The Equilibrium of Industrial Groups. - The
different industrial groups are in equilibrium when
they attract labor and capital equally, and that occurs
when these agents produce as much per unit employed
in one group as in another. Such equalized productivity
is the bottom fact of a static condition, and equalized
pay follows from it. Wages and interest tend
to be uniform in all the groups. Efficient labor,
of course, gets in any employment more than inefficient;
but labor of a given grade gets in all the groups
that make up industrial society a uniform rate of
pay, and nothing is to be gained by any capitalist
or by any laborer by moving from one employment to
another. They all therefore stay where they are,
not because they cannot move freely if they wish to
do so, but because no inducement to move is offered
to them. This is a condition of perfect mobility
without motion - of atoms ready to move at
a touch without the touch that would move them.
The paradox indeed holds that it is the ideally perfect
mobility which has existed in the past which positively
excludes motion in the present. At some time
in the past labor and capital have gone from group
to group till they have brought about an adjustment
in which they have no incentive for moving farther.
The surface of a pool of water is kept tranquil, not
because the water is not perfectly fluid, but because,
in spite of the fact that it can flow with entire freedom
in any direction if it is impelled more in that direction
than in any other, each particle of it is impelled
equally in all directions. It is the perfect
equilibrium that keeps the particles from changing
their places, and fluidity has caused the equilibrium.
In like manner when labor and capital can create and
get just as much in one place as in another, they
are attracted as strongly in one direction as in another
and therefore do not move. A young man of average
capacity, who is deliberating upon the choice of an
occupation, will find that he can do as well in a
cotton mill as he can in a shoe factory, a machine
shop, a lumber mill, a flouring mill, or any other
industrial establishment requiring his particular
grade of capacity. This is the picture of a perfectly
static industrial condition. Economic science
has to account for values, wages, and interest as they
would be in such a condition, however impossible it
is that society should ever reach exactly such a state.
The values, wages, and interest in a real market are
forever tending toward the rates that would be established
if the static condition were realized.
The Sign of a Static State. - The
sign of the existence of a static condition is, therefore,
that labor and capital, though they are perfectly
free to move from one employment to another and would
actually do so on the slightest inducement, still do
not move. They stay where they are because they
cannot find places where they can produce the slightest
amount in excess of what they now produce, and no
employer will anywhere offer any excess above the prevailing
rate of pay.
Profits and the Movements they
induce the Sign of a Dynamic State. - Entrepreneur’s
profits, when they exist, mean that this equilibrium
is disturbed, and when it is so, mobility of labor
and capital affords the guaranty that a new equilibrium
will be established if no further disturbances follow.
As we have said, profits attract labor and capital,
increase the output of those goods which yield the
profit, and reduce the prices of them to the no-profit
level. Workmen and capitalists then get from the
entrepreneur as wages and interest all that
he gets from the public as the price of his goods,
except what he pays for raw materials. In other
words, the employer sells his goods at cost.
The case in which this statement requires
qualification is that in which the material in
its rawest state still has value, as is the case
with ore and mineral oil contained in the earth
but not a true part of land in the economic sense,
since they are exhausted in the using. The
price of a product into which these elements enter
includes something that represents the value which
they have in situ and before any labor
has been expended on them. It is true even in
these cases that the value of the product is measured
in terms of wages and interest, provided that
the exhaustible elements such as ore, oil, etc.,
are capable of being replenished, or provided
that an effective substitute for them is in process
of production by means of labor and capital.
The natural raw material is then worth what the
artificial substitute costs in terms of capital
and labor, and the finished product which contains
some of the natural material sells for the amount
which the finished product costs, which is made
altogether by labor and capital applied to valueless
elements in nature.
How Costs are Determined. - The
early studies of “natural” values, or
values which conform to costs of production, were unconscious
and imperfect attempts to attain the laws of value
in a static state. In such a state costs resolve
themselves into wages and interest, and the conception
of such a static state is therefore not complete unless
we know how wages and interest themselves are determined.
