We have now before us a few principles
of so general a kind that they apply to the economy
of the most primitive state as well as to that of
the most advanced. It is not necessary that men
should live in any particular relation to each other,
in order that, in creating and consuming wealth, they
should exemplify these principles. They would
do this even though they never came into touch with
each other, but lived, as best they could, each man
on his solitary farm. Laws of this general kind
result from man’s relation to nature, and not
at all from the relation of different men to each
other. Let a man keep wholly aloof from other
men, apply his labor directly to nature, and he can
produce wealth of the various kinds that we have described.
He can secure food, clothing, and other things for
his own use, and he can make tools to help him in
securing them. He will appraise the consumers’
goods according to the law of what has been called
final utility or, in another view, effective
specific utility, and he will also test the comparative
usefulness of his various tools by an appeal to the
law of final or specific productivity.
Social Economy the Chief Subject
of Study. - We care most to know how
an organized society produces and uses its wealth,
and in making this inquiry we encounter at once phenomena
that are not universal. The civilized society
creates its wealth cooeperatively, by the joint action
of its various members; that is, it proceeds by means
of a division of labor and an exchanging of products.
Moreover, it has, in some way, to share the sum total
of its gains among its various members. It has
to apportion labor among different occupations for
the sake of collective production, which is a grand
synthetic operation whereby each man puts something
into a common total which is the income of all society.
It has, further, to divide the grand total into shares
for its different members - an analytical
operation in which each man takes something out of
the aggregate for his personal use. This is distribution
in the narrower sense of that term - the
apportionment among the members of a civilized society
of the fruits of production. In the wider sense
the term also includes the apportionment of the sacrifices
incurred in the joint production. Distribution,
as thus defined, is the element that appears in economic
life in consequence of social organization. This
is a secondary element, indeed; for man, nature and
their relations and interactions are the primary facts,
and the relations of men to each other come logically
after these. Social organization, however, is
so transforming in its effects as to reduce to small
proportions the amount of attention it is worth our
while to devote to the economy of the primitive types
of life. It is necessary to make some study of
that economy, for it is thus that we place before ourselves
the fact that there are universal economic laws and
perceive distinctly the nature of some of the more
important of them.
Facts Peculiar to Socialized Industry. - The
term Political Economy denotes a science of
industry as thus socialized, for it is a science
of the wealth which is produced in an organized way
by the people of a more or less civilized state.
The general truths which we have thus far stated apply
to such an economy, indeed, but they also apply to
the wealth-creating and wealth-consuming processes
of uncivilized peoples, and even of isolated individuals
who have no dealings with each other. They are
truths of Economics in the unrestricted sense, and
we have now to study the special truths of Political
Economy. When production goes on by division of
labor, as when one man works at one occupation and
another at another, phenomena appear that do not appear
in more primitive life; and still others appear when,
within each occupation, there is a division of functions
between the laborer and the capitalist, as is the case
whenever one set of men furnish tools of production
and another set do the work. The special laws
of this highly developed economic system require far
more extended study than do those more general laws
which are common to it and simpler systems. We
now continue to recognize the universal and basic
truths which have been stated in the foregoing chapters
and proceed to the study of the special principles
which apply only to organized economic life.
Specialized Production the Means
of Diversified Consumption. - As the
kinds of goods that we individually make become fewer,
the things which we get and use become more numerous
and varied - such is the law of economic
specialization. Society as a whole produces an
infinite variety of things, and the individual member
of it secures for himself goods of very many kinds.
The typical modern worker is, in his production, a
very narrow specialist, but in his consumption he is
far less a specialist than was the rude hunter who
was able to enjoy only the few goods which he himself
produced. The modern worker’s tastes are
omnivorous, for he has developed an immense variety
of wants and, through social organization, he has
acquired the means of satisfying many of them.
The Position of Individuals in
the Producing Organism. - When we say
that production has been socialized, we mean something
very far-reaching. We mean that an organization
has grown up in which men are members or parts of
members, and that this great organization has undertaken
to do the productive work for all the individuals that
compose it. For the first time we now recognize
a sociological fact among the premises of economic
science. When men, whose predecessors may have
lived in isolated families or in a society organized
for defense or for the mere pleasures of association,
now develop a truly economic society, the individual
depends on other individuals as well as on nature
for the supply of his wants. Economic independence
gives way to interdependence, because the fortune
of each man is largely dependent, not merely on his
own efforts, but on the relations which he sustains
to other men. Simple laws of nature still largely
control his income, but social laws also have a certain
control over it.
