The more serious perversions of the
economic system which we have encountered have all
been traceable to some working of the principle of
monopoly, and it is important to know whether any established
policy of governments lends force to this evil influence.
Import duties were established in America for the
purpose of protecting industries as such, and a vital
question now is whether they have now begun to protect
monopolies within the industries.
A Supposed Conflict between Theory
and Practice. - There was a time when
theorists and practical men seemed to be in hopeless
disagreement concerning the entire subject of protection.
In the view of the practical man an economist was
a person who, in his study, had reached certain conclusions
which were equally unanswerable in themselves and
irreconcilable with the facts. The expression
most commonly heard in this connection was that “theory
and practice do not agree.” The doctrinarians
were, in those days, unusually harmonious among themselves,
for there were comparatively few who made a vigorous
defense of protection on grounds of economic principle.
The practical world was less harmonious, since the
views of different parts of it were colored by differing
interests; but the fact that science did not fall
into self-contradiction was encouraging. It was
possible for the uncompromising free-trader to think
and to say that fundamental principles were all on
his side, and that the protectionist had nothing in
his favor except transient disturbances that interfered
with the perfect working of the principles.
Static Theory in Favor of Free
Trade. - Now, the business world conceded
too much to the free-trader when it said that he had
theory altogether in his favor. What he could
truthfully claim, and what the world could safely
admit, was that he had static theory in his favor.
Static theory deals with a world which is free, not
only from friction and disturbance, but also from
those elements of change and progress which are the
marked features of actual life. Stop all the changes
that are taking place in the industrial life of the
world; put an end to inventions and improvements in
business organization; let there be no moving of population
to and fro, and no increase of the aggregate population
of the world; further, let there be no addition to
the wealth of the world and no change in its forms, - and
you will have the static state described in the early
part of this treatise. Men would go on making
things to the end of time, using identically the same
methods that are now in vogue and getting identically
the same results, and in such an imaginary world there
would be no possibility of answering the contention
of the general body of economists of a generation
ago. Free trade would be the only rational policy,
and it could be defended upon the simple ground on
which division of labor in the case of individuals
is defended. One man has an aptitude for making
shoes, another for making watches, another for painting
pictures, and so on; and each one of them can gain
far more by devoting himself to his specialty and
bartering off the product of it than he can by trying
to make everything for himself. Nations have
their special aptitudes and should follow them, and
make all they can out of them; and the nation which
has special facilities for producing cotton, or wheat,
or petroleum, or gold and silver bullion should devote
itself to its specialties, barter off the results,
and get all manner of goods in return.
Wastes from Protection reduced
by the Fact of Diversified Resources. - It
is true, indeed, that a great nation like our own
makes a much better jack-of-all-trades than an individual
can make. It is far more probable that the nation
as a whole can produce without much waste all the
things it wants to use than that any individual can
do so. If we have all climates from the tropical
to the arctic, all soils, and a full list of mineral
deposits, why should it pay us to confine ourselves
to the making of only a few things in order to barter
them off for others? Why should we not, with our
wide range of resources, make everything?
Undoubtedly we can make almost everything
if we insist upon doing it; but there are still some
things that other countries can make and sell to us
on such terms that we can do better by buying them
than by producing them ourselves. We can raise
tea in the United States, but it pays us better to
make something else and barter it off for tea.
A day’s labor spent in raising cotton to send
away in exchange gives us more tea than a day’s
labor spent in producing the latter article directly.
In a static condition we should have found in what
fields it is most profitable to employ our energies.
We should be directly making things that it would
pay us best to make, and we should be indirectly making
the other things; that is, we should be producing
articles to send off in exchange for those other things.
