The essential fact about production,
as it is carried on by all society, is that it is
a synthetic operation, by which a grand total is made
up by the contributions of different industries.
There is a corresponding fact about the production
which is carried on within a particular line of business,
or, as we should express it, within a particular subgroup;
for within the subgroup there are laborers, on the
one hand, and capitalists, on the other, helping each
other to make a joint product. In our table A’’’,
B’’’, and C’’’
are the goods of which the social income is composed.
Subgroups, such as A, A’, etc., help to
make this grand total of finished goods; but in A,
A’, and all the other subdivisions there are
laborers and capitalists working together. Farming,
mining, cotton spinning, shoemaking, building, and
a myriad of other occupations all work together to
create an aggregate of goods which constitute the social
income. In each of these branches of business
there are men and working appliances contributing
each a part to the quota that this branch furnishes.
Distribution as an Analysis. - The
essential fact about distribution is that it is an
analysis. It reverses the synthetic operation
step by step, resolving the grand total produced by
society into shares corresponding with the amounts
contributed by the specific industries, such as mining,
cotton spinning, shoemaking, etc. The men
who own and work the mines do not keep the ore they
secure, nor do they wish to keep it. The ore
goes into a stock of goods for the general use of
society, and it constitutes a definite addition to
the value of that stock. As ore it is transmuted
into a myriad of forms, merged with other materials
and lost; but the amount that it adds to the total
product of society is definite. It is a certain
definable quantity of wealth, and that quantity of
wealth the producers of the ore should get for themselves.
Distribution further resolves the share of each particular
industry into final portions for the use of the laborers
and capitalists in that industry; and these correspond
with the amounts which these laborers and capitalists
contribute. The result of distribution is to
fix the rate of wages, the rate of interest, and the
amount of the profits of employers, if such profits
exist; and the general thesis which is here advanced
and remains to be proved is that, if society were
without changes and disturbances, if competition were
absolutely free, and if labor and capital were so mobile
that the slightest inducement would cause them to
pass from one branch of business to another, there
would be no true profits in any business, and labor
and capital would create and get the whole social
income. Moreover, each laborer and each capitalist
would get the amount of his personal contribution
to this sum total. Amid all the complications
of society the modern worker would be in a position
akin to that of the solitary hunter in a primitive
forest - his income would be essentially
of his own making and would include all that he makes.
He would not, like the primitive man, get the literal
things that he fashions, but he would get the amount
of wealth that he creates - the value
of the literal products which take shape under his
Whenever either labor or capital thus
moves to a new place in the group system, it becomes
an active competitor of the labor or capital that
was already there. We need a definition of
the competing process. In the case of producing
agents it consists in a rivalry in selling.
The laborer who moves from A’ of the table
that, in the preceding chapter, has been used
to represent organized industry to B’, offers
for sale, as some would say, his service, or more
accurately, the product which his labor can create.
The purchasers are the employers in the subgroup
B’, and in order to induce them to accept
the new labor it is necessary to offer it at a rate
of pay which will make it worth their while to
take it. If the workers already in this division
of the field are getting just what they are worth,
a larger force cannot be employed at the same
rate of wages, because, for a reason that will later
appear, the new labor cannot offer for sale as large
a product as an equal amount of the labor that
is already there. If the transfer to B’
were made, the new labor would have to accept
lower pay than the old has been getting, and the
old labor would be forced to accept a cut in its rate
of pay or be supplanted by the new. A rate
sufficiently low would insure the employment of
all. If the labor formerly in this subgroup
has been getting less than it is worth, there will
ensue a competition among employers who desire to
realize, each for himself, the margin of profit
which can be made by getting additional labor,
and this will either raise the pay of the men
already in this subgroup or call new men into
it, or do both. In any case it will, in the absence
of all trace of monopoly on the side of the employers,
end by giving to the men what they are worth.
It is, in fact, such a bidding for new labor by
employers in any branch of business that moves
labor from point to point in the industrial system.
The entrepreneur is the agent in the case, profits
are the lure, and competition - rivalry
in buying - is the means; and competition
is, as we use terms, absolutely free whenever
it is certain that the smallest margin of net profit
will set it working and draw labor or capital to
the profit-yielding point.
