Forester and Marco got their boat’s
crew well trained in the course of a week or two,
and one pleasant day in September they planned a long
expedition in their boat. The boys collected at
the house of the owner of the boat, at one o’clock.
Two of them carried a large basket which Forester
had provided. It was quite heavy, and they did
not know what was in it; but they supposed that it
was a store of some sort of provisions for a supper,
in case they should be gone so long as to need a supper.
Forester carried a hatchet also.
At the proper word of command, the
boys got into the boat and took their several stations.
Marco took his place forward to act as bowman.
It is the duty of the bowman to keep a lookout forward,
that the boat does not run into any danger; and also,
when the boat comes to land, to step out first and
hold it by the painter, that is, the rope which is
fastened to the bow, while the others get out.
Marco had a pole, with an iron spike and also an iron
hook in the end of it, which he used to fend off
with, as they called it, when the boat was in danger
of running against any obstacle. This was called
a boat-hook.
“Attention!” said
Forester, when the boys were all seated.
Hereupon the boys raised the oars
into the air, ready to let them down into the water.
“Let fall!” said
Forester. The oars all fell gently and together
into their places.
“Give way!” said Forester.
The boat began immediately to glide
rapidly over the water, under the impulse which the
boys gave it in rowing. “Crew at ease,”
said Forester.
So the boys went on rowing, but understood
that they had liberty to talk. One of them wished
to know where Forester was going with them; but Forester
said it was entirely contrary to the discipline aboard
a man-of-war for the crew to ask the captain where
they were going. “Besides,” said
Forester, “though I could easily tell you, I
think you will enjoy the expedition more, to know
nothing about it beforehand, but to take every thing
as it comes.”
Forester steered in such a manner
as to put the head of the boat toward a bank at some
distance from where they started, on which there was
a thick forest of firs and other evergreens, growing
near the water. When they got pretty near the
land, he gave the order for attention, that they might
observe silence in going through whatever manoeuvers
were required here. The next order was, Oars.
At this the oarsmen stopped rowing, and held their
oars horizontally over the water. The boat in
the mean time was gliding on toward the shore.
“Aboard!” said Forester.
The crew then gently raised their
oars into the air, and passed them over their heads
into the boat, laying them upon the thwarts in their
proper position, along the middle of the boat.
By this order the crew supposed that Forester was
going to land.
“Bear a hand, Mr. Bowman,”
said Forester, “and fend off from the shore.”
Forester, by means of his paddle,
had steered the boat up to a log which lay in the
edge of the water, and Marco, at first fending off
from the log, to keep the boat from striking hard,
and then holding on to it with his hook, got it into
a good position for landing, and held it securely.
“Crew ashore,” said Forester.
The crew, who had learned all these
orders in the course of the repeated instructions
which Forester and Marco had given them, began to
rise and to walk toward the bow of the boat and to
go ashore. Marco landed first, and held the boat
with his boat-hook, while the rest got out. Forester
then ordered Marco to make the boat fast, until they
were ready to embark again.
Forester then went up in the woods
a little way, with his hatchet in his hand, and began
to look about among the trees. Finally, he selected
a small tree, with a round, straight stem, and began
to cut it down. The boys gathered around him,
wondering what it could be for. Forester smiled,
and worked on in silence, declining to answer any of
their questions. Marco said it was for a mast,
he knew, but when they asked him where the sail was,
he seemed perplexed, and could not answer.
As soon, however, as the tree was
cut down, it was evident that it was not intended
to be used as a mast, for Forester began at once to
cut it up into lengths of about two feet long.
What could be his design, the boys were utterly unable
to imagine. He said nothing, but ordered the
boys to take these lengths, one by one, and put them
into the boat. There were five in all. Then
he ordered the crew on board again. Marco got
in last. When all were seated, the order was given
to shove off, the oars were tossed then
let fall into the water. He ordered them
to back water first, by which manoeuver the
boat was backed off from the land into deep water.
Then he commanded them to give way, and at
the same time bringing the stern of the boat round
by his paddle, the boat was made to shoot swiftly down
the stream.
The boat went rapidly forward along
the shores of the pond, and presently, on coming round
a wooded point, the mills appeared in sight.
As they approached the mills, they kept pretty near
the shore, and at length landed just above the dam.
