A nation’s religion is its shrewdness
about its ideals, its genius for stating its ideals
or news about itself, in the terms of its everyday
A nation’s literature is its
power of so stating its ideals that we will not need
to be shrewd for them-its power of expressing
its ideals in words, of tracing out ideals on white
paper, so that ideals shall enthrall the people, so
that ideals shall be contagious, shall breathe and
be breathed into us, so that ideals shall be caught
up in the voices of men and sung in the streets.
Ideals, intangible, electric, implacable
irresistible, all-enfolding ideals, shall hold and
grip a continent the way a climate grips a continent,
like sunshine around a helpless thing, in the hollow
of its hand, and possess the hearts of the people.
What our government needs now is a
National band in Washington.
America is a Tune.
America is not a formula. America
is not statistics, even graphic statistics. A
great nation cannot be made, cannot be discovered,
and then be laid coldly together like a census.
America is a Tune. It must be sung together.
The next thing statesmen are going
to learn in this country is that from a practical
point of view in making a great nation only our Tune
in America and only our singing our Tune can save
us. A great nation can be made out of the truth
about us. The truth may be-must be
probably,-plain. But the truth must
It will not be the government that
first gets the truth that will govern us. The
government that gets the truth big enough to sing first,
and sings it, will be the government that will govern
us. The political party in this country that
will first be practical with the people, and that
will first get what it wants, will be the political
party that first takes Literature seriously.
Our first great practical government is going to see
how a great book, searching the heart of a nation,
expressing and singing the men in it, governs a people.
Being a President in a day like this, if it does not
consist in being a poet, consists in being the kind
of President who can be, at least, in partnership
with a poet.
It is not every President who can
be his own David, who can rule with one hand and write
psalms and chants for his people with the other.
The call is out, the people have put
in their order to the authors of America, to the boys
in the colleges, and to the young women in the great
schools-Our President wants a book.
Before much time has passed, he is going to have one.
Being a President in this country has never been expressed
in a book.
The President is going to have a book
that expresses him to the people and that says what
he is trying to do. He will live confidentially
with the book. It shall be in his times of trial
and loneliness like a great people coming to him softly.
He shall feel with such a book, be it day or night,
the nation by him, by his desk, by his bedside, by
his silence, by his questioning, standing by, and
In the book the people shall sing
to the President. He shall be kept reminded that
we are there. He shall feel daily what America
is like. America shall be focussed into melody.
We shall have a literature once more and the singers,
as in Greece, as in all happy lands and in all great
ages, shall go singing through the streets.
There is no singing for a President
now. All a President can do when he is inaugurated,
when he begins now, is to kiss helplessly some singing
four thousand years old in a Bible by another nation.
When David sang to his people, he
sang the news, the latest news, the news of what was
happening to people about him from week to week.
Why is no one singing 1913, our own American 1913?
Why is no one stuttering out our Bible-one
the President could have to refer to, our own Bible
in our own tongue from morning to morning in the symbols
that breathe to us out of the sounds in the street,
out of the air, out of the fresh, bright American
sky, and out of the new ground beneath our feet?
It is easy for a President to pile
up three columns a morning of news about himself to
us, show each man his face in the morning, but what
is there he can do with twenty thousand newspapers
at his breakfast table, to pick out the real news
about us? Who shall paint the portrait of a people?
One could go about in the White House
and study the portraits of the presidents, but where
is the portrait of the people? The portrait of
the people comes in little bits to the president like
a puzzle picture. Each man brings in his little
crooked piece, jig-sawed out from Iowa, South Dakota,
Oklahoma or Aroostook County, Maine. This picture
or vision of a nation, this wilderness of pieces,
can be seen every day when one goes in, lying in heaps
on the floor of the White House.
A literature is the expression on
the face of a nation. A literature is the eyes
of a great people looking at one.
It seems to be as we look, looking
out of the past and faraway into the future.
A newspaper can set a nation’s
focus for a morning, adjusting it one way or the other.
A President can set the focus for four years.
But only a book can set the focus for a nation’s
next hundred years so that it can act intelligently
and steadfastly on its main line from week to week
and morning to morning. Only a book can make
a vast, inspiring, steadfast, stage-setting for a
nation. Only a book, strong, slow, reflective,
alone with each man, and before all men, can set in
vast still array the perspective, the vision of the
people, can give that magnificent self-consciousness
which alone makes a great nation, or a mighty man.
At last humble, imperious, exalted, it shall see Itself,
its vision of its daily life lying out before it,
threading its way to God!