Constitution of United States
The most important subject that claims
the attention of the traveller in any country that
pretends to education or civilization, is undoubtedly
its Constitution. The reader cannot expect and
most probably would not wish to find, in
a work like this, any elaborate account of the government
of so vast and varied a republic as that of the United
States. Those who wish thoroughly to grasp so
very extensive a topic must study the history of each
individual State from its foundation; must watch the
changes each has undergone, noting the effect produced;
and must carefully pore over the writings of the great
men who originally planned if I may so
express myself the Republic, and must dive
deep into the learned and valuable tomes of Story,
Kent, &c. Those who are content with more moderate
information, will find a great deal, very ably condensed,
in a volume by Mr. Tremenheere. To the reader,
I pretend to offer nothing but a glance at such elements
as appear to me most useful and interesting; and in
so doing, I shall freely borrow such quotations from
Mr. Tremenheere’s references to Story and Kent
as I conceive may help to elucidate my subject, not
having those authors at hand to refer to.
The Government of the United States
consists of three departments, the Executive,
Legislative, and Judicial; or the President, the House
of Representatives and Senate, and the Judicial Courts.
The President and Vice-President are chosen by an
elective body from all the States, the said body being
selected by popular vote in each State. The Vice-President
is ex officio Speaker or President of the Senate,
and in case of the chief dying, he becomes for the
remainder of the term the President of the United
States. They are elected for 4 years, but may
be re-elected indefinitely. Should the votes
be equal, the House of Representatives selects the
President from the three on the list who have most
votes, and the Senate selects the Vice in the same
way. The qualifications for President and Vice
are native born, 35 years of age, and 14
years’ residence in the States. The salary
of the President is about 5100l. a year, and a residence
at Washington, called “The White House.”
The salary of the Vice-President is 1680l. a year.
There are five Secretaries, State, Interior,
Treasury, War, Navy, and a Postmaster-General; the
Attorney-General also forms part of the Cabinet.
These officials also receive the same salary.
The Senate is composed of two members from each State,
irrespective of population, so as not to swamp the
small States. The election is by the Legislature
of each State, and for 6 years; one-third of their
number go out every 2 years. The qualification
for a senator is that he should be 30 years of age,
have been 9 years a citizen, and living in the State
for which he is elected. The House of Representatives
originally consisted of one member for a certain amount
of population, and as the increase in population was
very rapid, the number of Representatives increased
as a matter of course. In 1843, it was one member
for every 70,000 of population, but, to prevent the
body from becoming unmanageable owing to numbers, in
1853 the House was limited to 234 Representatives,
elected pro rata to the several States.
Slaves are reckoned in the proportion of three-fifths
of their number. The preliminary steps are, that
every 10 years a census is taken, after which a bill
is passed by Congress, apportioning number of representatives
to each State, according to its population. This
done, each State passes a law, districting the State
according to the number of members assigned it, and
each district elects its own representative for Congress.
The election is for 2 years, and the qualification
is 7 years a citizen, 25 years of age, and living
in the State. The salary is the same as that
of a senator. The names of members composing a
division on any question in either house, are not
printed unless they are demanded by one-fifth of the
members present. One of the clauses of their
Constitution is very original, and runs thus: “Each
House may determine the rules of its proceedings,
punish its members for disorderly behaviour, and,
with the concurrence of two-thirds, expel a member.”
All impeachments are tried in
the Senate, and a majority of two-thirds is requisite
for a conviction. If the President be on trial,
the Chief Justice, or head of the Supreme Court, presides.
While power of trial rests with the Senate, the power
of impeachment rests solely with the House of Representatives.
In addition to the ordinary functions of an Upper
House, the Senate has also what is called “an
Executive Session,” which is held with closed
doors; at this Session all treaties and high appointments
are discussed, and the appointments are not held to
be valid till ratified by them. Whenever fresh
land becomes sufficiently populous, the general Government
admit it as territory, and appoint an administration.
This was the case with Nebraska and Kansas in 1853;
and the “Missouri Compromise” (which confined
slavery south of the 36 3’ parallel of latitude)
having been repealed, it became optional with them
to adopt slavery or not. Kansas fought barbarously
for the dishonourable privilege, and with temporary
success: Nebraska has declined the honour as
yet. The interests of territories are watched
over at Washington by delegates in the House of Representatives,
who have a seat, but no vote. This sensible arrangement
might, in my humble opinion, be adopted in this country
with reference to our colonies, whose wants at present
have no interpreter intimately acquainted with colonial
affairs in either branch of the Legislature.
Each State in the Union has its own
Governor, House of Representatives, Senate, and Judiciary,
and is in every respect a sovereign State they
like the word as much as they pretend to dislike the
reality acting perfectly independently
within its limits, except in such cases as were mutually
agreed upon by the terms of the Union, and to some
of which we shall refer by and by. This sovereignty
of individual States renders the elective franchise
different in different States.
At the date of the first elections
after the Declaration of Independence, no State admitted
mere citizenship as a qualification for the elective
franchise. The great men who appeared upon the
stage at that period, profiting by the experience
of past ages, threw certain guards around the franchise
in every State in the Union, varying in different
States, but all bearing unmistakeable testimony to
the fact, that a perfect democracy was not the basis
on which they ever contemplated building up the Republic.
A few short years have rolled by; the 13 States are
increased to 33, and according to Mr. Tremenheere,
“a grave departure from the theory of the Constitution,
as it existed in the eyes and expectations of its
careful and prudent founders, has taken place, in
the gradual lowering throughout nearly all the States
of the Union, and the entire abandonment in two-thirds
of them, of those qualifications for the exercise
of the franchise which existed when the Constitution
was adopted.” In one State Illinois aliens
being residents are entitled to vote. Now, if
the great men of 1776 thought safeguards around the
franchise wise and prudent in their day, before the
great tide of emigration had set in to the westward,
and when the population was only 4,000,000, what would
they say, could they but rise from their graves and
see how their successors have thrown down the prudent
barriers they had raised, and laid the franchise bare
to citizenship, now that the Union numbers 23,000,000
souls, and that the tide of emigration is daily flooding
them with hordes of the discontented and turbulent
from every country in the Old World?
