Functional distribution controls personal
incomes since each man who gets, in a normal way,
any income at all performs one or more productive
functions, and his total income is the sum of the returns
for these several functions. Moreover under such
a condition of ideally perfect competition as we have
assumed each of these functions is rewarded according
to the product that it creates; and each man accordingly
is paid an amount that equals the total product which
he personally creates. Men’s products,
even in the disturbed conditions of actual life, set
the standards to which their returns tend to
conform, though they vary from them in ways that we
shall not fail to notice.
Group Distribution. - The
grand total of the social income has to go through
a preliminary division before it is shared by laborers,
capitalists, and entrepreneurs. In each
industry the pay of all these functionaries comes
from the selling price of the commercial article that
they cooeperate in making. The price of shoes
pays all shoemakers, whether what they contribute
to the manufacturing is labor, capital, or mere cooerdination;
and it also pays ranchmen and tanners for what they
contribute in the shape of leather, raw and dressed.
If the price of shoes should rise, there would be a
larger income for the group whose activities create
them. So if woolen clothing were to become dearer,
there would be more money for the group that makes
it, and this would include those who raise sheep and
those who convert wool into cloth, as well as the garment
makers themselves. The question, what members
of a group would get the benefit of a rise in the
price of its product, is one that must be discussed
in connection with economic dynamics, and we shall
find, when we reach this part of the subject, that
it is entrepreneurs’ gains which come
largely from sources like this. We have already
seen that, in a static condition and with prices,
wages, and interest immovably held at rates to which
perfectly free competition would bring them, entrepreneurs
as such would get nil, and the whole price
of every article would be distributed among the laborers
and the capitalists who make it. The proof of
this will appear when we have examined the process
by which the values of goods are adjusted, and this
will help to prepare the way for a study of the sources
of net profits, which are an all-important feature
of actual business. Society is honest or dishonest
according as this entrepreneurs’ income
is gained in one way or in another; and it is not too
much to say that before the court of last resort,
the body of the people, no system of business will
be allowed permanently to stand unless the basic principle
of it tends to eliminate dishonest profits. A
chief purpose of static studies is to afford a means
of testing the legitimacy of the incomes that come
to entrepreneurs.
Market Price. - The
old phrase supply and demand describes the
process by which the market price of anything is determined.
The total mercantile stock of goods of a particular
kind at any one time on hand is, of course, an exact
quantity, and the law of “market value,”
when these words are used in a restricted and technical
sense, determines the price at which this predetermined
amount can be sold.
How a Normal Supply is Determined. - This
present stock, however, was brought into existence
by producers who looked forward to the time when they
could probably sell it at a certain price; and the
higher this anticipated return for the article, the
more of it they were induced to make. The price,
which to-day depends on the quantity on hand, acted
in advance as a lure to bring that quantity into existence,
and among the different articles which men can produce,
they are forever singling out for increased production
those things which offer the strongest lures - that
is, the things that sell for the largest amounts as
compared with the cost of making them. The ultimate
tendency of all this is a certain adjustment of the
relative supplies of different commodities. It
is that adjustment which brings all prices to a level
determined by cost.
Natural Value. - This
tendency toward cost prices - those which
afford to the producers wages for all their labor but
no true entrepreneurs’ profit - establishes
a further law, that of “natural value,”
and this it is that fixes the standard to which, in
the long run, market values, as adjusted by supply
and demand, tend to conform. A market value is
natural or unnatural according as it does or does
not conform to a certain standard, and this ultimate
standard itself is the cost of producing the several
kinds of goods. What the term cost in
this connection really means we must later see; but
for the present we may take the common and practical
view that it is the amount of money that an entrepreneur
must pay out in order to bring the article into existence.
If there were very little wheat in the granaries of
the world, demand acting on this limited supply would
determine the selling price of it, and this price would
be high as compared with the cost of raising this
grain. It would also be higher than the selling
prices of other things which are produced by the same
expenditure of labor and capital that has to be made
in raising the wheat. The market price would,
for the time being, be unnatural and would in due
time be brought down; but this would have to be done
by the raising of more wheat. In other words,
though the selling price of a small supply of wheat
may be normal for that amount, the amount supplied
is itself abnormally small, and in view of that fact
the resulting price is too high to be allowed to continue.
