Sheerness, August 11th, 1801.
I came from Harwich yesterday noon;
not having set my foot on shore, although the Volunteers,
&c. were drawn up to receive me, and the people ready
to draw the carriage.
Parker had very near got all the honours;
but I want none, but what my dear Emma confers.
You have sense to discriminate whether they are deserved
or no.
I came on shore; for my business lays
with the Admiral, who lives in a ship hauled on shore,
and the Commisioner. Slept at Coffin’s:
and, having done all that I can, am off for the Downs;
to-day, if possible.
As far as September 14th, I am at
the Admiralty’s disposal; but, if Mr. Buonaparte
do not chuse to send his miscreants before that time,
my health will not bear me through equinoctial gales.
I wish that Sir William was returned;
I would try and persuade him to come to either Deal,
Dover, or Margate: for, thus cut off from the
society of my dearest friends, ’tis but a life
of sorrow and sadness. But, patienza per forza!
I hope you will get the house.
If I buy, no person can say this shall,
or not, be altered; and, you shall have the whole arrangement.
Remember me most kindly to Mrs. Nelson,
the Duke, and Lord William. Write to me in the
May the Heavens bless and preserve
you, for ever and ever! is the constant prayer of,
my dear Emma, your most affectionate and faithful
The Mayor and Corporation of Sandwich,
when they came on board to present me the freedom
of that ancient town, requested me [to] dine with
them. I put them off for the moment, but they
would not be let off. Therefore, this business,
dreadful to me, stands over, and I shall be
attacked again when I get to the Downs. But I
will not dine there, without you say, approve; nor,
perhaps, then, if I can get off. Oh! how I hate
to be stared at.