What we have already said implies that they fluctuate
about certain standards, just as do the prices of
goods, and that they would remain at these standards
if society were reduced to a static condition.
Significance of Static Law in a
Dynamic State. - An actual society is
undergoing constant disturbances. It is very far
from being static; and yet values of goods, on the
one hand, and the earnings of labor and capital, on
the other, hover within a certain distance of the
standards which would be realized if the society became
static. In spite of active dynamic movements
the general returns of labor and capital can never
range so far from these theoretical amounts that the
distance from them cannot in some way be measured and
accounted for. The sea, when gales are blowing
and tides are rising and falling, is anything but
a static object, and yet it keeps a general level in
spite of storms and tides, and the surface of it as
a whole is surprisingly near to the ideal mathematical
surface that would be presented if all disturbances
were to cease. In like manner there are certain
influences that are disturbing the economic equilibrium
just as storms and tidal waves disturb the equilibrium
of the sea. We cannot actually stop these influences
any more than we can stay the winds and the lunar
attraction; but we can create an imaginary static
state for scientific purposes, just as a physicist
by a process of calculation can create a hypothetical
static condition of the sea and discover the level
from which heights and depths should be measured.
No more than the economist can he actually bring the
subject he is dealing with to a motionless condition.
The economic ocean will defy any modern Canute who
may try to stop its movements; but it is necessary
to know what shape and level it would take if this
were done.
Influences that disturb the Static
Equilibrium. - The influences that disturb
the economic equilibrium are, in general, five.
The population of the world increases, and this is
one influence which prevents values, wages, and interest
from subsiding to perfectly “natural”
standards. Capital is increasing, and this influence
also acts as a disturbing factor. The methods
of producing things change, and the changes have a
very powerful effect in preventing the attainment of
a static equilibrium. New modes of organizing
different industries are coming into vogue, and this
causes a further disturbance of the economic adjustment.
The wants of men are by no means fixed; they change,
multiply, and act on the economic condition of society
in a way that affects the static adjustment.
Even physical nature undergoes change, and the perishable
part of the earth does so in a disquieting way.
We are using up much of our natural inheritance.
As the effect of this appears chiefly in forcing us
to change our processes of production, we shall, for
convenience, limit our study to the five changes here
Movement Inevitable in the Dynamic
State. - These influences reveal their
presence by making labor and capital more productive
in some places than they are in others, and by causing
them ever and anon to move from places of less productiveness
to places where gains are greater. As we have
said, this moving of labor and capital to and fro
is, like currents in the sea, a sign of a dynamic condition.
As in the static state these agents would not thus
move, however fluid and mobile they might be, so in
a dynamic state they are bound to move, because their
earning powers do not remain long exactly equal in
any two employments, and they go now hither and now
yon, as, in the changeful system, openings for increased
gains present themselves. If commodities were
everywhere selling at cost prices and if wages and
interest were everywhere normal and uniform, labor
and capital would not move to and fro, and this would
be a proof that dynamic influences were absent.
How an Imaginary Static Society
is Created. - If we wish to discover
to what standard the values of goods, on the one hand,
and the rewards of labor and capital, on the other,
continually tend to conform, we must create an imaginary
society in which population neither increases nor
diminishes, in which capital is fixed in amount, in
which the method of making goods does not change,
in which the mode of organizing industry continues
without alteration, and in which the wants of consumers
never vary in number, in kind, or in intensity.
Costs of Production in a Static
State. - We have said that in such a
static state the prices of different products are just
high enough to cover the wages and interest which
are generally paid. There are uniform or all-around
rates of pay for labor and for capital, and every
man who hires workmen or gets loans from a bank has
to pay them. In the real world, full as it is
of disturbances, and given over as it is to forces
of change and progress, we find that values, wages,
and interest are in general surprisingly near to these
standards. In a particular business products
may for a time sell for enough to afford a large surplus
above prevailing wages and interest, and business as
a whole may, for a time, yield some such surplus;
but in the absence of monopolistic privileges no one
business yields a large surplus for a long time, and
still less does business as a whole do so, though
profits may always be found somewhere within the system.
