with a row of leaves, like those which
sheathe the base. Between these are figured shoots
of lotus and papyrus in flower and bud. The height
of the capital, and the extent of its projection beyond
the line of the shaft, varied with the taste of the
architect. At Luxor, the campaniform capitals
are eleven and a half feet in diameter at the neck,
eighteen feet in diameter at the top, and eleven and
a half feet in height. At Karnak, in the hypostyle
hall, the height of the capital is twelve and a quarter
feet, and the greatest diameter twenty-one feet.
A square die surmounts the whole. This die is
almost hidden by the curve of the capital, though occasionally,
as at Denderah, it is higher, and bears on each face
a figure of the god Bes .
The column with campaniform capital
is mostly employed in the middle avenue of hypostyle
halls, as at Karnak, the Ramesseum, and Luxor ; but it was not restricted to this position, for
we also find it in porticoes, as at Medinet Habu,
Edfu, and Philae. The processional hall of
Thothmes III., at Karnak, contains one most curious
variety ; the flower is inverted like a bell,
and the shaft is turned upside down, the smaller end
being sunk in the plinth, while the larger is fitted
to the wide part of the overturned bell. This
ungraceful innovation achieved no success, and is
found nowhere else. Other novelties were happier,
especially those which enabled the artist to introduce
decorative elements taken from the flora of the country.
In the earlier examples at Soleb, Sesebeh, Bubastis,
and Memphis, we find a crown of palm branches springing
from the band, their heads being curved beneath the
weight of the abacus . Later on, as
we approach the Ptolemaic period, the date and the
half-unfolded lotus were added to the palm-branches
Under the Ptolemies and the Caesars
the capital became a complete basket of flowers and
leaves, ranged row above row, and painted in the brightest
colours .) At Edfu, Ombos, and Philae one would
fancy that the designer had vowed never to repeat
the same pattern in the same portico.
II. Columns with Lotus-bud Capitals - Originally
these may perhaps have represented a bunch of lotus
plants, the buds being bound together at the neck
to form the capital. The columns of Beni Hasan
consist of four rounded stems . Those
of the Labyrinth, of the processional hall of Thothmes
III., and of Medamot, consist of eight stems, each
presenting a sharp edge on the outer side .
The bottom of the column is bulbous, and set round
with triangular leaves. The top is surrounded
by three or five bands. A moulding composed of
groups of three vertical stripes hangs like a fringe
from the lowest band in the space between every two
stems. So varied a surface does not admit of hieroglyphic
decoration; therefore the projections were by degrees
suppressed, and the whole shaft was made smooth.
In the hypostyle hall at Gurneh, the shaft is divided
in three parts, the middle one being smooth and covered
with sculptures, while the upper and lower divisions
are formed of clustered stems. In the temple
of Khonsu, in the aisles of the hypostyle hall of
Karnak, and in the portico of Medinet Habu, the shaft
is quite smooth, the fringe alone being retained below
the top bands, while a slight ridge between each of
the three bands recalls the original stems .
The capital underwent a like process of degradation.
At Beni Hasan, it is finely clustered throughout its
height. In the processional hall of Thothmes
III., at Luxor, and at Medamot, a circle of small pointed
leaves and channellings around the base lessens the
effect, and reduces it to a mere grooved and truncated
cone. In the hypostyle hall of Karnak, at Abydos,
at the Ramesseum, and at Medinet Habu, various other
ornaments, as triangular leaves, hieroglyphic inscriptions,
or bands of cartouches flanked by uraei, fill
the space thus unfortunately obtained. Neither
is the abacus hidden as in the campaniform capital,
but stands out boldly, and displays the cartouche
of the royal founder.
III. Columns with Hathor-head Capitals - We
find examples of the Hathor-headed column dating
from ancient times, as at Deir el Baharí; but
this order is best known in buildings of the Ptolemaic
period, as at Contra Latopolis, Philae, and Denderah.
The shaft and the base present no special characteristics.
They resemble those of the campaniform columns.
The capital is in two divisions. Below we have
a square block, bearing on each face a woman’s
head in high relief and crowned with a naos.
The woman has the ears of a heifer. Her hair,
confined over the brow by three vertical bands, falls
behind the ears, and hangs long on the shoulders.
Each head supports a fluted cornice, on which stands
a naos framed between two volutes, and crowned
by a slender abacus . Thus each column
has for its capital four heads of Hathor. Seen
from a distance, it at once recalls the form of the
sistrum, so frequently represented in the bas-reliefs
as held in the hands of queens and goddesses.
It is in fact a sistrum, in which the regular proportions
of the parts are disregarded. The handle is gigantic,
while the upper part of the instrument is unduly reduced.
This notion so pleased the Egyptian fancy that architects
did not hesitate to combine the sistrum design with
elements borrowed from other orders. The four
heads of Hathor placed above a campaniform capital,
furnished Nectenebo with a composite type for his pavilion
at Philae . I cannot say that the compound
is very satisfactory, but the column is in reality
less ugly than it appears in engravings.
Shafts of columns were regulated by
no fixed rules of proportion or arrangement.
The architect might, if he chose, make use of equal
heights with very different diameters, and, regardless
of any considerations apart from those of general
harmony, might design the various parts according to
whatever scale best suited him. The dimensions
of the capital had no invariable connection with those
of the shaft, nor was the height of the shaft dependent
on the diameter of the column. At Karnak, the
campaniform columns of the hypostyle hall measure
10 feet high in the capital, and 55 feet high in the
shaft, with a lower diameter of 11 feet 8 inches.
At Luxor, the capital measures 11-1/2 feet, the shaft
49 feet, and the diameter at the spring of the base
11-1/4 feet. At the Ramesseum, the shaft and
capital measure 35 feet, and the spring diameter is
6-1/2 feet. The lotus-bud or clustered column
gives similar results. At Karnak, in the aisles
of the hypostyle hall, the capital is 10 feet high,
the shaft 33 feet, and the base diameter 6-3/4 feet.
At the Ramesseum, the capital is 5- 1/2 feet high,
the shaft 24-1/2 feet, and the base diameter 5 feet
10 inches. We find the same irregularity as to
architraves. Their height is determined
only by the taste of the architect or the necessities
of the building. So also with the spacing of
columns. Not only does the inter-columnar space
vary considerably between temple and temple, or chamber
and chamber, but sometimesas in the first
court at Medinet Habuthey vary in the
same portico. We have thus far treated separately
of each type; but when various types were associated
in a single building, no fixed relative proportions
were observed. In the hypostyle hall at Karnak,
the campaniform columns support the nave, while the
lotus-bud variety is relegated to the aisles . There are halls in the temple of Khonsu where
the lotus-bud column is the loftiest, and others
where the campaniform dominates the rest. In
what remains of the Medamot structure, campaniform
and lotus-bud columns are of equal height. Egypt
had no definite orders like those of Greece, but tried
every combination to which the elements of the column
could be made to lend themselves; hence, we can never
determine the dimensions of an Egyptian column from
those of one of its parts.