But perhaps it may be said that I,
as an Englishman, am prejudiced against republican
institutions in any shape; let me, then, quote you
an authority which every educated American will respect.
Mr. Justice Kent says, “The progress and impulse
of popular opinion, is rapidly destroying every constitutional
check, every conservative element, intended by the
sages who framed the earliest American Constitutions
as safeguards against the abuses of popular suffrage.”
Let us turn to another equally eminent American authority,
Mr. Justice Story. “It might be urged,
that it is far from being clear, upon reasoning or
experience, that uniformity in the composition of
a representative body is either desirable or expedient,
founded in sounder policy, or more promotive of the
general good, than a mixed system, embracing, representing,
and combining distinct interests, classes, and opinions.
In England, the House of Commons, as a representative
body, is founded upon no uniform principle, either
of numbers, or classes, or places; ... and in every
system of reform which has found public favour in that
country, many of these diversities have been embodied
from choice, as important checks upon undue legislation,
as facilitating the representation of different interests
and different opinions, and as thus securing, by a
well-balanced and intelligent representation of all
the various classes of society, a permanent protection
of the public liberties of the people, and a firm
security of the private rights of persons and property.”
Thus far I have quoted the opinions
of the highest American authorities upon the franchise.
And, as far as the lowering it in England affords us
any light, I would wish some unbiased and competent
person to inform the public, whether whatever
other benefit it may have procured to the community it
has increased or decreased bribery and corruption;
and how the balance between advantage and disadvantage
will stand, in reference to the community at large,
by a further lowering of the franchise in this country;
and also to what extent if any it
can be lowered, without throwing all but unlimited
power into the hands of the masses, and thus destroying
that balance of the different interests of the community
which are thank God still represented,
and which, if once lost, would reduce our beloved
Sovereign to the position of a gaudy puppet, and the
House of Lords to a mere cypher, and be as certainly
followed by all the horrors of a revolution, and all
the evils of a corrupt democracy. How easy is
it to find politicians ever ready to sniff the incense
of popularity at the plausible shrine of a descending
franchise! how difficult to find those who,
while granting what is just and prudent, have the
wisdom to plan, and the courage to dare, measures
to arrest a mobular avalanche!
With regard to the frequency of elections,
I will only insert the following sentence from Mr.
Justice Story, as, I believe, public opinion in this
country is all but universal in its condemnation:
“Men, to act with vigour and effect, ... must
not be hurried on to their conclusions by the passions
of elections has a tendency to create agitation and
dissensions in the public mind, to nourish factions
and encourage restlessness, to favour rash innovations
in domestic legislation and public policy, and to
produce violent and sudden changes in the administration
of public affairs, founded upon temporary excitements
and prejudices: ... it operates also as a great
discouragement upon suitable candidates offering themselves
for the public service ... the period of service ought,
therefore, to bear some proportion to the variety of
knowledge and practical skill which the duties of the
station demand.” If any annual-parliament
maniac still exist, let him profit by these words
of wisdom from the pen of a republican, dipped in the
ink of Prudence and Patriotism; and in the marked
difference between the House of Representatives and
the Senate Chamber the former of whom are
elected for two, the latter for six years let
him behold the most incontrovertible living proof’s
of their truth. John Jay, one of the most able
men of America, writing to Washington, expresses his
wish that the Upper House, or Senate, should be elected
for life.
I will now turn to a topic which probably
interests the British public more than any other except
the franchise I mean the Ballot. So
much has been said about the coercion of voters by
those on whom they are dependent, and so much disgraceful
jobbery at elections in this country has been laid
bare, that if the Ballot were really a panacea for
the evil, every patriot should exert his utmost energies
to forward the introduction of so essential a measure.
In reading any American document where the word “ballot”
is used, it must be remembered that, unless the word
“secret” precede it, the meaning is merely
voting by an open piece of paper on which the name
of the candidate is printed, and which he may enclose
in an envelope or not, as he chooses. It is, therefore,
only with the secret ballot we have to deal at present;
for although the power to vote secretly exists, it
is obvious, that unless secret voting is made compulsory,
it affords no protection to those who are in a position
to be bribed or coerced, inasmuch as those who did
bribe or coerce would insist upon the vote so obtained
being given openly.
It will perhaps astonish an Englishman
to be told that “secret” ballot is all
but unknown in the United States. Nevertheless,
such is the case. An act was passed some four
years ago in Massachusetts requiring secrecy; and
what was the effect of this act? A large body
of the electors met together to denounce with indignation
any attempt at enforcing that which they repudiated
as unworthy of freemen. So strong was this feeling
that in 1853, the act which enforced it was repealed,
and in the convention called to discuss the revision
of their Constitution according to Mr.
Tremenheere although the democratic party
were in a great majority, the effort to impose secrecy
was thrown out by a majority of 5000.
A friend of mine, who took considerable
interest in this question, was present at the elections
for the State of Massachusetts, and when, at the same
time, a popular vote was to be taken on the proposed
revision of the Constitution; this latter was by special
enactment made compulsorily secret. How far this
object was attained, the following statement will
show. As the voters came up to the polling-place,
tickets were offered them by the agents of the opposite
parties, in a large room full of people. The
voters selected whichever ticket they preferred, in
the presence of the whole room, and then, in compliance
with the terms of the enactment, they sealed it up
in an envelope before depositing it in the voting-box.
So much for compulsory secrecy. Of course on this
occasion, as on all electioneering occasions, the voters
might have concealed their votes, had they chosen
so to do.