There is competition among the entrepreneurs
at A’’’ in selling this finished
product to the consuming public, and among different
purchasers in buying it. Whenever the price of
A’’’ is so high that the whole output
of it cannot be sold, each vender tries to supplant
others and insure a sale of his own product rather
than that of any one else. Competition here
is overt and active. When all can be sold at
the current price, finding a market for one vender’s
supply does not require that he win away another’s
customers, and although the different sellers
continue to be rivals and each would welcome an
increase of patronage made at others’ cost,
no one is forced to underbid others in order to
continue to sell his accustomed output. Competition
is here quiescent, since actual underbidding and
the luring away of rivals’ customers do
not take place. When entrepreneurs who
are not now in the subgroup A’’’
are ready to enter it and to become rivals of
those already there whenever any profit is to be had
by such a course, their competition is not actual but
potential; and yet it is a real influence and serves
to deter producers already in the field from establishing
such a price for their product that the possible
competitors will become real and active ones.
These three influences may conceivably act without
obstruction or may be hindered and deprived of much
of their power. In actual life they are subjected
to hindrances, and whether they shall hereafter
insure a certain approximation to the general
state which a perfectly free competition would
insure or whether the economic condition of the
world shall be permitted to drift far from that normal
state, depends on the success which governments
will have in reducing or removing the hindrances.
Standards of Wages and Interest. - This
accurate correspondence between men’s incomes
and their contributions to the general earnings of
society would exist only in the absence of certain
changes and disturbances which it will be our aim,
in the latter part of this work, to study. These
changes give to society the quality that we shall
term dynamic, and we shall examine them at length.
What can, however, be asserted in advance is that
the rates of wages and interest which would prevail
if the changes and disturbances were entirely absent
constitute standards toward which, in spite of all
the changes that are going on, actual wages and interest
are continually tending. How nearly in practice
the earnings of labor and capital approximate the
ideal rates which perfect competition would establish
is a question which it is not necessary at this point
to raise. We have to define the standard rates
and show that fundamental forces impel the actual
rates toward them. The waters of a pond have an
ideal level toward which they tend under the action
of gravity; and though a gale were to force them to
one end of the pond and cause the surface there to
stand much higher than the surface at the other end,
the standard level would be unaffected and the steady
force of gravity would all the while be drawing the
actual surface toward it. In our study of Economic
Dynamics we shall encounter influences which act like
the gale in the illustration, but at present we are
studying what is more akin to gravity - a
fundamental and steady force drawing wages and interest
toward certain definable levels. In our present
study of Economic Statics we must seek to discover
how these standards are fixed, in the midst of the
overturnings which industrial society undergoes.
A’’’ B’’’ C’’’ H’’’
A’’ B’’ C’’ H’’
A’ B’ C’ H’
We have already represented, in a
highly simplified form, the synthesis by which the
goods which make up the income of society are produced.
A, B, and C represent different raw materials, and
they are changed by a series of transmutations
into A’’’, B’’’,
and C’’’, which stand for all the
consumers’ goods that the society uses.
They represent food, clothing, furnishings, vehicles,
and countless means of comfort and pleasure.
The Making of Active Instruments
of Production. - It is necessary always
to have and use a stock of tools, machines, buildings,
and other active instruments of production; and as
these wear out in the using, it is necessary that
there should be persons who occupy themselves in keeping
the stock replenished. Under a system of division
of labor there would be special industries devoted
to the making of new appliances of production to take
the place of those which are worn out and discarded,
and also to make repairs on those which are still
in use. For illustration, we may let the symbol
H’’’ represent all active capital
goods that the society uses, the various raw materials
which enter into such active goods being represented
by H and the partly made instruments by H’ and
H’’. If the stock of appliances is
not growing larger, just enough of the articles H’’’
are made to replace the discarded ones. No producer
gets new machinery, but every one keeps his stock
The Simplified Representation Correct
in Principle. - We have now a very simple
representation of what actually goes on under the name
of the division of labor, and yet the representation
is in essential points accurate. In reality a
very detailed and minute division and subdivision
of industries takes place and the varieties of goods
produced are innumerable. Society, as a whole,
is making the most highly composite product that can
be conceived; namely, consumers’ wealth in its
countless forms. Each of the grand divisions of
society - the general groups that we have
represented by the series of A’s or of B’s - makes
a complete article; but even that is in its own way
far more composite than the symbol indicates, for it
is apt to contain several kinds of raw material and
to be made up of a large number of distinct utilities,
each of which has its own set of producers. This
complexity of the process of production does not change
the principle of distribution, by which the product
is virtually analyzed into its component elements
and the value of each element is assigned to those
who create it. This principle can be clearly
represented by assuming that each subgroup has one
distinct utility to create and that it takes only
four of these to make an A’’’, a
B’’’ or a C’’’.
A Synthesis within Each Subgroup. - There
is within each subgroup a synthesis going on, and
this also may be complex. Labor and capital dig
ore from the ground - an unusually simple
process; and yet there are several distinct operations
to be performed before the ore is ready for smelting.
