[March 1801.]
You say, my Dearest Friend, why don’t
I put my Chief forward? He has put me in the
front of the battle, and Nelson will be first.
I could say more; but will not make you uneasy, knowing
the firm friendship you have for me.
The St. George will stamp an additional
ray of glory to England’s fame, if Nelson survives;
and that Almighty Providence, who has hitherto protected
me in all dangers, and covered my head in the day
of battle, will still, if it be his pleasure, support
and assist me.
Keep me alive, in your and Sir William’s
remembrance. My last thoughts will be with you
both, for you love and esteem me. I judge your
hearts by my own.
May the Great God of Heaven protect
and bless you and him! is the fervent prayer of your
and Sir William’s unalterable friend, till death.