Most of the famous sanctuariesDenderah,
Edfu, Abydoswere founded before Men a
by the Servants of Hor. Becoming dilapidated
or ruined in the course of ages, they have been restored,
rebuilt, remodelled, one after the other, till nothing
remains of the primitive design to show us what the
first Egyptian architecture was like. The funerary
temples built by the kings of the Fourth Dynasty have
left some traces. That of the second pyramid of
Gizeh was so far preserved at the beginning of
the last century, that Maillet saw four large pillars
standing. It is now almost entirely destroyed;
but this loss has been more than compensated by the
discovery, in 1853, of a temple situate about fifty
yards to the southward of the sphinx .
The façade is still hidden by the sand, and the inside
is but partly uncovered. The core masonry is
of fine Turah limestone. The casing, pillars,
architraves, and roof were constructed with immense
blocks of alabaster or red granite .
The plan is most simple: In the middle (A) is
a great hall in shape of the letter T, adorned with
sixteen square pillars 16 feet in height; at the north-west
corner of this hall is a narrow passage on an inclined
plane (B), by which the building is now entered;
at the south-west corner is a recess (C) which contains
six niches, in pairs one over the other. A long
gallery opening at each end into a square chamber,
now filled with rubbish (E), completes the plan.
Without any main door, without windows, and entered
through a passage too long to admit the light of day,
the building can only have received light and air
through slanting air-slits in the roofing, of which
traces are yet visible on the tops of the walls (e,
e) on each side of the main hall .
Inscriptions, bas-reliefs, paintings, such as we are
accustomed to find everywhere in Egypt, are all wanting;
and yet these bare walls produce as great an impression
upon the spectator as the most richly decorated temples
of Thebes. Not only grandeur but sublimity has
been achieved in the mere juxtaposition of blocks
of granite and alabaster, by means of purity of line
and exactness of proportion.
Some few scattered ruins in Nubia,
the Fayum, and Sinai, do not suffice to prove whether
the temples of the Twelfth Dynasty merited the praises
lavished on them in contemporary inscriptions or not.
Those of the Theban kings, of the Ptolemies, and of
the Caesars which are yet standing are in some cases
nearly perfect, while almost all are easy of restoration
to those who conscientiously study them upon the spot.
At first sight, they seem to present an infinite variety
as to arrangement; but on a closer view they are found
to conform to a single type. We will begin with
the sanctuary. This is a low, small, obscure,
rectangular chamber, inaccessible to all save Pharaoh
and the priests. As a rule it contained neither
statue nor emblem, but only the sacred bark, or a
tabernacle of painted wood placed upon a pedestal.
A niche in the wall, or an isolated shrine formed
of a single block of stone, received on certain days
the statue, or inanimate symbol of the local god,
or the living animal, or the image of the animal,
sacred to that god. A temple must necessarily
contain this one chamber; and if it contained but
this one chamber, it would be no less a temple than
the most complex buildings. Very rarely, however,
especially in large towns, was the service of the
gods thus limited to the strictly necessary.
Around the sanctuary, or “divine house,”
was grouped a series of chambers in which sacrificial
and ceremonial objects were stored, as flowers, perfumes,
stuffs, and precious vessels. In advance of this
block of buildings were next built one or more halls
supported on columns; and in advance of these came
a courtyard, where the priests and devotees assembled.
This courtyard was surrounded by a colonnade to which
the public had access, and was entered through a gateway
flanked by two towers, in front of which were placed
statues, or obelisks; the whole being surrounded by
an enclosure wall of brickwork, and approached through
an avenue of sphinxes. Every Pharaoh was free
to erect a hall still more sumptuous in front of those
which his predecessors had built; and what he did,
others might do after him. Thus, successive series
of chambers and courts, of pylons and porticoes, were
added reign after reign to the original nucleus; andvanity
or piety prompting the workthe temple continued
to increase in every direction, till space or means
had failed.
The most simple temples were sometimes
the most beautiful. This was the case as regards
the sanctuaries erected by Amenhotep III. in the island
of Elephantine, which were figured by the members
of the French expedition at the end of the last century,
and destroyed by the Turkish governor of Asuan in
1822. The best preserved, namely, the south temple , consisted of but a single chamber of sandstone,
14 feet high, 31 feet wide, and 39 feet long.
The walls, which were straight, and crowned with the
usual cornice, rested on a platform of masonry some
8 feet above the ground. This platform was surrounded
by a parapet wall, breast high. All around the
temple ran a colonnade, the sides each consisting of
seven square pillars, without capital or base, and
the two façades, front and back, being supported by
two columns with the lotus-bud capital. Both pillars
and columns rose direct from the parapet; except on
the east front, where a flight of ten or twelve steps,
enclosed between two walls of the same height as the
platform, led up to the cella. The two
columns at the head of the steps were wider apart
than those of the opposite face, and through the space
thus opened was seen a richly-decorated door.
A second door opened at the other end, beneath the
portico. Later, in Roman times, this feature
was utilised in altering the building. The inter-columnar
space at the end was filled up, and thus was obtained
a second hall, rough and bare, but useful for the
purposes of the temple service. These Elephantine
sanctuaries bring to mind the peripteral temples of
the Greeks, and this resemblance to one of the most
familiar forms of classical architecture explains
perhaps the boundless admiration with which they were
regarded by the French savants. Those of Mesheikh,
of El Kab, and of Sharonah are somewhat more elaborate.
The building at El Kab is in three divisions ; first, a hall of four columns (A); next, a chamber
(B) supported by four Hathor-headed pillars; and in
the end wall, opposite the door, a niche (C), approached
by four steps. Of these small oratories the most
complete model now remaining belongs to the Ptolemaic
period; namely, the temple of Hathor at Deir el Medineh . Its length is just double its breadth.