Wherever an indirect way of acquiring a thing had
proved most profitable, we should have adopted that
method, and we should always adhere to it. Anything
that forced us to make directly something which we
could secure in greater abundance by bestowing the
labor that would make it on making something else,
would turn our energies in a comparatively unproductive
direction. It would inflict on us a waste and
a loss - and there are such wastes and losses
inherent in the operation of the principle of protection,
and there is no contending against the argument that
demonstrates their existence. Protection and a
certain distortion of the productive system, a certain
misdirection of energy, are synonymous.
The Argument for Protection Dynamic. - Now
an intelligent argument in favor of protection begins
at this point. It accepts the whole static argument
in favor of free trade, and its own assertion begins
with a “nevertheless.” It claims
that in spite of what is thus conceded, protection
is justifiable, since, in the end, it will pay, notwithstanding
the wastes that attend it. The argument for protection
is entirely a dynamic one. It is based on the
fact of progress and admits that it could make no
case for itself under the conditions of a static state.
If every country had certain special facilities for
producing particular things, and if its state in this
respect were destined to remain forever unchanged,
it could, to the end of time, make itself richer by
depending for many things on its neighbors than it
could by depending for those things immediately on
itself. The fact is, however, that a nation like
our own abounds in undeveloped and even unknown resources
which, when brought to the light, may take precedence
of many of those which are known and utilized.
If our country from end to end were like Cape Nome,
and as rich in gold as the richest part of that remote
region, and if it were certain that the deposits of
gold would never be exhausted and would employ the
whole energy of our people, it is clear that we should
have one staple occupation and should depend upon
the rest of the world for almost every sort of portable
commodity. We should be stopped from manufacturing
by the great productivity of labor in placer mining.
So long as men could make ten dollars a day by washing
out gold from the sands, there would be no use in
setting them at work making two dollars a day as weavers
or shoemakers or what not. By buying our cloth
with gold dust we could get far more of it than we
could if we took the men out of the mine and set them
to making the stuff itself. But - and
here is the proviso that makes the supposition correspond
with the fact - if, besides the placers,
we had deep mines of other metals than gold, if we
had oil and lumber and loam of every variety, and
if we had people with undeveloped mechanical aptitudes,
it might be that we should do well to develop these
latent energies even in a wasteful way. The condition
that would fully establish the similarity between
the supposed case and the actual one is that the placer
deposits should be, as placers are, sure to be
exhausted by continued working, and that producing
other things than gold should tend to become, with
time, a more and more fruitful process. We can
justify the attitude of the country that taxes itself
at an early date for the sake of testing and developing
the latent aptitudes of its land and its people.
At the outset it will thereby sustain a loss, because
at the outset it can gain more goods by the indirect
method of exchange than it can by production; but
there may easily come a time when it can gain more
by the direct method. If we learn to make things
more economically than we could originally make them,
if we hit upon cheap sources of motive power and of
raw material, and especially if we devise machinery
that works rapidly and accurately and greatly multiplies
the product of a man’s working day, we shall
reach a condition in which, instead of a loss incidental
to the early years of manufacturing, we shall have
an increasing gain that will continue to the end of
time. It may be, further, that without protection
and the burdensome tax which it did undoubtedly impose
upon us, we should have had to wait far too long for
this gain to accrue and should have sacrificed the
benefits that come from a long interval of diversified
and fruitful industry.
In short, the static argument for
free trade is unanswerable and the dynamic argument
for protection, when intelligently stated, is equally
so. The two arguments do not meet and refute each
other, but are mutually consistent. It is possible
to ridicule the argument for protection under the
name of the “infant industry” argument,
and it is possible for the policy it upholds to continue
long after this argument has ceased to be valid.
The overgrown infant will have sacrificed his claim
for coddling, but that will not prove that there was
never a time when he needed it.
The Policy demanded in View of
Facts Static and Dynamic. - Now, there
is an argument for tariff reduction which accepts both
the static argument for free trade and the dynamic
argument for protection. In fact, it bases itself
on the protectionist’s modern and intelligent
claim. To advance in any form the infant industry
argument is to admit that the policy advocated is
temporary. Protective duties are, in fact, self-testing.