Forester ordered the crew ashore,
at a place where there was a road leading down to
the water’s edge. This road was made by
the teams which came down to get logs and lumber from
the water. At Forester’s direction, the
boys drew the bow of the boat up a little way upon
the land. Then he ordered the boys to take out
the pieces of the stem of the little tree, and he
placed one of them under the bow as a roller.
The boys then took hold of the sides of the boat, three
on each side, each boy opposite to his own row-lock,
while Marco stood ready to put under another roller.
The ascent was very gradual, so that the boat moved
up easily, and the boys were very much surprised and
delighted to see their boat thus running up upon the
It seemed to them an exercise of great
power to be able to take so large a boat so easily
and rapidly up such an ascent upon the land.
They were aided to do it by two principles. One
was the combination of their strength in one united
effort, and the other was the influence of the rollers
in preventing the friction of the bottom of the boat
upon the ground.
Presently the whole length of the
boat was out of water and resting on four rollers,
which Marco had put under it, one by one, as it had
advanced. Forester would then call out, “Ahead
with her!” when the boys would move about
two steps. Then Forester would give the command,
“Hold on,” and they would stop.
By this time one of the rollers would come out behind,
and Marco would take it up and carry it round forward,
and place it under the bow, and Forester would then
say, “Ahead with her!” again, and
the boat would immediately advance again up the acclivity.
In a very few minutes the boat was
thus rolled up into a sort of a road, where the way
was level. Here it went very easily. Presently
it began to descend, and soon the boys saw that Forester
was taking a sort of path which led by a gentle slope
down to the water immediately below the mill.
They were very much pleased at this, for, as they had
had a great many excursions already on the mill-pond,
they had become familiar with it in all its parts,
and they were much animated at the idea of exploring
new regions. In going down to the water on the
lower side of the mill, they had, of course, no exertion
to make to draw the boat, as its own weight was more
than sufficient to carry it down upon the rollers.
They only had to hold it back to prevent its running
down too fast, and to keep it properly guided.
“It goes down pretty easy,”
said Marco; “but I don’t see how you are
ever going to get it back again.”
It was, in fact, a long and rather
steep descent. The boys thought that it would
require far more strength than they could exercise,
to bring the boat up such an inclination.
Forester told them not to fear. He said that
a good commander never put too much upon his men,
or voluntarily got them into any difficulty without
planning beforehand a way to get out.
They soon got down to the water’s
edge again. Here, instead of the broad and smooth
pond which they had above the dam, they found a stream
eddying, and foaming, and flowing rapidly down between
rocks and logs. There was a bridge across the
stream too, a short distance below. The boys
were a little inclined to be afraid to embark, in what
appeared to be a rather dangerous navigation, but they
had confidence in Forester, and so they readily obeyed
when Forester ordered the crew aboard.
“Now, Mr. Bowman,” said
Forester, “keep a sharp lookout ahead for rocks
and snags, and fend off well when there is any danger.”
So Marco kneeled upon a small seat
at the bow of the boat, and looked into the water
before him, while Forester propelled and guided the
boat with his paddle. They advanced slowly and
by a very tortuous course, so as to avoid the rocks
and shallows, and at length, just above the bridge,
they came to a wider and smoother passage of water:
and here Forester ordered the oars out. There
was only room for them to take four or five strokes
before they came to the bridge, and under the bridge
there was only a very narrow passage where they could
go through. This passage was between one of the
piers and a gravel bed. As they advanced toward
it, Forester called out, “Give way strong!”
and all the boys pulled their oars with all their
strength, without, however, accelerating the strokes.
This gave the boat a rapid headway, and then Forester
gave the order to trail, when the boys simultaneously
lifted the oars out of the row-locks and let them
drift in the water alongside of the boat. As
the boat was advancing very swiftly, the oars were
immediately swept in close to her sides, and thus
were out of the way, and the boat glided safely and
swiftly through the passage, and emerged into a broader
sheet of smooth water beyond.
“Recover!” said
Forester. The boys then, by a peculiar manoeuver
which they had learned by much practice, brought back
their oars into the row-locks, and raised the blades
out of the water, so as to get them into a position
for rowing. “Give way!” said Forester,
and immediately they were all in motion, the boat gliding
swiftly down the stream.
