In the meantime Ibrahim had ordered
his prisoner, the young Italian chieftain, to be conveyed
to his tent; and when the renegade’s slaves
had disencumbered the Christian of his armor, he began
to revive. As Ibrahim bent over him, administering
restoratives, a suspicion, which had already struck
him the moment he first beheld his face, grew stronger
and stronger; and the apostate at length became convinced
that he had seen that countenance on some former occasion.
Ordering his slaves to withdraw, Ibrahim
remained alone with his prisoner, who was now able
to sit up on the sofa and gaze around him.
“I understand it all!”
he exclaimed, the blood rushing back to his pale cheek;
“I am in the power of the barbarians!”
“Nay, call us not harsh names,
brave chieftain,” said Ibrahim, “seeing
that we do not treat you unworthily.”
“I was wrong!” cried the
prisoner; then, fixing his fine blue eyes upon the
renegade, he added, “Were you not habited as
a Moslem, I should conceive, by the purity with which
you speak my native language, that you were a Christian,
and an Italian.”
“I can speak many languages
with equal fluency,” said Ibrahim, evasively,
as a pang shot through his heart. “But tell
me thy name, Christian for thou art a brave
man, although so young.”
“In my own country,” answered
the youth, proudly, “I am called the Count of
We have before stated that Ibrahim
was the complete master of his emotions: but
it required all his powers of self-possession to subdue
them now, when the name of that family into which he
was well aware his sister had entered fell upon his
ears. His suspicion was well founded; he had
indeed seen Francisco before this day had
seen him when he was a mere boy, in Florence, for
Alessandro was three or four years older than the
young count. But he had never, in his native land,
exchanged a word with Francisco; he had merely, occasionally,
seen him in public; and it was quite evident that
even if Francisco had ever noticed him at that time,
he did not recollect him now. Neither did Ibrahim
wish the young count to ascertain who he was; for
the only thing which the renegade ever feared was
the encounter of any one who had known him as a Christian,
and who might justly reproach him for that apostasy
which had led him to profess Mohammedanism.
“Lord Count of Riverola,”
said Ibrahim, after a short pause, “you shall
be treated in a manner becoming your rank and your
bravery. Such, indeed, was the command of my
imperial master, the most glorious sultan; but even
had no such order been issued, my admiration of your
gallant deportment in this day’s strife would
lead to the same result.”
“My best thanks are due for
these assurances,” returned Francisco. “But
tell me how fares the war without?”
“The grand master has proffered
a capitulation, which has been accepted,” answered
“A capitulation!” exclaimed
Francisco. “Oh! it were better to die in
defense of the cross, than live to behold the crescent
triumphant on the walls of Rhodes!”
“The motive of the grand master
was a humane one,” observed Ibrahim; “he
has agreed to capitulate, to put an end to the terrific
slaughter that is going on.”
“Doubtless the lord general
acts in accordance with the dictates of a matured
wisdom!” exclaimed the Count of Riverola.
“Your lordship was the leader
of the Italian auxiliaries?” said Ibrahim, interrogatively.
“Such was the honorable office
intrusted to me,” was the reply. “When
messengers from Villiers of Isle-Adam arrived in Florence,
beseeching succor against this invasion, which has,
alas! proved too successful, I panted for occupation
to distract my mind from ever pondering on the heavy
misfortunes which had overtaken me.”
“Misfortunes!” exclaimed Ibrahim.
“Yes misfortunes
of such a nature that the mere thought of them is
madness!” cried Francisco, in an excited tone.
“First, a beauteous and amiable girl one
who, though of humble origin, was endowed with virtues
and qualifications that might have fitted her to adorn
a palace, and whom I fondly, devotedly loved was-snatched
from me. She disappeared I know not how!
All trace of her was suddenly lost, as if the earth
had swallowed her up and closed over her again!
This blow was in itself terrible. But it came
not alone. A few days elapsed, and my sister my
dearly beloved sister also disappeared,
and in the same mysterious manner. Not a trace
of her remained and what makes this second
affliction the more crushing the more overwhelming,
is that she is deaf and dumb! Oh! Heaven
grant me the power to resist, to bear up against these
crowning miseries! Vain were all my inquiries useless
was all the search I instituted to discover whither
had gone the being whom I would have made my wife,
and the sister who was ever so devoted to me!