They reveal in their very working whether they were
originally justifiable or not. The ground on which
they were imposed is that they would develop latent
resources - that they would enable labor
to produce as much by making a class of articles formerly
produced in foreign countries as it could produce by
engaging in industries already established and exchanging
their products for the former articles. If that
time should come, the industry that had to grow up
originally under the protection of a duty would become
so fruitful that it could dispense with the duty.
Taxes of this kind tend to become inoperative, provided
always that the latent resources for economical production
really exist.
Some years ago a man who had retired from the business of
making spool silk remarked that, in his judgment, a duty of three per cent on
imported silk of this kind would enable the American mills to hold full
possession of their own market. The difference between what it cost the
foreigner to make the silk and what it cost the American to make it was, as he
thought, not over three per cent. If he was right in his estimate, almost
all of the actual duty might have been abolished without crushing the American
manufacturer. Americans had developed a sufficient aptitude for making
spool silk to be able to get nearly as much of it by turning their labor in that
direction as they could by turning their labor in any other direction and
exchanging the product for foreign silk. We must originally have lost much
by forcing ourselves directly to make the silk, for, at the outset, we could not
make it as economically as we could make an article which we could exchange for
it. At the time of which we are speaking we could make it with almost no
waste, and the case illustrates a general fact with regard to duties upon
articles in the making of which we are originally at a disadvantage but are
afterward at no disadvantage at all. When our original disadvantage has
been quite overcome, the duty becomes inoperative. Whether we keep it or
throw it off will make no difference to the American manufacturer or to the
American consumer - provided
always that competition is free and active.
If it is not so, there is a very different story to
Importance of Changes in the Relative
Productivity of Different Industries. - Instead
of getting from the soil gold dust to barter for merchandise,
we have been getting a product that is not so greatly
unlike it. For grains of gold read kernels of
wheat, and the statement will tell what a large portion
of our country has produced and exported. The
productivity of wheat raising has made it uneconomical,
in certain extensive regions, to engage in other occupations;
but as the fertility of the wheat lands has declined,
and as the productive power of labor in other directions
has increased, we have reached a point at which it
is just as natural to make things for which we formerly
bartered wheat as it is to produce the grain itself.
The decline in the fertility of agricultural lands
and the increase in the productive power of labor
devoted to making steel appear to have made the manufacturer
of the latter article as independent as is the raiser
of cereals. Originally it was necessary to protect
iron and steel industries from competition in order
to secure the establishment of them at an early day.
Now it is apparently not necessary to continue the
protection. Labor in making steel will give us
as many tons of it in a year as the same labor would
give us if spent in the raising of wheat to be exchanged
for foreign steel. The duty on steel, if this
is the case, has become inoperative, in the sense
that it no longer acts to save from destruction the
steel-making industry. It is perniciously operative
in another direction, for it is an essential protector
of a quasi-monopoly in the industry; and this illustrates
what often happens in cases in which the infant industry
argument proves to be well grounded. The argument
predicts for the newly established industry a great
future development and a time of ultimate independence.
Protection undertakes to nurse it through its period
of helplessness and dependence into a time when it
can stand on its own feet and maintain itself against
rivals. If that period comes, - and
the history of the United States shows that in many
cases it has come, - you can throw off the
entire duty, if you will, and, unless the price of
the article has been artificially sustained by something
besides the duty, our manufacturers will not lose possession
of their market.
An essential condition of realizing
the happy predictions of the protectionists is that
competition among American producers should be unimpeded.
If that were so, goods would, as they said, be sold,
in the end, at prices fixed by the costs of production,
including the normal rate of interest on the capital
employed. Manufacturers may originally get large
profits, as an offset for such risks as they take in
doing pioneer work; but afterward they will get interest
on their capital and a good personal return for directing
their business, but nothing more. If they sell
goods at prices which yield only such returns as this,
they will, when the industry is on its feet, sell them
as cheaply as the foreigner would do. The high
duty, if it still continues, may make it doubly difficult
for the foreigner to come into our market; but with
goods selling at natural cost or cost prices he would
not come into it in any case, and the duty might be
abolished with entire impunity.