The walls are built with a batter inclining inwards,
and are externally bare, save at the door, which is
framed in a projecting border covered with finely-sculptured
scenes. The interior is in three parts: A
portico (B), supported by two lotus flower columns;
a pronaos (C), reached by a flight of four steps,
and separated from the portico by a wall which connects
the two lotus flower columns with two Hathor-headed
pilasters in antis; lastly, the sanctuary (D),
flanked by two small chambers (E, E), which are lighted
by square openings cut in the ceiling. The ascent
to the terrace is by way of a staircase, very ingeniously
placed in the south corner of the portico, and furnished
with a beautiful open window (F). This is merely
a temple in miniature; but the parts, though small,
are so well proportioned that it would be impossible
to conceive anything more delicate or graceful.
We cannot say as much for the temple
which the Pharaohs of the Twentieth Dynasty erected
to the south of Karnak, in honour of the god Khonsu ; but if the style is not irreproachable,
the plan is nevertheless so clear, that one is tempted
to accept it as the type of an Egyptian temple, in
preference to others more elegant or majestic.
On analysis, it resolves itself into two parts separated
by a thick wall (A, A). In the centre of the
lesser division is the Holy of Holies (B), open at
both ends and isolated from the rest of the building
by a surrounding passage (C) 10 feet in width.
To the right and left of this sanctuary are small dark
chambers (D, D), and behind it is a hall of four columns
(E), from which open seven other chambers (F, F).
Such was the house of the god, having no communication
with the adjoining parts, except by two doors (G) in
the southern wall (A, A). These opened into a
wide and shallow hypostyle hall (H), divided into
nave and aisles. The nave is supported by four
lotus-flower columns, 23 feet in height; the aisles
each contain two lotus-bud columns 18 feet high.
The roof of the nave is, therefore, 5 feet higher
than that of the sides. This elevation was made
use of for lighting purposes, the clerestory being
fitted with stone gratings, which admitted the daylight.
The court (I) was square, and surrounded by a double
colonnade entered by way of four side-gates and a great
central gateway flanked by two quadrangular towers
with sloping fronts. This pylon (K) measures
105 feet in length, 33 feet in width, and 60 feet in
height. It contains no chambers, but only a narrow
staircase, which leads to the top of the gate, and
thence up to the towers. Four long grooves in
the façade, reaching to a third of its height, correspond
to four quadrangular openings cut through. the whole
thickness of the masonry. Here were fixed four
great wooden masts, formed of joined beams and held
in place by a wooden framework fixed in the four openings
above mentioned. From these masts floated long
streamers of various colours . Such was
the temple of Khonsu, and such, in their main features,
were the majority of the greater temples of Theban
and Ptolemaic times, as Luxor, the Ramesseum, Medinet
Habu, Edfu, and Denderah. Though for the most
part half in ruins, they affect one with a strange
and disquieting sense of oppression. As mystery
was a favourite attribute of the Egyptian gods, even
so the plan of their temples is in such wise devised
as to lead gradually from the full sunshine of the
outer world to the obscurity of their retreats.
At the entrance we find large open spaces, where air
and light stream freely in. The hypostyle hall
is pervaded by a sober twilight; the sanctuary is more
than half lost in a vague darkness; and at the end
of the building, in the farthest of the chambers,
night all but reigns completely. The effect of
distance which was produced by this gradual diminution
of light, was still further heightened by various
structural artifices. The parts, for instance,
are not on the same level. The ground rises from
the entrance , and there are always a few
steps to mount in passing from one part to another.
In the temple of Khonsu the difference of level is
not more than 5-1/4 feet, but it is combined with
a lowering of the roof, which in most cases is very
strongly marked. From the pylon to the wall at
the farther end, the height decreases continuously.
The peristyle is loftier than the hypostyle hall,
and the hypostyle hall is loftier than the sanctuary.
The last hall of columns and the farthest chamber
are lower and lower still. The architects of
Ptolemaic times changed certain details of arrangement.
They erected chapels and oratories on the terraced
roofs, and reserved space for the construction of
secret passages and crypts in the thickness of the
walls, wherein to hide the treasure of the god . They, however, introduced only two important
modifications of the original plan. The sanctuary
was formerly entered by two opposite doors; they left
but one. Also the colonnade, which was originally
continued round the upper end of the court, or, where
there was no court, along the façade of the temple,
became now the pronaos, so forming an additional
chamber. The columns of the outer row are retained,
but built into a wall reaching to about half their
height. This connecting wall is surmounted by
a cornice, which thus forms a screen, and so prevented
the outer throng from seeing what took place within . The pronaos is supported by two,
three, or even four rows of columns, according to
the size of the edifice. For the rest, it is
useful to compare the plan of the temple of Edfu with that of the temple of Khonsu, observing how
little they differ the one from the other.
Thus designed, the building sufficed
for all the needs of worship. If enlargement
was needed, the sanctuary and surrounding chambers
were generally left untouched, and only the ceremonial
parts of the building, as the hypostyle halls, the
courts, or pylons, were attacked. The procedure
of the Egyptians under these circumstances is best
illustrated by the history of the great temple of
Karnak. Founded by Usertesen I., probably on the
site of a still earlier temple, it was but a small
building, constructed of limestone and sandstone,
with granite doorways. The inside was decorated
with sixteen-sided pillars. The second and third
Amenemhats added some work to it, and the princes
of the Thirteenth and Fourteenth Dynasties adorned
it with statues and tables of offerings. It was
still unaltered when, in the eighteenth century B.C.,
Thothmes I., enriched with booty of war, resolved
to enlarge it. In advance of what already stood
there, he erected two chambers, preceded by a court
and flanked by two isolated chapels. In advance
of these again, he erected three successive pylons,
one behind the other. The whole presented the
appearance of a vast rectangle placed crosswise at
the end of another rectangle. Thothmes II. and
Hatshepsut covered the walls erected by their
father with bas-relief sculptures, but added no more
buildings. Hatshepsut, however, in order to bring
in her obelisks between the pylons of Thothmes I.,
opened a breach in the south wall, and overthrew sixteen
of the columns which stood in that spot. Thothmes
III., probably finding certain parts of the structure
unworthy of the god, rebuilt the first pylon, and
also the double sanctuary, which he renewed in the
red granite of Syene. To the eastward, he rebuilt
some old chambers, the most important among them being
the processional hall, used for the starting-point
and halting-place of ceremonial processions, and these
he surrounded with a stone wall. He also made
the lake whereon the sacred boats were launched on
festival days; and, with a sharp change of axis, he
built two pylons facing towards the south, thus violating
the true relative proportion which had till then subsisted
between the body and the front of the general mass
of the building. The outer enclosure was now too
large for the earlier pylons, and did not properly
accord with the later ones. Amenhotep III. corrected
this defect. He erected a sixth and yet more
massive pylon, which was, therefore, better suited
for the façade. As it now stood , the
temple surpassed even the boldest architectural enterprises
hitherto attempted; but the Pharaohs of the Nineteenth
Dynasty succeeded in achieving still more. They
added only a hypostyle hall and a pylon;
but the hypostyle hall measured 170 feet in length
by 329 feet in breadth. Down the centre they
carried a main avenue of twelve columns, with lotus-flower
capitals, being the loftiest ever erected in the interior
of a building; while in the aisles, ranged in seven
rows on either side, they planted 122 columns with
lotus-bud capitals. The roof of the great nave
rose to a height of 75 feet above the level of the
ground, and the pylon stood some fifty feet higher
still. During a whole century, three kings laboured
to perfect this hypostyle hall. Rameses I. conceived
the idea; Seti I. finished the bulk of the work, and
Rameses II. wrought nearly the whole of the decoration.