At length, driven to desperation, when weeks had passed
and they returned not goaded on to madness
by bitter, bitter memories I resolved to
devote myself to the service of the cross. With
my gold I raised and equipped a gallant band; and
a favoring breeze wafted us from Leghorn to this island.
The grand master received me with open arms; and, forming
an estimation of my capacities far above my deserts,
placed me in command of all the Italian auxiliaries.
You know the rest; I fought with all my energy, and
your sultan was within the grasp of death, when you
rushed forward and saved him. The result is that
I am your prisoner.”
“So young and yet
so early acquainted with such deep affliction!”
exclaimed Ibrahim. “But can you form no
idea, Christian, of the cause of that double disappearance?
Had your sister no attendants who could throw the
least light upon the subject?” he asked, with
the hope of eliciting some tidings relative to his
own sister, the beauteous Flora.
“I dare not reflect thereon!”
cried Francisco, the tears starting into his eyes.
“For, alas! Florence has long been infested
by a desperate band of lawless wretches and
my God! I apprehend the worst the very
Thus speaking, he rose and paced the
spacious tent with agitated steps; for this conversation
had awakened in his mind all the bitter thoughts and
dreadful alarms which he had essayed to subdue amidst
the excitement and peril of war. A slave now
entered to inform Ibrahim that the sultan commanded
his immediate presence in the imperial pavilion.
“Christian,” said Ibrahim,
as he rose to obey this mandate, “wilt thou
pledge me thy word, as a noble and a knight, not to
attempt to escape from this tent?”
“I pledge my word,” answered
Francisco, “seeing that thou thyself art so
generous to me.”
Ibrahim then went forth; but he paused
for a few moments outside the tent to command his
slaves to serve up choice refreshments to the prisoner.
He then hastened to the pavilion of the sultan, whom
he found seated upon a throne, surrounded by the beglerbegs,
the councilors of state, the viziers, the lieutenant-generals
of the army, and all the high dignitaries who had
accompanied him on his expedition. Ibrahim advanced
and prostrated himself at the foot of his throne; and
at the same moment two of the high functionaries present
threw a caftan of honor over his shoulders a
ceremony which signified that the sultan had conferred
upon him the title of beglerbeg, or “prince of
“Rise, Ibrahim Pasha!”
exclaimed Solyman, “and take thy place in our
councils, for Allah and his prophet have this day made
thee their instrument to save the life of thy sovereign.”
The newly-created pasha touched the
imperial slipper with his lips, and then rising from
his prostrate position, received the congratulations
of the high functionaries assembled.
Thus it was that in a few months,
protected by that secret influence which was hurrying
him so rapidly along in his ambitious career, the
Italian apostate attained to a high rank in the Ottoman
Empire; but he was yet to reach the highest, next
to that of the sovereign, ere he could hope to receive
the fair hand of his mysterious patroness as the crowning
joy of his prosperity, for her image, her charming
image, ever dwelt in his mind, and an ardent fancy
often depicted her as she appeared, in all the splendor
of her beauty, reclining on the sofa at the dwelling
to which he had been conducted with so much precaution,
as detailed in a preceding chapter. On the following
day peace was formally concluded between the Ottomans
and the knights of Rhodes, the latter consenting to
surrender the island to the formidable invaders.
An exchange of prisoners was the result, and Francisco,
Count of Riverola, again found himself free within
twenty-four hours after his capture.
“Your lordship is now about
to sail for your own clime,” said Ibrahim, when
the moment of separation came. “Is there
aught within my power that I can do to testify my
friendship for one so brave and chivalrous as thou
“Nothing, great pasha!”
exclaimed Francisco, who felt his sympathy irresistibly
attracted toward Ibrahim, he knew not why, “but,
on the other hand, receive my heartfelt thanks for
the kindness which I have experienced during the few
hours I have been thy guest.”
“The history of thy afflictions
has so much moved me,” said Ibrahim Pasha, after
a brief pause, “that the interest I experience
in your behalf will not cease when you shall be no
longer here. If then you would bear in mind the
request I am about to make, gallant Christian ”
“Name it!” cried Francisco; “’tis
already granted!”