The only States, that I am aware of,
where secrecy is enjoined by law are New York and
Indiana; and in the former of these I can most certainly
testify, from personal observation, that in many instances,
if not in most, it is a dead letter. I never
met a soul who, in talking about politics, ever thought
of concealing his sentiments. I am therefore
forced to the conclusion that secrecy only exists among
the very lowest; and here it may be as well to introduce
the opinions of the Governor of this important State.
Mr. Washington Hunt, in his Message of January 7,
1851, says, “The alarming increase of bribery
in our popular elections demands your serious attention.
The preservation of our liberties depends on the purity
of the elective franchise, and its independent exercise
by the citizen, and I trust you will adopt such measures
as shall effectually protect the ballot-box from all
corrupting influences.”
If any efforts were made to stay the
tide of corruption, the message of the same Governor
the following year will enable you to judge of their
success. In his address on the 6th of January,
1852, this paragraph occurs: “The increase
of corrupt practices in our elections has become a
subject of general and just complaint: it is represented
that in some localities the suffrages of considerable
numbers of voters have been openly purchased with
money. We owe it to ourselves and to posterity,
and to the free institutions which we have inherited,
to crush this hateful evil in its infancy, before
it attains sufficient growth to endanger our political
system. The honest and independent exercise of
the right of suffrage is a vital principle in the theory
of representative government. It is the only
enduring foundation for a republic. Not only
should the law punish every violation of this principle
as a crime against the integrity of the State, but
any person concerned in giving or receiving any pecuniary
consideration for a vote should, upon challenge, be
deprived of the privilege of voting. I submit
the subject to your consideration, in the hope that
additional remedies may be prescribed and enforced.” The
two foregoing extracts do equal credit to the head
and heart of Governor Hunt; but what a picture do
they portray of the effects of secret voting!
Let us now turn from Governor Hunt,
and see what the Press says on the subject. The
New York Herald, which if not highly esteemed
is at least widely circulated, thus writes in the
month of May, 1852: “Look at the
proceedings on Thursday last in the 19th Ward.
Voters carried to the ballot-boxes in scores of waggons
from, various localities; and, in other wards, hundreds
of democrats voting for Scott and for Fillmore, men
ignorant and steeped in crime, picked up in all the
purlieus of the city and purchased at a dollar a head;
and some, it is said, so low as half a dollar, to
deposit in the ballot-box a vote they had never seen.” The
article then goes on to explain the methods employed
at elections viz., a lazy fellow who wont
work, brawls, and drinks, and spouts, and defames
every honest man in the ward, till he becomes a semi-deity
among the riff-raff, then “his position is found
out by those who want to use him. He is for sale
to the highest bidder, either to defeat his own party
by treachery, or to procure a nomination for any scoundrel
who will pay for it. He has no politics of any
kind. He has rascality to sell, and there are
those who are willing to purchase it, in order that
they may traffic in it, and sell it to themselves again
at a very high profit.... We have heard of a
case in one of the Lower Wards of the city, in which
one man got, at the time of the late democratic conventions,
the enormous sum of two thousand dollars, out of which
it is said he bribed the majority of the electors
and kept the balance for himself.”
A few paragraphs further on he suggests
remedies for the evil; and what do you
suppose they are? First, that honest people should
not leave politics to the riff-raff. Secondly,
“there ought to be a registration established,
by which no man could sail under false colours, or
deposit a vote at a primary election, unless he belonged
to the ward, and belonged to the party to which he
professed to belong.” Conceive the state
to which secret voting has reduced the wealthy and
intelligent city of New York; absolutely, a return
to open voting is considered insufficient to reach
the vitals of the evil which secrecy has brought about.
Here we have proposed as a remedy the compulsory
register of political sentiments; and to prove
that things are not mending, in the “Retrospect
of the year 1852,” which forms a leading article
in the same journal at the commencement of 1853, after
a lengthy panegyric upon the state of America, &c.,
during 1852, he winds up with these most serious drawbacks
to the previous eulogy: “if we are bound
to admit with crimson blush that crime is sadly on
the increase, and that our municipal institutions
have reached the lowest depths of inefficiency and
infamy, these but remind us that the work which 1852
has bravely carried on is not yet achieved.” I
would wish carefully to guard against being understood
to endorse the violent language employed by the New
York Herald. I am aware how unsafe a guide
the Press ever is in times of political excitement;
but after making every reasonable allowance, enough
remains to prove the tendency of the secret ballot,
corroborated as it is by the authoritative message
of the Governor of the State.
Let us now turn for a moment to that
most witty and amusing writer, Sydney Smith.
In speaking of Mr. Grote’s proposal for the ballot,
the author says, “He tells us that the bold
cannot be free, and bids us seek for liberty by clothing
ourselves in the mask of falsehood, and trampling
on the cross of truth;” and further
on, towards the end of the pamphlet, he quotes an
authority that Americans must respect “Old
John Randolph, the American orator, was asked one day,
at a dinner-party in London, whether the ballot prevailed
in his State of Virginia? ’I scarcely believe,’
he said, ’we have such a fool in all Virginia
as to mention even the vote by ballot; and I do not
hesitate to say that the adoption of the ballot would
make any nation a set of scoundrels if it did not
find them so.’” John Randolph
was right; he felt that it was not necessary that
a people should be false in order to be free.
Universal hypocrisy would be the consequence of ballot.
We should soon say, on deliberation, what David only
asserted in his haste, that “all men are liars." How
strangely prophetic the opinion of John Randolph appears,
when read by the light of the New York Herald
of 1852.