After they had gone on in this way
a few minutes, Forester ordered the oars apeak,
and put the crew at ease. When the oars are apeak,
they are drawn in a little way, so that the
handle of each oar may be passed under a sort of cleat
or ledge, which runs along on the inside of the boat
near the upper edge of it. This keeps the oar
firm in its place without the necessity of holding
it, the handle being under this cleat, while the middle
of the oar rests in the row-lock. Thus the oarsmen
are relieved from the necessity of holding their oars,
and yet the oars are all ready to be seized again in
a moment, whenever it becomes desirable to commence
Meantime the boat slowly drifted down
the stream. The water was here deep and comparatively
still, and the boys amused themselves with looking
over the sides into the depths of the water. They
glided noiselessly along over various objects, now
a great flat rock, now a sunken tree, and now a bed
of yellow sand. Every now and then, Forester
would order the oars out, and make the oarsmen give
way for a few strokes, so as to give the boat what
they called steerage way, that is, way through the
water, so that holding the paddle in one position
or the other would steer it. In this way Forester
guided the boat in the right direction, keeping it
pretty near the middle of the stream.
This mill-stream, as has already been
stated, emptied into the river, and the boat was now
rapidly approaching the place of junction. In
a few minutes more the river came into view.
The boys could see it at some distance before them,
running with great rapidity by a rocky point of land
which formed one side of the mouth of the brook.
“Now, boys,” said Forester,
“is it safe for us to go out into that current?”
“Yes,” said Marco, “by all means, let
us go.”
“Perhaps we shall upset in the rips,”
said some of the boys.
“No matter if we do,”
said Marco; “it is not deep in the rips, and
of course there is no danger.”
“That is in our favor certainly,”
said Forester. “Whenever the current sets
strong, there it is sure to be shallow, so that if
we upset we should not be drowned; and where it is
deep, so as to make it dangerous for us to get in,
it is always still, and thus there is no danger of
“What is the reason of that?” said one
of the boys.
“The reason is given in this
way,” said Forester, “in the college mathematics.
The velocity of a stream is inversely as the area of
the section.”
The boys did not understand such mathematical
phraseology as this, and so Forester clothed his explanation
in different language. He said that where the
stream was shallow or narrow, the current must be more
rapid, in order to get all the water through in so
small a space, but where it is deep, it may move slowly.
Forester landed his crew upon the
rocky point, where they had a very pleasant view up
and down the river. He proposed to them to have
their luncheon there, and to this they agreed.
So they went back to the edge of the rocks, where
there was a little grove of trees, and they sat down
upon a log which had been worn smooth by the action
of the water in floods, and bleached by the sun.
There were plenty of dry sticks and
slabs lying about upon the shore, which Forester ordered
the crew to collect in order to build a fire.
It was not cold, and they had no need of a fire for
any purposes of cooking, but a fire would look cheerful
and pleasant, and they accordingly made one.
Forester had some matches in his pocket. Two of
the crew brought the basket from the boat, and when
they had opened it, they found an abundant store of
provisions. There was a dozen or more of round
cakes, and a large apple-pie, which, as there were
just eight of them, gave forty-five degrees to each
one. There was also a jug of milk, and a silver
mug, which Forester’s mother had lent them for
the excursion, to drink out of.
The boys, whose appetites had been
sharpened by their exertions in the portage of the
boat round the falls, and in rowing, did not cease
to eat until the provisions were entirely exhausted,
and then they carried the empty basket back to the
boat. Soon after this, Forester summoned what
he called a council of war, to consider the question
whether they had better go down the river. He
said he wanted their true and deliberate judgment
in the case. He did not wish them to say what
they would like, merely, but what they thought, on
the whole, was best. He told them that he should
not be governed by their advice, but, after
hearing all that they had to say, he should act according
to his own judgment.
“Then what’s the use of asking us at all?”
said Marco.
“Why, what you will say may
modify my judgment. I did not say that I shall
decide according to my judgment as it is now, but as
it will be after I have heard what you will have to
say. I shall be influenced perhaps by your reasons,
but I shall decide myself. That is the theory
of a council of war. The commander may be influenced
by the arguments of his subalterns, but he is not
governed by their votes.”
Forester then called upon each of
the boys, in succession, to give his opinion on the
point. Marco was in favor of going down the river,
but all the rest, though they said that they should
like to go very much, thought it would not answer,
as it would be almost impossible to get the boat up
again over the rips. After the consultation was
concluded, Forester said, “Well, boys, you have
all given wise opinions except Marco, and his is not
wise. Now we’ll go aboard the boat.”
