We now come down to an event of the
greatest interest, in which Mr. Tilley took part,
and one of such vast and far-reaching importance that
it quite overshadows all the other events of his career.
The confederation of the Canadian provinces was, beyond
all question, the most notable colonial movement within
the British empire since the American Declaration
of Independence. It changed at once the whole
character of the colonial relations which had subsisted
with the mother country, and substituted for a few
weak and scattered colonies a powerful Dominion, able
to speak with a united voice, and stand as a helpmeet
to the nation from which most of its people had sprung.
No man, whatever his views as to the wisdom of that
political union may have been at the time, can now
deny that it was timely and necessary, if the colonies
and the mother country were to preserve their connection
with each other. It is safe to say that, if confederation
had not taken place in 1867, British interests on
this continent would have suffered, and possibly some
of the colonies would now have been a part of the United
States. The policy of separating the colonies
from England, which has been so much advocated by
many leading public men in the great republic, would
have found free scope, and by balancing the interests
of one colony against those of another, promoting
dissensions and favouring those provinces which were
disposed to a closer union with the United States,
something might have been done to weaken their connection
with the British empire, which is now the glory and
the strength of the Dominion of Canada.
The question of the union of the several
colonies of British North America was by no means
a new one when it came up for final settlement.
It had been discussed at a very early period in the
history of the provinces, and indeed it was a question
which it was quite natural to discuss, for it seemed
but reasonable that colonies of the same origin, owing
the same allegiance, inhabited by people who differed
but little from each other in any respect, and with
many commercial interests in common, should form a
political union. No doubt it might have been
brought earlier to the front as a vital political question
but for the fact that the British government, which
was most interested in promoting the union of the
colonies, took no step towards that end until almost
compelled by necessity to move in the matter.
The colonial policy of England, as represented by
the colonial office and in the royal instructions
to colonial governors, has seldom been wise or far-seeing,
and the British colonies which now girdle the world,
have been built up mainly as the result of private
enterprise; for the part taken by the government has,
in most cases, been merely to give official sanction
to what private individuals have already done, and
to assist in protecting British interests when they
have become important, especially in new regions of
the world.
When the Earl of Durham was sent out
as governor-general of Canada after the rebellion
there in 1838, he suggested in his report that the
union of the colonies of British North America was
one of the remedies which ought to be resorted to
for the pacification of Canada and the reconstruction
of its constitution. While a large proportion
of the people of the colonies looked with favour upon
the idea of a political union, there was in all of
them a large body of objectors who were steadily opposed
to it. People of that kind are to be found in
all countries, and they have existed in all ages of
the world’s history. They are the persons
who see in every new movement a thousand difficulties
which cannot be surmounted. Their minds are constructed
on the principle of rejecting all new ideas, and clinging
to old forms and systems long after they have lost
their vitality. They are a class who look back
for precedents for any step of a political character
which it is proposed to take, and who judge of everything
by the standard of some former age. They seem
to forget that precedents must be created some time
or another, and that the present century has as good
a right to create precedents as any of its predecessors.
To these people every objection that could be urged
against confederation was exaggerated and magnified,
and whenever any proposal was made which seemed to
tend towards the union of the colonies, their voices
were heard upon the other side. We need not doubt
the honesty or loyalty of these objectors, or consider
that they were unfavourable either to British connection
or to the building up of the empire. It was merely
their misfortune that they were constitutionally adverse
to change, and could not see any merit in a political
movement which involved the idea of novelty.
For some time the principal advocate
of confederation in the Maritime Provinces was the
Hon. Joseph Howe, a man of such ability and force of
character that on a wider stage he might have risen
to eminence, and ranked amongst the world’s
great statesmen. It is impossible indeed not to
regret that so great a man, one so imperial in his
instincts and views, should have been condemned to
spend his life within the bounds of one small province.
The question of the political union
of the British North American provinces was brought
up in the House of Assembly of Nova Scotia in 1854,
and then the leaders of both parties, the Hon. Mr.
Johnson for the Conservatives, and the Hon. Mr. Howe
for the Liberals, united in advocating the measure,
and in depicting the advantage which would accrue
from it not only to Nova Scotia, but to every British
province in North America. In 1858 the question
of confederation was discussed in the parliament of
Canada, and such a union was made a part of the policy
of the government; for Mr. A. T. Galt, on becoming
a member of the administration, insisted upon its
being made a cabinet question, and Sir Edmund Head,
the governor-general, in his speech at the close of
the session, intimated that his government would take
action in the matter during the recess. Messrs.