As a permanent price it would not be natural.
The quantity supplied tends to increase till the market
price conforms to the cost of raising the wheat.
We have to see, first, how demand fixes the price
of a definite amount of anything which is offered
for sale and, later, how the quantity offered is controlled.
How Prices are Determined. - It
is certain that if, in a given market, we increase
the quantity of goods that are to be sold, we lower
the price, while, if we diminish the quantity, we
raise the price. That is the commercial fact
and it furnishes a beginning for a theory of value.
Let us suppose that we have a fixed
quantity of goods on hand, that all must be sold,
and that no one knows at the outset what price they
will bring. There might conceivably go on an inverted
kind of auctioning process, in which the sellers at
the outset would ask a high rate, sell a few of their
goods, and then gradually reduce the price till the
last article should be sold. At each reduction
of the price the “effectual demand,” so-called,
would increase. This means that the people who
want the article are actually willing to take and
pay for larger quantities the lower the price falls.
Mere desire does not influence the market, but an
“effectual demand” means a desire and
a tender of the money that is asked for the goods.
It is, in short, an actual purchase and the amount
of it becomes larger as the price goes down.
People who did not buy the article before now add it
to the list of goods that they take for use, and the
people who were already taking a certain quantity
of it now take more.
Equation of Supply and Effective
Demand. - If this effective demand, or
amount of goods actually bought and paid for, becomes
steadily larger the lower the price becomes, it is
clear that, however large the total supply may be,
it can all be sold by making the price low enough.
It was once thought that this is all we need to know
of prices current or market values. At some selling
rate or other the quantity actually offered will come
to equal the quantity that is actually bought.
This is the equation of demand and supply. The
quantity offered is here supposed to be fixed and
to include all of the article that is in dealers’
hands and that has to be sold; and the price, starting
at a high rate, is supposed to go down till the sale
of the entire quantity is effected.
Varying Demand and Price. - The
facts that have just been stated account only in a
partial way for the adjustment of market price.
One who wishes to trace phenomena to their causes
cannot help asking why demand and supply insure the
selling of a given amount of goods at one rate rather
than at another. If apples are offering at two
dollars a barrel, why is it that, in a particular
local market, one thousand barrels and no more can,
at that rate, be sold? We can readily see that
at one dollar a barrel more could be sold than at two,
and that at three less would be sold. But why
is it that, at two dollars, the definite number of
one thousand barrels is the amount that is taken and
paid for? Why is the equation of demand and supply
established at exactly that price?
Demand and Final Utility. - We
come nearer to the cause that acts in adjusting the
price of apples when we say that they sell at two
dollars a barrel because that sum expresses their “final
utility.” This means that, if such an auctioning
process as we have described were resorted to, the
last barrel of apples which would be sold would have
to the buyer an amount of utility just equal to that
of the final unit of any other article that could
have been had for the same money. The auctioning,
however, would cause different barrels of apples to
sell at different prices, whereas there is something
in the working of competition which causes all of
them to sell at the same price. It is necessary
to see, first, how the price of the “final”
one is adjusted and, secondly, how that fixes the
price of all the others.
The Law of Diminishing Utility. - We
revert here to one of those general laws of economics
that we have already stated and see it acting under
the conditions of distinctly social life. Goods
of a given kind have less and less utility, per unit,
the more the user has of them. If you offer him
apples in increased quantity, he will value the first
part of the supply highly, but will attach less value
to the later parts. When the desire for this
fruit is fairly well satisfied, he will find other
articles of more importance. At the price of two
dollars a barrel it is just worth his while to buy
a final barrel of them. That quantity, as added
to his winter’s supply, will give him two dollars’
worth of benefit. This means that it will do him
as much good as anything else which he can get for
the same amount of money.
