For upward of half an hour did the
boat skim the surface of the Golden Horn, the dip
of the oars in the water and the rippling around the
sharp prow alone breaking the solemn silence of the
night. At length the skiff stopped, and the female
slave took Alessandro’s hand, whispering in a
low tone, “I will serve as thy guide, Christian;
but speak not till thou hast permission.”
She then led him from the boat, up
a flight of steps, and through a garden for
he occasionally came in contact with the outstretching
branches of shrubs, and there was moreover a delicious
odor of flowers, as he proceeded in the total darkness
of his blindfolding. At the expiration of ten
minutes the guide stopped; and Alessandro heard a key
turn in a lock.
“Enter there,” said the
slave, pushing him gently forward, and speaking in
a low tone. “Take off the cap attire
yourself in the raiment you will find ready provided,
and then pass fearlessly through the door at the further
end of the room. You will meet me again in the
hall which you will thus reach.”
And, without waiting for a reply,
the slave closed and locked the door through which
Alessandro had just passed. Hastily did he remove
the cap, which had indeed almost suffocated him; and
he now found himself in a small apartment, elegantly
furnished in the most luxurious Oriental fashion,
and brilliantly lighted. A table spread with confectionery,
cakes, fruits, and even wines though the
fermented juice of the grape be expressly forbidden
by the laws of the Prophet Mohammed occupied
the center of the room. Around the walls were
continuous sofas, or ottomans, so conducive to the
enjoyment of a voluptuous indolence; the floor was
spread with a carpet so thick that the feet sunk into
the silky texture, as into newly fallen snow; and
whichever way he turned Alessandro beheld his form
reflected in vast mirrors set in magnificent frames.
There were no windows on any side of this apartment;
but there was a cupola fitted with stained glass on
the roof, and Alessandro judged that he was in one
of those voluptuous kiosks usually found in the gardens
of wealthy Turks.
Precisely as the slave had informed
him, he found an elegant suit of Moslem garments set
out on the sofa for his use; and he hastened to exchange
his Italian costume for the Oriental raiment.
As he thus attired himself, it was necessary to contemplate
himself in the mirror facing him, so as properly to
adjust clothes to which he was totally unaccustomed;
and it struck him that the garb of the infidel became
him better than that of the Christian. He did
not, however, waste time in the details of this strange
toilet; but as soon as it was completed he opened
the door at the further end of the room, in pursuance
of the instructions he had received. Alessandro
found himself in a large marble hall, from which several
flights of stairs led to the apartments above.
The place was refulgent with the light of numerous
chandeliers, the glare of which was enhanced by the
vast mirrors attached to the walls, and the crystal
pillars that supported the roof.
Not a human being met Alessandro’s
eyes; and he began to fear either that he had mistaken
the directions he had received, or that some treachery
was intended, when a door opened, and the female slave,
wrapped in a veil, made her appearance. Placing
her forefinger upon that part of the veil which covered
her lips, to enjoin silence, she led the way up the
nearest staircase, Alessandro following with a heart
beating audibly. They reached a door at which
a negro male slave was stationed.
“The hakim” (physician),
said Alessandro’s guide, laconically addressing
herself to the negro, who bowed in silence and threw
open the door. The female slave conducted the
pretended physician into a small but splendidly furnished
ante-room, in which there were several other dependents
of her own sex. A door at the further end was
opened, and Alessandro passed through into another,
larger, and still more magnificently furnished room;
the door closed behind him, and he found himself alone
with the idol of his adoration.
Half seated, half lying upon cushions
of scarlet brocade, the glossy bright hue of which
was mellowed by the muslin spread over it, appeared
the beauteous creature whose image was so faithfully
delineated in his memory. She was attired in
the graceful and becoming dualma, a purple vest which
set close to her form, and with a species of elasticity
shaped itself so as to develop every contour.
But in accordance with the custom
of the clime and age, the dualma was open at the bosom,
sloping from each lovely white shoulder to the waist,
where the two folds joining, formed an angle, at which
the purple vest was fastened by a diamond worth a
monarch’s ransom. The sleeves were wide,
but short, scarcely reaching to the elbow, and leaving
all the lower part of the snowy arms completely bare.