The Pharaohs of the next following dynasties vied
with each other for such blank spaces as might be found,
wherein to engrave their names upon the columns, and
so to share the glory of the three founders; but farther
they did not venture. Left thus, however, the
monument was still incomplete. It still needed
one last pylon and a colonnaded court. Nearly
three centuries elapsed before the task was again
taken in hand. At last the Bubastite kings decided
to begin the colonnades, but their work was as feeble
as their, resources were limited. Taharkah, the
Ethiopian, imagined for a moment that he was capable
of rivalling the great Theban Pharaohs, and planned
a hypostyle hall even larger than the first; but he
made a false start. The columns of the great nave,
which were all that he had time to erect, were placed
too wide apart to admit of being roofed over; so they
never supported anything, but remained as memorials
of his failure. Finally, the Ptolemies, faithful
to the traditions of the native monarchy, threw themselves
into the work; but their labours were interrupted
by revolts at Thebes, and the earthquake of the year
27 B.C. destroyed part of the temple, so that the
pylon remained for ever unfinished. The history
of Karnak is identical with that of all the great
Egyptian temples. When closely studied, the reason
why they are for the most part so irregular becomes
evident. The general plan is practically the
same, and the progress of the building was carried
forward in the same way; but the architects could
not always foresee the future importance of their
work, and the site was not always favourable to the
development of the building. At Luxor ,
the progress went on methodically enough under Amenhotep
III. and Seti I., but when Rameses II. desired to add
to the work of his predecessors, a bend in the river
compelled him to turn eastwards. His pylon is
not parallel to that of Amenhotep III., and his colonnades
make a distinct angle with the general axis of the
earlier work. At Philae the deviation
is still greater. Not only is the larger pylon
out of alignment with the smaller, but the two colonnades
are not parallel with each other. Neither are
they attached to the pylon with a due regard to symmetry.
This arises neither from negligence nor wilfulness,
as is popularly supposed. The first plan was
as regular as the most symmetrically-minded designer
could wish; but it became necessary to adapt it to
the requirements of the site, and the architects were
thenceforth chiefly concerned to make the best of
the irregularities to which they were condemned by
the configuration of the ground. Such difficulties
were, in fact, a frequent source of inspiration; and
Philae shows with what skill the Egyptians extracted
every element of beauty and picturesqueness from enforced
The idea of the rock-cut temple must
have occurred to the Egyptians at an early period.
They carved the houses of the dead in the mountain
side; why, therefore, should they not in like manner
carve the houses of the gods? Yet the earliest
known Speos-sanctuaries date from only the beginning
of the Eighteenth Dynasty. They are generally
found in those parts of the valley where the cultivable
land is narrowest, as near Beni Hasan, at Gebel Silsileh,
and in Nubia. All varieties of the constructed
temple are found in the rock-cut temple, though more
or less modified by local conditions. The Speos
Artemidos is approached by a pillared portico, but
contains only a square chamber with a niche at the
end for the statue of the goddess Pakhet. At
Kalaat Addah , a flat narrow façade (A) faces
the river, and is reached by a steep flight of steps;
next comes a hypostyle hall (B), flanked by two dark
chambers (C), and lastly a sanctuary in two storeys,
one above the other (D). The chapel of Horemheb
, at Gebel Silsileh, is formed of a gallery
parallel to the river (A), supported by four massive
pillars left in the rock. From this gallery, the
sanctuary chamber opens at right angles. At Abu
Simbel, the two temples are excavated entirely in
the cliff. The front of the great speos imitates a sloping pylon crowned with a cornice,
and guarded as usual by four seated colossi flanked
by smaller statues. These colossi are sixty-six
feet high. The doorway passed, there comes a
first hall measuring 130 feet in length by 60 feet
in width, which corresponds to the usual peristyle.
Eight Osiride statues backed by as many square pillars,
seem to bear the mountain on their heads. Beyond
this come (1) a hypostyle hall; (2) a transverse gallery,
isolating the sanctuary, and (3) the sanctuary itself,
between two smaller chambers. Eight crypts, sunk
at a somewhat lower level than that of the main excavation,
are unequally distributed to right and left of the
peristyle. The whole excavation measures 180 feet
from the doorway to the end of the sanctuary.
The small speos of Hathor, about a hundred paces to
the northward, is of smaller dimensions. The façade
is adorned with six standing colossi, four representing
Rameses II., and two his wife, Nefertari. The
peristyle and the crypts are lacking , and
the small chambers are placed at either end of the
transverse passage, instead of being parallel with
the sanctuary. The hypostyle hall, however, is
supported by six Hathor-headed pillars. Where
space permitted, the rock-cut temple was but partly
excavated in the cliff, the forepart being constructed
outside with blocks cut and dressed, and becoming half
grotto, half building. In the hemi-speos at Derr,
the peristyle is external to the cliff; at Beit el
Wally, the pylon and court are built; at Gerf Husein
and Wady Sabuah, pylon, court, and hypostyle hall
are all outside the mountain, The most celebrated
and original hemi-speos is that built by Queen Hatshepsut,
at Deir el Baharí, in the Theban necropolis , The sanctuary and chapels which, as usual,
accompany it, were cut about 100 ft. above the level
of the valley. In order to arrive at that height,
slopes were made and terraces laid out according to
a plan which was not understood until the site was
thoroughly excavated.
Between the hemi-speos and the isolated
temple, the Egyptians created yet another variety,
namely, the built temple backed by, but not carried
into, the cliff. The temple of the sphinx at
Gizeh, and the temple of Seti I. at Abydos, may
be cited as two good examples. I have already
described the former; the area of the latter was cleared in a narrow and shallow belt of sand,
which here divides the plain from the desert.
