Vanguard, off Malta,
Oc, 1798.
After a long passage, we are arrived;
and it is as I suspected the ministers
at Naples know nothing of the situation of the island.
Not a house or bastion of the town is in possession
of the islanders; and the Marquis de Niza tells me,
they want arms, victuals, and support. He does
not know, that any Neapolitan officers are in the island;
perhaps, although I have their names, none are arrived;
and it is very certain, by the Marquis’s account,
that no supplies have been sent by the governors of
Syracuse or Messina.
However, I shall and will know every
thing as soon as the Marquis is gone, which will be
to-morrow morning. He says, he is very anxious
to serve under my command; and, by his changing his
ship, it appears as if he was so: however, I
understand the trim of our English ships better.
Ball will have the management of the
blockade after my departure; as, it seems, the Court
of Naples think my presence may be necessary, and
useful, in the beginning of November.
I hope it will prove so; but, I feel,
my duty lays at present in the East; for, until I
know the shipping in Egypt are destroyed, I shall
never consider the French army as completely sure of
never returning to Europe.
However, all my views are to serve
and save the Two Sicilies; and to do that which their
Majesties may wish me, even against my own opinion,
when I come to Naples, and that country is at war.
I shall wish to have a meeting with General Acton
on this subject.
You will, I am sure, do me justice
with the Queen; for, I declare to God, my whole study
is, how to best meet her approbation.
May God bless you and Sir William!
and ever believe me, with the most affectionate regard,
your obliged and faithful friend,
I may possibly, but that is not certain,
send in the inclosed letter. Shew it to Sir William.
This must depend on what I hear and see; for
I believe scarcely any thing I hear.
Once more, God bless you!