It has always appeared to me that
the argument in favour of ballot which is drawn from
its use in clubs, if it prove anything at all, is rather
against than for it; its value there arises from the
fact of the independence of the members, which enables
any member if asked by the rejected candidate how
he had voted, to decline giving any answer without
fear of consequences. Were he dependent, he must
either deny the black-ball he gave, had he so voted,
or, confessing the fact, he must suffer for it, and
silence would be sure to be construed into a black-ball:
therefore, before ballot could be of any value to a
constituency, they must be independent; and if independent,
there would be no need of the ballot. Of course
secrecy could be obtained by falsehood. Moreover,
the object of it in a club is to keep out of a select
society not only those who are considered absolutely
offensive, but many with whom, though you might like
to meet them in general society, you do not think
it desirable to be on more intimate terms; and even
in a club, who will deny that it is often used to gratify
private malice, and frequently, when candidates are
numerous, are black-balls put in to hasten forward
the election of friends? While freely confessing
and deeply regretting the disgraceful jobbery and bribery
which an inquiry into our own elections too often reveals,
we ought to be thankful for the light of experience
which a contemplation of the elective system of the
United States affords, warning us as it does that
an imprudent lowering of the franchise and a recourse
to the secret ballot do but aggravate the evils they
were intended to cure. Before we proceed to lower
our franchise, should we not do wisely to try and
devise some means for obtaining the votes of those
already entitled to vote? Many an honest and
industrious artisan at present entitled to a vote
will not come to the poll on account of the violence
which if not of the mobular party he
may be subject to; his family depend on his exertions
for their daily bread a broken limb, or
any such accident happening to him, may bring the
whole family to deep distress, if not to the workhouse.
It appears by the Edinburgh Review of October,
1852, that at a previous general election, 40 per
cent, of those possessing the privilege did not poll
their votes. A hasty lowering of the franchise
would certainly increase that number, and thus while
losing more votes of the peaceful and industrious
citizens, we should be increasing those of the more
turbulent, and of those who are excited by designing
But to return to the United States.
In the former edition I omitted to explain that “a
Congress” meant a Parliament for two years the
term for which the representatives are elected.
One of the sessions is from the first Monday in December
to about the end of August, and is called the long
session; the other commences the same day, and sits
till the 4th March, and is called the short session;
but, besides these regular sittings, there may be
extra sessions as often as the President thinks fit
to assemble Congress. At the time I was in the
States, by a fiction very agreeable to the members,
if Congress closed the session on Monday, and the
President ordered its reassembling on Tuesday, the
members were supposed to be at their respective homes,
and received mileage payment accordingly. This
snug little bonus was called “constructive mileage.”
In the year 1856 an act was passed
fixing the payment of members at 1260l. each for their
services in each Congress of two years, and abolishing
the constructive mileage job. The only deduction
from the above is that made for non-attendance of
members. The payment is thus arranged: Each
member receives 1d. for every day he attends
in Congress; the whole number of days a session lasts
are calculated at the above rate, and the difference
between that amount and 630l. (the half of 1260l.)
is a bonus given, at the end of the first year’s
session, and is in lieu of all further payments for
any extra sessions which the President may think it
advisable to call during the year. It will thus
be seen that each member receives the same sum, minus
1d. for every day’s non-attendance.
Mileage is allowed at the rate of
1d.. for every twenty miles distance to and
fro, but only for one session each; year. The
advantage Texas and Californian members obtain from
this liberal allowance is obvious, and its injustice
is felt by those who live in the neighbouring States
to Washington.
Now, as travelling, in most parts
of the Union, is at the rate of less than 2d. a mile,
and living at the rate of two and a half dollars (10d.) a day, it is obvious that the situation of a
representative is advantageous in a pecuniary point
of view to those who wish to make a trade of politics.
A member coming from a distance, say of 200 miles,
and attending 120 days, would have a clear balance
of about 150l. left for the rest of the year; and
a member from Texas would clear about 500l. How
far such a measure is wise, and brings the most desirable
men into the public service, let their own countrymen
tell. Mr. Venables, of North Carolina, in a speech
at Richmond, Virginia (quoted by Mr. Tremenheere)
says, “With money enough, any bill can be carried
through Congress.” No nation and,
least of all, so very sensitive a nation as the United
States would pass an act which could possibly
throw a cloud of doubt over the integrity of its representatives
were there not some imperative necessity; the act
referred to below will be found in page 363 of Appendix
to Tremenheere’s Constitution of the United
States, one clause of which runs thus: “That
any senator or representative in Congress who, after
the passage of this act ... shall receive any gratuity,
or any share of, or interest in, any claim from any
claimant against the United States, &c., on conviction
shall pay a fine not exceeding 5000 dollars (1000l.),
suffer imprisonment in the Penitentiary, not exceeding
one year, or both, as the court in its discretion
shall adjudge.” Another clause follows,
against the knowing and wilful destruction of public
documents; another, against any individual who shall
tempt any member of the Senate or House of Representatives
with bribe of any kind to influence his vote, and
against members accepting the same. This act
bears date Fe, 1853, and certainly proves that
Mr. Venables’ assertion had some solid foundation
in truth.
It will be remembered by some that
Collins, finding the Cunard line of steamers, when
supported by Government, too strong for him to contend
against, applied to Congress for a Government grant.
In obtaining that grant, I do not pretend to say that
he, or any one on his behalf, used bribery or corruption,
when he took round one of his magnificent vessels
to Washington, and feasted Congress on board in a most
champagnely style; but this I know, that many Americans
were most indignant at the proceeding, for, coupled
with the act above referred to, it could not but excite
suspicion; and I feel sure, if Cunard had brought round
one of his splendid steamers to the Thames, and there
feasted the Legislature while his obtaining a Government
grant was under discussion, he could not have taken
a more effectual method to mar his object. La femme
de Cesar ne doit pas être suspecte. Thus,
then, as far as we can judge of any advantage to be
derived from payment of members, we can see nothing
to induce us to adopt such a system; and, if I mistake
not, the American himself feels disposed to give it
up, believing that the standard of the representative
will be raised thereby.
We will now make a few remarks upon
a body peculiar to America, and known as “the
Lobby.” But, first, I would observe that,
by a rule in both Houses, changeable at pleasure,
ex-members of Congress, ministers, secretaries of
legation, &c., are allowed the privilege of coming
within the bar to hear debates; and of the people
so privileged the Lobby is chiefly composed.
