Arrival at Tangier.Moorish Pilgrims in Cordova.Address of the
Anti-Slavery Society.Mr. D. Hay, British Consul.Institut
d’Afrique.Conveyance of Eunuchs in vessels under the French
Flag.Franco-Moorish Politics.Corn Monopolies in Morocco.Love and
veneration for the English name.Celebration of the Ayd-Kebir, great
festival. Value of Money in Morocco.Juvenile Strolling
Singer.General account of the city of Tangier.Intercourse between
the Moorish Emperor and the Foreign Consuls.Cockney sportsmen,The
degrading of high Moorish Functionaries.How we smuggle Cattle from
Tangier to Gibraltar.The Blood-letting of plethoric Placemen.
The communication between Gibraltar
and Tangier is by no means easy and regular, though
the places are only a few hours’ distance from
the other. I had waited many days at Gib. (as
our captain called the former place), before the wind
enabled us to leave, and then, our boat being a small
transport for cattle, and the Government contractors
wanting beef for the garrisonfor an Englishman
or an English soldier cannot live in any part of the
world without beefwe were compelled to
leave with the wind in our teeth, and to make a night’s
voyage of this four or five hours’ traverse.
It might be worth while, one would think, to try a
small steam-tug for the conveyance of cattle from Tangier
to our garrison, which, besides, would be a great
convenience for passengers.
On coming on deck in the morning,
Tangier, “the city protected of the Lord,”
appeared in all its North African linéaments,
white and bright, shining, square masses of masonry,
domes of fair and modest santos, and the heaven-pointing
minarets; here and there a graceful palm, a dark olive,
or the black bushy kharoub, and all denned sharply
and clearly in the goodly prospect. But these
Barbary towns had lost much of their freshness or
novelty to me, and novelty is the greatest ingredient
of our pleasure in foreign travel. I had also
just travelled through Spain, and the south of this
country is still, as to its aspect, part and parcel
of Morocco, though it is severed by the Straits.
In the ancient Moorish city of Cordova, I had even
saluted the turban. I met two Moors strolling
along, with halting steps and triste mien, through
the streets, whom I instinctively addressed.
“Wein mashe. Ash tomel.
Where are you going? What are you doing?”
The Moors (greatly pleased to hear
the sound of their own mother-tongue in the land of
their pilgrimage).Net jerrej.
We are enjoying ourselves.”
Traveller.“What do you think of
the country (Cordova)?”
The Moors.“This is the land of our
Traveller.“Well, what then?
Are you going to possess it again?”
The Moors.“Of what country are you?”
The Moors (brightening up).“That
is good. Yes, we are very glad. We thought
you might be a Spaniard, or a Frenchman. Now we’ll
tell you all; we don’t fear. God will give
us this country again, when Seedna Aisa comes
to deliver us from these curse-smitten dogs of Spaniards.”
never mind the Spaniards. Have you seen anything
you like here?”
The Moors.“Look at this knife; it
is rusty; it should not be so.”
The Moors.“We read in our books
and commentators that in Andalous
(Spain) there is no rust, and that nothing rusts here.”
have you seen the hundred pillars of your mosque?”
(Now converted into a cathedral.)
The Moors.“Ah, we
have seen them,” with a deep sigh; “and
the pillars will stand till to-morrow.” (End
of the world.)
I was obliged to say farewell to these
poor pilgrims, wandering in the land of their fathers,
and worshipping at the threshold of the noble remains
of Moresco-Spanish antiquity, for the diligencia
was starting off to Seville.
To return from my digression.
I soon found myself at home in Tangier amongst my
old friends, the Moors, and coming from Spain, could
easily recognise many things connecting the one country
with the other.
The success attending the various
measures of the Bey of Tunis for the abolition of
slavery in North Africa, and the favourable manner
in which this prince had received me, when I had charge
of a memorial from the inhabitants of Malta, to congratulate
his Highness on his great work on philanthropy, induced
the Committee of the Anti-Slavery Society to confide
to me an address to the Emperor of Morocco, praying
him to enfranchise the negro race of his imperial
We were fully prepared to encounter
the strongest opposition from the Shereefian Court;
but, at the same time, we thought there could be no
insuperable obstacle in our way.
