My success as an auctioneer was assured
from the result of my first sale. I soon learned
that it required only hard study and close application
to make it a profitable business.
I did not give up my furniture polish,
but as soon as possible bought an extra suit of clothes,
a silk hat and a wig with which to change my appearance
from a polish-vender to an auctioneer. I would
peddle from house to house during the day in a dark
suit and Derby hat, with my hair clipped close to
my head, while in the evening I would appear on the
auction-wagon attired in a flashy, plaid suit, a blonde
wig and silk hat. In no instance was my identity
ever discovered.
We used to have a great deal of sport
at the hotels, where I invariably registered and represented
myself as a polish vender, and never intimated that
I was connected with the auction party.
As soon as the time drew near to open
the sale I would go to my room, dress for the occasion
and suddenly appear at the hotel office ready for
business; and as soon as the wagon was driven to the
door ready for the parade, I would climb in and perform
my part of the programme.
It was usually a query with hotel
clerks and porters, who the auctioneer could be and
where he slept and took his meals.
My reason for thus disguising myself
was to satisfy my employer, who feared that the polish
business would in some degree injure the auction sales.
I made auctioneering my constant study,
jotting down every saying that suggested itself to
me, and giving it a great deal of thought at odd times.
In the morning, at noon, and while walking from house
to house I conjured up all sorts of expressions.
Consequently I manufactured a large
variety of comical descriptive talk on all lines of
goods we handled, besides an endless variety of funny
sayings and jokes with which to hold and entertain
my audiences.
By reading a good deal and carefully
listening to every thing that was said in my presence
I was constantly catching on to something new which
I combined with something original. I very soon
found myself not only rated equal to the average auctioneer,
but almost invariably on my daily trips selling polish
I would be asked if I “had heard that auctioneer
the night before,” and then would follow the
highest commendation of his ability.
This of course had a tendency to elevate
me in my own estimation, and was no doubt a motive
power to urge me on to success. But under the
circumstances of not daring to make my identity known,
I was unable to share in the glory that my egotism
would naturally crave for.
I became satisfied, at any rate, that
I had “struck my gait,” and at once became
wrapped up soul and body in the business.
In a few weeks my employer suggested
that we let the musicians go, as he was convinced
that I was able to entertain my audiences sufficiently
without them. I agreed with him and we very soon
learned that our sales were better than with them.
The music seemed to divide the attention
of the people, besides suggesting more pleasure than
My commission was increased from five
to seven per cent. as soon as this fact was demonstrated.
Before quitting the business I was
successful in acquiring a general line of talk on
suspenders, shoe-laces, combs, brushes, handkerchiefs,
hose, pocket-knives, razors, pencils, pins, stationery,
towels, table-cloths, and in fact everything belonging
to this line of goods, together with an endless variety
of jokes and sayings used during and immediately after
each sale.
My sales were made on what is termed
the down-hill plan, or Dutch Auction, instead of to
the highest bidder, as is common in selling farm implements
and stock. I would first describe the quality
of the article for sale, and after placing its price
as high as it usually sold at, would then run it down
to our lowest bottom price, and as soon as a sale
was made, proceed to duplicate and sell off as many
of them as possible in a single run; and then introduce
something else.
To give the reader a more definite
knowledge of the manner of conducting this business
and describing the goods, I will give an illustration
on one or two articles, including a few sayings frequently
used between sales. It should be borne in mind
that as soon as I opened my sale I began talking at
lightning speed, and talked incessantly from that
moment till its final close, which usually lasted two
to four hours. I have talked six hours, incessantly,
but it is very exhausting and wearing, and could not
be kept up.
To hold the people and keep them buying,
it was necessary to entertain them with a variety
of talk. Whenever a sale was made, I would cry
out at the top of my voice:
“Sold again;” and would
not lose a chance then to add some joke or saying
that would be likely to amuse the crowd, before offering
another lot.
I will now illustrate a sale on “Soap:”
“My friends, the
next article I will offer for your inspection is
the homa jona, radical,
tragical, incomprehensible compound extract
of the double-distilled
rute-te-tute toilet soap.
“T-a-l-k about your astronomical
calculation and scientific investigation, but
the man who invented this soap, studied for one hundred
years. As he d-o-v-e into the deep, d-a-r-k
mysteries of chemical analysis, he solved the
problem that n-o man born could be an
honest Christian without the use of soap.