When it comes to fashioning the metal into useful
shapes, the operations become very numerous and require
many subordinate trades even for the making of one
product. How many mechanical operations go to
the making of a bicycle, an automobile, or a steam
yacht? Too many to be represented in any table,
but not enough to change at all the principle according
to which those who help to make one of these composite
products are paid according to their contributions
to it. We may consider that all the work that
is done in one kind of mill creates one utility.
Though there are many subtrades in making a shoe and
many more in making a watch, we may proceed as though
there were only one transformation of the raw material
required in each case. We may let the division
between the contiguous subgroups be made commercially
rather than merely mechanically, and regard the establishments
that buy material and sell it in a more highly wrought
condition as moving it forward by one stage on the
road to completion, however many changes they may have
made in it in the different departments of their several
mills. The difference between shoes, on the one
hand, and the leather and findings of which they are
made, on the other, thus passes for one utility.
A manufacturer of shoes puts his leather and findings
through many operations before he has shoes for sale;
but it is convenient to call all that the manufacturer
imparts to these raw elements before he makes them
over in their new form to the merchant, one subproduct.
Further Complexities which may
be Disregarded. - One man may be in several
of the general groups. It is possible, for example,
that he may furnish raw materials which enter into
more than one finished article. Iron is so extensively
used that it goes into more products than can easily
be counted. The man who digs iron ore contributes
to the making of bridges, rails, locomotives, buildings,
machines, ships, and tools in indefinite number and
variety. The price of each of the articles into
which any of this material goes contains in itself
the price of that part of the raw material which goes
into it. There is steel in a ship, and the maker
of that part of the output of raw steel which goes
into a ship gets his pay from the price of the vessel;
and so with the crude metal which goes into a bridge,
a building, an engine, etc. What the producer
of a material gets from each source tends, under perfectly
free competition, to equal in amount what he contributes
toward the value of the corresponding article.
In terms of our table a miner may furnish ore from
which iron is taken for the making of both A’’’
and B’’’; and if so, when the distributive
process analyzes these products into their elements,
the value of what he has in each case contributed
will fall to him. He will be paid according to
the help he has afforded in the making of the A’’’
and the B’’’, and this fact does
not change in principle the manner in which the income
of society is divided. If the man helped to make
only one thing, he would get a part of the price of
that one thing; but if he helps to make several, he
will get a part of the price of each of them.
Each group has one grand function to perform, such
as the making of an A’’’, and if
the man helps in more than one, and is paid accordingly,
his total pay is according to the amount he produces
in all the different functions he performs, and the
principle of distribution works as perfectly as it
would if the man were confined to the single subgroup
A. For simplicity we assume that he is so.
The Functions of Capitalist, Laborer,
and Entrepreneur often performed by One Person. - One
person may perform several functions, not only by
contributing to the products of several groups, but
by contributing in more than one way to the product
of one subgroup. He may, for example, both labor
and furnish capital, and he may, further, perform
a special cooerdinating function which is not labor,
in the technical sense, and scarcely involves any
continuous personal activity at all, but is essential
for rendering labor and capital productive. What
this function is we shall presently see. We shall
term it the function of the entrepreneur, using
this term in an unusually strict way. We shall
keep this function quite distinct from the work of
the superintendent or manager of a business.
How Much the Term “Labor”
Covers. - We include under the term labor
all effort expended in a routine way in carrying on
business. The overseers in the shops, the bookkeepers,
clerks, secretaries, treasurers, agents, and, in short,
all who perform any of the labor of management for
which they get or can get salaries are laborers in
the comprehensive sense in which we use the word.
It comes about that the employer usually labors; for
he does the highest and most responsible work in his
own mill or shop. It is not, however, in his capacity
as entrepreneur, or “undertaker,”
that he labors; for, as the entrepreneur, properly
speaking, he employs and pays for all the work that
receives a stipend. He may employ himself, indeed,
and set aside a stated sum to pay his own salary;
but this means that in his capacity as entrepreneur
he needs a good manager and hires himself to act in
that capacity. Scrupulous fidelity is the most
important quality that a manager can possess, and
the employer can always trust himself to possess it
so long as it is his own interests that he controls.
Entrepreneur and Capitalist. - In
the same way we include in the capital of an establishment
whatever invested funds the employer himself supplies,
as well as what he hires from others. Here again
a man is likely to serve in more than one capacity,
for as an entrepreneur he hires capital and
as a capitalist he lets it out for hire, so that in
the one capacity he hires capital from himself acting
in the other capacity. The man “puts money”
into his own business and gets interest for the use
of it.