There are, indeed, some questions
which arise as to occasional unloading of extensive
stocks in foreign markets, and protection has been
called for to prevent the foreigner from making America
his “dumping ground.” This process
works in both ways: the American can dump his
surplus products into foreign territory as well as
the foreigner can into American territory. Not
much attention need be paid to this particular phase
of the subject. Conservatism will probably suffice,
for a long time, to retain in force a somewhat higher
duty than is called for on general grounds. In
the main the fact is as stated: if the protected
infant has the capacity for growth that was attributed
to him when the course of nursing, coddling, training,
and patient waiting was entered upon, he will announce
that fact after a term of years by showing his inherent
strength and proving that these fostering practices
are no longer necessary. They are then needed
only to aid a monopolistic power within the industry.
The Protection of Industries distinguished
from the Protection of Monopolies. - It
appears, then, that duties have two distinct functions.
One is to protect from foreign competition an industry
as such - to shield every producer, whether
he is working independently or in a pool or trust.
The other function is to protect a trust in the industry - to
enable a great combination working within the limits
of the United States to keep that great field to itself
and still charge abnormally high prices for its products.
In fact, a distinguishable part of a duty usually
performs the former of these functions, and another
distinguishable part performs the latter. If the
natural price of an article is based on the cost of
making it in the United States, and if that is twenty
per cent higher than the cost in a foreign country,
a duty of twenty per cent will place the American product
and the foreign product on an equality. The American
maker will not be driven from his market until he
begins to charge an abnormally high price. If
he does that, the foreigner will come in. Suppose,
then, that the duty is forty per cent. Twenty
per cent may be needed to enable the American manufacturer
to hold his own as against the foreigner. Provided
he exacts from consumers of his goods only the natural
returns which business yields, year in and year out,
he can sell all that his mills produce with no danger
that the foreigner will supplant him. The other
twenty per cent of duty enables him to add a monopolistic
profit to his prices. He can raise them by about
that amount above what is natural before the foreigner
will begin to make him trouble.
We have seen what ways the trust has
of stifling competition within the limits of our own
country. There are the favors which it is able
to get from the railroads, and there is the practice
of selling its goods in some one locality at a cut-throat
rate whenever a competitor appears in that locality.
There is the so-called factors’ agreement, which
often forces merchants to buy goods of a certain class
exclusively from the trust. By these means and
others the trust makes it perilous to build a mill
for the purpose of competing with it. If, indeed,
it makes its prices very high, some bold adventurer
will build such a mill and take the chances that this
entails; but if the trust stops short of offering
such a tempting lure in the way of high prices, it
can keep the field to itself. If the extra duty
of twenty per cent - the unnecessary portion
of the whole duty of forty per cent - did
not exist, nothing of this sort would be possible.
The trust would have to sell at a normal price in
order to keep out the foreigner, and so would its
independent competitor. Both the combination
and its rivals could make their goods and sell them
in security. The industry, as such, is protected
by the duty of twenty per cent, and it is the additional
duty which is the protector of monopoly - the
enabling cause of the grab which the trust can make
from the pockets of the consuming public.
In practice one would not try to make
the figures quite as exact as is implied in the statement
that just twenty per cent of duty is needed to protect
the industry as such from the foreigner, and that just
another twenty per cent acts as a maker of a monopolistic
price. It would be impracticable to fix the duty
in such a way as exactly to meet the need of protection.
Owing to fluctuations in values, the duty might be
made slightly higher than is necessary under normal
conditions. All these things would have to be
considered by a competent tariff commission.
The figures we here use are illustrative only; but
the principle is as clear as anything in economics.
