The British North America Act, by
which the provinces of Upper and Lower Canada, New
Brunswick and Nova Scotia were bound into a confederation,
came into force by royal proclamation on the first
day of July, 1867. When it is considered how
vast and vital a change this measure brought about,
it is surprising that it produced so little excitement
anywhere. With the exception of one or two demonstrations
which were made with flags by persons hostile to confederation,
it was received in the province of New Brunswick,
which had been so much excited during two elections,
with perfect calmness, and although for some years
afterwards there were always a number of persons opposed
to union who predicted direful things from confederation,
and thought it must finally be dissolved, the voices
of such persons were eventually silenced either by
death or by their acquiescence in the situation.
To-day it may be safely declared that the Canadian
confederation stands upon as secure a foundation as
any other government in the civilized world.
In June, 1867, the Hon. John A. Macdonald,
the leading spirit in the government of Canada, was
entrusted by Lord Monck, then governor-general, with
the formation of a ministry for the Dominion.
Mr. Macdonald naturally experienced a good deal of
difficulty in making his arrangements. In the
formation of the first ministry much care was necessary;
provincial and national interests were to be thought
of and denominational claims had to receive some attention.
But the greatest difficulty arose with respect to
old party lines. Mr. Macdonald thought that these
ought, as far as possible, to be ignored, and accordingly
selected his men from the leading advocates of confederation
belonging to both parties, placing in his cabinet
seven Conservatives and six Liberals. The Liberals
included the names of Mr. W. P. Rowland and Mr. William
MacDougall for Ontario. A large number of the
Liberals of Ontario, including George Brown and Alexander
Mackenzie, opposed this arrangement, called a public
meeting in Toronto, and passed resolutions in favour
of a strictly party government on the old lines.
It declared hostility to the proposal for a coalition,
and resolved to oppose Messrs. Rowland and MacDougall,
should they accept office under Mr. Macdonald.
This decision was carried out, but these gentlemen
were both elected by good majorities. In this
first ministry there were five members from Ontario,
four from Quebec, two from Nova Scotia, and two from
New Brunswick: S. L. Tilley and Peter Mitchell.
The wisdom of the course adopted will
be apparent when it is remembered that the question
of confederation was not settled or carried on party
lines, some of the Conservatives opposing and some
Liberals supporting it. This was clearly the
case in New Brunswick, as shown by the last two elections
held there. About one-third of the Liberal party,
and a like proportion of the Conservative party, opposed
confederation at the second election. To have
formed the first government on a party basis would
have necessitated the selection of some men who were
opposed to the union, and whose efforts might not
have been devoted to making it a success.
The first confederation ministry was
a very strong one. The Hon. John A. Macdonald
became premier and minister of justice; the Hon. George
E. Cartier was minister of militia and defence; Alexander
T. Galt was minister of finance; the Hon. William
MacDougall was minister of public works; the Hon.
W. P. Rowland was minister of inland revenue; the Hon.
A. J. F. Blair, president of the privy council; the
Hon. Alexander Campbell, postmaster-general; the Hon.
J. C. Chapais, minister of agriculture; the Hon. Hector
L. Langevin, secretary of state. The Hon. Mr.
Tilley became minister of customs and the Hon. Mr.
Mitchell minister of marine and fisheries, while the
two Nova Scotia representatives, Messrs. Archibald
and Kenny, became respectively secretary of state for
the provinces and receiver-general.
It will thus be seen that the Maritime
Provinces had four representatives out of thirteen
members of the cabinet, and this proportion has generally
been maintained since that time; so that the fears
of those who anticipated that the provinces by the
sea would not receive fair treatment in the distribution
of high offices have proved to be groundless.
On the contrary, it can be said that the Maritime
Province members of the government appear always to
have occupied a very influential position.
The office of minister of customs,
which Mr. Tilley received, was thought by some of
his friends to be less important than he deserved,
they being of the opinion that he should have been
made minister of finance. This office, however,
went to Mr. Galt, who, owing to a difference with
the rest of the government, resigned four months later,
his place in the cabinet being taken by Sir John Rose,
who held the office of finance minister until October,
1869, Sir Francis Hincks then receiving the appointment.
It was not until the resignation of the latter in
February, 1873, that Mr. Tilley became minister of
finance. The office at first assigned to him,
however, was one of great importance, involving as
it did the reorganization of the entire establishment
of the customs of Canada, and it gave ample scope for
his great ability as a business man.