The Equalization of Final Utilities. - Two
dollars spent in adding to his previous stock of other
things will do the man in the illustration the same
amount of good that he can get from a final barrel
of apples, and no more. In the case of goods
which are all alike and of which consumers are always
glad to use an additional amount, prices tend to adjust
themselves in such a way that a final unit of any one
which the consumer buys with a dollar is worth just
as much to him as a final unit of any other article
he buys with that amount. The last dollar paid
for apples is as remunerative, in the way of pleasure
and benefit secured, as is the last dollar used to
improve his wardrobe, to add something to his stock
of furniture, to buy tickets to the theater, etc.
Apples have, as it were, to compete with clothing,
furniture, and amusements for the consumer’s
favor, and if the vender charges more for them than
do the venders of other things having the same power
to give pleasure, some of the apples will remain unsold;
for though customers will always give as much as they
would have to pay for other things of equal final
utility, they will not give more.
The Prices of All Increments of
Supply Equal. - A consumer always gets
a net surplus of benefit from the early increments
of the goods he consumes. If the last barrel
of apples is worth two dollars, - or, what
is the same thing, if the last barrel has in it an
amount of utility equal to the final utility of other
things that two dollars will buy, - the first
barrel has a larger utility; and yet it costs no more
than the last one. The sellers of apples, if they
expect to dispose of all that they have, must at the
outset fix the price at such a point that the very
last increment of the supply will successfully compete
with other articles for the favor of purchasers.
Competition forces them to sell the whole amount so
cheaply that the least important part of it may be
as important to the purchaser of that part as the
corresponding and least important part of the supply
of other things. Nothing but a monopoly of the
entire available stock would enable them to carry
out the auctioning plan and offer the stock piecemeal,
so as to get a higher price for the parts offered early.
Even then buyers who should perceive the fact that
a large part of the stock remained in reserve and
that it must ultimately be sold would be able, by
delaying their purchases, to get the benefit of a later
and lower rate, so that the monopoly itself would
be only partially successful in its policy. In
the absence of a monopoly venders are compelled to
sell all articles of one kind and quality at one price.
The man who should fix a higher price on his portion
of the supply would be passed by in favor of other
sellers who were disposing of their final increments,
and his business would quietly drift away from him.
There cannot be two prices for one commodity in
the same market at the same time. This fact
is fundamental. Even the monopoly is able to
get different prices for different parts of its output
only by offering them at different times; and competing
producers cannot do this. They are forced to
keep the price of all they offer at a level that expresses
its final utility.
The Law of Value affected by the
Difficulty of using Two Similar Goods at Once. - There
are two imperfections in the common statement of this
law of final utility which need to be removed in order
that the theory of value, which is based on the law,
may be true and useful. The first lies in the
assumption that people buy completed articles, such
as coats, tables, vehicles, watches, etc., in
regular series of units, adding to their stock coat
after coat, watch after watch, etc., all just
alike, till the utility of the last one becomes so
small that it is better to buy other things. On
this supposition the price of the whole supply of
any such thing corresponds with the utility of the
last one in the consumer’s series. This
fairly well describes the case of commodities like
apples, of which men consume now more and now less
per day or per week and are always glad to increase
the amount they use. Of most kinds of consumers’
goods a person wants at one time one unit and no more,
and a second unit, if he has to use it himself within
the same time in which he uses the first, would be
an incumbrance. Its utility would be a negative
quantity. Two quite similar coats would never
be bought by the same person if he had only his own
needs in view and must use both coats through the
same period. The first unit of his supply is,
for this period, also the last.
The Law of Value affected by the
Fact that the Final Unit of a Good is usually a Complex
of Unlike Utilities. - The second imperfection
consists in the assumption that in measuring the utility
of such a unit the consumer estimates the importance
to himself of the article taken in its entirety.
In the case of the apples of our illustration the
difficulty is not obvious. A man, as we have just
noticed, may increase or diminish his consumption
of this fruit; the first few apples that he uses will
give him more pleasure than a second similar quantity,
and the price of apples in the market may actually
depend on the utility of the final peck of apples
that each of the customers consumes in a season.