Protecting an industry, as such, is one thing; it means
that Americans shall be enabled to hold possession
of their market, provided they charge prices for their
goods which yield a fair profit only. Protecting
a monopoly in the industry is another thing; it means
that foreign competition is to be cut off even when
the American producer charges unnatural prices.
It means that the trust shall be enabled to sell a
portion of its goods abroad at one price and the remainder
at home at a much higher price. It means that
the trust is to be shielded from all competition,
except that which may come from audacious rivals at
home who are willing to brave the perils of entering
the American field provided that the prices which
here rule afford profit enough to justify the risk.
A Limit beyond which a Duty becomes
a Supporter of Monopolies. - This line
of cleavage runs through the greater part of the duties
which this country now imposes on foreign articles;
and the fact reveals the scientific rule for tariff
reduction. Up to a certain point, according to
the traditional American view, the duty may do good.
It may be protecting an industry that is not quite
an infant and yet has not grown to its full stature
nor attained to its full competing power. Whatever
may be claimed as to what ought to be done with this
portion of the duty, there is no doubt what will be
done; it will be retained, and the American people
will wait with such patience as they may for the coming
of the time when the industry will be independent of
all such aid. Beyond this point a protective
duty becomes a trust builder par excellence.
Most Duties Compounds of Good and
Evil. - There are some industries which
are fully matured. The duties which were imposed
to shield them during their infancy are no longer
necessary for that purpose. The amount of protection
that in these cases is necessary to keep the American
market for the American product is nil.
The sole effect of duties on the products of such
industries is to encourage monopoly. At the other
extreme there are a few industries which have not gravitated
into the control of monopolies and which need much
of the protection that they have in order to hold
their present fields. If they really are infants
and not dwarfs, - if they have the capacity
to grow to full stature and independence, - the
policy of the people will undoubtedly be to let them
keep, for a considerable time, all the protection that
they now enjoy. The number of such industries
as this is comparatively small. In the case of
the great majority of our duties there is one part
that protects the industry as such and another part
that protects the monopoly within it. Throw off
the whole duty, and you expose the independent rivals
of the trust, as well as the trust itself, to a foreign
competition which they are hardly able to bear; but
if you throw off a part of the duty, - the
part which serves to create the monopoly, - you
do not destroy and probably do not hurt the independent
producer. His position now is abnormal and perilous.
He may be continuing solely by grace of a power that
could crush him any day if it would, and its power
to crush him is due to the great gains which its position
as a monopoly affords. When it wishes to crush
a local rival, it can enter his territory and, within
that area, sell goods for less than it costs to make
them; and, while pursuing this cut-throat policy,
it can still make money, because it is getting high
prices in the other parts of its extensive territory.
With no such great general returns to draw on as a
war fund, the trust would have to compete with its
rivals on terms which would be at least more nearly
even than they now are. It would still have weapons
which it could employ against competitors, and its
capacity for fighting unfairly would not be exhausted.
Without further action on the part of lawmakers the
position of a small rival of a trust might be unnaturally
dangerous; but an essential point is that one means
which the trust adopts in order to crush him depends
on the existence of great profits in most of its territory;
and these would not exist if it were not for the unnecessary
and abnormal part of the duty.
The trust wants its duty, and it wants
the whole of it. It is the perennial defender
of the policy which is termed “standing pat.”
It values the monopoly-making part according to the
measure of the profits which that part brings into
its coffers. The trust is powerful, as we do
not need to be told, and it will find ways of thwarting
tariff reduction as it does other anti-trust legislation.
Drastic laws forced through legislatures or Congress
during ébullitions of popular wrath - laws
which demand so much in the way of trust breaking
that they will never be enforced and never ought to
be - have not, thus far, been prevented.
Such “bulls against the comet” have been
issued frequently enough, but serious legislation,
based on sound principles, will encounter graver difficulties.