It was sunk up to the roof, the tops of the walls
but just showing above the level of the ground.
The staircase which led up to the terraced roof led
also to the top of the hill. The front, which
stood completely out, seemed in nowise extraordinary.
It was approached by two pylons, two courts, and a
shallow portico supported on square pillars. The
unusual part of the building only began beyond this
point. First, there were two hypostyle halls
instead of one. These are separated by a wall
with seven doorways. There is no nave, and the
sanctuary opens direct from the second hall.
This, as usual, consists of an oblong chamber with
a door at each end; but the rooms by which it is usually
surrounded are here placed side by side in a line,
two to the right and four to the left; further, they
are covered by “corbelled” vaults, and
are lighted only from the doors. Behind the sanctuary
are further novelties. Another hypostyle hall
(K) abuts on the end wall, and its dependencies are
unequally distributed to right and left. As if
this were not enough, the architect also constructed,
to the left of the main building, a court, five chambers
of columns, various passages and dark chambersin
short, an entire wing branching off at right angles
to the axis of the temple proper, with no counterbalancing
structures on the other side. These irregularities
become intelligible when the site is examined.
The cliff is shallow at this part, and the smaller
hypostyle hall is backed by only a thin partition
of rock. If the usual plan had been followed,
it would have been necessary to cut the cliff entirely
away, and the structure would have forfeited its special
characteristicthat of a temple backed
by a cliffas desired by the founder.
The architect, therefore, distributed in width those
portions of the edifice which he could not carry out
in length; and he even threw out a wing. Some
years later, when Rameses II. constructed a monument
to his own memory, about a hundred yards to the northward
of the older building, he was careful not to follow
in his father’s footsteps. Built on the
top of an elevation, his temple had sufficient space
for development, and the conventional plan was followed
in all its strictness.
Most temples, even the smallest, should
be surrounded by a square enclosure or temenos.
At Medinet Habu, this enclosure wall is of sandstonelow,
and embattled. The innovation is due to a whim
of Rameses III., who, in giving to his monument the
outward appearance of a fortress, sought to commemorate
his Syrian victories. Elsewhere, the doorways
are of stone, and the walls are built in irregular
courses of crude bricks. The great enclosure
wall was not, as frequently stated, intended to isolate
the temple and screen the priestly ceremonies from
eyes profane. It marked the limits of the divine
dwelling, and served, when needful, to resist the
attacks of enemies whose cupidity might be excited
by the accumulated riches of the sanctuary. As
at Karnak, avenues of sphinxes and series of pylons
led up to the various gates, and formed triumphal approaches.
The rest of the ground was in part occupied by stables,
cellarage, granaries, and private houses. Just
as in Europe during the Middle Ages the population
crowded most densely round about the churches and abbeys,
so in Egypt they swarmed around the temples, profiting
by that security which the terror of his name and
the solidity of his ramparts ensured to the local deity.
A clear space was at first reserved round the pylons
and the walls; but in course of time the houses encroached
upon this ground, and were even built up against the
boundary wall. Destroyed and rebuilt century after
century upon the self-same spot, the debris
of these surrounding dwellings so raised the level
of the soil, that the temples ended for the most part
by being gradually buried in a hollow formed by the
artificial elevation of the surrounding city.
Herodotus noticed this at Bubastis, and on examination
it is seen to have been the same in many other localities.
At Ombos, at Edfu, at Denderah, the whole city nestled
inside the precincts of the divine dwelling.
At El Kab, where the temple temenos formed a separate
enclosure within the boundary of the city walls, it
served as a sort of donjon, or keep, in which the
garrison could seek a last refuge. At Memphis
and at Thebes, there were as many keeps as there were
great temples, and these sacred fortresses, each at
first standing alone in the midst of houses, were,
from the time of the Eighteenth Dynasty, connected
each with each by avenues of sphinxes. These
were commonly andrò-sphinxes, combining the head
of a man and the body of a lion; but we also find crío-sphinxes,
which united a ram’s head with a lion’s
body . Elsewhere, in places where the
local worship admitted of such substitution, a couchant
ram, holding a statuette of the royal founder between
his bent forelegs, takes the place of the conventional
sphinx . The avenue leading from Luxor
to Karnak was composed of these diverse elements.
It was one mile and a quarter in length, and there
were many bends in it; but this fact affords no fresh
proof of Egyptian “symmetrophobia.”
The enclosures of the two temples were not oriented
alike, and the avenues which started squarely from
the fronts of each could never have met had they not
deviated from their first course. Finally, it
may be said that the inhabitants of Thebes saw about
as much of their temples as we see at the present day.
The sanctuary and its immediate surroundings were
closed against them; but they had access to the façades,
the courts, and even the hypostyle halls, and might
admire the masterpieces of their architects as freely
as we admire them now.
Ancient tradition affirmed that the
earliest Egyptian temples contained neither sculptured
images, inscriptions, nor symbols; and in point of
fact, the Temple of the Sphinx is bare. But this
is a unique example. The fragments of architraves
and masonry bearing the name of Khafra, which were
used for building material in the northern pyramid
of Lisht, show that this primitive simplicity had
already been abandoned by the time of the Fourth Dynasty.
During the Theban period, all smooth surfaces, all
pylons, wall-faces, and shafts of columns, were covered
with figure-groups and inscriptions. Under the
Ptolemies and the Caesars, figures and hieroglyphs
became so crowded that the stone on which they are
sculptured seems to be lost under the masses of ornament
with which it is charged. We recognise at a glance
that these scenes are not placed at random. They
follow in sequence, are interlinked, and form as it
were a great mystic book in which the official relations
between gods and men, as well as between men and gods,
are clearly set forth for such as are skilled to read
them. The temple was built in the likeness of
the world, as the world was known to the Egyptians.
The earth, as they believed, was a flat and shallow
plane, longer than its width. The sky, according
to some, extended overhead like an immense iron ceiling,
and according to others, like a huge shallow vault.
As it could not remain suspended in space without some
support, they imagined it to be held in place by four
immense props or pillars. The floor of the temple
naturally represented the earth. The columns,
and if needful the four corners of the chambers, stood
for the pillars. The roof, vaulted at Abydos,
flat elsewhere, corresponded exactly with the Egyptian
idea of the sky. Each of these parts was, therefore,
decorated in consonance with its meaning. Those
next to the ground were clothed with vegetation.