The Maroquines had the same religion
and form of government as the Tuniseens, and by perseverance
in this, as well as any other enterprise, something
might at last be effected. Even the agitation
of the question in the empire of Morocco, amongst
its various tribes, was a thing not to be neglected;
for the agitation of public opinion in a despotic country
like Morocco, as well as in a constitutional state
like England, admirably prepares the way for great
measures of reform and philanthropy; and, besides
the business of an abolitionnist is agitation; agitation
unceasing; agitation in season and out of season.
On my arrival at Tangier, I called
upon Mr. Drummond Hay, the British Consul-General,
stating to him my object, and asking his assistance.
The English Government had instructed the Consul to
address the Emperor on this interesting subject, not
long before I arrived, but it was with the greatest
difficulty that any sort of answer could be obtained
to the communication.
Mr. Hay, therefore, gave me but small
encouragement, and was not a little surprised when
I told him I expected a letter of introduction from
Her Majesty’s Government. He could not understand
this reiterated assault on the Shereefs for the abolition
of slavery, not comprehending the absolute necessity
of continued agitation on such a difficult matter,
as exciting from a despotic and semi-barbarous prince,
fortified by the prejudices of ages and generally
sanctioned in his conduct by his religion, the emancipation
of a degraded and enslaved portion of the human race.
However, Mr. Hay was polite, and set about arranging
matters for proceeding with a confessedly disagreeable
subject for any consul to handle under like circumstances.
He made a copy of the address of the Anti-Slavery
Society, and sent it to the English Government, requesting
instructions. I expected an address from the Institut
d’Afrique of Paris; but, after waiting some time,
the Secretary, Mr. Hippolyte de St. Anthoine, wrote
me a letter, in which he stated that, on account of
the ill-will manifested by the Emperor to the establishment
of the French in Algeria, the Institut had come
to the painful conclusion of not addressing him for
the abolition of the slave-trade in his imperial states.
Soon after my arrival at Tangier,
the English letter-boat, Carreo Ingles, master, Matteo
Attalya, brought twelve eunuch slaves, African youths,
from Gibraltar. They are a present from the Viceroy
of Egypt to the Emperor of Morocco. The Correo
is the weekly bearer of letters and despatches to
and from Morocco. The slaves were not entered
upon the bill of health, thus infringing upon the
maritime laws of Gibraltar and Tangier. The other
captains of the little boats could not help remarking,
“You English make so much fuss about putting
down the slave-trade, and allow it to be carried on
under your own flag.” Even the foreign
consuls here reprobated the inconsistency of the British
Government, in aiding the slave-trade of the Mediterranean
by their own flag. However, Government ordered
a strict inquiry into this case, and took means for
preventing the occurrence of a like abuse. Nevertheless,
since then the Emperor has actually applied to the
British Consul to allow eunuchs to be brought down
the Mediterranean in English steamers, in the same
way as these were brought from Malta to Gibraltar in
the Prometheusas, forsooth, servants and
passengers. And on the refusal of our consul
to sanction this illicit conveyance of slaves by British
vessels, the Emperor applied to the French consul,
who condescended to hoist the tri-coloured flag for
the transport of slave-eunuchs! This is one way
of mitigating the prejudices of the Shereefian Court
against the French occupation of Algeria. Many
slaves are carried up and down the Mediterranean in
French vessels.
The keeper of an hotel related to
me with great bitterness, that the French officer
who came with me from Gibraltar had left Tetuan for
Algeria. The officer had ordered a great many
things of this man, promising to pay on his return
to Tangier. He deposited an old hatbox as a security,
which, on being opened by the hotel keeper, was found
to be full of greasy paper. At Tetuan, the officer
gave himself out as a special envoy of the Emperor
of the French.
My good friends, the Moors, continue
to speculate upon the progress of the French army
in Algeria. I asked a Moorish officer what he
thought of the rumoured French invasion of Morocco.
He put the backs of his hands together, and locking
together his fingers to represent the back of a hedgehog,
he observed emphatically; “Impossible! No
Christians can invade us. Our country is like
a hedgehog, no one can touch us.” Tangier
Christians will never permit the French to invade Morocco,
whatever may be the pretext. This is even the
opinion of the foreign consuls.