In other words, there is, in this instance, a probability
that the goods, although supplied at once, may be
appraised as if they were offered in a regular series
and that the law of final utility, in its common and
simple form of statement, may in this particular apply
to the case. The second difficulty, however,
remains, and even in the case of such goods as apples
renders the common statement somewhat inaccurate,
while in the case of most kinds of consumers’
goods the inaccuracy is glaring. If the price
of fine watches corresponded with the utility of the
last one that a consumer uses, it would be many times
greater than it is. Rather than go without watches
altogether many a man would pay one thousand dollars
for one for which he actually gives a hundred; and,
moreover, this watch may be the “final”
one in his case. The utility of the last overcoat
that a man uses in the winter may be such that, if
he could have it on no other condition, he would readily
give five hundred dollars for it instead of fifty.
How Unlike Services may be rendered
by One Good at the Same Time. - What
people want of any useful thing is an effect in themselves, - a
pleasure or a benefit which they expect to get, - and
apart from this subjective result they would not want
the thing at all. The power to confer a particular
benefit is a utility. Men buy goods solely for
their utilities, and they measure these service-rendering
powers in the things offered to them and pay for them
accordingly. Now, it happens that articles often
combine in themselves a considerable number of different
utilities, or service-rendering powers, and that in
buying an article the man pays for them all.
It is as though four or five different servants, each
having his own specialty, were to offer themselves
for hire and invite an employer to consider what each
one could do for him. In buying an article which
will serve him in several ways, a man appraises all
the unlike services that the article will render.
He secures several services at once, as he would do
if he hired, in a body, several actual servants.
The same thing would happen if, instead of hiring
human servants with different aptitudes, one should
buy different commodities each of which is, in reality,
an inanimate servant, able, in its own way, to do
something useful or agreeable for the purchaser.
We could bunch a lot of these goods and buy them collectively.
Venders of the goods could tie them together in bundles
and offer them thus for sale. If the different
goods were also sold separately in the market, they
would command in the bundles the same prices that they
would command when sold each by itself, and a bundle
would bring the sum of the several prices of its component
articles. In just this way in which an aggregate
of different goods would get its valuation does any
one article which is made up of different utilities
get its rating. The utilities are appraised separately.
In buying an article which is a composite of different
utilities, we virtually employ a company of servants
who have different specialties and insist on being
hired all together or not at all.
How the Normal Price of a Bundle
of Unlike Goods would be Fixed. - We
have now to see how the action of the market analyzes
an article and puts a price on the several utilities
which compose it. The market does this in exactly
the same way in which it would appraise a bundle of
dissimilar articles which had to be sold separately,
and we will therefore trace the operation by which
a package containing the commodities A, B, C, and
D would get its value in an actual market.
How the Normal Price of a Single
Good in a Bundle of Unlike Goods would be Fixed. - Let
us see how a bundle made up of commodities A, B, C,
and D would get its value in the market. We will
suppose that these articles are here named in the
order of their importance, and that A has the highest
utility, since it renders the most important service,
and that D has the least. It may be that the article
A has a utility rated at one hundred dollars in a
particular man’s esteem. He would give
one hundred dollars for it rather than do without it
altogether. The service, then, that one article
of this kind can render is expressed by the sum one
hundred dollars. Article B taken separately may
be worth fifty dollars, since it may render such services
that the man would give fifty dollars rather than
be without it. A third article, C, may in the
same way be valued at twenty dollars and a fourth
at ten. Now, if a man has to buy the whole bundle,
must he pay one hundred dollars plus fifty plus twenty
plus ten, or one hundred and eighty for the whole?
This does not by any means follow. The first
article may be sold separately at a price far below
one hundred dollars. There may be so large a
supply of it that, in order to find a market for it
all, the makers must take ten dollars for it.
This fixes the market price of that amount of this
commodity at ten dollars. If we now glance beyond
the question of the “market price” of the
goods and consider their more permanent or “normal
price,” the inquiry requires us to do more than
ascertain why a definite quantity of the goods offered
at a certain time sells for a certain amount.
An appeal to the law of final utility answers that
question. To know, however, why the permanent
price is what it is, we have to know what fixes the
permanent supply, and we discover that the cost of
making the goods is here a dominant influence.