They have no counterpart in this country, but may
perhaps be said to have a faint and distant resemblance
to our Parliamentary agents, and they are in no way
recognised by Congress. Their work consists in
endeavouring to force all members who purpose presenting
public or private bills to employ them, which, of course,
involves a “consideration;” and, as their
name is “Legion,” and their motto on this
point “unanimity,” they are enabled, owing
to their influence with the members, to throw the
greatest possible obstruction in the way of most bills
which are not passed through their “greased
palms.” The result need not be described.
The correspondent of the Times, who, if report
he correct, has held the highest situations a citizen
of the United States can hold, states, in a letter
to be found in that journal, on the 27th January 1857,
that the Minnesota Land Bill had been said, in the
House of Representatives, to be supported by bribery,
and that one member openly avowed in his seat that
he had been offered 1500 dollars for his vote in favour
of the bill. The consequence was an inquiry into
the alleged charge, and doubtless it will affect the
weight of the Lobby. He adds “The
Lobby has, no doubt, great influence on the Legislature,
but it is not yet all-powerful.” In estimating
the effect of a vote, it must be remembered that there
are only 234 members in the House of Representatives,
and 62 in the Senate; and, to give some idea of the
interests concerned, the correspondent states “It
is scarcely an exaggeration to say that the Federal
Congress at Washington has a disposing power over
twice the amount of national property subject to the
votes of the Parliament at Westminster.”
Those who feel an interest in this subject I would
strongly urge to read the whole of the very able letter
alluded to.
I have before spoken of the very great
readiness with which any stranger gains admittance
to Congress to listen to the debates. As a broad
feature, I believe their discussions are carried on
in a sober, practical, business-like manner; nevertheless,
most outrageous scenes have occurred. I subjoin
the following extract, not from any one sentence it
contains, but from its continuity, as a proof that
the tone of the House is not worthy of the dignity
of so great a country. A member of any community
may get up and use the most gross and offensive language;
but if the offender be immediately called to order,
and made to retract the offensive expressions, the
community thus vindicates its character. Should,
however, the most gross and offensive language be
used by two members for any length of time without
any interference, reprobation, retraction, or punishment,
the community as a body must fairly be considered,
by their silence, as endorsing such conduct.
The extract is taken from that widely
circulating journal, “the Illustrated London
“In the House of Representatives
at Washington, on the 11th ult., the following amusing
but disgraceful scene occurred between two of the
members Messrs. Stanly and Giddings.
The former having charged the latter with uttering
a falsehood, the following conversation ensued:
“Mr. Stanly: ’It
is usual for one who has no regard for the decencies
of life to relieve himself from responsibility by
pronouncing statements false, and it is characteristic
of the man who sneaked away from this House, and took
his pay for work which he did not do.
“Mr. Giddings: ’When
the gentleman descends to low vulgarity, I cannot
follow him, I protest against Dough-faces prompting
the gentleman from South Carolina.
“Mr. Stanly: ’It
is the business of a scavenger to have anything to
do with him, and I will have to wash my hands after
handling him; but the thing has to be done, as he
has thrust himself on us as a kind of censor.
It is a small business for me, and I don’t know
how I can descend any lower than to take hold of the
hon. member for Ohio. (Cry of ‘Good.’)
“Mr. Giddings: ’Will you hear me?
“Mr. Stanly: ’Nobody wants to hear
you, but I will indulge you.
“Mr. Giddings: ’The gentleman is
barking up the wrong tree.
“Mr. Stanly: ’The galled jade winces
“Mr. Giddings: ’The
gentleman sha’n’t crack the overseer’s
lash to put me down.
“Mr. Stanly: ’I hope
that the gentleman will not gnash his teeth so hard;
he might hurt himself. Who is here playing the
overseer over white men who but he, who
is throwing his filthy gall and assailing everybody
as Northern Whig Dough-faces, and what he calls the
vile slave-holders? He is the only man who acts
in that way. We don’t raise the overseer’s
lash over our slaves in North Carolina. If that
member was in the southern country, nobody would own
him as a black man with a white skin (laughter) but
he would be suffered to run wild as a free negro,
and in the course of three weeks he would be brought
up to the whipping-post and lashed, for stealing or
slandering his neighbours. (Laughter.) If I say
that he is a gentleman, I tell a falsehood.
“The Speaker (to Mr. Stanly) ’Will
the gentleman suspend for a moment?
“Mr. Stanly: ’We
ought to suspend that fellow (pointing to Mr. Giddings)
by the neck. (Laughter.)
“Mr. Giddings: ’The
gentleman from North Carolina reminds me of the boy
who turned round so fast that the hind part of his
breeches was on both sides. (Laughter.) The gentleman
says that I was at Norristown, too; but where was
he and the members of the House? Why, drinking
their grog. (Laughter.)
“Mr. Stanly: ’I charge
the official reporters not to let his (Mr. Giddings’)
felonious hand touch one word of what I say, for we
know how he on a former occasion misrepresented my
colleague from the Orange district, and his own colleague
from the Chillicothe district, having altered his
own speech after he got to his room with his coloured
friends. (Laughter.) He talks about my associates:
but has anybody ever seen him in private decent company?
Free negroes may call to see him. He does not
let his right hand know what his left doeth. He
alludes to my absence; but I have not set myself up
as a standard. I don’t say I’m always
in the house as I ought to be. He says we were
here drinking our grog during Christmas times.
Where was he? In Philadelphia, drinking beer
and eating oysters with free negroes. (Laughter.) Which
was the best off? Judge ye. (Laughter.) He thinks
he was better off than we were. I quit this subject in disgust.
I find that I have been in a dissecting-room, cutting
up a dead dog. I will treat him as an insane
man, who was never taught the decencies of life, proprieties
of conduct whose associations show that
he never mingled with gentlemen. Let him rave
on till doomsday.’
“The conversation then ceased.”