“Crew aboard!”
said Forester. The other orders followed in rapid
succession: Attention! Toss! Let
fall! Backwater! Oars! Give way!
The boys considered it settled, on hearing what Forester
had said of the wisdom of their several opinions,
that they were now going back toward the mill; but
how they were going to get the boat back above the
dam they did not know, though they did not doubt that
Forester had some good plan which he had not explained
to them. Instead, however, of turning the head
of the boat up the stream, Forester pointed it toward
the river. They supposed that he was going out
to the edge of the river, and that then he would turn
and come back; but, to their utter amazement, he pushed
boldly on directly into the current, and then, putting
his helm hard up and calling out to the crew to give
way strong, the boat swept round into the very center
of the stream and shot down the river over the rips
like an arrow.
“Give way, boys, hearty,” said Forester.
“Give way strong.”
The boys pulled with all their strength,
and the boat went swifter and swifter. Forester
kept it in the middle of the current, where the water
was deepest, though even here it was very shallow.
Marco, in the mean time, who was stationed at the
bows, kept a sharp lookout forward, and gave Forester
notice of any impending danger. They soon got
through the rips and came to the deep and still water
below, where the current was gentle and the surface
smooth. Here Forester ordered the oars apeak,
and the crew at ease.
“We never shall get back in
the world,” said one of the boys; “forty
men couldn’t row the boat up those rips.”
“Let us try,” said Forester.
So he ordered the oars out again, and put the boat
under way. He brought her head round so as to
point up stream, and calling upon the crew to give
way strong, he forced her back into the rapid water.
They went on a few rods, but long before they reached
the most rapid part, they found that with all their
exertions they could make no progress. The boat
seemed stationary. “Oars,” said
Forester. The boys stopped rowing, holding their
oars in the air, just above the water. Forester
then, by means of his paddle, turned the boat round
again, saying, “Well, if we can’t go up,
we can go down stream.” He then ordered
the crew to give way again, and they began to glide
along swiftly down the river.
The boys wondered how Forester was
going to get back, but he told them to give themselves
no concern on that score. “That responsibility
rests on me,” said he.
“But how came you to come down
here,” said Marco, “when you said my advice
wasn’t good?”
“I said your opinion was not
wise. The boys who advised me not to come were
wiser than you. They gave better advice, so far
as they and you understood the case. But I know
something which you do not, as is usual with commanders, and
therefore I came down. In view of all that you
know, it would have been wisest to have gone back,
but in view of all that I know, it is wisest
to come down.”
The curiosity of the boys was very
much excited to know what it could be that Forester
knew which rendered coming down the river wise; but
Forester would make no explanations. He said that
commanders were not generally very communicative to
their crews. In the mean time the boat went on,
sometimes shooting swiftly through the rapids, and
sometimes floating in a more calm and quiet manner
on the surface of the stiller water. In this
way they went on more than a mile, enjoying the voyage
very highly, and admiring the varied scenery which
was presented to their view at every turn of the stream.
At one place the boys landed upon
a small sandy beach under some overhanging rocks.
They amused themselves in climbing about the rocks
for a time, and then they were ordered aboard again,
and sailed on.
Now it happened that the river, in
the part of its course over which this voyage had
been performed, took a great circuit, and though they
had followed its course for more than a mile, they
were now drawing near to a place which was not very
far from Forester’s father’s house, being
about as much below it, as the place where the boat
belonged in the mill-pond was above it. As they
approached the point where the river turned again,
Marco, who was looking out before, saw a sort of landing,
where there was a man standing, together with a yoke
of oxen. It was just sunset when they approached
this spot. When they arrived at it, the whole
mystery was explained, for they found that the man
was James, who lived at Forester’s father’s,
and the oxen were his father’s oxen. James
had come down, under an appointment which Forester
had secretly made with him, with the oxen and a drag,
and by means of them he hauled the boat across to
the mill-pond again, by a back road which led directly
across the pastures, and lanched it safely again into
the water close to the dwelling of its owner.
So the boys had, as it were, the pleasure of sliding
down hill, without the labor of drawing their sleds
up again.
Marco was very much pleased with this
expedition. Forester told him when they got home,
that the Indians often carried their canoes around
falls, or from one river to another, and that such
carrying-places were called portages.