Her ample trousers were of purple silk, covered with
the finest muslin, and drawn in tight a little above
the ankles, which were naked. On her feet she
wore crimson slippers cut very low, and each ornamented
with a diamond. Round her person below the waist
she wore a magnificent shawl, rolled up, as it were,
negligently, so as to form a girdle or zone, and fastened
in front with two large tassels of pearls. Diamond
bracelets adorned her fair arms; and her head-dress
consisted of a turban or shawl of light but rich material,
fastened with golden bodkins, the head of each being
a pearl of the best water. Beneath this turban,
her rich auburn hair, glowing like gold in the light
of the perfumed lamps, and amidst the blaze of diamonds
which adorned her, was parted in massive bands, sweeping
gracefully over her temples and gathered behind the
ears, then falling in all the luxuriance of its rich
clustering folds over the cushion whereon she reclined.
Her finger-nails were slightly tinged with henna,
the rosy hue the more effectually setting off the lily
whiteness of her delicate hand and full round arm.
But no need had she to dye the lashes of her eyes
with the famous kohol, so much used by Oriental ladies,
for those lashes were by nature formed of the deepest
jet a somewhat unusual but beauteous contrast
with the color of her hair. The cheeks of the
lovely creature were slightly flushed, or it might
have been a reflection of the scarlet brocade of the
cushion on which, as we have said, she was half-seated,
half-lying, when Alessandro appeared in her presence.
For a few moments the young Italian
was so dazzled by her beauty, so bewildered by the
appearance of that lady, whose richness of attire
seemed to denote the rank of sultana, that he remained
rooted to the spot, uncertain whether to advance,
to retire, or to fall upon his knees before her.
But in an encouraging tone, and in a voice musical
as a silver bell, the lady said: “Approach,
Christian!” and she pointed to a low ottoman
within a few paces of the sofa which she herself occupied.
Alessandro now recovered his presence of mind; and
no longer embarrassed and awkward, but with graceful
ease and yet profound respect, he took the seat indicated.
“Beauteous lady,” he said,
“how can I ever demonstrate the gratitude the
illimitable, boundless gratitude which fills my heart,
for the joy, the truly elysian delight afforded me
by this meeting?”
“You speak our language well,
Christian,” observed the lady, smiling faintly
at the compliment conveyed by the words of Alessandro,
but evading a direct reply.
“I have for some years past
been in the service of the Florentine envoy, lady,”
was the answer; “and the position which I occupy
at the palace of the embassy has led me to study the
beauteous language of this clime, and to master its
difficulties. But never, never did that language
sound so soft and musical upon my ears as now, flowing
from those sweet lips of thine.”
“The Moslem maiden dares not
listen to the flattery of the infidel,” said
the beauteous stranger in a serious but not severe
tone. “Listen to me, Christian, with attention,
for our meeting must not be prolonged many minutes.
To say that I beheld thee with indifference when we
first encountered each other in the bazaar, were to
utter a falsehood which I scorn; to admit that I can
love thee, and love thee well,” she added, her
voice slightly trembling, “is an avowal which
I do not blush to make. But never can the Moslem
maiden bestow her hand on the infidel. If thou
lovest me if thou wouldst prove thyself
worthy of that affection which my heart is inclined
to bestow upon thee, thou wilt renounce the creed
of thy forefathers, and embrace the Mussulman faith.
Nor is this all that I require of thee, or that thou
must achieve to win me. Become a true believer acknowledge
that Allah is God and Mohammed is his prophet and
a bright and glorious destiny will await thee.
For although thou wilt depart hence without learning
my name, or who I may be, or the place to which you
have been brought to meet me, though we
shall behold each other no more until thou hast rendered
thyself worthy of my hand, yet shall I ever be mindful
of thee, my loved one! An unseen, an unknown
influence shall attend thee: thy slightest wishes
will be anticipated and fulfilled in a manner for
which thou wilt vainly seek to account, and,
as thou provest thy talents or thy valor, so will
promotion open its doors to thee with such rapidity
that thou wilt strain every nerve to reach the highest
offices in the state for then only may’st
thou hope to receive my hand, and behold the elucidation
of the mystery which up to that date will envelop
thy destinies.”