Cartier, Galt, and Ross, who were in England representing
the government of Canada, waited upon the colonial
secretary, Sir Edward Bulwer Lytton, asking the authority
of the imperial government for a meeting of representatives
from each of the colonies to take the question of
union into consideration. The colonial secretary
informed the Canadian delegates, no doubt after consultation
with his colleagues, that the question of confederation
was necessarily one of an imperial character, and
declined to authorize the meeting, because no expression
of sentiment on the subject had as yet been received
from any of the Maritime Provinces except Nova Scotia.
The Earl of Derby’s government fell a few months
after this declaration of its policy in regard to
the colonies, and was succeeded by the government of
Lord Palmerston, which was in office at the time when
the negotiations which resulted in the confederation
of the colonies were commenced. At first Lord
Palmerston’s government seems to have been no
more favourable to the union of the colonies than
its predecessor; for in 1862 the Duke of Newcastle,
then colonial secretary, in a despatch to the governor-general
of Canada, after stating that Her Majesty’s government
was not prepared to announce any definite policy on
the question of confederation, added that, “If
a union, either partial or complete, should hereafter
be proposed, with the concurrence of all the provinces
to be united, I am sure that the matter would be weighed
in this country both by the public, by parliament
and by Her Majesty’s government, with no other
feeling than an anxiety to discern and promote any
course which might be the most conducive to the prosperity,
strength and harmony of all the British communities
of North America.” It must always be a
subject of astonishment that the British government
for so many years should have had no definite policy
on a matter so momentous, and that they should have
sought to discourage, rather than otherwise, a project
which has been of such vast importance to the empire.
The first impulse in favour of confederation
in the minds of the members of Lord Palmerston’s
cabinet seems to have developed about the time when
it became evident that the result of the civil war
in the United States would be the defeat of the southern
confederacy and the consolidation of the power of
the great republic in a more effectual union than that
which had existed before. No one who was not blind
could fail to see that this change of attitude on
the part of the United States would demand a corresponding
change in the relations of the British colonies towards
each other; for from being a mere federation of states,
so loosely connected that secession was frequently
threatened by states both north and south, the United
States, as the result of the war, had become a nation
with a strong central government, which had taken to
itself powers never contemplated by the constitution,
and which added immensely to its offensive and defensive
In 1863, Thomas D’Arcy McGee,
a member of the Canadian cabinet and a man of great
eloquence and ability, visited St. John and delivered
a lecture in the Mechanics’ Institute Hall on
the subject of the union of the colonies. His
lecture was fully reported in the Morning News,
a paper then published in that city, and attracted
wide attention because it opened up a subject of the
highest interest for the contemplation of the people
of the provinces. Shortly afterwards a series
of articles on the same subject, written by the author
of this book, appeared in the columns of the Morning
News, and were widely read and quoted. These
articles followed closely the lines laid down for the
union of the colonies by the late Peter S. Hamilton,
of Halifax, a writer of ability whose articles on
the subject were collected in pamphlet form and extensively
circulated. Thus in various ways the public mind
was being educated on the question of confederation,
and the opinion that the union of the British North
American colonies was desirable was generally accepted
by all persons who gave any attention to the subject.
It was only when the matter came up in a practical
form and as a distinct proposition to be carried into
effect, that the violent opposition which was afterwards
developed against confederation began to be shown.
An event occurred in the summer of
1864 which had its effect on the question of confederation.
Up to that time the people of Canada and New Brunswick
had been almost wholly unknown to each other, because
the difficulties of travelling between the two provinces
were so great. Any person who desired to reach
Montreal at that time from St. John had to take the
international steamer to Portland, Me., and was then
carried by the Grand Trunk Railway to his destination.
Quebec could be reached in summer by the steamer from
Pictou which called at Shediac, but in winter the
journey had to be made by the Grand Trunk Railway from
Portland, the only alternative route being the road
by which the mails were carried from Edmunston north
to the St. Lawrence. Under these circumstances
the people of the Canadian provinces and of the Maritime
Provinces had but few opportunities of seeing each
other, and the people of all the provinces knew much
more of their neighbours in the United States than
they did of their fellow-colonists. One result
of the Hon. D’Arcy McGee’s visit in 1863
was an invitation by the city of St. John to the legislature
of Canada to visit the Maritime Provinces. The
invitation was accepted and a party of about one hundred,
comprising members of the legislature, newspaper men,
and others, visited St. John in the beginning of August,
1864. Their trip was extended to Fredericton,
where they were the guests of the government of New
Brunswick, and to Halifax, where they were the guests
of that city and of the government of Nova Scotia.