The elections for the House of Commons
in the new parliament of Canada took place in August,
when Tilley was chosen to represent the city of St.
John, and John H. Gray, the county. It had been
expected, in view of the fact that these men had been
so largely instrumental in bringing about confederation,
that they would be allowed to walk over the course
unopposed. This was the case with Mr. Gray, whose
candidature met with no opposition; but Mr. Tilley
was opposed by Mr. John Wilson, who received a very
small vote. This needless and futile opposition
to the candidature of a man who deserved so well from
the province, was merely one of the proofs of the
existence of political rancour in the breasts of those
who had been defeated on the confederation question.
The first parliament of united Canada
met on November 6th, 1867, and the address was moved
by the Hon. Charles Fisher, who had been elected to
represent the county of York. The session was
a very long one, lasting until May 22nd of the following
year; but there was an adjournment, extending from
December 21st to March 20th. This meeting of parliament
was especially memorable, inasmuch as it brought together,
for the first time, the representatives of all the
provinces, and the ablest men of all political parties.
The people of Ontario and Quebec were little known
to the people of the Maritime Provinces, and those
who resided in the larger provinces in like manner
knew comparatively little of their fellow-subjects
who dwelt by the sea. It was expected by some
that the Maritime Province representatives would be
completely overshadowed by men of greater political
reputation belonging to the larger provinces, but
this did not prove to be the case. The Maritime
representatives at once took a leading position in
parliament, and this position they have steadily maintained
down to the present time. No man stood better
in the House of Commons than the representative from
St. John, the Hon. S. L. Tilley. At that time
Her Majesty, the Queen, in acknowledgment of his services
in the cause of confederation, had created him a Companion
of the Bath, a distinction which was also given to
the Hon. Charles Tupper, of Nova Scotia.
A vast amount of business had to be
disposed of at the first session of the parliament
of Canada. Although the Union Act embodied the
plan upon which confederation was founded, it was
necessary to supplement it by a great deal of special
legislation, for the purpose of interpreting it and
making preparations for the practical working of the
constitution. In all the discussions relative
to the measures which had to be passed at that time,
Tilley took a prominent part, and, when the session
was over, he had established in the House of Commons,
as fully as he had in the legislature of New Brunswick,
a reputation for ability as a speaker and as a man
of affairs. He was looked upon as one whose wide
knowledge of the needs of the province and whose experience
in departmental work were likely to be of the greatest
use to the confederation. His high character
gave weight at all times to his words, and caused him
to be listened to with the most respectful attention.
During the whole period that Tilley sat in the House
of Commons, he had the pleasure of knowing that even
his political enemies respected his character and abilities,
and, with the exception of the premier, perhaps no
man wielded a more potent influence in the councils
of the Dominion than he.
It is not necessary here to trace
to any large extent the career of Sir S. L. Tilley
in the parliament of Canada; that belongs rather to
the history of the Dominion than to a work which deals
particularly with his connection with his native province.
Only so much of his public life in the House of Commons
will be dealt with as seems necessary to complete
his personal history. Tilley continued to hold
the position of minister of customs during the whole
of the term of the first parliament of Canada.
This parliament held five sessions and dissolved in
the summer of 1872, the general election being in
the month of July, upon which occasion he was reelected
for the city of St. John without opposition.
The second parliament met on March
5th, 1873. Eleven days before that time Mr. Tilley
had become minister of finance, succeeding Sir Francis
Hincks, who had resigned that office after holding
it for more than three years. The advancement
of Mr. Tilley to this responsible and influential
position was very pleasing to his friends, and was
received with satisfaction by the country generally.
The first confederation ministry of
Canada resigned office on November 5th, 1873, under
circumstances which are a part of the political history
of the Dominion and need not be gone into in this volume,
further than to say that, whatever basis there may
have been for charges of corruption in connection
with the Pacific Railway contract against other persons
in the government, none were ever preferred against
Mr. Tilley; nor did any one suspect or believe that
he had anything whatever to do with the transactions
which led to the resignation of the government.
Prior to that event Mr. Tilley had been appointed lieutenant-governor
of the province of New Brunswick in succession to
the Hon. Lemuel A. Wilmot, whose term had expired.
Every one felt that the honour thus bestowed upon
Tilley was a most fitting one, for he was New Brunswick’s
foremost son in political life, and had reached his
high position purely through his own ability and his
own good character. That position he filled a
greater number of years than any of his successors
are likely to do, and it is admitted on all sides
that no man could have performed the duties of the
office more satisfactorily than he did.