“Write me from Florence,”
added Ibrahim, “and acquaint me with the success
of thy researches after thy lost sister and the maiden
whom thou lovest. The ships of Leghorn trade
to Constantinople, whither I shall speedily return,
and it will not be a difficult matter to forward a
letter to me occasionally.”
“I should be unworthy of the
kind interest you take in my behalf, great pasha,
were I to neglect this request,” answered Francisco.
“Oh! may the good angels grant that I may yet
recover my beloved sister Nisida, and that sweetest
of maidens Flora Francatelli!”
Francisco was too overpowered by his
own emotions to observe the sudden start which Ibrahim
gave, and the pallor which instantaneously overspread
his cheeks as the name of his sister thus burst upon
his ears that sister who, beyond doubt,
had disappeared most strangely.
But, with an almost superhuman effort,
he subdued any further expression of the agony of
his feelings, and, taking Francisco’s hand, said,
in a low, deep tone: “Count of Riverola,
I rely upon your solemn promise to write me, and write
soon and often. I shall experience a lively pleasure
in receiving and responding to your letters.”
“Fear not that I shall forget
my promise, your highness,” responded Francisco.
He then took leave of Ibrahim Pasha,
and returned to the city of Rhodes, whence he embarked
on the same day for Italy, accompanied by the few
Florentine auxiliaries who had survived the dreadful
slaughter on the ramparts. The hustle and excitement
attending the departure from Rhodes somewhat absorbed
the grief which Ibrahim felt on account of the mysterious
disappearance of his sister Flora.
Solyman left a sufficient force, under
an able commander, to garrison the island, which was
speedily evacuated by Villiers of Isle Adam and his
knights; and by the middle of May the sultan, attended
by Ibrahim and the other dignitaries of the empire,
once more entered the gates of Constantinople.
Not many days had elapsed when, at
a divan or state council, at which Solyman the Magnificent
himself presided, Ibrahim Pasha was desired to give
his opinion upon a particular question then under discussion.
The renegade expressed his sentiments in a manner
at variance with the policy recommended by the grand
vizier; and this high functionary replied, in terms
of bitterness and even grossness, at the same time
reproaching Ibrahim with ingratitude. The apostate
delivered a rejoinder which completely electrified
the divan. He repudiated the charge of ingratitude
on the ground of being influenced only by his duty
toward the sultan; and he entered upon a complete
review of the policy of the Grand Vizier Piri
Pasha. He proved that the commerce of the country
had greatly fallen off that the revenues
had diminished that arrears were due to
the army and navy that several minor powers
had not paid their usual tribute for some years past and,
in a word, drew such a frightful picture of the maladministration
and misrule, that the grand vizier was overwhelmed
with confusion, and the sultan and other listeners
were struck with the lamentable truth of all which
had fallen from the lips of Ibrahim Pasha. Nor
less were they astonished at the wonderful intimacy
which he displayed with even the minutest details of
the machinery of the government; in a word, his triumph
was complete.
Solyman the Magnificent broke up the
divan in haste, ordering the members of the council
to return each immediately to his own abode. In
the evening a functionary of the imperial household
was sent to the palace of the grand vizier to demand
the seals of office; and thus fell Piri Pasha.
It was midnight when the sultan sent
to order Ibrahim Pasha to wait upon him without delay.
The conference that ensued was long and interesting,
and it was already near daybreak when messengers were
dispatched to the various members of the divan to
summon them to the seraglio. Then, in the presence
of all the rank and talent in the capital, the sultan
demanded of Ibrahim whether he felt sufficient confidence
in himself to undertake the weight and responsibility
of office. All eyes were fixed earnestly upon
that mere youth of scarcely twenty-three, who was thus
solemnly adjured.
In a firm voice he replied that with
the favor of the sultan and the blessing of the Most
High, he did not despair of being enabled to restore
the Ottoman Empire to its late prosperity and glory.
The astronomer of the court declared that the hour
was favorable to invest the new grand vizier with
the insignia of office; and at the moment when the
call to prayer, “God is great!” sounded
from every minaret in Constantinople, Ibrahim Pasha
received the imperial seals from the hand of the sultan.