Our tale commences in the middle of
the month of November, 1520, and at the hour of midnight.
In a magnificently furnished chamber,
belonging to one of the largest mansions of Florence,
a nobleman lay at the point of death.
The light of the lamp suspended to
the ceiling played upon the ghastly countenance of
the dying man, the stern expression of whose features
was not even mitigated by the fears and uncertainties
attendant on the hour of dissolution.
He was about forty-eight years of
age, and had evidently been wondrously handsome in
his youth: for though the frightful pallor of
death was already upon his cheeks, and the fire of
his large black eyes was dimmed with the ravages of
a long-endured disease, still the faultless outlines
of the aquiline profile remained unimpaired.
The most superficial observer might
have read the aristocratic pride of his soul in the
haughty curl of his short upper lip, the
harshness of his domineering character in the lines
that marked his forehead, and the cruel
sternness of his disposition in the expression of his
entire countenance.
Without absolutely scowling as he
lay on that bed of death, his features were characterized
by an inexorable severity which seemed to denote the
predominant influence of some intense passion some
evil sentiment deeply rooted in his mind.
Two persons leant over the couch to
which death was so rapidly approaching.
One was a lady of about twenty-five:
the other was a youth of nineteen.
The former was eminently beautiful;
but her countenance was marked with much of that severity that
determination and even of that sternness,
which characterized the dying nobleman. Indeed,
a single glance was sufficient to show that they stood
in the close relationship of father and daughter.
Her long, black, glossy hair now hung
disheveled over the shoulders that were left partially
bare by the hasty negligence with which she had thrown
on a loose wrapper; and those shoulders were of the
most dazzling whiteness.
The wrapper was confined by a broad
band at the waist; and the slight drapery set off,
rather than concealed, the rich contours of a form
of mature but admirable symmetry.
Tall, graceful, and elegant, she united
easy motion with fine proportion; thus possessing
the lightness of the Sylph and the luxuriant fullness
of the Hebe.
Her countenance was alike expressive
of intellectuality and strong passions. Her large
black eyes were full of fire, and their glances seemed
to penetrate the soul. Her nose, of the finest
aquiline development, her lips, narrow,
but red and pouting, with the upper one short and
slightly projecting over the lower, and
her small, delicately rounded chin, indicated both
decision and sensuality: but the insolent gaze
of the libertine would have quailed beneath the look
of sovereign hauteur which flashed from those brilliant
eagle eyes.
In a word, she appeared to be a woman
well adapted to command the admiration receive
the homage excite the passions and
yet repel the insolence of the opposite sex.
But those appearances were to some
degree deceitful; for never was homage offered to
her never was she courted nor flattered.
Ten years previously to the time of
which we are writing and when she was only
fifteen the death of her mother, under strange
and mysterious circumstances, as it was generally
reported, made such a terrible impression on her mind,
that she hovered for months on the verge of dissolution;
and when the physician who attended upon her communicated
to her father the fact that her life was at length
beyond danger, that assurance was followed by the
sad and startling declaration, that she had forever
lost the sense of hearing and the power of speech.
No wonder, then, that homage was never
paid nor adulation offered to Nisida the
deaf and dumb daughter of the proud Count of Riverola!
Those who were intimate with this
family ere the occurrence of that sad event especially
the physician, Dr. Duras, who had attended upon the
mother in her last moments, and on the daughter during
her illness declared that, up to the period
when the malady assailed her, Nisida was a sweet,
amiable and retiring girl; but she had evidently been
fearfully changed by the terrible affliction which
that malady had left behind. For if she could
no longer express herself in words, her eyes darted
lightnings upon the unhappy menials who had the misfortune
to incur her displeasure; and her lips would quiver
with the violence of concentrated passion, at the
most trifling neglect or error of which the female
dependents immediately attached to her own person might
happen to be guilty.
Toward her father she often manifested
a strange ebullition of anger bordering
even on inveterate spite, when he offended her:
and yet, singular though it were, the count was devotedly
attached to his daughter. He frequently declared
that, afflicted as she was, he was proud of her:
for he was wont to behold in her flashing eyes her
curling lip and her haughty air, the reflection
of his own proud his own inexorable spirit.