The Final Productivity of Labor. - If
we assume that the capital of society is a fixed amount,
we may perform an imaginary experiment which will
show how much labor really produces. We may set
men at work, a few at a time, until they are all employed,
and we may measure the product of each of the detachments.
We should make the different sections of the working
force as similar to each other as it is possible to
make them and call each section a unit of labor.
If there were ten such divisions and if the quantity
of capital were sufficient to equip them all on the
scale on which laborers are at present actually equipped,
it is clear that this amount of capital, when it was
lavished on one single section, must have supplied
it with instruments of production in nearly inconceivable
profusion. What we should to-day regard as a
fair complement of capital for a thousand men would
nearly glut the wants of a hundred, and yet it is thinkable
that it should take such forms that they would be able
to use it.
Productivity of the First Unit
of Labor. - We will set at work one section
which we have called one unit of labor and will put
into the hands of its members the whole capital which
is designed ultimately to equip the ten sections.
It is very clear that the forms that this capital
will take cannot be the same that it will have to take
when the entire working force is using it. Indeed,
we shall have to tax our ingenuity to devise ways
in which one unit of labor can utilize the capital
that will ultimately be used by ten. The tools
and machines will have to be few in number but very
costly and perfect. We shall have to resort to
every device that will make a machine nearly automatic
and cause it to exact very little attention from the
person who tends it. The buildings will have
to be of the most substantial and durable kind.
We shall have to spend money without stint wherever
the spending of it will make labor more productive
than it would otherwise be. If we do this, however,
the product of the labor and its equipment will be
a very large one. The industry will succeed in
turning out indefinitely more goods than a modern industry
actually does, and the reason for it will be that
the workmen have capital placed in their hands in
unparalleled profusion.
The Product of the Second Unit
of Labor. - We will now introduce a second
unit of labor, by doubling the number of workers, without
changing the amount of the capital. We must, of
course, change the forms of the capital, or it cannot
be advantageously used by the larger working force.
The buildings will have to be larger, and if they
are to be erected with about the same amount of capital
as was formerly used, they must be built in a cheaper
way. Tools of every sort must be more numerous,
and this larger number of tools, if it is to represent
the same investment of capital that the former number
embodied, must also be simpler and cheaper. The
whole equipment of capital goods will have
to undergo a complete transmutation; but the essential
thing is that the amount of the capital should not
be changed.
A Provisional Mode of Measuring
Capital. - In measuring the amount of
the capital we are obliged to use a unit of cost, and
in the illustration we have assumed that the cost
can be measured in dollars. The productive fund
consisted at the outset of a certain number of dollars
invested in productive operations. This is only
a provisional mode of measuring it. The money
spent really represents sacrifice incurred, and we
shall find that the only kind of sacrifice that is
available for measuring the cost of goods of any kind
is that which is incurred by labor. Ultimate
measurements of wealth in all its forms have to be
made in terms of labor. Such measurements have
presented difficulties, and the attempt to make them
has led to serious fallacies. We shall see, in
due time, how these fallacies can be avoided.
The Law of Diminishing Productivity. - Under
these conditions the second unit of labor will add
something to the amount that was produced by the first
unit, but it will not cause the product to become
double what it was. It could not do that unless
the capital also were doubled. Each unit of labor
is now cooeperating with one half of the original
capital, and the total product is less than it would
have been if the new labor, on entering the field,
had brought with it as full an equipment of productive
instruments as was possessed by the labor that preceded
it. Adding to the industry a second unit of labor
without adding anything to the capital makes the total
product somewhat larger, but falls short of doubling
it. If we credit to this second unit of labor
what it adds to the product that was created before
it came into the field, we shall find that it is a
certain positive amount, but obviously less than the
total product which was realized by the first unit
and all the capital. It is even less than
a half of the product of the two units using all the
capital. Perhaps the first unit of labor, when
it used all the capital, created ten units of product;
while the two units of labor, using this same original
amount of capital, produce sixteen units of product.