The bases of the columns were surrounded by leaves,
and the lower parts of the walls were adorned with
long stems of lotus or papyrus , in the midst
of which animals were occasionally depicted. Bouquets
of water-plants emerging from the water ,
enlivened the bottom of the wall-space in certain
chambers. Elsewhere, we find full-blown flowers
interspersed with buds , or tied together
with cords ; or those emblematic plants which
symbolise the union of Upper and Lower Egypt under
the rule of a single Pharaoh ; or birds with
human hands and arms, perched in an attitude of adoration
on the sign which represents a solemn festival; or
kneeling prisoners tied to the stake in couples, each
couple consisting of an Asiatic and a negro .
Male and female Niles , laden with flowers
and fruits, either kneel, or advance in majestic procession,
along the ground level. These are the nomes,
lakes, and districts of Egypt, bringing offerings
of their products to the god. In one instance,
at Karnak, Thothmes III. caused the fruits, flowers,
and animals indigenous to the foreign lands which
he had conquered, to be sculptured on the lower courses
of his walls . The ceilings were painted
blue, and sprinkled with five-pointed stars painted
yellow, occasionally interspersed with the cartouches
of the royal founder. The monotony of this Egyptian
heaven was also relieved by long bands of hieroglyphic
inscriptions. The vultures of Nekheb and Uati,
the goddesses of the south and north, crowned and
armed with divine emblems , hovered above
the nave of the hypostyle halls, and on the under side
of the lintels of the great doors, above the head
of the king as he passed through on his way to the
sanctuary. At the Ramesseum, at Edfu, at Philae,
at Denderah, at Ombos, at Esneh, the depths of the
firmament seemed to open to the eyes of the faithful,
revealing the dwellers therein. There the celestial
ocean poured forth its floods navigated by the sun
and moon with their attendant escort of planets, constellations,
and decani; and there also the genii of the months
and days marched in long procession. In the Ptolemaic
age, zodiacs fashioned after Greek models were sculptured
side by side with astronomical tables of purely native
origin . The decoration of the architraves
which supported the massive roofing slabs was entirely
independent of that of the ceiling itself. On
these were wrought nothing save boldly cut inscriptions,
in which the beauty of the temple, the names of the
builder-kings who had erected it, and the glory of
the gods to whom it was consecrated, are emphatically
celebrated. Finally, the decoration of the lowest
part of the walls and of the ceiling was restricted
to a small number of subjects, which were always similar:
the most important and varied scenes being suspended,
as it were, between earth and heaven, on the sides
of the chambers and the pylons.
These scenes illustrate the official
relations which subsisted between Egypt and the gods.
The people had no right of direct intercourse with
the deities. They needed a mediator, who, partaking
of both human and divine nature, was qualified to
communicate with both. The king alone, Son of
the Sun, was of sufficiently high descent to contemplate
the god in his temple, to serve him, and to speak
with him face to face. Sacrifices could be offered
only by him, or through him, and in his name.
Even the customary offerings to the dead were supposed
to pass through his hands, and the family availed
themselves of his name in the formula suten ta hotep
to forward them to the other world. The king
is seen, therefore, in all parts of the temple, standing,
seated, kneeling, slaying the victim, presenting the
parts, pouring out the wine, the milk, and the oil,
and burning the incense. All humankind acts through
him, and through him performs its duty towards the
gods. When the ceremonies to be performed required
the assistance of many persons, then alone did mortal
subordinates (consisting, as much as possible, of
his own family) appear by his side. The queen,
standing behind him like Isis behind Osiris, uplifts
her hand to protect him, shakes the sistrum, beats
the tambourine to dispel evil spirits, or holds the
libation vase or bouquet. The eldest son carries
the net or lassoes the bull, and recites the prayer
while his father successively presents to the god
each object prescribed by the ritual. A priest
may occasionally act as substitute for the prince,
but other men perform only the most menial offices.
They are slaughterers or servants, or they bear the
boat or canopy of the god. The god, for his part,
is not always alone. He has his wife and his
son by his side; next after them the gods of the neighbouring
homes, and, in a general way, all the gods of Egypt.
From the moment that the temple is regarded as representing
the world, it must, like the world, contain all gods,
both great and small. They are most frequently
ranged behind the principal god, seated or standing;
and with him they share in the homage paid by the
king. Sometimes, however, they take an active
part in the ceremonies. The spirits of On and
Khonu kneel before the sun, and proclaim his praise.
Hor, Set, or Thoth conducts Pharaoh into the presence
of his father Amen Ra, or performs the functions elsewhere
assigned to the prince or the priest. They help
him to overthrow the victim or to snare birds for
the sacrifice; and in order to wash away his impurities,
they pour upon his head the waters of youth and life.
The position and functions of these co-operating gods
were strictly defined in the theology. The sun,
travelling from east to west, divided the universe
into two worlds, the world of the north and the world
of the south. The temple, like the universe,
was double, and an imaginary line passing through
the axis of the sanctuary divided it into two templesthe
temple of the south on the right hand, and the temple
of the north on the left. The gods and their
various manifestations were divided between these two
temples, according as they belonged to the northern
or southern hemisphere. This fiction of duality
was carried yet further. Each chamber was divided,
in imitation of the temple, into two halves, the right
half belonging to the south, and the left half to
the north. The royal homage, to be complete,
must be rendered in the temples of the south and of
the north, and to the gods of the south and of the
north, and with the products of the south and of the
north. Each sculptured tableau must, therefore,
be repeated at least twice in each templeon
a right wall and on a left wall. Amen, on the
right, receives the corn, the wine, the liquids of
the south; while on the left he receives the corn,
the wine, and the liquids of the north. As with
Amen, so with Maut, Khonsu, Mentu, and many other gods.
Want of space frequently frustrated the due execution
of this scheme, and we often meet with a tableau in
which the products of north and south together are
placed before an Amen who represents both Amen of the
south and Amen of the north. These departures
from decorative usage are, however, exceptional, and
the dual symmetry is always observed where space permits.