The youth of nineteen to whom we have
alluded was Nisida’s brother; and much as the
father appeared to dote upon the daughter, was the
son proportionately disliked by that stern and despotic
Perhaps this want of affection or
rather this complete aversion on the part
of the Count of Riverola toward the young Francisco,
owed its origin to the total discrepancy of character
existing between the father and son. Francisco
was as amiable, generous-hearted, frank and agreeable
as his sire was austere, stern, reserved and tyrannical.
The youth was also unlike his father in personal appearance,
his hair being of a rich brown, his eyes of a soft
blue, and the general expression of his countenance
indicating the fairest and most endearing qualities
which can possibly characterize human nature.
We must, however, observe, before
we pursue our narrative, that Nisida imitated not
her father in her conduct toward Francisco; for she
loved him she loved him with the most ardent
affection such an affection as a sister
seldom manifests toward a brother. It was rather
the attachment of a mother for her child; inasmuch
as Nisida studied all his comforts watched
over him, as it were, with the tenderest solicitude was
happy when he was present, melancholy when he was
absent, and seemed to be constantly racking her imagination
to devise new means to afford him pleasure.
To treat Francisco with the least
neglect was to arouse the wrath of a fury in the breast
of Nisida; and every unkind look which the count inflicted
upon his son was sure, if perceived by his daughter,
to evoke the terrible lightnings of her brilliant
Such were the three persons whom we
have thus minutely described to our readers.
The count had been ill for some weeks
at the time when this chapter opens; but on the night
which marks that commencement, Dr. Duras had deemed
it his duty to warn the nobleman that he had not many
hours to live.
The dying man had accordingly desired
that his children might be summoned; and when they
entered the apartment, the physician and the priest
were requested to withdraw.
Francisco now stood on one side of
the bed, and Nisida on the other; while the count
collected his remaining strength to address his last
injunctions to his son.
“Francisco,” he said,
in a cold tone, “I have little inclination to
speak at any great length; but the words I am about
to utter are solemnly important. I believe you
entertain the most sincere and earnest faith in that
symbol which now lies beneath your hand.”
“The crucifix!” ejaculated
the young man. “Oh, yes, my dear father! it
is the emblem of that faith which teaches us how to
live and die!”
“Then take it up press
it to your lips and swear to obey the instructions
which I am about to give you,” said the count.
Francisco did as he was desired; and,
although tears were streaming from his eyes, he exclaimed,
in an emphatic manner, “I swear most solemnly
to fulfill your commands, my dear father, so confident
am I that you will enjoin nothing that involves aught
“Spare your qualifications,”
cried the count, sternly; “and swear without
reserve or expect my dying curse, rather
than my blessing.”
“Oh! my dear father,”
ejaculated the youth, with intense anguish of soul;
“talk not of so dreadful a thing as bequeathing
me your dying curse! I swear to fulfill your
injunctions without reserve.”
And he kissed the holy symbol.
“You act wisely,” said
the count, fixing his glaring eyes upon the handsome
countenance of the young man, who now awaited, in breathless
suspense, a communication thus solemnly prefaced.
“This key,” continued the nobleman, taking
one from beneath his pillow as he spoke, “belongs
to the door in yonder corner of the apartment.”
“That door which is never opened!”
exclaimed Francisco, casting an anxious glance in
the direction indicated.
“Who told you that the door
was never opened,” demanded the count, sternly.
“I have heard the servants remark ”
began the youth in a timid, but still frank and candid
“Then, when I am no more, see
that you put an end to such impertinent gossiping,”
said the nobleman, impatiently; “and you will
be the better convinced of the propriety of thus acting,
as soon as you have learned the nature of my injunctions.
That door,” he continued, “communicates
with a small closet, which is accessible by no other
means. Now my wish my command is this: Upon
the day of your marriage, whenever such an event may
occur and I suppose you do not intend to
remain unwedded all your life I enjoin
you to open the door of that closet. You must
be accompanied by your bride and by no
other living soul. I also desire that this may
be done with the least possible delay the
very morning within the very hour after
you quit the church. That closet contains the
means of elucidating a mystery profoundly connected
with me with you with the family a
mystery, the developments of which may prove of incalculable
service alike to yourself and to her who may share
your title and your wealth. But should you never
marry, then must the closet remain unvisited by you;
nor need you trouble yourself concerning the eventual
discovery of the secret which it contains, by any
person into whose hands the mansion may fall at your
death. It is also my wish that your sister should
remain in complete ignorance of the instructions which
I am now giving you. Alas! poor girl she
cannot hear the words which fall from my lips! neither
shall you communicate their import to her by writing,
nor by the language of the fingers. And remember
that while I bestow upon you my blessing my
dying blessing may that blessing become
a withering curse the curse of hell upon
you if in any way you violate one tittle
of the injunctions which I have now given you.”