For the present we assume that this cost does not
change, since such changes are a subject for the dynamic
studies which will come later. The present fact
is that production has been carried to such a point
that no more of these goods can be sold at the cost
price, and there the enlargement of the output has
stopped; the supply has at some time in the past reached
this normal point and now remains there. Ten
dollars represents the final utility of the article,
and this sum is what it costs to make it. If it
could be sold for any more than that, competition
would bring new producers into this business and would
impel those already in it to enlarge their production
till the price would stand at the normal or cost level
of ten dollars.
The Consumers’ Surplus. - In
every such case there are men who would give much
more for the article rather than be without it, and
we have supposed that some one would pay a hundred
dollars for this commodity if he could not otherwise
obtain it. Ninety dollars, then, measures what
we may call his consumers’ surplus, or
the clear benefit he gets from buying at its market
price an article that is worth to him so much more.
This comes about by the fact that the makers of article
A, in order to sell the amount of goods that competition
has impelled them to make, must accept the offers
of persons who can consistently give only ten dollars
for it. These are relatively poor persons, and
as the sum of ten dollars expended on other articles
would benefit them as much as ten dollars spent on
this one, it is a “final” purchase, or
a final increment of their consumers’ wealth.
In order to get it they sacrifice, in some other form,
a benefit as great as the one they get from acquiring
this commodity and receive, therefore, no consumers’
surplus from it. These are the men whose demand
helps to fix the price of the article A, and the willingness
of other persons to give more does not make it bring
any more. The rich men, who stand ready to pay
a hundred dollars, if necessary, are gainers by letting
poorer men fix this price. It is by catching the
patronage of these poorer men that the makers can
dispose of their large output, and in doing this they
have to bring the price down to ten dollars.
The Function of a Special Class
of Marginal Purchasers of Each Article. - In
like manner there is a class of “marginal purchasers”
of the article B, or the persons who pay for it so
much that they get no net benefit or consumers’
surplus from the purchase. If they did not buy
this article, they could get something else that would
do them as much good for the same outlay. It
costs, let us say, only ten dollars in the making,
and enough of these articles are made and offered for
sale at that price to supply all customers who are
attracted by the offer. The men who would pay
more for it do not count. Each of the other articles
in the bundle, when it is offered separately and at
the cost price which competition establishes, represents
a final utility to some one class of purchasers.
Competition has made the whole supply so large that,
in order to dispose of it, venders must attract the
particular class who will take it at the ten-dollar
rate. This class is in the strategic position
of market-price makers for this one thing. They
are the last class to whom the producers can afford
to cater. If each of the five articles in the
bundle costs the makers ten dollars, and if so many
of each are made that they just supply the needs of
the classes that will buy them at ten dollars apiece,
the price of all five, when sold separately, will
be fifty dollars. Most of the purchasers of each
article would give more than ten for it if they had
to, but some would not do so, and the producers cater
to the needs of these marginal persons.
How the Prices of the Goods are
fixed when they are sold in Various Combinations. - How
do these articles get their valuation when they are
tied in bundles containing all five of them and the
bundles are sold unbroken? In essentially the
same way as when sold separately. Article A,
we will suppose, is one of the necessaries of life
and is to be had by itself in the market. Article
B represents a comfort, and C and D are luxuries.
The bundles are so made that A and B are often sold
together; as are also A, B, and C; and A, B, C, and
D. A purchaser may have at his option the first only,
the first and the second combined, the first three,
or all four. Article A, when it stands alone,
can be had at the natural or cost price and in quantity
sufficient to supply the wants of all classes of buyers
from the highest down to the class which will take
it at ten dollars - the cost of making it - but
at no higher price. Any one can have the A either
alone or tied to other articles at this price.