Any one who has seen much of American
gentlemen, must know that such language as the above
contains would be reprobated by them fully as strongly
as by any gentleman in this country. To doubt
that would be to do them a gross injustice. Does
not, therefore, the recurrence of such scenes go far
to prove, that the advance of ultra-democratic principles
has the effect of lowering the tone of the Representative
Chamber, and that men of liberal education and gentlemanly
bearing do not constitute the majority in that House?
In the days of Washington, would any member have dared
to use, or would any other member have for a moment
tolerated, such language? It is but justice to
say, that the tone of the Senate Chamber is far more
dignified; and many who have been members of that
body have established a world-wide reputation both
as orators and statesmen.
Let us now turn for a few minutes
to that important subject, the Judiciary of the States,
one peculiar feature of which is, its being a co-ordinate
branch of the Legislature. The Supreme Court of
the United States is the highest tribunal in the country;
it consists of a Chief Justice and eight associate
Justices, the Attorney-General, a reporter, and a
clerk. All questions affecting foreign ambassadors,
consuls, &c., are tried before this court; and it
is a final court of appeal in cases involving constitutional
questions, and various others, too long to enumerate
here. It has even the power of annulling the acts
of the Federal Congress at Washington, if such acts
are contrary to the Constitution.
The following article in the Constitution
regulates the terms upon which alone any change may
be made, and which is of so peculiar and conservative
a character that I insert it in full:
of Amendment.
“The Congress, whenever two-thirds
of both Houses shall deem it necessary, shall propose
amendments to this Constitution, or, on the application
of the Legislatures of two-thirds of the several States,
shall call a convention for proposing amendments,
which, in either case, shall be valid to all intents
and purposes, as part of this Constitution, when
ratified by the Legislatures of three-fourths of the
several States, or by conventions in three-fourths
thereof, as the one or the other mode of ratification
may be proposed by the Congress; provided that no
amendment which may be made prior to the year one
thousand eight hundred and eight, shall in any manner
affect the first and fourth clauses in the ninth
section of the first article, and that no State,
without its consent, shall be deprived of its equal
suffrage in the Senate.”
The foregoing article is a remarkable
instance of prudence and forethought, and acts as
the strongest safeguard against hasty measures, which
in times of great excitement may sometimes obtain a
majority that would afterwards be regretted by all
parties. If the principle involved in any question
is really felt to be of vital importance, the majority
can dissolve the Union if they consider the object
in view worth the sacrifice.
The salary of the Chief Justice is about 1050l. a-year. This court is, I
believe, invariably composed of men of the highest talent and integrity; their
appointment is from the President, and endorsed by the Senate, and their tenure
of office is during good behaviour." There has,
fortunately, been no change in the manner or term of these appointments; but, in
the different States, the democratic mania has removed the old landmarks of
prudence bequeathed to them by their fathers. Mr. Tremenheere tells, that in
1833 only 5 States out of the 24 had adopted the principle of electing Judges,
and appointing them for a term of years; in 1844, 12 States out of the 29 had
adopted the principle; and in 1853, 22 out of the 31 States had come to the same
resolution. We surely have in these facts a most important warning of the danger
of introducing too much of the democratic element into the constitution of any
country. Reflect, if but for a moment, on the danger to the community, where the
selection of the Judges of the land may be guided by political rancour or public
clamour; the bare knowledge that such may be the case, even if the purity of the
masses be so great as not to admit of such sinister influence, the bare
possibility, I say, is calculated to lower the respect in which it is most
desirable the judiciary should ever be held, and to deter the most
pure and high-minded citizens from offering their
services. The salaries of the Judges range from
250l. to 400l. a-year.
The next point to which I would call
attention, is to be found in Art. I., sec,
of the Constitution of the United States, the last
clause of which runs thus: “No person
holding any office under the United States shall be
a member of either House during his continuance in
office.” This was probably one of the most
extraordinary blunders such an able body of men as
the framers of the Constitution ever made; and if
their object was to guard against corruption, and the
undue influence of the leading men of the country,
it has most signally failed, as the Act before referred
to, of February, 1853, fully testifies. Only conceive
the effect of excluding all the Cabinet and high functionaries
from seats in the Lords and Commons; conceive the
great statesmen of this country being obliged to hand
over the introduction of most important measures,
and the defence and explanation of them, to other hands.
On this point, Mr. Justice Story remarks: “Thus,
that open and public responsibility for measures,
which properly belongs to the executive in all governments,
especially in a republican government, as its greatest
security and strength, is completely done away.
The executive is compelled to resort to secret and
unseen influence, to private interviews
and private arrangements, to accomplish
its own appropriate purposes, instead of proposing
and sustaining its own duties and measures by a bold
and manly appeal to the nation in the face of its
representatives. One consequence of this state
of things is, that there never can be traced home
to the executive any responsibility for the measures
which are planned and carried at its suggestion.
Another consequence will be if it has not
yet been that measures will be adopted
or defeated by private intrigues, political combinations,
irresponsible recommendations, by all the blandishments
of office, and all the deadening weight of silent
patronage; ... ministers may conceal or evade any
expression of their opinions.”
In charity it should be presumed that
in all nations which possess anything worthy of the
name of free institutions, the ablest men of the political
majority constitute the Cabinet; and, by the enactment
we are considering, all this talent is excluded from
the councils of the nation, whereas all the talent
of the Opposition may be there arrayed against their
measures. I confess it is beyond my penetration,
to see how this can be reconciled to justice or common
sense; in no one principle of their Government did
they more completely ignore the wisdom and experience
of the mother country, and in the object they had in
view they appear to have most completely failed.
It is but fair to the democrats to say it is no act
of theirs; they inherited the misfortune, and are
likely to keep it, as it is one of the fundamental
principles of their Constitution, and they have a
salutary dread much to their praise of
tinkering up any flaw they find in that document, lest
in mending one hole they make two. They have,
as a nation, so greatly prospered under its combined
enactments, and possess such an unlimited independence
in their individual States, that although the exclusion
of the Cabinet is now very generally admitted to be
an error, I saw no inclination to moot the question;
probably, lest other questions affecting the slave
and non-slave-holding States might be brought on the
boards, and again disturb the bonds of union.