Exchanges in their Primitive Stage. - The
exchanging of products is, of course, the process
with which the organization begins, and this process
is introduced by easy and natural stages. The
man who at first makes everything for himself develops
a particular aptitude for making some one thing; and,
though he may still continue to make most things for
himself, he finds it advantageous to barter off a part
of the supply of the one article for the making of
which he is especially well fitted. He seeks
out a neighbor whose special aptitude lies in a different
direction and who has a surplus of some other article.
It may be that one is a successful fisherman and the
other is, by preference, a maker of clothing, and
that they can get a mutual benefit by an exchange
of food for raiment.
The Intermediate Type of Exchanges
and the Final One. - In the next stage
a man becomes wholly a specialist, making one kind
of product only and bartering it away for others.
It might seem, at the first glance, that differentiation
has now done its full work; but it is very far from
having done so. Making one complete good for consumption
is still a complex operation, which can advantageously
be subdivided in such a way that one man produces
a raw material while another works it up into a useful
shape. A gain may be made by a further division
of the manufacturing process, whereby the first worker
makes only the rawest material, another fashions it
somewhat, a third carries the process farther, and
a fourth or a still later one completes it. In
modern industry the material must often pass through
very many hands before it is ready to be made over
to the consumer. Each man in the series puts
a touch on it and passes it on to his successor.
A’’’ is an article
of consumers’ wealth and A is the rawest material
that enters into it. A’ is this material
somewhat transformed; A’’ is the same
material after it has received the second transformation
and needs only a final touch to convert it into A’’’,
in which state it will be ready for the consumer’s
use. We have here a symbol of what is actually
taking place in the industry of the world. Cattle
are grazing on western ranches; hides are tanning
in the woods of Pennsylvania; leather is going through
the many changes that fashion it into shoes in the
mills of Brockton; shoes are arranged on the shelves
of retailers in New York in readiness for the people
who are to wear them. These are stages in the
making of a single product, and a thousand different
products are coming into existence in a like way.
A Representation of the Groups,
or Specific Industries, which compose Economic Society. - If
we put beside the series of A’s a series of B’s
and one of C’s, we have a much simplified representation
of what is actually taking place. There are,
in reality, a myriad of different things which almost
every consumer uses, and every one of them is made
by a series of productive operations like the one we
have described.
The very fact that there are so many
of them that it is hopeless to try to represent them
all in the table makes it desirable to illustrate
the principle by tabulating only a few and to assume
that these few are all that there are. For the
purposes that we have in mind it is entirely safe
to suppose that a series of A’s, one of B’s,
and one of C’s represent all the consumers’
goods that society uses. What we wish to ascertain
is how the different series work together to furnish
an income for each member of society.
The Organization Spontaneous. - Laborers
can go where they will, and yet they are in some way
brought into an orderly relation to each other, being
placed in certain proportions in different industries.
Capitalists also are free to invest their funds as
they will, and yet there is a certain amount that
is naturally devoted to each branch of business.
How this apportionment takes place we can most readily
ascertain by creating such an imaginary and very much
simplified society as this table furnishes.
The series of A’s, which we
have already studied, represents one kind of raw material
ripening into a finished product. B represents
a second kind of raw material, which, like the A,
is produced by its own set of workers and is then
passed on to a second, who transform it into B’ - a
partly finished product. These then pass it on,
as the corresponding set of men passed on the A’.
They hand it over to a set of workmen who change it
into B’’, a nearly completed product, and
these hand it over to men at B’’’,
who, by giving the final fashioning, bring it into
the form of a finished consumers’ good.
The C’s represent another general group of workers
who transform the raw material, C, into the finished
product, C’’’.
Industrial Groups and Subgroups. - Each
of these more general bodies of workmen and employers,
such as the entire series of A’s, we may call
an industrial group, and the divisions within each
of them, such as A’ or A’’, we may
term subgroups. The product of a group is a complete
article, while that of a subgroup is not a complete
article nor any part of an article that can be taken
bodily from it. Yet it is a distinguishable element
in the article. The product of the shoe factory
is certainly not complete shoes, for the owners of
the factory buy leather which has already passed through
the hands of tanners; and the tanners themselves bought
it in the shape of raw hides, which were furnished
by still earlier producers. What the shoe factory
has done is to impart a new utility to dressed leather
by transforming it into shoes. It would be impossible
ever to get that utility out again, or to point to
any one part of the shoe as the only part that contains
it. What the factory has really made is therefore
a utility - a distinguishable quality which
pervades a concrete thing. It makes the difference
between the leather and the shoes. What the tanner
has created is, in like manner, another utility, which
makes the difference between raw hides and leather.