One who buys A and B in combination will pay for article
A only the same price that it commands when sold separately;
and since he buys B, the utility of which is less
than that of A, at ten dollars, it is clear that he
gets A for less than it is worth to him, but the ten
dollars may be all he would give for the B. This man
is not the marginal purchaser of A, for in buying
it he realizes a consumers’ surplus; but for
the article B, which is tied to it, he may pay all
that it is worth to him. For that he is a marginal
purchaser, and as such he gets no consumers’
surplus out of it. What he pays for B will just
suffice to buy something else which is equally important
to him. The price of this bundle of two articles
is ultimately determined by the cost of the two components,
which is twenty dollars, and enough of each component
is made and offered in the market to supply the wants
of a class of persons who will barely decide to take
it at the cost rate. The class that hesitates
at taking A will not consider B, but the class that
hesitates at taking B gets a clear benefit from buying
A at the price that expresses the utility of A to
a poorer class of persons.
How Different Classes of Purchasers
cooeperate in this Price Making. - The
rule of one price for one article of course holds,
and the man who would have a clear and decisive motive
for buying the A for more than ten dollars, if he
had to do so, gets the benefit of two facts:
first, that it costs only that amount in the producing,
and secondly, that competition makes the supply of
it so large that it is brought within the reach of
those persons who value it at only ten dollars.
It takes two different classes of purchasers to fix
the price of this package of two articles, and their
ratings fix it at twenty dollars. Exactly the
same influences regulate the price of the bundle which
includes A, B, and C. Men who buy C can afford to have
a luxury, and therefore, if they had had to do so,
would have given more than they do give for the articles
of necessity and comfort. If the price of A and
B were higher than it is, they would still buy these
two things, but they would not raise their bids for
C, since for this they are marginal purchasers.
This commodity is therefore sold at the price that
will just induce this class of persons to add it to
their list of consumers’ goods. There is
a further class in whose list of purchases D is marginal,
while A, B, and C yield a consumers’ surplus
in the form of an uncompensated personal benefit.
Different Utilities in an Article
appraised as are Different Goods in a Package. - It
is an actual fact that most commodities are like these
packages of unlike articles. They are bundles
of unlike utilities, and the market actually finds
a way to analyze composite things and put a separate
price on each utility. It may seem very theoretical
to say that a concrete thing, like a watch, a coat,
a dining table, or a roast fowl, is made up of such
abstract things as utilities and that each of these
has its separate price; yet such is actually the fact,
and if goods were not valued in the market in this
way, the prices of all articles of comfort and luxury
would be very much higher than they are.
A man pays seventy-five dollars for
an overcoat, but if he could not get the service that
the coat as a whole renders without paying five hundred
dollars for it, he would pay it; for otherwise he could
hardly get through a winter. No man who buys
an overcoat worth seventy-five dollars would refuse
to pay more if that were the necessary condition of
having an overcoat at all. The garment as a whole
is far from being a “marginal utility”
to any one; and yet there is something in it that
is so. This element is like the article D in the
fourth bundle referred to in our illustration.
There is a particular utility in the composite good
for which the man pays all that it is worth to him;
and he would go without that utility if the seller
charged more than he does. The most important
service that the coat renders is that of keeping the
man warm; but a very cheap garment would render that
service, and six dollars will buy such a garment.
The man does not need to pay more than six dollars
for that one service. The supply of cheap coats
is such that the final one must be offered for six
dollars in order to induce certain poor purchasers
to buy it, and that, moreover, is all that it costs
to make it. No one, therefore, is obliged to
pay more than six dollars for something that will keep
him warm, however much such a service may be worth
to him. Coats of another grade have a second
utility combined with this one, since they are made
of better cloth and are more comely in appearance.
Utilities of an aesthetic kind are combined with the
crude qualities represented by the cheapest coats.
The supply of coats of this grade is such that they
must be offered for twenty dollars in order to induce
some one to take the final or marginal one. What
does this mean? It means that this purchaser
will pay fourteen dollars and no more in order to have
the second utility, consisting in comeliness, added
to the first utility, capacity to keep him warm.
This man would give more than twenty dollars rather
than go uncloaked; for it is plain that, if he will
pay fourteen dollars for comeliness, he will give more
than six for warmth. Probably he would pay one
hundred dollars for the article if he had to, and
in getting it for twenty he gets a large consumers’
surplus. This is because he secures the first
utility (1) for less than it is worth to him, (2)
for just what it costs in the making, and (3) for
just what it is worth to the poorer purchasers.