As a specimen of the commercial system
of this country, I may mention that the monopoly of
exporting leeches was sold this week to a Jew, at
the rate of 25,000 dollars. Now the Jew refuses
to buy leeches except at his own price, whilst every
unfortunate trader is obliged to sell to him and to
him only. In fact, the monopolist fixes the price,
and everybody who brings leeches to Tangier must accept
it. This case of leeches may be applied to nearly
all the monopolies of the country. Can anything
be more ruinous to commerce?
All the Moors of Tangier, immediately
on entering into conversation with me, inquire if
I am Engleez? Even Moorish children ask this question:
it appears to be a charm to them. The Ayd Kebir
(great feast) was celebrated to-day, being the first
of the new year. It was ushered in yesterday
by prayer in the mosques. About 9 A.M. the governor,
the commandant of the troops, and other Tangier authorities,
proceeded to the open space of the market, attended
with flags and music, and some hundred individuals
all dressed in their holiday clothes. The white
flag, typical of the sanctity of religion, floated
over others of scarlet and green; the music was of
squeaking bagpipes, and rude tumtums, struck like
minute drums. The greater part were on horseback,
the governor being most conspicuous. This troop
of individuals ascended a small hill of the market-place,
where they remained half an hour in solemn prayer.
No Jew or Christian was allowed to
approach the magic or sacred circle which enclosed
them. This being concluded, down ran a butcher
with a sheep on his back; just slaughtered, and bleeding
profusely. A troop of boys followed quickly at
his heels pelting him with stones. The butcher
ran through the town to the seashore, and thence to
the house of the Kadythe boys still in
hot and breathless pursuit, hard after him, pelting
him and the bleeding sheep. The Moors believe,
if the man can arrive at the house of the judge before
the sheep dies, that the people of Tangier will have
good luck; but, if the sheep should be quite dead,
and not moving a muscle, then it will bring them bad
luck, and the Christians are likely to come and take
away their country from them. The drollest part
of the ceremony is, that the boys should scamper after
the butcher, pelting the sheep, and trying to kill
it outright, thus endeavouring to bring ill-luck upon
their city and themselves. But how many of us
really and knowingly seek our misfortunes? On
the occasion of this annual feast, every Moor, or
head of a family, kills a sheep. The rich give
to the poor, but the poor usually save up their earnings
to be able to purchase a sheep to kill on this day.
The streets are in different parts covered with blood,
making them look like so many slaughter grounds.
When the bashaw of the province is in Tangier, thousands
of the neighbouring Arabs come to pay him their respects.
With the Moors, the festivals of religion are bona
fide festivals. It may also be added, as characteristic
of these North African barbarians, that, whilst many
a poor person in our merry Christian England does not,
and cannot, get his plum-pudding and roast-beef at
Christmas, there is not a poor man or even a slave,
in Morocco who does not eat his lamb on this great
feast of the Mussulmans. It would be a mortal
sin for a rich man to refuse a poor man a mouthful
of his lamb.
Of course there was a sensation among the native population,
and even among the consular corps, about my mission; but I have nothing very
particular to record. I had many Moorish visitors, some of whom were
officers of the imperial troops. I made the acquaintance of one, Sidi Ali,
with whom I had the following dialogue:
Ali, what can I do to impress Muley Abd Errahman in
my favour?”
Sidi Ali.“Money!”
Traveller.“But will the Emir of
the Shereefs accept of money from us
Sidi Ali.“Money!”
am I to give the minister Ben Dris, to get his favour?”
Sidi Ali.“Money!”
Traveller.“Can I travel in safety
in Morocco?”
Sidi Ali.“Money:”
Indeed “money” seems to
be the all and everything in Morocco, as among us,
“the nation of shopkeepers.” The Emperor
himself sets the example, for he is wholly occupied
in amassing treasures in Mequiney. Another acquaintance
of mine was a little more communicative.
Aged Moor.“What
can I do for you, stranger? You are good to me,
every time I call here you give me tea with plenty
of sugar in it. What can I do for you in my country?”
Traveller.“Tell me how to get on
in my mission? How can I see Muley
Aged Moor.“Now I
am bound to give you my best advice. First then,
take plenty of money with you. All love money;
therefore without money you can do nothing. Muley
Abd Errahman loves money, and money he must have.