There are difficulties before our people even where
they see clearly what they want and are trying to
get it; but where they do not see what they want,
the case is hopeless. The trust-making part of
protective duties has an effect about which there
is no uncertainty, and if the American people discover
this fact, they will not have reached their goal, but
the laborious route that leads to it will at least
lie distinctly before them.
The Policy demanded in the Interest
of Progress. - The general facts which
have here been cited call for the abolition of a certain
part of the existing duties and the retention of another
part, and they make the division between the two parts
clear at least in principle. We want to keep
one part of a duty whenever it protects an industry
which is not yet mature but is on its way toward maturity.
We want the industry because it is progressive in
its wealth-creating power and will, one day, make
an important addition to our national income.
It is a dynamic agent - a factor in the progress
we are making toward the unrealized goal of universal
comfort. We do not want the other part of the
duty, first, because we do not want monopoly.
Any feature of our industrial system which is convicted
of being simply a monopoly-building element is condemned
by that fact to extinction, if the power of the people
suffices to destroy it. Does this mean that the
consolidations themselves are thus condemned?
Do we not want great corporations with vast capitals?
Assuredly we want them, for the sake of their economy
and of their capacity for greater economy. With
the element of monopoly taken out of them, they will
become dynamic agents and contributors to general
progress. The part of the protective tariff which
we need to get rid of is the part that helps decisively
to put the element of monopoly into them; and in that
connection the worst charge that has to be brought
against this part of the duties remains to be stated.
Protection and Progress. - Monopoly
acts squarely against the continuance of that very
progress which the tariff was designed to create.
The entire defense of protection has rested on the
dynamic argument, and the sole justification of the
tax which protection originally imposed is the fact
that it has given us industries which have, in themselves,
the power to become more and more productive.
It would be hard to deny that much of this increase
in productive power, which the originators of the
protective system anticipated, has been practically
realized. The manufactures which have been carried
through a period of weakness have actually developed
competing strength. We have acquired the power
to make things far more cheaply than any one could
formerly make them, and the cheapening process still
goes on. Our manufacturing centers are alive
with machinery, much of which is of our own devising.
Thanks to the progressive character of these industries,
the waste which attended the introduction of them has
been largely atoned for. On dynamic grounds,
and solely on those grounds, has the policy of protection
fairly well vindicated itself. And now we have
come to the point where that saving element in the
protective system is in danger of vanishing.
Indeed, the excessive part of the protective tariff
now acts positively to check the progress that it
once initiated, for monopoly is hostile to that progress.
The whole force of the argument based on mechanical
invention and the development of latent aptitudes
in our people now holds as against the monopoly-building
part of the tariff. Keep that portion of a duty
which is not needed to save an independent producer
from foreign competition, which is needed only to
enable the trust to charge an abnormal price and still
keep the foreigner out of our markets, and you build
up a monopoly which is unfavorable to continued improvement
in the productive arts.
Competition is the assured guarantee
of all such progress. It causes a race of improvement
in which eager rivals strive with each other to see
who can get the best result from a day’s labor.
It puts the producer where he must be enterprising
or drop out of the race. He must invent machines
and processes, or adopt them as others discover them.
He must organize, explore markets, and study consumers’
wants. He must keep abreast of a rapidly moving
procession if he expects to continue long to be a
producer at all.
The Effect on Progress of Consolidation
without Monopoly. - Does a monopoly live
under any such forward pressure? Certainly not.
It may make some improvements, for it can gain wealth
by so doing; but it is not forced to make them or
perish. Here we encounter a wide distinction
that is in danger of being overlooked. A vast
corporation that is not a true monopoly may be eminently
progressive. If it still has to fear rivals,
actual or potential, it is under the same kind of
pressure that acts upon the independent producer - pressure
to economize labor. It may be able to make even
greater progress than a smaller corporation could
make, for it may be able to hire ingenious men to
devise new appliances, and it may be able to test them
without greatly trenching on its income by such experiments.