While the lady was thus speaking,
a fearful struggle took place in the breast of Alessandro for
the renunciation of his creed, a creed in which he
must ever in his heart continue to believe, though
ostensibly he might abjure it was an appalling
step to contemplate. Then to his mind also came
the images of those whom he loved, and who were far
away in Italy: his aunt, who had been so
kind to him, his sister whom he knew to be so proud
of him, and Father Marco, who manifested such deep
interest in his behalf. But on his ears continued
to flow the honeyed words and the musical tones of
the charming temptress; and, as she gradually developed
to his imagination the destinies upon which he might
enter, offering herself as the eventual prize to be
gained by a career certain to be pushed on successfully
through the medium of a powerful, though mysterious
influence Florence, relatives, and friends,
became as secondary considerations in his mind; and
by the time the lady brought her long address to a
conclusion that address which had grown
more impassioned and tender as she proceeded Alessandro
threw himself at her feet, exclaiming, “Lovely
houri that thou art beauteous as the maidens
that dwell in the paradise of thy prophet I
am thine. I am thine!”
The lady extended her right hand,
which he took and pressed in rapture to his lips.
But the next moment she rose lightly to her feet, and
assuming a demeanor befitting a royal sultana, said
in a sweet, though impressive tone:
“We must now part thou
to enter on thy career of fame, I to set in motion
every spring within my reach to advance thee to the
pinnacle of glory and power. Henceforth thy name
is Ibrahim! Go, then, my Ibrahim, and throw thyself
at the feet of the reis-effendi, and that
great minister will forthwith present thee to Piri
Pasha, the grand vizier. Toil diligently labor
arduously and the rest concerns me.
Go, then, my Ibrahim, I say, and enter on the path
which will lead thee to the summit of fame and power!”
She extended her arms toward him he
snatched her to his breast, and covered her cheeks
with kisses. In that paradise of charms he could
have reveled forever; but the tender caresses lasted
not beyond a few moments, for the lady tore herself
away from his embrace and hurried into an adjacent
apartment. Alessandro or rather, the
renegade, Ibrahim passed into the anteroom
where his guide, the female slave, awaited his return.
She conducted him back to the hall, and advanced toward
the door of the voluptuous kiosk, where he had changed
his raiment.
“Goest thou forth a Christian
still, or a true believer?” she asked turning
suddenly round.
“As a Mussulman,” answered
the renegade, while his heart sank within him, and
remorse already commenced its torture.
“Then thou hast no further need
of the Christian garb,” said the slave.
“Await me here.”
She entered the kiosk, and returned
in a few moments with the cap, which, in obedience
to her directions, he once more drew on his head and
over his countenance. The slave then led him into
the garden, which they treaded in profound silence.
At length they reached the steps leading down to the
water, and the slave accompanied him into the boat,
which immediately shot away from the bank. Alessandro
had now ample time for calm reflection. The excitement
of the hurried incidents of the evening was nearly
over, and, though his breast was still occupied with
the image of his beautiful unknown, and with the brilliant
prospects which she had opened to view, he nevertheless
shrank from the foul deed of apostasy which he had
vowed to perpetrate. But we have already said
that he was essentially worldly-minded, and, as he
felt convinced that the petty jealousy of the Florentine
Envoy would prevent him from rising higher in the
diplomatic hierarchy than the post of secretary, he
by degrees managed to console himself for his renegadism
on the score that it was necessary the
indispensable stepping-stone to the gratification
of his ambition.
Thus by the time the boat touched
the landing-place where he had first entered it, he
had succeeded to some extent in subduing the pangs
of remorse. The female slave now bade him remove
the cap from his face and resume his turban.
A few moments sufficed to make this change; and he
was about to step on shore, when the woman caught him
by the sleeve of his caftan, and, thrusting a small
case of sandal-wood into his hand, said: “She
whom you saw ere now, commanded me to give thee this.”
The slave pushed him toward the bank:
he obeyed the impulse and landed, she remaining in
the boat, which instantly darted away again, most
probably to convey her back to the abode of her charming
mistress. On the top of the bank the renegade
was accosted by the spy whom he had left there when
he embarked in the skiff.
“Allah and the Prophet be praised!”
exclaimed the man, surveying Alessandro attentively
by the light of the lovely moon. “Thou art
now numbered amongst the faithful!”
The apostate bit his lips to keep
down a sigh of remorse which rose to them; and his
guide, without uttering another word, led the way to
the palace of the reis-effendi. There
Alessandro or Ibrahim, as we must henceforth call
him was lodged in a splendid apartment,
and had two slaves appointed to wait upon him.
He, however, hastily dismissed them, and when alone,
opened the case that had been placed into his hands
by the female slave. It contained a varied assortment
of jewelry and precious stones, constituting a treasure
of immense value.