“Take a smell of it, gentlemen,
eat a cake of it, and if you don’t like
it, spit it out. I’ll guarantee it to remove
tar, pitch, paint, oil or varnish from your clothing;
it will remove stains from your conscience, pimples
from your face, dandruff from your head, and
whiskey from your stomach; it will enamel your teeth,
strengthen your nerves, purify your blood, curl
your hair, relax your muscles and put a smile
on your face an inch and-a-half thick; time will
never wear it away; it’s a sure cure for bald
heads, scald heads, bloody noses, chapped hands,
or dirty feet.
“Now, gentlemen, I have here
an extra fine toilet soap that you can’t
buy in your city for less than ten cents a cake.
But I’m here my friends, to give you bargains.”
(Then counting them out, one cake at a time):
“I’ll give you one cake
for ten, two for twenty, three of ’em for thirty,
four for forty, five for fifty and six for sixty cents.
Yes, you lucky cusses, I’ll see if there’s
a God in Israel. Here, I’ll wrap them
up for fifty-five fifty forty-five forty thirty-five,
thirty. There! I hope never to see
my Mary Ann or the back of my neck if a quarter of
a dollar don’t buy the whole lot. Remember,
twenty-five cents; two dimes and-a-half will
neither make nor break you, buy you a farm, set
you up in business or take you out of the poor-house.
“Is there a gentleman
in the crowd now who will take this lot for
twenty-five cents?”
(When some one cries out, Ill take em,")
“Take ’em, I should think
you would take ’em. I took ’em, too;
but I took ’em when the man was asleep,
or I never could sell ’em for the money.
Will it make any difference to you, sir, if I give
you six more cakes in the bargain? (throwing
in six more.) All right, my friends.
“You can’t give in vain
to a good cause. Remember, ’God loveth a
cheerful giver.’ Now gentlemen, who’ll
have the next, last, and only remaining lot for
the money? Here’s one, another makes two,
one more are three, another makes four, one more
are five and one are six, and six more added
make another dozen, the only remaining lot for
the money. And sold again.
“Not sold, but morally and Christianly
given away; where Christians dwell blessings
freely flow; I’m here to dispense blessings with
a free and liberal hand. Ah, you lucky sinners,
I have just one more lot the last
and only remaining one. Who’ll have it?
And sold again. The fountains of joy still
come rushing along, the deeper we go the sweeter
we get and the next song will be a dance. Well,
dog my riggin’, if here ain’t another
dozen cakes. And who’ll take them along
for the same money? Sold again! Not sold,
but given away. He that giveth to the poor
lendeth to the Lord and when he dies he’ll go
to Georgetown by the short-line.
“Well, there, gentlemen, I’ve
soaped you to death. The next article I’ll
call your attention to is a fine Eagle rubber-tipped
pencil with the lead running all the way through
it and half way back again, and a pencil you
can’t buy in the regular way for less than ten
cents. Now, gentlemen, after sharpening this pencil
to a fine point, I propose to give you a specimen
of my penmanship. I presume I’m the
finest penman who ever visited your city.
“And I will wager one hundred
dollars to fifty that I can beat any man in your
town writing two different and distinct hands.”
(Then hold up a piece of paper or paste-board
and commence writing on it.)
“You will notice, my friends,
that I write one hand that no man in the world
can read but myself, and another hand that myself nor
any other man can read. Now, gentlemen,
I’m going to supply the wants of yourself
and family, and all your relatives.” (Then picking
them up one at a time, and exposing them to view):
is one for dad and one for mam,
for the cook and the hired man,
for your daughter and one for your son.
true as I tell you, I have only begun.
there is one for your wife and one for yourself;
give you another to lay on the shelf.
one for your sister and one for your brother,
fear they’ll need three I’ll throw in another.
is one for your uncle and one for your aunt.
would give them another, but I know that I can’t,
there’s just two left for grandfather and grandmother.
you’ll take them along and make me no bother,
may have the whole lot for a quarter of a dollar.
“And who’ll
have the entire lot for the money?
“And sold right here. This
gentleman takes them. I should think he would
take ’em. Any man that wouldn’t take
’em, wouldn’t take sugar at a cent
a pound. He’d want to taste off the top,
taste from the bottom and eat out the middle
and then he’d swear it wasn’t sugar.
And who’ll have the next, last, and only remaining
lot for the money? And sold again.
Luck is a fortune gentlemen. The man that
is here to-night is bound to be a winner. And
who’ll have the next lot for the money?”
The foregoing will give the reader
a slight idea of the variety of talk that it was necessary
for me to keep conjuring up and manufacturing in order
to entertain my buyers, and to continually spring something
new on them.