Groups, then, in their entirety produce whole articles
for direct use, while subgroups produce distinguishable
utilities which are embodied in such articles.
The sum total of all the different utilities constitutes
the article. It is a complex of useful qualities
held together by the fact that they are attached to
the same original matter.
Proportionate Production. - All
the subgroups working together in an orderly way not
only produce the consumers’ wealth that society
needs, but produce the different kinds of consumers’
goods in nicely adjusted proportions. Unless
the general order of the group system is disturbed,
there is a normal amount of A’’’
put on the market and also normal amounts of B’’’
and C’’’. This result is attained
by influences that run through the productive organism
and bring about an adjustment of the comparative amounts
of labor in the different occupations. If competition
worked quite freely, this adjustment would be so nice
that no military apportionment of forces among different
brigades, regiments, etc., made consciously and
by the most intelligent commanding officer, could
surpass the perfection of it. There would be
also an equally fine adjustment of the comparative
amounts of capital devoted to different industries.
In the actual productive organism each man goes where
he will - capitalist, laborer, and employer
of capital and labor alike. Each man acts in
this respect as though there were no such thing as
coercion, and as though he might, with unchecked freedom,
do solely what is good in his own sight. By reason
of the fact that all are seeking to produce what they
can in order that they may get what they can, there
comes into operation an organic law which brings the
groups and subgroups into a delicate balance, in point
of size and output, whereby the grand total of force
that society commands is prevented from making too
much of one product and too little of another, and
is made to do its utmost in getting a large sum total
of wealth for the benefit of its various members.
What the “Division of Labor”
Involves. - This is the real signification
of what it has been common to call the division of
labor. It is the socialization of labor, or the
gathering of isolated laborers into a great organism
that, entirely without coercion, determines in some
way what each one shall do, and not only makes the
product of the whole a myriadfold greater than without
any organization it could be, but causes this product
to take certain well-adjusted shapes which, as we
shall later see, serve consumers better than they
could be served by products in misadjusted proportions.
Capital as well as Labor Apportioned. - As
we have said, there is a corresponding division of
capital or an assignment of different parts of the
total fund to different employments; and this is made
in the same way as is the division of labor and results
in an equally nice adjustment. Each bit of capital,
like each workman, becomes, as it were, a specialist.
It may take the shape of an instrument which is capable
of performing only its one service, like the loom,
which is capable of doing nothing except weaving;
but even if the tool is somewhat adaptable, like a
hammer which can be used in several trades, it is,
as it were, stationed in one trade and held, by economic
influences, at that one point in the system. The
house carpenter keeps his hammer though the cabinet
maker could use it. Each bit of capital helps
to create a particular utility, and the number of units
of the fund that each subgroup contains is, as we
shall see, so arranged as to enable the fund as a
whole to do its utmost for the general good.
It is all without the use of force, since each bit
of capital does what its owner pleases to have it
A Government Presupposed. - Of
course there must be a government over it all.
Such a method of producing wealth could never continue
unless property were secure and unless it were made
so without much effort on the part of its owners.
A blacksmith who should have at one moment to use
his hammer as a tool and at another to wield it as
a weapon of defense could make but poor headway, and
a society in which such a state of things existed
in various trades would be too anarchic to permit
the elaborate division of trades which is the key to
success in industry. The most noticeable fact
about organized production is that man is forever
letting go the thing he has made or helped to make
and allowing it to pass out of sight and reach without
losing or greatly imperiling his title to the amount
of wealth it represents. He casts his bread on
the waters, but they bring him a return for it.
Under these circumstances it is impossible for him
to protect his product as the savage protects his
tools, his clothing, and his hut. What a modern
worker makes passes into the hands of other men and
gets completely out of the maker’s direct personal
control. If he wanted it again, he could never
find it; and if he could find it, it would be in a
new shape and other men would have claims upon it.
The man who has sold some hides that in the end have
become shoes can hardly identify his product on the
shelves of retail shoe dealers all over the country,
or perhaps all over the world. If by a miracle
he could find the particular bits of leather that
in their raw stage he himself has furnished, they
would be in new and far more valuable forms than they
were when he had possession of them. The shoes
contain utilities which the man who furnished the
hides cannot claim to have created. They have
been changed and improved by elements contributed by
many other persons, such as manufacturers, carriers,
merchants, etc., and he could never carry away
the concrete thing that he himself produced without
carrying with it other men’s property.
The Surrendering of Goods and the
Retention of Values Features of Social Industry. - Socialization
of industry means, then, that individuals forego all
effort to retain their own concrete products, but
that they retain certain parts of the value of the
products to which they have made contributions.
