Read LETTER XXVIII of The Letters of Lord Nelson to Lady Hamilton‚ Vol. I, free online book, by Horatio Nelson, on

Amazon, October 20th, 1801.


How could you think, for a moment, that I would be a time-server to any Minister on earth! And, if you had studied my letter a little closer, you would have seen that my intention was, to shew them that I could be as useful in the cabinet as in the field.

My idea is, to let them see that my attendance is worth soliciting. For myself, I can have nothing; but, for my brother, something may be done.

Living with Mr. Addington a good deal; never, in your sense of the word, shall I do it. What, leave my dearest friends, to dine with a minister? Damn me, if I do, beyond what you yourself shall judge to be necessary! Perhaps, it may be once; and once with the Earl but that you shall judge for me.

If I give up all intercourse you know enough of Courts, that they will do nothing: make yourself of consequence to them, and they will do what you wish, in reason; and, out of reason, I never should ask them.

It must be a great bore, to me, to go to the House. I shall tell Mr. Addington, that I go on the 29th to please him, and not to please myself; but more of this subject, when we meet.

Dr. Baird is laid up with the rheumatism; he will now believe, that the cold may affect me. This is the coldest place in England, most assuredly.

Troubridge writes me that, as the weather is set in fine again, he hopes I shall get walks on shore. He is, I suppose, laughing at me; but, never mind.

I agree with you, in wishing Sir William had a horse. Why don’t you send to the Duke, for a poney for him.

I am just parting with four of my ships Captains Conn, Rowley, Martin, and Whitter who are proceeding to the Nore, in their way to be paid off.

The surf is still so great on the beach, that I could not land dry, if it was necessary, to-day; but, I hope, it will be smooth on Thursday: if not, I must go in a boat to Dover, and come from thence to Deal.

Sutton says, he will get the Amazon under sail, and carry me down; for, that I shall not take cold: Bedford goes with a squadron to Margate; so that all our party will be broke up. I am sure, to many of them, I feel truly obliged.

Make my kindest respects to Sir William; and believe me, ever, your most faithful and affectionate


I wish Banti was separated from Charles, for he is a knowing one. I wish I could get him with a good Captain, who would keep him strict to his duty.

Hardy cannot get paid a hundred pounds he advanced for Mr. Williams’s nephew.

Many thanks for Mrs. Nelson’s letters.

The Reverend Doctor likes going about. Only think of his wanting to come up with an address of thanks! Why, [the] King will not receive him, although he is a Doctor; and less, for being my brother for, they certainly do not like me.