The clear addition to the original product which is
caused by the added labor of the second squad of workmen
is only six units, while a half of the total product
after the addition to the labor has been made is eight.
This figure represents the amount we may attribute
to one unit of labor and a half of the total capital,
while six represent what is causally due to
one unit of bare labor only. With all the capital
and one unit of labor we get ten units of product,
while the addition of one unit of bare labor brings
the total amount up to sixteen. Six units find
the cause of their existence in the presence of the
second unit of labor, and the second unit therefore
shows, as compared with the first, a diminished productivity.
Product of the Third Unit of Labor. - We
will now introduce a third unit of labor, leaving
the amount of capital still unchanged, but again altering
the forms of it so as to adapt them to the needs of
a still larger working force. We will make the
buildings larger and therefore, of necessity, cheaper
in their forms and materials. We will make the
tools and machines more numerous and simple, and will
do everything that is necessary in order to make the
fixed amount of capital - the fund amounting
to a given number of “dollars” - embody
itself in the number and the kinds of capital goods
that are requisite in order to supply three times
the original number of workmen. The third unit
of labor now adds something to the product realized
by the first two, but the addition is smaller than
it was in the case of the second unit.
Products of a Series of Units of
Labor. - If we continue this process
till we have ten units of labor, employing the same
amount of capital as was formerly used by one, we
shall find that each unit as it begins to work adds
less to the previous product than did the unit which
preceded it, and that the tenth unit adds the least
of all.
Care must be taken not to confound
the addition that is made to the product in consequence
of the additional working force with the amount which,
after the enlargement of the force, is created by the
last unit of labor and its pro rata share of the
capital. When the tenth unit of labor is
working, it is using a tenth of the capital and the
two together create a tenth of the product. This
is more than the amount which is added to the
product by the advent of the tenth unit of labor.
That addition is merely the difference between the
product of all the capital and nine units of labor
and that of all the capital and ten units of labor.
This extra product can be attributed entirely to the
increment of labor.
It is also carefully to be noted that
when the units are all working together, their products
are equal and the particular one which happened to
arrive last is not less productive than the others.
Each one of them is now less productive than
each one of the force of nine was under the earlier
conditions. In like manner each unit of the
nine is less productive than was, in the still earlier
period, each unit of the force of eight. At any
one period, all units produce the same amount.
At any one period, then, what any one unit of labor
produces by the aid of its pro rata share of
the capital is a larger amount than what each can
be regarded as producing by itself. Though one
of ten units creates, with the aid of a tenth of the
capital, a tenth of the product, of itself it creates
less; for we can only regard as its own product what
it adds to the product that was creating before it
arrived on the scene. It is the bare product of
a unit of labor alone that we are seeking to distinguish
from other elements in the general output of the industry,
and that consists in the difference between what nine
units of labor and all the capital can produce, and
what ten units of labor and all the capital can produce.
We will consider the amount of capital
fixed and let the amount of labor increase along the
line AE, and we will let the product of successive
units of labor be measured by the vertical distance
from the points on the line AE to the descending
curve CD. AC is the product of the first
unit of labor. The product of later units is
measured by lines to the right of AC and parallel
with it, which grow shorter as the number of units
increases. ED is the product of the last unit.
In each case we impute to an increment of labor whatever
amount of product its presence adds to that which was
created before.