In Pharaonic times, the tableaux were
not over-crowded. The wall-surface intended to
be covered was marked off below by a line carried just
above the ground level decoration, and was bounded
above by the usual cornice, or by a frieze. This
frieze might be composed of uraei, or of bunches of
lotus; or of royal cartouches supported
on either side by divine symbols; or of emblems borrowed
from the local cult (by heads of Hathor, for instance,
in a temple dedicated to Hathor); or of a horizontal
line of dedicatory inscription engraved in large and
deeply-cut hieroglyphs. The wall space thus framed
in contained sometimes a single scene and sometimes
two scenes, one above the other. The wall must
be very lofty, if this number is exceeded. Figures
and inscriptions were widely spaced, and the scenes
succeeded one another with scarcely a break. The
spectator had to discover for himself where they began
or ended. The head of the king was always studied
from the life, and the faces of the gods reproduced
the royal portrait as closely as possible. As
Pharaoh was the son of the gods, the surest way to
obtain portraits of the gods was to model their faces
after the face of the king. The secondary figures
were no less carefully wrought; but when these were
very numerous, they were arranged on two or three
levels, the total height of which never exceeded that
of the principal personages. The offerings, the
sceptres, the jewels, the vestments, the head-dresses,
and all the accessories were treated with a genuine
feeling for elegance and truth. The colours, moreover,
were so combined as to produce in each tableau the
effect of one general and prevailing tone; so that
in many temples there were chambers which can be justly
distinguished as the Blue Hall, the Red Hall, or the
Golden Hall. So much for the classical period
of decoration.
As we come down to later times, these
tableaux are multiplied, and under the Greeks and
Romans they become so numerous that the smallest wall
contained not less than four , five, six,
or even eight registers. The principal figures
are, as it were, compressed, so as to occupy less
room, and all the intermediate space is crowded with
thousands of tiny hieroglyphs. The gods and kings
are no longer portraits of the reigning sovereign,
but mere conventional types without vigour or life.
As for the secondary figures and accessories, the
sculptor’s only care is to crowd in as many
as possible. This was not due to a defect of taste,
and to the prevalence of a religious idea which decided
but enforced these changes. The object of decoration
was not merely the delight of the eye. Applied
to a piece of furniture, a coffin, a house, a temple,
decoration possessed a certain magic property, of
which the power and nature were determined by each
being or action represented, by each word inscribed
or spoken, at the moment of consecration. Every
subject was, therefore, an amulet as well as an ornament.
So long as it endured, it ensured to the god the continuance
of homage rendered, or sacrifices offered, by the king.
To the king, whether living or dead, it confirmed
the favours granted to him by the god in recompense
for his piety. It also preserved from destruction
the very wall upon which it was depicted. At the
time of the Eighteenth Dynasty, it was thought that
two or three such amulets sufficed to compass the
desired effect; but at a later period it was believed
that their number could not be too freely multiplied,
and the walls were covered with as many as the surface
would contain. An average chamber of Edfu or Denderah
yields more material for study than the hypostyle
hall of Karnak; and the chapel of Antoninus Pius at
Philae, had it been finished, would have contained
more scenes than the sanctuary of Luxor and the passages
by which it is surrounded.
Observing the variety of subjects
treated on the walls of any one temple, one might
at first be tempted to think that the decoration does
not form a connected whole, and that, although many
series of scenes must undoubtedly contain the development
of an historic idea or a religious dogma, yet that
others are merely strung together without any necessary
link. At Luxor, and again at the Ramesseum, each
face of the pylon is a battle-field on which may be
studied, almost day for day, the campaign of Rameses
II. against the Kheta, which took place in the fifth
year of his reign. There we see the Egyptian
camp attacked by night; the king’s bodyguard
surprised during the march; the defeat of the enemy;
their flight; the garrison of Kadesh sallying forth
to the relief of the vanquished; and the disasters
which befell the prince of the Kheta and his generals.
Elsewhere, it is not the war which is represented,
but the human sacrifices which anciently celebrated
the close of each campaign. The king is seen in
the act of seizing his prostrate prisoners by the
hair of their heads, and uplifting his mace as if
about to shatter their heads at a single blow.
At Karnak, along the whole length of the outer wall,
Seti I. pursues the Bedawin of Sinai. At Medinet
Habu Rameses III. destroys the fleet of the peoples
of the great sea, or receives the cut-off hands of
the Libyans, which his soldiers bring to him as trophies.
In the next scene, all is peace; and we behold Pharaoh
pouring out a libation of perfumed water to his father
Amen. It would seem as if no link could be established
between these subjects, and yet the one is the necessary
consequence of the others. If the god had not
granted victory to the king, the king in his turn would
not have performed these ceremonies in the temple.
The sculptor has recorded the events in their order:first
the victory, then the sacrifice. The favour of
the god precedes the thank-offering of the king.
Thus, on closer examination, we find this multitude
of episodes forming the several links of one continuous
chain, while every scene, including such as seem at
first sight to be wholly unexplained, represents one
stage in the development of a single action which
begins at the door, is carried through the various
halls, and penetrates to the farthest recesses of the
sanctuary. The king enters the temple. In
the courts, he is everywhere confronted by reminiscences
of his victories; and here the god comes forth to greet
him, hidden in his shrine and surrounded by priests.
The rites prescribed for these occasions are graven
on the walls of the hypostyle hall in which they were
performed. These being over, king and god together
take their way to the sanctuary. At the door
which leads from the public hall to the mysterious
part of the temple, the escort halts. The king
crosses the threshold alone, and is welcomed by the
gods. He then performs in due order all the sacred
ceremonies enjoined by usage. His merits increase
by virtue of his prayers; his senses become exalted;
he rises to the level of the divine type. Finally
he enters the sanctuary, where the god reveals himself
unwitnessed, and speaks to him face to face. The
sculptures faithfully reproduce the order of this
mystic presentation:the welcoming reception
on the part of the god; the acts and offerings of the
king; the vestments which he puts on and off in succession;
the various crowns which he places on his head.
The prayers which he recites and the favours which
are conferred upon him are also recorded upon the
walls in order of time and place. The king, and
the few who accompany him, have their backs towards
the entrance and their faces towards the door of the
sanctuary. The gods, on the contrary, or at least
such as do not make part of the procession, face the
entrance, and have their backs turned towards the sanctuary.
If during the ceremony the royal memory failed, the
king needed but to raise his eyes to the wall, whereon
his duties were mapped out for him.
Nor was this all. Each part of
the temple had its accessory decoration and its furniture.
The outer faces of the pylons were ornamented, not
only with the masts and streamers before mentioned,
but with statues and obelisks. The statues, four
or six in number, were of limestone, granite, or sandstone.
They invariably represented the royal founder, and
were sometimes of prodigious size. The two Memnons
seated at the entrance of the temple of Amenhotep
III., at Thebes, measured about fifty feet in height.
The colossal Rameses II. of the Ramesseum measured
fifty-seven feet, and that of Tanis at least seventy
feet. The greater number, however, did not exceed
twenty feet. They mounted guard before the temple,
facing outwards, as if confronting an approaching
enemy. The obelisks of Karnak are mostly hidden
amid the central courts; and those of Queen Hatshepsut
were imbedded for seventeen feet of their height in
masses of masonry which concealed their bases.