“My dearest father,” replied
the weeping youth, who had listened with the most
profound attention, to these extraordinary commands;
“I would not for worlds act contrary to your
wishes. Singular as they appear to me, they shall
be fulfilled to the very letter.”
He received from his father’s
hand the mysterious key, which he had secured about
his person.
“You will find,” resumed
the count after a brief pause, “that I have
left the whole of my property to you. At the same
time my will specifies certain conditions relative
to your sister Nisida, for whom I have made due provision
only in the case which is, alas! almost
in defiance of every hope! of her recovery
from that dreadful affliction which renders her so
completely dependent upon your kindness.”
“Dearest father, you know how
sincerely I am attached to my sister how
devoted she is to me ”
“Enough, enough!” cried
the count; and overcome by the effort he had made
to deliver his last injunction, he fell back insensible
on his pillow.
Nisida, who had retained her face
buried in her hands during the whole time occupied
in the above conversation, happened to look up at that
moment; and, perceiving the condition of her father,
she made a hasty sign to Francisco to summon the physician
and the priest from the room to which they had retired.
This commission was speedily executed,
and in a few minutes the physician and the priest
were once more by the side of the dying noble.
But the instant that Dr. Duras who
was a venerable looking man of about sixty years of
age approached the bed, he darted, unseen
by Francisco, a glance of earnest inquiry toward Nisida,
who responded by one of profound meaning, shaking
her head gently, but in a manner expressive of deep
melancholy, at the same time.
The physician appeared to be astonished
at the negative thus conveyed by the beautiful mute;
and he even manifested a sign of angry impatience.
But Nisida threw upon him a look of
so imploring a nature, that his temporary vexation
yielded to a feeling of immense commiseration for
that afflicted creature: and he gave her to understand,
by another rapid glance, that her prayer was accorded.
This interchange of signs of such
deep mystery scarcely occupied a moment, and was altogether
unobserved by Francisco.
Dr. Duras proceeded to administer
restoratives to the dying nobleman but
in vain!
The count had fallen into a lethargic
stupor, which lasted until four in the morning, when
his spirit passed gently away.
The moment Francisco and Nisida became
aware that they were orphans, they threw themselves
into each other’s arms, and renewed by that tender
embrace the tacit compact of sincere affection which
had ever existed between them.
Francisco’s tears flowed freely; but Nisida
did not weep!
A strange an almost portentous
light shone in her brilliant black eyes; and though
that wild gleaming denoted powerful emotions, yet it
shed no luster upon the depths of her soul afforded
no clew to the real nature of these agitated feelings.
Suddenly withdrawing himself from
his sister’s arms, Francisco conveyed to her
by the language of the fingers the following tender
sentiment: “You have lost a father,
beloved Nisida, but you have a devoted and affectionate
brother left to you!”
And Nisida replied through the same
medium, “Your happiness, dearest brother, has
ever been my only study, and shall continue so.”
The physician and Father Marco, the
priest, now advanced, and taking the brother and sister
by the hands, led them from the chamber of death.
“Kind friends,” said Francisco,
now Count of Riverola, “I understand you.
You would withdraw my sister and myself from a scene
too mournful to contemplate. Alas! it is hard
to lose a father; but especially so at my age, inexperienced
as I am in the ways of the world!”
“The world is indeed made up
of thorny paths and devious ways, my dear young friend,”
returned the physician; “but a stout heart and
integrity of purpose will ever be found faithful guides.
The more exalted and the wealthier the individual,
the greater the temptations he will have to encounter.
Reflect upon this, Francisco: it is advice which
I, as an old indeed, the oldest friend
of your family take the liberty to offer.”
With these words, the venerable physician
wrung the hands of the brother and sister, and hurried
from the house, followed by the priest.
The orphans embraced each other, and
retired to their respective apartments.