And the minister loves money, and the minister must
not be forgotten. The minister is the door to
the Emperor. You cannot get into the house but
through the door. Out of the towns and cities,
the Emperor has no power; so that whenever you travel
out of these places, remember to give the people money.”
I had numberless volunteers to conduct
me to Fez. All came begging for this honour and
lucrative employment. Whatever may be said of
the virtues of hospitality, I found all the world
alike in its determination to make the most of strangers,
if not to devour them. But the Emperor was not
at Fez; he was in the southern capital, and it was
necessary for me to go via Mogador, to endeavour to
obtain an interview with him at that place.
The dreary monotony of Moorish life
was one day broken in upon by a juvenile strolling
singer, who attracted a crowd of silent and attentive
listeners. It was a grateful sight to see old
men, with long and silvery beards, reclining in mute
and serious attention; young men lounging in the pride
and consciousness of animal strength; little children
intermixed, but without prattle or merrimentall
fixed and fascinated with the charm of vocal song.
The vocalist himself was a picturesque object; his
face was burnt black with Afric’s sun, his bare
head was wildly covered with long, black matted, and
curly hair, but his eye was soft and serene; and,
as he stretched his throat upwards to give compass
to his voice, he seemed as if he would catch inspiration
from the Prophet in heaven. A coarse brown blanket
enveloped his spare and way-worn body, his only clothing
and shelter from the heat by day and the cold by night,
a fold of which fell upon his naked feet.
The voice of the Arab vocalist was
extremely plaintive, even to the tones and inflections
of distress, and the burden of his song was of religion
and of lovetwo sentiments which all pure
minds delight to combine. When he stopped a moment
to take breath, a murmur of applause vibrated through
the still air of the evening, not indeed for the youth,
but for God! for it was a prayer of the artless
and enraptured bystanders, invoking Allah to bless
the singing lad, and also to bless them, while ascribing
all praise to the Deity.
This devout scene raised the Moors
greatly in my estimation. I thought men could
not be barbarians, or even a jealous or vindictive
race, who were charmed with such simple melody of
sounds, and with sentiments so pure and true to nature.
The Arab youth sang:
Oh, there’s none but the One God!
I’ll journey over the Desert far
To seek my love the fairest of maidens;
The camels moan loudly to carry me thither,
Gainly are they, and fleeter than the
swift-legged ostrich.
Oh, there’s none but the One God!
What though the Desert wind slay me;
What of it? death is from God.
And woe to me! I cannot repine.
But I’ll away to the abode of my
I’ll embrace her with all my strength,
I’ll bear her back thence, and rest
her on my couch.
Oh, there’s none but the One God!
So sang in plaintive accents the youth,
until the last ray of the sun lingered on the minarets’
tops, when, by the louder and authoritative voice
of the Muezin calling the Faithful to prayers, this
crowd of the worshippers of song and vocal harmony
was dispersed to meet again, and forthwith chant a
more solemn strain. The poor lad of the streets
and highways went into the mosque along with his motley
group of admirers; and all blended their voices and
devotion together in prayer and adoration, lowly and
in profound prostration, before the Great Allah!
It is my intention, in the course
of the present narrative, to give a brief account
of the principal towns and cities of North Africa;
and I cannot do better than begin with Tangier.
This city is very ancient, having probably been built
by the aboriginals, Berbers, and was usually called
by the Romans, Taigo on Tingis. The Emperor Claudius
re-peopled it, and called it Julia Traducta.
The Moors call it Sanjah, and relate that Benhad Sahab
El-Alem built it, also surrounded it with walls of
metal, and constructed its houses of gold and silver.
In this condition, it remained until destroyed by
some Berber kings, who carried away all its treasures.
The modern Tangier is a small city of the province
of Hasbat, picturesquely placed on the eastern slope
of a hill, which terminates in the west with its port
and bay, having some analogy to the site of Algiers.