These are accidental circumstances, and easy of explanation.
Each of the pylons before which they are stationed
had in its turn been the entrance to the temple, and
was thrown into the rear by the works of succeeding
Pharaohs. The true place of all obelisks was in
front of the colossi, on each side of the main entrance.
They are always in pairs, but often of unequal height.
Some have professed to see in them the emblem of Amen,
the Generator; or a finger of the god; or a ray of
the sun. In sober truth, they are a more shapely
form of the standing stone, or menhir, which is raised
by semi-civilised peoples in commemoration of their
gods or their dead. Small obelisks, about three
feet in height, are found in tombs as early as the
Fourth Dynasty. They are placed to right and left
of the stela; that is to say, on either side of the
door which leads to the dwelling of the dead.
Erected before the pylon-gates of temples, they are
made of granite, and their dimensions are considerable.
The obelisk of Heliopolis measures sixty-eight
feet in the shaft, and the obelisks of Luxor stand
seventy-seven and seventy-five and a half feet high,
respectively. The loftiest known is the obelisk
of Queen Hatshepsut at Karnak, which rises to a height
of 109 feet. To convey such masses, and to place
them in equilibrium, was a sufficiently difficult task,
and one is at a loss to understand how the Egyptians
succeeded in erecting them with no other appliances
than ropes and sacks of sand. Queen Hatshepsut
boasts that her obelisks were quarried, shaped, transported,
and erected in seven months; and we have no reason
to doubt the truth of her statement.
Obelisks were almost always square,
with the faces slightly convex, and a slight slope
from top to bottom. The pedestal was formed of
a single square block adorned with inscriptions, or
with cynocephali in high relief, adoring the
sun. The point was cut as a pyramidion, and
sometimes covered with bronze or gilt copper.
Scenes of offerings to Ra Harmakhis, Hor, Tum, or
Amen are engraved on the sides of the pyramidion
and on the upper part of the prism. The four
upright faces are generally decorated with only vertical
lines of inscription in praise of the king .
Such is the usual type of obelisk; but we here and
there meet with exceptions. That of Begig in
the Fayum is in shape a rectangular oblong,
with a blunt top. A groove upon it shows that
it was surmounted by some emblem in metal, perhaps
a hawk, like the obelisk represented on a funerary stela in the Gizeh Museum. This form,
which like the first is a survival of the menhir,
was in vogue till the last days of Egyptian art.
It is even found at Axum, in the middle of Ethiopia,
dating from about the fourth century of our era, at
a time when in Egypt the ancient obelisks were being
carried out of the country, and none dreamed of erecting
new ones. Such was the accessory decoration of
the pylon. The inner courts and hypostyle halls
of the temple contained more colossi. Some, placed
with their backs against the outer sides of pillars
or walls, were half engaged in the masonry, and built
up in courses. At Luxor under the peristyle, and
at Karnak between each column of the great nave, were
also placed statues of Pharaoh; but these were statues
of Pharaoh the victor, clad in his robe of state.
The right of consecrating a statue in the temple was
above all a royal prerogative; yet the king sometimes
permitted private persons to dedicate their statues
by the side of his own. This was, however, a special
favour, and such monuments always bear an inscription
stating that it is “by the king’s grace”
that they occupy that position. Rarely as this
privilege was granted, it resulted in a vast accumulation
of votive statues, so that in the course of centuries
the courts of some temples became crowded with them.
At Karnak, the sanctuary enclosure was furnished outside
with a kind of broad bench, breast high, like a long
base. Upon this the statues were placed, with
their backs to the wall. Attached to each was
an oblong block of stone, with a projecting spout
on one side; these are known as “tables of offerings”
. The upper face is more or less hollowed,
and is often sculptured with bas-relief representations
of loaves, joints of beef, libation vases, and other
objects usually presented to the dead or to the gods.
Those of King Ameni Entef Amenemhat, at Gizeh,
are blocks of red granite more than three feet in
length, the top of which is hollowed out in regular
rows of cup-holes, each cup-hole being reserved for
one particular offering. There was, in fact,
an established form of worship provided for statues,
and these tables were really altars upon which were
deposited sacrificial offerings of meat, cakes, fruits,
vegetables, and the like.
The sanctuary and the surrounding
chambers contained the objects used in the ceremonial
of worship. The bases of altars varied in shape,
some being square and massive, others polygonal or
cylindrical. Some of these last are in form not
unlike a small cannon, which is the name given to them
by the Arabs. The most ancient are those of the
Fifth Dynasty; the most beautiful is one dedicated
by Seti I., now in the Gizeh Museum.
The only perfect specimen of an altar known to me
was discovered at Menshiyeh in 1884 .
It is of white limestone, hard and polished like marble.
It stands upon a pedestal in the form of a long cone,
having no other ornament than a torus about half an
inch below the top. Upon this pedestal, in a hollow
specially prepared for its reception, stands a large
hemispherical basin. The shrines are little chapels
of wood or stone , in which the spirit of
the deity was supposed at all times to dwell, and which,
on ceremonial occasions, contained his image.
The sacred barks were built after the model of the
Bari, or boat, in which the sun performed his daily
course. The shrine was placed amidship of the
boat, and covered with a veil, or curtain, to conceal
its contents from all spectators. The crew were
also represented, each god being at his post of duty,
the pilot at the helm, the look-out at the prow, the
king upon his knees before the door of the shrine.
We have not as yet discovered any of the statues employed
in the ceremonial, but we know what they were like,
what part they played, and of what materials they
were made. They were animated, and in addition
to their bodies of stone, metal, or wood, they had
each a soul magically derived from the soul of the
divinity which they represented. They spoke,
moved, actednot metaphorically, but actually.
The later Ramessides ventured upon no enterprises
without consulting them. They stated their difficulties,
and the god replied to each question by a movement
of the head. According to the Stela of Bakhtan,
a statue of Khonsu places its hands four times on
the nape of the neck of another statue, so transmitting
the power of expelling demons. It was after a
conversation with the statue of Amen in the dusk of
the sanctuary, that Queen Hatshepsut despatched her
squadron to the shores of the Land of Incense.
Theoretically, the divine soul of the image was understood
to be the only miracle worker; practically, its speech
and motion were the results of a pious fraud.
Interminable avenues of sphinxes, gigantic obelisks,
massive pylons, halls of a hundred columns, mysterious
chambers of perpetual nightin a word,
the whole Egyptian temple and its dependencieswere
built by way of a hiding-place for a performing puppet,
of which the wires were worked by a priest.