Summary of Essential Facts. - The
facts that are to be remembered then are: first,
that the capital remains fixed in amount, though the
forms of it change as the number of units of labor
increases; secondly, that that which we call the product
of a unit of labor is what that unit, coming into
the field without any capital, can add to the product
of the labor and capital that were there before; and
thirdly, that this specific product of labor grows
smaller as the amount of labor grows larger, rendering
the product of the last unit the smallest of all.
When the tenth and last unit is working, each one
of the nine earlier units is, of itself, producing
no more than does the final one, though it formerly
produced more because of the larger quota of capital
with which it was formerly supplied.
The Test of Final Productivity. - There
are now at work ten units of capital and ten of labor,
and we cannot go through the process of building up
the working force from the beginning. How, then,
do we measure the true product of a single unit of
labor? By withdrawing that unit, letting the
industry go on by the aid of all the capital and one
unit of labor the less. Whatever one of the ten
units of labor we take away we leave only nine working.
If the forms of the capital change so as to allow
the nine units to use it advantageously, the product
will not be reduced to nine tenths of its former size,
but it will still be reduced; and the amount of the
diminution measures the amount of product that can
be attributed to one unit of bare labor. Or we
may add a certain number of workmen to a social force
already at work, making no change in the amount of
the capital, - though changing its forms, - and
see how much additional product we get. That also
is a test of final productivity. It gives the
same measurement as does the experiment of taking
away the little detachment of men and seeing how much
the product shrinks. By either process we measure
an amount that is attributable altogether to bare
labor and not to capital.
The whole area BCD in the diagram
is an amount of product that is attributable to capital
and not to labor. It represents the total surplus
produced by labor and capital over the amount that
can be traced to the labor alone. The product
of all the capital and all the labor minus ten times
the product of a single unit of labor is the amount
that is attributable to the productive fund only.
The area ABDE represents this
amount. The last unit of labor creates the amount
DE and the number of units is represented by
the amount AE. All of them are now equally
productive and what all create, as apart from what
capital creates, is the amount ABDE.
Only the Final Part of this Mode
of gathering a Working Force practically resorted
To. - The process of building up the working
force from a single unit is imaginary. In practical
life we see the process only in its final stage. Entrepreneurs
do continually have to test the effect of making their
working forces a little larger or a little smaller,
and in so doing they test the final productivity of
labor; and this is all that is necessary. Tracing
the process of building up the force of labor unit
by unit reveals a law which is important, namely,
that of the diminishing productivity of single units
of labor as the number of units increases. If
we crowd the world full of people but do not proportionately
multiply working appliances of every kind, we shall
make labor poorer.
Why a Detachment of Laborers rather
than One Man is treated as a Unit of Labor. - In
making up the force of workers we might have treated
each individual as a unit; but we have preferred to
call a detachment a unit in order that the symmetry
of the force might be preserved. Even though
we were studying only a single mill it would have its
departments, and it would be desirable that, when we
enlarge the force of men, we should be able without
difficulty to give to each part of the mill its fair
share of the new laborers. If it were a shoe
factory, we should need to add lasters, welters,
sewers of uppers, etc., in a certain proportionate
way, in order that one part of the mill might not
get ahead of another and pile up unfinished products
faster than they could be taken and completed.
In the last analysis the law applies
to the industry of all society. The final unit
in the case consists of shoemakers, cotton spinners,
builders, foundrymen, miners, cultivators, etc.,
and of men of all subtrades included in the general
callings. As the composite detachments come into
the field, they apportion themselves among all the
occupations that are represented, and that too in nicely
adjusted proportions. We shall see in due time
how this adjustment of the several shares of the social
force of laborers is practically made.
The Law of Final Productivity Applicable
to the Labor of Society. - The law of
final productivity applies to every mill, shop, or
mine separately considered. If its capital remains
fixed in amount, units of labor produce less and less
as they become more numerous. The product of
any unit at any one time may be measured by taking
it away and seeing how much the output of the establishment
is reduced. The law, however, applies to all
the mills, shops, mines, etc., considered as
a social complex of working establishments. As
the working society grows larger without growing richer
in the aggregate, the power of labor to produce goods
of all kinds grows less. At any one time this
producing power is measured by taking away from every
working establishment a number of its operatives and
ascertaining how much less is produced after the withdrawal.