It has almost a square form, and its ramparts are a
wall, flanked here and there with towers. This
place, likewise, is most advantageously situate in
the narrowest part of the Straits of Gibraltar, at
a few miles east of Cape Spartel, and thirty miles
W.S.W. of Gibraltar, and has, therefore, been coveted
by all the conquerors of North Africa. The Phoenicians,
Romans, Goths, and Arabs successively effected its
conquest; and it was long a bone of eager contention
between the Moors and Portuguese. In 1471, Alonzo,
King of Portugal, took it from the Moors; and in 1662
it came into the hands of the English, as a part of
the dowry of Catherine, queen of Charles II.; so,
whilst in our possession it was a place of considerable
strength; but on its evacuation in 1684 by order of
the English government, who were disgusted by the
expense of its occupation, and the bootless collisions
with the natives, the fortifications were demolished,
and only the vestiges of them now are visible.
Had the British Government continued its occupation
for half a century, and kept in check the Maroquine
tribes, it is probable that by this time the greater
part of Morocco would have been under British rule,
when we might have founded a flourishing colony, from
which all North Africa might have received the elements
of Christian civilization.
Old Tangier (Tangier belia) is situate
about four miles east from the present, being now
a heap of ruins, near a little river called Khalk or
Tingia, spanned over by the remains of a once finely-built
Roman bridge. Here was likewise an artificial
port, where the Roman galleys retired. The whole
of this part of Africa was denominated by the Romans,
Mauritania, from the name of this city; and during
their administration was united to the government
of Spain. Tangier had a population of from four
to six thousand. Grabert estimates the population
at 10,000, including 2,500 Jews, who live intermixed
with the Moors; 1,400 negroes, 300 Berbers of Rif,
and about 100 Christians. The Consuls-General
of the European Powers reside here; and most of them
have commodious houses. The Swedish Consul has
a splendid garden, which is thrown open to the European
residents. There is but one good street in the
town; and the transition from Europe to Barbary, at
so short a distance, is striking to the stranger.
Tarifa, on the opposite side, along the coast
of Spain, has, however, a Moorish affinity to this
place; and the dress of the women is not very dissimilar
in the two towns, once inhabited by the people of
the same religion, and now, perhaps, many of them descendants
of the same families.
Tangier, though a miserable place
compared to most of the cities in Europe, is something
considerable in Morocco, and the great mosque is rather
splendid. Mr. Borrow justly remarks that its minarets
look like the offspring of the celebrated Giralda
of Seville. The Christians have here a convent,
and a church within it, to which are attached half-a-dozen
monks. There is no Protestant church; Mr. Hay
reads service in the British Consulate, and invites
the Protestant residents. Tangier is the only
place in the empire where the Christian religion is
publicly professed. The Jews have three or four
small synagogues. Usually, the synagogues in
Barbary are nothing more than private houses.
Before the bombardment of the French,
the fortifications mounted forty pieces or so of cannon,
but of no strength; on the contrary, going completely
to ruin and decay, being scarcely strong enough to
fire a salute from. The Bay of Tangier is good
and spacious; but, in the course of time, will be
filled up with sand. The shipping is exposed to
strong westerly winds. The safest anchorage,
however, is on the the eastern part, about half a
mile off the shore, in a line with the round tower.
With a few thousand pounds, one of the finestat
least, one of the most convenientports
of the Mediterranean could be constructed here.
There is a bashaw of this province, who resides at
El-Araish, and a lieutenant-governor, who lives at
Tangier. With these functionaries, the representatives
of European Powers have principally to transact affairs.
On the north is the castle, the residence of the governor.
Eleven consuls take up their abode
in Tangier; the British, French, Spanish, Portuguese,
American, Danish, Swedish, Sardinian, Neapolitan,
Austrian, and Dutch. Each consular house generally
belongs to its particular nation, the ground to the
The consuls who have the most interest
to guard in Morocco, are the British, French, Spanish,
and Portuguese. Up to the bombardment of Tangier,
the Danish and Swedish Governments paid to the Maroquine
Court, the former 25,000 and the latter 20,000 dollars
per annum, to have the privilege of hoisting their
flag at this port. The French hostilities against
Morocco furnished a convenient opportunity for getting
this odious tribute abolished. The Americans
led the way in getting rid of this subservience to
the Shereefian Court, and refused from the first all
presents and annual donations. Generally, however,
when new consuls are appointed, they bring with them
presents, and visit the Emperor in person. On
the occasion of fêtes, they sometimes make presents
to the governors of districts. Whenever the Emperor
condescends to come down to Tangier, three days after
his arrival, it is the required etiquette for the
consuls to seek his presence, and to make their obeisance
to the Shereefian Lord. The consuls are accustomed
to decide upon and control the affairs of their own
countrymen, and those placed under their protection;
but when a Moor and an European are concerned in a
transaction, it is usually a mixed commission of the
consulate and the Moorish authorities.