Another very remarkable and
in a Republic anomalous feature in the
government, is the power of the President, who, by
the Constitution, is enabled during his four years’
tenure of office to rule in total opposition to the
majority, obstructing all the measures they may bring
forward, unless the majority amounts to two-thirds
in both Houses of Congress.
Article I., section 7, clause 2, runs
thus: “Every bill which shall have
passed the House of Representatives and the Senate
shall, before it become a law, be presented to the
President of the United States; if he approves, he
shall sign it, but if not, he shall return it with
his objections to that House in which it shall have
originated, who shall enter the objections at large
on their journal, and proceed to re-consider it.
If after such re-consideration two-thirds of that House
shall agree to pass the bill, it shall be sent, together
with the objections, to the other House, by which
it shall likewise be re-considered, and if approved
by two-thirds of that House, it shall become a law,”
This power of the President has been
used by Washington, Jackson, Tyler, and Polk; particularly
by Tyler, who opposed the wishes of the majority even
when those wishes were backed by his own ministry.
During the discussions on the Constitution, many of
the wisest heads at that eventful period desired to
establish the Presidency for life, but eventually
the term of four years was agreed upon; and if such
powers of obstructing the wishes of a majority were
to accompany the office, it certainly was a prudent
conclusion they arrived at. In a densely populated
community like Great Britain, such powers, whether
in the hands of the sovereign or the ministers, would
produce a revolution in much less time than four years.
It may, however, be questioned, whether these powers
are not productive of evil, by rendering necessary
such frequent elections for the Presidency. On
this point, Mr. Justice Story states: “The
inconvenience of such frequently recurring elections
of the chief magistrate, by generating factions, combining
intrigues, and agitating the public mind, seems not
hitherto to have attracted as much attention, as it
deserves.” And Chancellor Kent remarks,
that “the election of a supreme executive magistrate
for a whole nation affects so many interests, addresses
itself so strongly to popular passions, and holds
out such powerful temptations to ambition, that it
necessarily becomes a strong trial to public virtue,
and even hazardous to public tranquillity.”
There is another evil which attends
these frequent elections of the chief magistrate namely,
the enormous patronage at his disposal, and the mass
of jobbery and corruption to which the exercise of
it almost invariably leads. Besides the appointment
of nearly ever military, naval, civil, judicial, and
revenue-collecting official some of these
subject, it is true to the approval of the Senate Mr.
Justice Story remarks, that with regard to inferior
offices “his patronage probably includes ninety-nine
out of every hundred of the lucrative offices of the
government.” His great rival in patronage
is the Postmaster-General, who has power to appoint
and remove all deputy-postmasters, which, as the number
of post-offices is 22,688, amounts to something considerable.
This power was doubtless intended
for the public good, and in order that incompetent
or inefficient persons should be removed. To the
honour of Washington, it is recorded that during his
eight years’ Presidency only nine removals took
place. To President Jackson they are indebted,
as I have before remarked, for the introduction of
the present corrupt system. According to Justice
Story, on his entering office he removed 233 employes;
since then, the snowball has been steadily increasing
till the present moment; it has now reached an amount
which it would require Mr. Babbage’s machine
to calculate. Who can doubt that such vast patronage,
has far more influence in the selection of a President,
than any personal qualification for the high and important
post? Nothing could prove more clearly that such
influences are paramount to all others than the last
election. There were eight candidates on the
democratic side, of whom General Pierce was not one;
all the eight had their special friends, and each
party was loth to lose the chance of patronage which
their friend’s election might reasonably lead
them to hope for. Thus they fought so vigorously
that there was no chance of any one having the requisite
number of votes, i.e., a majority of the whole
number polled.
The Convention being deputed by the
different States to select from the candidates already
in the field, how do they get out of the difficulty
at the eleventh hour? They take upon themselves
to nominate a candidate for the Presidential chair,
who was not fettered by any particular followers,
and from whom all parties hoped they would receive
some share of the loaves and fishes as a reward for
their support. The electors endorsed the new
selection of the Convention, and General Pierce, lately
commanding a brigade in the Mexican war, was elected
by a most astounding majority. Scarcely any President
was ever elected with such all-but unanimity, and
the Press was equally undivided in its praises.
Every paper I read, in every place I passed through,
was full of the most unbounded eulogy. But mark
the change a few months made. Before the end
of the year, one-half of that Press, which had bespattered
him with such fulsome adulation during the honeymoon
of which his inauguration was the centre, were filling
their columns with long and loud complaints, if not
abuse. And what was the chief burden of their
invective? It was the manner in which he distributed
his patronage. In short, they were discontented
with the share they received of the loaves and fishes,
and thus the target of their adulation during the summer
of hope, became the butt for their abuse in the winter
of disappointment.
There is another subject connected
with these elections, which speaks with warning voice
against the presumable advantage of democracy.
I would not be misunderstood as casting the slightest
reflection upon the amiable qualities, intellectual
powers, or administrative talents of any American
citizen who has been raised to the Presidency during
later years. Let any candid reader, however,
whether English or American, look at the following
lists of Presidents since the Constitution, and he
cannot fail to observe that while the franchise was
restricted in nearly every State, those called to
that high post were the marked men of the highest
talent in the country men whose reputation
and abilities were patent to the whole community;
while, with the increase of democracy, those selected
during later years are men who, whatever their virtues
and capabilities, were comparatively unknown.
In the case of General Franklin Pierce, he was never
even named by the community; but, as we have shown,
was selected by the Convention at the eleventh hour,
as a compromise of political partisanship. Let
us not forget, that while some of the later Presidents
were elected, Calhoun, Clay, and Webster whose
names are the just pride of the Republic, and household
words in every family were passed over.