The Different Functions of the
Same Man distinguished in Business. - This
distinction between the different functions that one
person may perform is not a mere refinement of theory,
but is something that is recognized in business and
has great practical importance. In a corporation
officials who are also stockholders receive salaries
that are usually reckoned on the basis of the amount
that they could get in the market if they were to enter
the employment of other corporations and do the same
kind of work they are now doing. Favoritism may
give them considerably more than this amount, but even
then this amount is the basis of the calculation which
fixes their stipend. If they are paid more than
their work is worth to their own corporations, what
they get is something besides wages or any other normal
and legitimate income. If they accept for their
time less than they are worth, they make a donation
to the corporation. Neither filching something
for nothing out of the returns of the corporation,
nor giving it a gratuity, is to be here assumed as
existent, since we are not dealing with the phenomena
of quasi-plunder or eccentric benevolence. The
character of wages of management, as the reward for
a high grade of labor, is recognized in business life,
and the salary of the manager, whether he is a stockholder
or not, is usually expressed in a definite sum of
money and is gauged, crudely or accurately, according
to his value as a servant of the company.
Dividends often Composite. - In
like manner it is important in the bookkeeping of
a company to ascertain how much of the return to the
stockholders is merely interest on the capital they
have themselves invested and how much is true profit,
or the net gain which is over and above interest.
In business life a distinction is pretty clearly maintained
between the three kinds of income that have been described;
namely, the reward of labor in all its forms, the reward
of capital, going to whoever furnishes it, and the
reward of a cooerdinating function, or the function
of hiring both labor and capital and getting whatever
their joint product is worth above the cost of the
elements which enter into it. This essentially
commercial margin of returns from production above
all costs of production is profits in the strict sense
and would be nonexistent in an absolutely static industry.
It comes into existence in consequence of the changes
with which social Economic Dynamics deals.
Three Incomes entirely Distinct. - Wages,
interest, and profits, then, are the three incomes
that we shall distinguish. We shall keep profits
completely separated from the wages of any kind of
labor and from the interest on any kind of capital.
This income falls to the entrepreneur, otherwise
called the undertaker, or the employer and cooerdinator
of labor and capital, and it comes only when the product
of the operations carried on in his establishment exceeds
all wages and all interest that he has to pay.
How a Man could be an Entrepreneur
Only. - If a man should hire all the
capital that he needs in a business and also all the
labor, including the labor of every man in the office
force, and reside thereafter in a distant country,
holding no consultations with his managers, whatever
income he might get would be purely an entrepreneur’s
profit. It would not be interest - for
that amount would have to be paid to the men who had
loaned the capital - and it would not be
wages - for they would have to be made over
to the men actually doing the work. The absent
entrepreneur would be, in the eye of the law,
the purchaser of all the elements which go into the
product, since all the purchases are made in his name.
The managers are only his agents, and when they buy
raw materials or supplies for the mill, they buy them
for him and by his authority, and he is under the
obligation to pay for them. Moreover paying wages
is, in reality, buying the share which labor contributes
to the product of the mill. The workmen have
a natural right to the value which their work, of
itself and aside from the aid furnished by others,
imparts to the material that is put into their hands,
and when they sell their labor, they are really selling
their part of the product of the mill. In like
manner paying interest is buying the share which capital
contributes to the product. The owners of the
capital have an original right to what the machines,
the tools, the buildings, the land, and the raw materials,
of themselves and apart from other contributions,
put into the joint product. In reality they sell
this share for a consideration in the form of interest.
In a static state labor and capital together create
the whole product of the mill; wages and interest
are the prices that they get for their several contributions,
and the entrepreneur pays these purchase prices
and by virtue of this becomes the owner of the whole
product. Having the product, he sells it in the
market for what he can get. If this were more
than the cost to him of all the elements that have
gone into it, he would have a net profit remaining.
It would be a remainder accruing to the owner and
seller of the product after the costs of getting a
title to it have been defrayed. Whether the absent
entrepreneur of our illustration gets anything
from his business or not depends on the question whether
such a remainder of returns above costs is afforded.
Profits Nil in a Static Society. - We
shall see that if labor and capital can move about
in the system of groups so freely that each agent
is as productive in one place as it is in another,
there will be no product anywhere in excess of wages
and interest. Labor and capital then create and
claim for themselves the whole output of their industries.