The value of A’’’ when it is sold
is claimed by men at A’’’, A’’,
A’, and A according to some principle.
The values of B’’’ and C’’’
can be followed until they reach the pockets of the
men who have contributed their several shares to the
making of these things. All this requires a government
and a well-developed system of laws and courts for
the protection of property, including the protection
of it in the form of a claim to a value that is embodied
in things which have gone beyond the maker’s
reach. Property here takes a refined form which
requires that the man should forego all desire to
keep the literal thing he has made and should make
it his aim to retain the value of it in some other
form. It is a comparatively simple matter to
guard a concrete article which a man has in his possession,
though even that requires some energy on the part
of the police force and is never quite perfectly accomplished;
but it is a far more difficult matter to enforce a
claim that a man has against other men, in consequence
of some utility that has been created by him but has
gone away from him and mingled with utilities created
by many other persons in a product that the man will
never see. It is the problem of guaranteeing to
the shoemaker the due return for the stitches he has
put into shoes when the shoes themselves have gone
to buyers and wearers in every quarter of the land
and many quarters of the globe.
Groups under a Socialistic State. - In
political economy as distinct from general
economy we take one premise from sociology and another
from politics. We assume that society exists and
that it has taken on a political character, by establishing
laws with courts to interpret them and officials to
enforce them. We do not, however, assume that
the direction of industrial affairs is in the hands
of such officials. In the main industry is organized
in a spontaneous way. Men choose such occupations
as they like, and when there are too many of them
in one group and too few in another, the rewards naturally
increase in the group where a larger force is needed,
and this lures men in that direction.
In a socialistic society such adjustments
would be made under the direction of the state.
Officials would have to decide when more workers are
needed in the A series and less in the B series and
would have to use either inducements or some kind
of compulsion in order to move them from the one group
to the other. What we actually have to deal with
is a society that shapes itself by the free acts of
individuals, and we have to see how, in this way, it
organizes itself for production and divides among
different claimants the product that, by the joint
action of all of them, it creates.
Gains from the Organization of
Industry. - The advantages of the division
of labor consist in an increase in the quantity of
products and in an improvement in their quality, and
the quantitative gain is almost beyond computing.
The advantage appears mainly in the middle and upper
subgroups of the series, which transform the materials,
rather than in the lower subgroups, which produce them;
and yet there is a gain everywhere from such organization.
A man produces far more when he performs the same
operation many times than when he goes through a whole
series of unlike operations. Moreover, he can
perform the single operation far more accurately and
can thus attain a more perfect result. He can
learn his minute trade more easily than he could a
complex one. Where unusual strength or skill is
required, the work may be given to persons who have
the requisite quality so that a good product can be
insured, and none of the labor of these superior workers
will need to be wasted on work which inferior labor
can perfectly well perform.
Improvement in the Forms of Capital. - The
greatest of all the advantages that come from this
division and subdivision of wealth-creating processes
comes in the way of applying machinery. A machine
is a hopeless specialist and can, as a rule, put only
a single minute touch on the material submitted to
it; and the introduction of machines differentiates
capital in a way that is parallel to the minute subdivision
of labor. If the machine is to work at all economically,
it must put its touch quickly on one after another
of a series of articles, as they are submitted to
it in uninterrupted succession. If only one kind
of machine were employed in the making of shoes - if,
for instance, the sewing of the uppers to the soles
were done on sewing machines, even though all the
rest were done by hand - it would be natural
and almost necessary to have one class of workers
to prepare the uppers, another to prepare the soles,
and a third to sew them together by aid of the machine.
When the several stages of the process are thus given
over to different classes of workers, the situation
is ripe for the application of more machines, and
inventors readily devise apparatus that will perform
one or another minute part of the manufacturing process.
In the end most branches of manufacture take such
shapes that the raw material is intrusted to a series
of machines and passes from one to another by a nearly
continuous movement, till it emerges from the hands
of these automata as complete as any manipulation
can make it and ready for the merchants who will convey
it to their customers.
Economy of Capital. - There
is an economy of capital involved in the fact that
instruments can be used thus continuously. A worker
does not have to have several sets of tools, many
of which would be idle the greater part of the time,
as would be the case if the man performed several
unlike operations; but the greatest economy comes from
the energy, rapidity, and accuracy with which the
new instruments act. The tools are far more efficient
than they could be if human muscles furnished the
power and eyes and nerves supplied the deftness and
accuracy that the making of the goods requires.
Automata which men set working excel hand tools with
men wielding them by a greater ratio than can be calculated.