This visit produced a good effect upon the public mind,
and enabled the Maritime people to see what kind of
men their fellow-colonists of Upper and Lower Canada
In the meantime a great crisis had
arisen in the government of Canada, which was the
immediate cause of the active part which that province
took in the confederation movement. When Upper
and Lower Canada were united in 1841, it was arranged
that the representation of each province in the legislature
should be equal. The arrangement at that time
was favourable to Upper Canada, which had a smaller
population than Lower Canada; but in the course of
time, as the population of Upper Canada increased
faster than that of the lower province, the people
of Upper Canada felt that they had less representation
than they were entitled to, and this state of affairs
led to the raising of the cry of “Representation
by Population” which was so often heard in that
province prior to the era of confederation. In
1864 Upper Canada had half a million more people than
Lower Canada, and yet was only entitled to the same
number of members in the legislature. Another
serious difficulty, which arose out of the union,
was the necessity, which not long afterwards began
to be recognized, of the government having a majority
in the legislature from each section of the province.
This, in time, grew to be so great an evil that the
successful government of Canada became almost impossible,
for the majority for the government in one province
might at any time be disturbed by some local feeling,
and as a consequence the government overthrown.
To trace the history of the difficulties which arose
from this cause would be to recite twenty years of
the history of Canada; but it is only necessary to
point out thus plainly the reasons for the willingness
of the people of Upper and Lower Canada to resort
to confederation as a means of getting rid of their
In 1863, the Hon. John Sandfield Macdonald
was leader of the government, but he was compelled
to resign when parliament met in the early part of
1864, and in March of that year a new administration
under the premiership of Sir E. P. Tache was
formed. This new government developed very little
strength, and was defeated on June 14th by a vote
of fifty-eight to sixty, on a question relative to
some transaction connected with bonds of the city
of Montreal. A deadlock had come, and as it was
evident that no new government which could be formed
was likely to command sufficient support, it became
necessary to make some new arrangements in regard
to the system of administration. Immediately
after the defeat of the government, Mr. George Brown,
leader of the Opposition, spoke to several supporters
of the administration strongly urging that the present
time should be availed of for the purpose of settling
forever the constitutional difficulties between Upper
and Lower Canada, and assuring them that he was prepared
to cooperate with the existing or any other administration
that would deal with the question promptly and firmly,
with a view to its final settlement. After much
negotiation Messrs. Brown, Mowat and McDougall, three
prominent members of the Reform party, agreed to enter
the government for the purpose of carrying out this
policy based on a federal union of all the provinces.
Prior to this time there had been
various efforts made by the government of New Brunswick
to enter into closer relations with Nova Scotia and
Prince Edward Island. Previous to the year 1861
a number of factories of various kinds had been established
in the Maritime Provinces, but the limited market
they then enjoyed prevented their extension and crippled
their operations. To remedy this, Mr. Tilley,
with the approval of his colleagues in the government,
visited Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island and proposed
to the governments of both provinces free admission
of their natural products and a uniform tariff on dutiable
goods. In Halifax he had a lengthy and satisfactory
conference with Mr. Howe, then leader of the government,
and with Dr. Tupper, the leader of the Opposition.
Both gentlemen agreed that the proposed arrangements
would be in the interests of the three provinces,
and Mr. Howe agreed to submit the matter to his government
with the view of legislative action at the next session.
Mr. Tilley then proceeded to Charlottetown, Prince
Edward Island. At the conference held with the
government there, his proposal was not so favourably
entertained, the objection being that the existing
tariff of Prince Edward Island was lower than the tariff
of either Nova Scotia or New Brunswick, and sufficient
for the financial wants of the Island, and that the
necessary advance would be imposing taxation beyond
their requirements. Notwithstanding the failure
to secure the cooperation of the Island government,
it was decided that the joint action of the Nova Scotia
and New Brunswick legislatures in the direction named
was desirable. When the Nova Scotia legislature
met and the public accounts were proposed, it was
found that a reduction of tariff was not practicable,
and Howe informed Tilley that the scheme would have
to be postponed, “though in other respects desirable.”
But the subject was not allowed to sleep, and in 1864
there was a renewal of the movement for a union of
the Maritime Provinces. At the session of the
New Brunswick legislature held that year, resolutions
were passed authorizing the government to enter into
negotiations with Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island
to hold a convention for the purpose of carrying such
a union into effect. Similar resolutions were
carried in the legislatures of Nova Scotia and Prince
Edward Island, and the convention thus authorized
was appointed to meet at Charlottetown in the month
of September following.