He is willing to pay only fourteen dollars for the
comeliness, which is the second utility that the garment
contains, and he is therefore a marginal purchaser
of this second utility. It costs only the sum
of fourteen dollars to add the second utility to the
first, and enough coats of the second grade are made
to catch the patronage of the class of buyers who
will give so much and no more for it. They are
the persons whose demand figures in adjusting the
market price of this second utility. Competing
producers of coats cause the supply of those of the
second grade to be so large that they could not all
be sold unless the second utility were offered for
fourteen dollars. This makes the price of the
entire coat twenty dollars as the result of catering
in a detailed way to the demand of two different classes
of buyers.
In exactly the same way the price
of the third grade is fixed at forty dollars and that
of the still higher grade at seventy-five. In
the third grade there is a utility which it costs
twenty dollars to add to those possessed by garments
of the second grade, and this is added to enough of
them to supply all persons who will pay twenty dollars
or more for it. These coats are made of more
highly finished goods and have better linings, and
this gives them the third utility which the market
appraises at its cost, which is twenty dollars.
The men who buy the forty dollar coats get a surplus
of benefit in securing the first two of the utilities
that are embodied in them, since for these they pay
less than they would pay if they had to; but they get
no surplus over the cost of the third utility.
It is to secure their custom that the vender must
sell it for twenty dollars. In a like manner a
coat of the next grade, which is a more fashionable
garment, sells for seventy-five dollars because it
has a fourth utility which costs another sum of thirty-five
dollars and, to the marginal buyers, is worth that
amount. These men get a surplus from buying the
first three utilities at what they cost their producers
and what they are worth to poorer purchasers.
It appears, then, that a seventy-five dollar coat
is a bundle of distinct elements, or utilities, each
of which has its separate cost and is sold at that
cost price to a particular marginal class of purchasers.
Each element is valued exactly as if it were in itself
a complete article tied in this case to others, but
also offered separately in the market. Persons
of one class are final purchasers of the first utility
when it is offered at its cost, six dollars.
Another class, in a like manner, helps to set the price
of the second utility at fourteen, and still other
classes figure in the adjustment of the prices of
the third and fourth utilities. These cost the
manufacturers twenty dollars and thirty-five dollars
respectively, and competition insures the making of
enough of them to catch the patronage of those who
will pay just these amounts. Members of one class
act as marginal purchasers in price making in the case
of one utility only. The concurrent action of
all of them results in setting the price of the best
coat at eighty dollars. It is a very practical
fact that the rates at which all fine articles sell
in the market are fixed in this way. Such articles
contain utilities unlike each other. They have
power to render services of varying degrees of importance,
and each of the several services gets its normal valuation
when producers make enough to supply the want of a
particular group of persons to whom it is a marginal
service and who are willing to pay only what it costs.
They would go without that one service if they had
to pay more for it.
This Method of Valuation Applicable
to All Commodities of High Grade. - Illustrations
of this principle might be multiplied indefinitely.
A fine watch tells the time of day, but something that
would do that could be had for a dollar, and that is
all that this fundamental element in the fine watch
sells for. It takes a series of purchasers bidding
on the higher utilities of the fine watch to make
it sell for five hundred dollars. The man who
buys such a watch would give, perhaps, ten thousand
for it rather than be without a watch altogether,
but he is saved from the necessity of doing so by the
fact that poorer customers have done the appraising
in the case of all the more fundamental qualities
which the watch possesses. So long as an Ingersoll
“dollar watch” will tell the time of day,
no one will pay more than a dollar for exactly that
same service rendered by any watch whatever; and the
same thing is true of other services. Social in
a very concrete and literal sense is the operation
of fixing prices. Only the simplest and cheapest
things that are sold in the market at all bring just
what they are worth to the buyers, and all articles
of higher grade offer to all who buy them a surplus
of service not offset by what is paid for them.
If we rule out the cheapest and poorest grades of
articles, we find all others affording a “consumers’