Many curious anecdotes are current
respecting the consuls and the Moorish government.
A Spanish consul once took it into his head to strike
his flag and leave Tangier. Whilst he was gone,
the Emperor ordered all the Jews to go and take possession
of his house and live in it, as a degradation.
The consular house was soon crammed with dirty Jews,
whose vermin and filth rendered the house untenantable,
until it had undergone a thorough repair and cleansing.
Sometimes the Emperor shows a great affection for
a particular consular family. The family of the
Portuguese Consul were great favorites. During
the war of succession in Portugal, the Portuguese
Consul contracted debts in Tangier, not being able
to get his salary amidst the strife of parties.
The Moors complained to the Emperor of the consul’s
debts. Muley Abd Errahman, though a thorough
miser himself, paid the consul’s debts, alleging
as a reason, “the consul was a friend of my
ancestors, and he shall be my friend.”
The Portuguese government wished to remove this consul
on account of his alleged Miguelite propensities,
but the Emperor threatened, if they did, that he would
not receive another. Our government compelled
the Portuguese to gratify the personal feeling of
the Emperor. Senhor Colaso is a native of Morocco,
as his father was before him, and the Emperor calls
them his own children. The Jewish servants of
the consulates are free from the poll-tax and other
obnoxious contributions, and their Moorish servants
are also exempt from government conscriptions.
At times, very serious misunderstandings
and disputes occur between the consuls and the Emperor
on the subject of his Imperial Highness. Our
consul, Mr. Hay, was shot at by a fanatic marabout,
the ball missing him, but killing a horse of one of
the party. This affair was passed over, the consul
very properly taking no notice of a mad saint.
But I will cite another instance, as showing the intimate
perception which the Moors have of the peculiar precepts
of our religion, as well as exhibiting their own moral
ideas, in each case representing them to us in a favourable
light. One of the Emperor’s subjects had
insulted the French consul, M. Sourdeau, and Muley
Suleiman addressed to him the following singular epistle.
“In the name of God, the most
merciful. There is no power or force except with
the Most High and Great God!
“Consul of the French nation,
Sourdeau, and salutation to him who is in the right
way. Inasmuch as you are our guest, under our
protection, and consul in our country of a great nation,
so we cannot but wish you the greatest consideration
and the honours. On which account, you will perceive
that that which has happened to you is to us intolerable,
and would still be so had it been done by one of our
own children or most intimate friends. And although
we cannot put any obstacle to the decrees of God,
yet such an act is not grateful to us, even if it is
done to the vilest of men, or even cattle, and certainly
we will not fail to show an example of severe justice,
God willing. If you were not Christians, having
a feeling heart, and bearing patiently injuries, after
the example of your prophet, whom God has in glory,
Jesus the son of Mary, who, in the Book which he brought
you in the name of God, commands you, that if any
person strike you on one cheek turn to him the other
also; and who (always blessed of God!) also did not
defend himself when the Jews sought to kill him, from
whom God took him. And, in our Book, it is said,
by the mouth of our Prophet, there is no people among
whom there are so many disposed to good works as those
who call themselves Christians; and certainly among
you there are many priests and holy men who are not
proud; nevertheless, our Prophet also says, that we
cannot impute a crime to persons of three sorts, that
is to say, madmen (until they return to sound sense),
children, and persons who sleep. Now this man
who has offended you is mad, and has no knowledge;
but we have decreed to give you full satisfaction.
If, however, you should be pleased to pardon him,
you will perform a magnanimous work, and the Most
Merciful will abundantly recompense you. On the
other hand, if you absolutely wish him to be punished,
he is in your hands, for in my empire no one shall
fear injustice or violence, with the assistance of
A whimsical story is current in Tangier
respecting the dealings of the Shereefian Court with
the Neapolitan government, which characteristically
sets forth Moorish diplomacy or manoeuvring. A
ship load of sulphur was sent to the Emperor.