When the entrepreneur has given them their shares,
by paying wages and interest, and has paid for raw
materials, he has nothing left. In actual business
competition is often sharp enough to prevent men from
getting more than interest on their capital and a
fair return for the labor they spend in directing their
business; and pure theory here assumes that competition
is always and everywhere sharp enough to do this.
It is ideally efficient. Labor and capital are
ideally mobile and ready to flow at once to the points
where any net profits can be made. Such a condition
implies that society is in a static state,
and we shall see what this condition is. It implies
an absence of organic change in society. The
great collective producer does not alter either its
form or its mode of producing wealth. Industry
goes on, indeed, but it goes on in a changeless way.
Reserving the full description of this state for a
later chapter, we note here that the adjustment which
would theoretically bring a society to such a state
would preclude all gains for its entrepreneurs.
The Merging of Functions Desirable. - The
uniting in one person of the functions of capitalist,
laborer, and entrepreneur contributed much
to the productivity of the small-shop system of former
days. The man who had a few thousand dollars
invested in a little shop and employed a few men to
assist him got three different kinds of income, and
the sum of the three was larger than anything he could
have secured if he had been only a laborer or only
a small capitalist and entrepreneur. He
worked harder and more intelligently than a hired
superintendent would have done; he was led to be cautious
because his own capital was risked in his business,
and yet he was spurred to enterprise by the fact that
when, by virtue of the influences which we call dynamic,
profits were made, he got them. Even in the largest
corporations the same conditions contribute to success,
and it is best that managers should be owners of some
part of the capital which they handle and receivers
of some portion of the profits which they try to secure
for their companies. Where competition is sharp,
companies directed by their owners may supplant those
of which the direction is given over to hired managers.
The growth of corporations does, however, tend to
put salaried men more and more into controlling positions
and to reduce the power of the body of stockholders,
who perform a joint function as capitalists and entrepreneurs.
In itself this tends to reduce profits and detracts
from the advantages which the incorporation of a business
Distribution primarily Functional
rather than Personal. - Where men get
incomes that are composed of wages, interest, and profits,
economic science should, in the first instance, tell
us how the rates of wages and interest and the amount
of profits are determined. A study of the static
laws of distribution concerns itself with the reward
of labor as such, and the reward of capital as such,
while a study of dynamics takes account of pure profits.
When we know what the rates of wages and interest
are, we can tell what any capitalist-manager should
have by knowing how much capital he furnishes and
how much and how well he works as a manager. If
the business is yielding a net profit, over and above
the interest on its capital, we can tell what part
of this net income any one stockholder will get - in
the form of a rate of dividends in excess of the rate
of interest - if we know how much of the
common stock of the company he owns. His personal
income depends on the incomes attaching to the functions
he performs. The science of distribution should
tell us primarily, not what any man personally gets
as a total income and how well off he is as compared
with other men, but in what way the wages of his labor,
the interest on his capital, and the return for the
entrepreneur’s function are fixed.
In technical terms this is saying that distribution
is primarily functional and not personal.
Certain forces assign certain rewards to different
functions which are involved in the creating of wealth,
and the science of distribution tells us how these
forces work - tells us, in short, how wages,
interest, and true profits are, in and of themselves,
determined. If any man works and gets wages,
that part of his income will be determined by the
wages law. If he furnishes capital, a second part
of his income will be determined by the interest law.
If he also cooerdinates labor and capital, whatever
he may thus gain is determined by the law of profit.
Economic science has to ascertain and state what these
three laws are, though in its static division it has
only to account for two of them.
Costs as well as Gains Apportioned. - The
term distribution, as commonly used, denotes
a division of the gains of industry; but as we have
said, there are sacrifices which have to be borne in
getting the gains, and these also have to be shared.
Wealth benefits men in the using, but puts burdens
upon them in the making; and when all society does
the making, it has to apportion, in some way, not only
the benefits but the burdens. We shall take account
of these sacrifices because of the relation that they
bear to the gains. They act as an ultimate check
on production. Men would go on producing indefinitely
if the operation cost them nothing, since it would
always be agreeable to have a further income; but
they necessarily encounter pains and sacrifices that,
sooner, or later, bring the enlargement of their incomes
to an end. Much that is of importance occurs at
that critical point where the sacrifices of production
put an end to the extension of it. It is the
positive fruits of production that we have first to
consider; and what in this connection we wish first
to know is how wages and interest are determined when
industry is carried on in a social way and under a
system of competition. We shall find that these
incomes are always tending toward standards which they
would reach if society were in the state which we
have described as static. How they are forced
away from their standards by the changes and disturbances
of actual life, and how the standards themselves change
with social development, will be the subject of the
latter part of this treatise.