Such a test on the social scale is never made consciously.
Each employer can test in an approximate way the effect
of reducing his own force, and the effect of gradually
enlarging it, and there are influences at work which
result in enlarging one industry when others are enlarged
and in causing the final productivity of labor to
be uniform in all. A shoe manufacturer can tell,
in a general way, how much an extra man or two will
be worth to him. It is possible to ascertain
by experience about what number of shoes that additional
labor will, in a year, add to the output of the shoe
factory or the number of tons of steel it will add
to the present annual output of a furnace. When
these products vary in the case of different shops,
the men are called to the points where the apparent
additions are largest, and the constant tendency is
toward a level of productive power. The building
up of an imaginary force from the beginning presents,
in a clear and emphatic way, the fact that the specific
productivity of labor grows less as, other things remaining
the same, workers become more numerous. We should
know on a priori grounds that this must be
the fact; but we can verify it by observation and
statistical inquiry. Where men are numerous and
land and tools are scarce, labor is comparatively
unproductive; and it is highly productive where land
and tools are plentiful. There is no doubt that
crowding the world full of people, without providing
the world with capital in a proportionate way, would
impoverish everybody whose income depends on labor.
The Law of Wages. - Even
though labor creates the amount ABDE, it is
not yet perfectly clear that it will be able to get
that amount. For aught we now know the entrepreneur
may keep some of it, and for aught we know he may
keep some of the quantity BCD which is distinctly
the product of capital. Let us see whether he
can in reality withhold any part of ABDE, which
is the product of labor.
Wages under Perfect Competition. - In
the static state that we have assumed, competition
works without let or hindrance. It does not work
thus in the actual world, and we shall in due time
take account of the obstacles it encounters; but what
we are now studying is the standards to which such
competition as there is - and it is in reality
very active - is tending to make wages conform.
We want to know what would happen in case this competition
encountered no hindrance at all. This would require
that a workman should be able to set employers bidding
against each other for his services just as actively
as an employer can make laborers bid against each
other in selling their services. If this were
the case, every unit of labor could get what it produces,
no more and no less. Even a single man, offering
himself to one employer after another, would virtually
carry in his hands a potential product for sale.
His coming to any man’s mill would mean more
goods turned out in a year by the mill; and if one
employer would not pay him for them at their market
value, another one would. The final unit of social
labor can get, under perfectly free competition, the
value of whatever things that labor, considered apart
from capital, brings into existence. Moreover,
each unit of labor by itself alone now produces, as
we have seen, the same amount of commodity as the final
unit, and can get the price of it. Now that they
are all working together each one of them can place
itself in the position of the final unit by leaving
its present employment and offering its services elsewhere.
Wages regarded as Prices of Fractional
Products adjusted by Perfect Competition. - Under
the hypothesis of perfect competition, as the term
has been used in our discussion, the venders of goods
can get their market values. These values are
fixed by the final utility law. Free competition
means, then, not only that any average laborer who
offers himself for hire virtually carries in his hands
a potential but definite product for sale, but that
he may confidently offer it at the price that is fixed
by its final utility. Like other venders, the
laborer can get the true value of his product and he
can get no more. In an ideally perfect society
organized on the competitive plan a man would be as
dependent on his own productive power as he would be
if he were alone in a wilderness. His pay would
be his product; but that would be indefinitely larger
than it could be in a wilderness or in any primitive
state. The capital of other men and the organization
that they maintain enable a worker to create and get
far more than he could if he lived alone, even though,
like Crusoe, he were monarch of his whole environment.
It would be a losing bargain for the worker to surrender
the product of mere labor in a state of civilization
in exchange for what both labor and capital create
in a state of savagery.