As we lie partly awake on some bright
spring morning, we hear through the open window such
a chorus of music that it seems almost as though we
must be in some enchanted land. This music, however,
is the songs of the birds that nest about our homes.
We can distinguish in the chorus the
notes of many different birds. From the treetop
come the sweet songs of the oriole and robin.
Upon a low bush sits a black-headed grosbeak that
never seems to weary of his refrain. From various
hidden places in the dense foliage come the notes
of the song sparrow and the lazuli bunting. From
its perch upon some fence post the meadow lark adds
to the cheerfulness of the morning. If your home
is far enough south, you may hear the mocking bird
pouring forth its melody in endless variation.
Rising above all other sounds, as
the morning advances, are the cheery calls of the
quail who seems to say: “Where are you?
Where are you? Stay right there; stay right there.”
Both in the morning and in the evening the almost
heavenly music of the thrush echoes through the deep
woods. In the quiet night the hoot of the owls
is most entertaining.
Would you for anything have the birds
leave us? Would you for anything lose these airy
creatures whose music, bright plumage, and graceful
movements not only add so much to the pleasure of our
daily lives but also serve us in so many ways?
The woods, fields, and waters would be lonely without
Did you ever think that it is possible,
that it is indeed likely, that many of these beautiful
creatures will leave us for all time if we do not
treat them kindly and give them every protection in
our power? Did you ever think of all the enemies
that are constantly on the watch for the birds, the
thoughtless boy who robs their nests, the angry farmer
who mistakenly believes they injure him, the hunter
who thinks only of how good they taste, the sleek
cat lying so innocently by your fireside, which loves
a bird above everything else, and last of all, the
blue jay, butcher bird, and some of the hawks and
To realize how our home would seem
without birds, let us take an imaginary journey far
across the water to “sunny Italy.”
Here you will rarely hear bird music upon spring mornings,
unless it be that of some poor caged creature.
If you will walk through the country, you will see
few birds where once they must have been abundant.
But upon every holiday you will see the fields filled
with hunters, who with keen eyes are watching for
any stray birds that have happened to stop on their
journey across the country to rest and to hunt worms
or taste a bit of fruit. The Italian does not
know the good the birds do his garden and that it
would be the part of wisdom for him to let them have
a little of his corn and fruit.
We will now journey to Spain and learn
something about the treatment of our bird friends
there. This country was once rich and prosperous.
From it came many of the early explorers of our own
land. The people of the central highlands of
Spain never loved to hear the birds sing, because
they were always thinking of the grain which the birds
took. Thinking to save their crops, they not
only killed and scared away all the birds they could,
but they also cut down the trees so that the birds
would have no places to nest.
Thus the people freed themselves from
the birds, but what was the harvest that they reaped?
When the trees were gone they had no fuel, the soil
dried out more quickly, and the insects increased until
they destroyed far more of the grain and fruit than
the birds could possibly have done. The people
are now very poor and just manage to live from one
harvest to another.
Now let us learn a little about our
own birds and what they are doing for us. We
ought to know the habits of all the common birds that
frequent our gardens and be able to tell each by its
note. This would add greatly to our pleasure
when out of doors and make us appreciate the services
they are rendering.
Go where you will through the open
fields or among the trees and bushes, you will find
different kinds of birds and all of them busily engaged.
They are searching over every bit of ground as well
as over the trunks, branches, and leaves of the trees.
Some are after the seeds of different kinds of weeds.
Others are getting the worms and insects that infest
the trees. Watch a flock of the little titmice
going carefully over all the leaves and branches of
an oak tree. When they have finished, there are
few insects or their eggs left upon it.
How anxious are some of our farmers
as well as the sportsmen to have the meadow lark classed
as a pest or as a game bird. Would that the farmers
knew how much good this bird does them! The stomachs
of many of these larks have been carefully examined
in order to find out what they really do eat.
The contents show that more than half of the food of
the meadow lark is made up of harmful insects, including
beetles, grasshoppers, crickets, Jerusalem crickets,
cutworms, caterpillars, wireworms, bugs, bees, ants,
wasps, flies, spiders, and many others. These
birds also eat large quantities of the seeds of weeds
and at times damage the grain fields. The good
that they do, however, far outweighs the evil.
Woodpeckers belong to another class
of birds that are very useful to us. How often
have we heard them hammering upon a dead tree as they
drill holes in search of the worms and beetles that
are hidden under the bark or in the heart of the wood.
It has long been the habit of hunters to shoot woodpeckers
just for sport, although no one eats them nor are they
known to do any harm. With a decrease in their
numbers there has been an increase in insect pests
which are now destroying so many trees in all parts
of our country. The woodpeckers in the Sierra
Nevada Mountains are worth almost their weight in
gold, for they destroy millions of beetles that are
killing the great sugar pines and yellow pines.
Here and there you will find a tree, attacked by the
beetles, from which the woodpeckers have almost stripped
the bark in their search for these insects.
The food of the martíns and swallows
is wholly made up of insects. We have all seen
them in their graceful flight and have noticed how
they seize their insect prey while on the wing.
The martíns are of little value for food, and
yet, in some parts of our country they have become
almost extinct because of the pursuit of them by pot
The shore birds form a group of very
great value. They include those long-legged birds
with slender bills which are found, usually along the
shores of the ocean and of lakes and small bodies of
water, but sometimes in the interior away from the
water. The food of these birds is almost wholly
insects, which are harmful in various ways. Among
these insects are grasshoppers, army worms, cutworms,
cabbage worms, grubs, horseflies, and mosquitoes.
So cruelly and relentlessly have the
shore birds been pursued by men who call themselves
“sportsmen;” that many species are nearly
extinct. We hope that the Migratory Bird Law
will be enforced and that with the protection this
gives them they will again increase and fill their
old haunts. But we must ever be on the watch,
for there will still be greedy hunters trying to evade
the law until all our boys grow up with love and appreciation
for the birds. The killdeer, snipe, and other
plovers, whose habits make them the most interesting
of the shore birds, especially need our protection.
We have all seen these birds in our walks along the
shore. Small and delicate their bodies are; each
one would make scarcely a mouthful, and yet the pot
hunters have seemed determined to kill them all.
How many people ever think of the
quail in any other light than as a delicious morsel
to be served up on toast for dinner? The quail
is not only useful because of the insects which it
destroys, but is a most wonderfully interesting and
attractive bird. If you have ever disturbed a
mountain quail with a brood of young, you will never
forget what an interesting sight the mother presented
as she strutted back and forth on a log, warning her
little ones to keep out of sight.
Quail eat over a hundred kinds of
insects, and happy should be that farmer who can get
them to come about his home. Can you find it in
your heart to shoot the father bird, as, perched upon
some sightly point, he watches for danger while the
mother just off the nest with her little brood feeds
trustfully under his care?
The hunting of quail for market is
now prohibited by law. But before protection
came market hunters were known to carry out the most
cruel methods in order to bag the quail in large numbers.
In the drier parts of our country, the springs where
quail came to drink were covered until the thirsty
birds gathered in large numbers. In this way the
hunters were able to obtain all they wanted.
Let us henceforth show by our kindness
and good will to the living things around us that
we are not merciless savages, thinking only of something
to eat, but rather that we appreciate their presence
and the great good that they do.