The Moorish authorities declared it was very coarse
and mixed with dirt. With great alacrity, the
Neapolitan government sent another load of finer and
better quality. This was delivered; and the Consul
asked the Moorish functionaries to allow the coarse
sulphur to be conveyed back. These worthies replied,
“Oh dear, no! it is of no consequence, the Emperor
says, he will keep the bad, and not offend his royal
cousin, the King of Naples, by sending it back.”
The Neapolitan government had no alternative but to
submit, and thank the chief of the Shereefs for his
extreme condescension in accepting two ship-loads of
sulphur instead of one.
There are occasional communications
between Tangier and Tarifa, in Spain, but they
are very frequent with Gibraltar. A vast quantity
of European merchandize is imported here from Gibraltar
for Fez and the north of Morocco. All the postal
and despatch business also comes through Tangier,
which has privileges that few or no other Maroquine
cities possess. The emperors, indeed, have been
wont to call it “the City of Christians.”
In the environs, there is at times a good deal of
game, and the European residents go out to shoot, as
one is wont in other countries to talk a walk.
The principal game is the partridge and hare, and
the grand sport, the wild boar. Our officers of
the Gibraltar garrison come over for shooting.
But quackery and humbug exist in everything.
A young gentleman has just arrived from Gibraltar,
who had been previously six weeks on his passage from
Holland to that place, with his legs infixed in a
pair of three-league boots. He says he has come
from Holland on purpose to sport and hunt in Morocco.
Several of the consuls, when they go out sporting,
metamorphose themselves into veteran Numidian sportsmen.
You would imagine they were going to hunt lions for
months in the ravines of the Atlas, whereas it is only
to shoot a stray partridge or a limping hare, or perchance
they may meet with a boar. And this they do for
a couple of days, or twenty-four hours, sleeping during
the night very snugly under tents, and fed and feasted
with milk, fowls, and sheep by the Arabs.
Morocco, like all despotic countries,
furnishes some severe examples of the degrading of
high functionaries. There is an old man, Sidi-El-Arby-Es-Said,
living there, who is a marked victim of imperial tyranny.
Some years ago, the conqueror despoiled him of all
his wealth, and threw him into prison, after he had
been twenty years bashaw of this district. He
was in prison one year with his two sons. The
object of the Emperor was to extort the last filse
of his money; and he entirely succeeded. The
oppressor, however, relented a little on the death
of one of his victim’s sons; released him from
confinement, and gave the ex-bashaw two houses, one
for himself and the other for his surviving son.
The old captain of the port has been no less than a
dozen times in prison, under the exhausting pressure
of the Emperor. After the imperial miser has
copiously bled his captain, he lets him out to fill
his skin again. The old gentleman is always merry
and loyal, in spite of the treatment from his imperial
Very funny stories are told by the
masters of the small craft, who transport the bullocks
from hence to Gibraltar. The government of that
place are only allowed to export, at a low duty per
annum, a certain number of bullocks. The contractor’s
agents come over; and at the moment of embarking the
cattle, something like the following dialogue frequently
Agent of Contractor.“Count
Captain of the Port.“One,
two, three, &c. Thirty, forty. Ah! stop!
stop! too many.”
Agent of Contractor.“No,
you fool, there are only thirty.”
Captain of the Port.“You
lie! there are forty.”
Agent of Contractor.“Only
thirty, I tell you,” (putting three or four
dollars into his hand).
Captain of the Port.“Well,
well, there are only thirty.”
And, in this way, the garrison of
Gibraltar often gets 500 or 1,000 head of cattle more
than the stipulated number, at five dollars per head
duty instead of ten. Who derives the benefit
of peculation I am unable to state. An anecdote
recurs to me of old Youssef, Bashaw of Tripoli, illustrative
of the phlebotomizing system now under consideration.
Colonel Warrington one day seriously represented to
the bashaw how his functionaries robbed him, and took
the liberty of mentioning the name of one person.
“Yes, yes,” observed the bashaw, “I
know all about him; I don’t want to catch him
yet; he’s not fat enough. When he has gorged
a little more, I’ll have his head off.”
The Emperor of Morocco, however, usually
treats his bashaws of the coast with greater consideration
than those of the interior cities, the former being
more in contact with Europeans, his Highness not wishing
his reputation to suffer in the eyes of Christians.