Amazon, October 20th, 1801.
Only two days more, the Admiralty
could, with any conscience, keep me here; not that
I think, they have had any conscience.
I dare say, Master Troubridge is grown
fat. I know, I am grown lean, with my complaint:
which, but for their indifference about my health,
would never have happened; or, at least, I should have
got well, long ago, in a warm room, with a good fire,
and sincere friends.
I believe, I leave this little squadron
with sincere regret, and with the good wishes of every
creature in it.
How I should laugh, to see you, my
dear friend, rowing in a boat; the beautiful Emma
rowing a one-armed Admiral in a boat! It will
certainly be caricatured.
Well done, farmer’s wife!
I’ll bet your turkey against Mrs. Nelson’s;
but, Sir William and I will decide.
Hardy says, you may be sure of him;
and, that he has not lost his appetite.
You will make us rich, with your economy.
I did not think, tell Sir William,
that impudence had got such deep root in Wales.
I send you the letter, as a curiosity; and to have
the impudence to recommend a midshipman!
It is not long ago, a person from
Yorkshire desired me to lend him three hundred pounds,
as he was going to set up a school!
Are these people mad; or, do they
take me for quite a fool?
However, I have wisdom enough to laugh
at their folly; and to be, myself, your most obliged
and faithful friend,
Best regards to Sir William, Mrs.
Cadogan, and all friends.