Surely these simple facts may afford us subject for
profitable reflection.
We will now pass on from the Governor
of the Republic to the Governors of individual States.
Their salaries vary in different States, and range
from 300l. to 2000l. a-year. Their election is
in some States by the people, in others by the legislature:
their term of office varies; in some States the election
is annual, and in all for a very limited period; and
under them each separate State has its own House of
Representatives and its Senate. The chief power,
which resides in the Governor alone, is that of pardon;
and here we may observe, that it is only reasonable
to suppose that so enlightened a community as the United
States would not for any considerable number of years
have tolerated the most flagrant abuse of such a power
as that of pardon; and consequently that if it be
found that such abuse do now exist, it must have grown
with the ever-growing democratic element.
Mr. Tremenheere quotes largely from
a work by Dr. Lieber, Professor of Political Philosophy
in the State College of South Carolina. Among
others of a similar character, the following passage
occurs: “I consider the indiscriminate
pardoning so frequent in many parts of the United
States, one of the most hostile things, now at work
in our country, to a perfect government of law.”
He elsewhere states “that the New York Committee
had ascertained that there are men who make a regular
trade of procuring pardons for convicts by which they
support themselves.” Further on he says,
“To this statement we have now to add the still
more appalling fact, which we would pass over in silence
if our duty permitted it, that but a short time ago
the Governor of a large State a State among
the foremost in prison discipline was openly
and widely accused of taking money for his pardons.
We have it not in our power to state whether this
be true or not, but it is obvious that a state of
things which allows suspicions and charges so degrading
and so ruinous to a healthy condition, ought not to
be borne with.” He then subjoins this note: “While
these sheets are going through the press, the papers
report that the Governor of a large State has pardoned
thirty criminals, among whom were some of the worst
characters, at one stroke, on leaving the gubernatorial
chair.” Among the conclusions Dr.
Lieber draws on this point, is the following astounding
one “That the executive in our country
is so situated that, in the ordinary course of things,
it cannot be expected of him that he will resist the
abuse; at least, that he will not resist it in many
The foregoing extracts are certainly
entitled to no small weight when it is remembered
they come from the pen of a republican professor, writing
upon “Civil Liberty and Self-government.”
I do not pretend to say that such gross cases as those
referred to by him came within my cognizance during
my travels, but I most certainly did hear charges made
against governors, in more than one instance, of granting
pardons through corrupt influence.
I have now given a cursory review
of the leading features in the executive of the United
States; and I have endeavoured, while doing so, to
point out the effects which the gradual inroads of
the democratic element have produced. The subject
is one of the deepest interest to us as Englishmen,
inasmuch as it is the duty of every government to
enlarge, as far as is consistent with the welfare of
the nation, the liberty of the subject. The foregoing
remarks on the constitution of the United States appear
to me conclusive as to one fact viz., that
the democratic element may be introduced so largely
as that, despite a high standard of national education
and worldly prosperity, its influence will produce
the most pernicious effect upon the government of the
This truth cannot be too strongly
brought forward, for undoubtedly change is the mania
of the day; and as, in a free country, all constitutional
changes must have a liberal tendency, it behoves our
legislators to study deeply and patiently the effect
produced upon any country whose constitution is more
democratic than our own, so as to enable them, while
steadily advancing with the age, to know when the
well-being of their country requires them, as true
patriots, to resist those measures which threaten
injury to the social fabric committed to their guidance.
No field can afford them more profitable subjects for
reflection than the United States. Independent
of the fact that her institutions are more democratic
than our own, she possesses natural advantages that
enable her to carry them out, such as we do not; and,
therefore, the British statesman may always study her
career with profit when any great liberal movement
is being agitated in his own country.
Lest any one should be disposed to
imagine that the statements I have made, or the deductions
I have drawn, are merely the prejudices of a traveller
brought up under a constitutional monarchy, I will
add a passage showing the conclusions at which one
of the ablest men in America has arrived.
Bishop Hopkins, in an address delivered
before the House of Convocation of Trinity College,
Hartford, after eulogizing the wisdom and patriotism,
of the founders of his country, as being “the
wise master builders of the noblest republic in the
world,” asks what is its present state after
seventy years’ brief experience? Behold
the reply: “First, then, we hear
on every side the charge of political corruption.
Bribery is practised in all our elections. The
spoils of office are expected as a matter of course
by the victorious party. The President of the
United States dares not be impartial; for, if he were,
he would lose the confidence of his friends without
gaining the confidence of his enemies. The oldest
statesmen, and the most prominent, cannot follow the
dictates of their own judgment and conscience without
being reproached as though they were laying a trap
for the presidential chair. The very laws of
Congress are set down as the results of personal venality
or ambition. The House of Representatives, or
even the Senate Chamber, are disgraced every year
by fierce passion and violent denunciation. The
barbarous and unchristian duel is anticipated as quite
inevitable unless it be averted by explanations which
may satisfy worldly honour, in utter contempt of all
religious principle. And no member of either House
can go to the performance of his public duties with
any security that he may not be insulted by coarse
invective before the day is closed. Yet our rulers
are never weary of lauding the character of Washington,
as if they were quite convinced that the time had
passed by when they might be expected to verify the
language of praise by the act of imitation. When
we look into the other classes of the community, the
same charge of venality and corruption meets us again.
Our merchants are accused of all sorts of dishonest
management; our brokers, of stock-jobbing; our city
aldermen, of bribery; our lawyers, of knavery; our
justices, of complicity with the guilty. The
same worship of Mammon seems to govern the whole, and
the current phrase, ‘the almighty dollar,’
is a sad but powerful exponent of the universal sin
which involves the mass of our population.”
Being perfectly aware what a “glass
house” of corruption we ourselves are living
in, I do not quote the foregoing by way of “throwing
a stone,” but insert it merely as a warning
of the direction in which we should not seek for an
advance in purification.