When it gets a successful machine, it may introduce
it at once into many mills. Consolidation without
monopoly is favorable to progress. With the element
of monopoly infused into it, a great consolidation
frees itself from the necessity for progress, and
both experience and a priori reasoning are
against the conclusion that, under such a regime,
actual progress will be rapid. The secure monopoly
may stagnate with impunity, and the reason why many
corporations which have looked like monopolies have
not actually stagnated is that their positions have
not been thus secure. They have had some actual
rivals and many potential ones. The part of the
protective system which tends to make them more secure
in their monopolistic position strikes at the most
vital part of the industrial system, the progress within
it, the element which adds daily to man’s power
to create wealth and enables the world to sustain
an increasing population in an increasing degree of
comfort. True monopoly means stagnation, oppression,
and what has been called a new feudalism, while consolidation
without monopoly means progress, freedom, and a constant
approach to industrial democracy. One of the
essential means of securing this latter result is
the retention of so much protection as is needed to
keep American ingenuity and organizing power alive
and active, while abolishing that excess of it which
fosters monopoly and does away with the necessity
for exercising these traits. There will be disagreement
as to the point at which the dividing line should,
in particular cases, be drawn; a protected interest
will claim a duty of fifty per cent where twenty would
amply suffice and where every excess above this would
be pernicious. There should, however, be no serious
disagreement as to what we want - progress
and the repression of monopoly which bars progress;
and there should be little disagreement as to the principle
to be followed in making a protective system contribute
to these ends. It must assuredly not bar out
the foreigner when the American trust has put its
prices at an extortionate level and is using its power
to crush all rivalry at home. The good effect
and the evil effect of an excessive duty are quite
distinct in principle, and the task that is before
us is to make them so in practice. It is to abolish
the monopoly-building part of the protective system.
The whole question of the relation
of the tariff to monopoly presents debatable points,
some of which cannot here be discussed. It is
by no means claimed that an unnaturally high tariff
is the sole means of sustaining monopolies, or that
the reduction of it would leave nothing more to be
done. A great corporation, as has already been
said, possesses special means of waging a predatory
war against local rivals, and its monopolistic power
depends on these as well as on the tariff. With
the foreigner forced off the field the trust can use
with terrible effect these means of attack on local
rivals. It is true, as we have seen, that its
monopolistic power might be greatly reduced, without
touching the tariff, by taking from it its command
of freight rates and thus destroying its power to
undersell rivals by means of the special rebates which
it now receives; and its power for evil might be reduced
still more by taking from it its privilege of cutting
prices on its own goods in one locality while charging
elsewhere the high prices which the exclusion of the
foreigner enables it to get. Regulating trusts
by these means only and without any change in the
protective system would require, on the part of the
people, a long and hard struggle. It would require
heroic persistence in a course of difficult administration.
Success will come more quickly and easily if, while
keeping a normal amount of protection, we abolish the
abnormal part of it. The other measures for controlling
trusts harmonize with this one and will work more
effectively if they are used in combination with it.
Together with this one they remove a barrier against
progress and set in action a force that promotes it.
Without going into any intricacies
one can see that, with the tariff at a normal level,
the success of the trust in making money will depend
on its efficiency as a producer; and the same will
be true of its independent rivals. Again and
again it will then happen that new rivals will appear,
whose mills are far more efficient than many which
the trust operates. They may even be more efficient
than the best of the mills of the great combination.
American producers and foreigners will be in eager
rivalry with each other in seeking out means of reducing
costs or - what is the same thing - increasing
the product of a day’s labor. Under the
conditions here supposed, the trust will not be able
to exterminate a really efficient competitor, and it
will feel the stimulus of his rivalry in a way that
will force it to be alert and enterprising in seeking
and using new devices for economical production.
The trust and its American competitor will alike feel
the stimulus of the foreigner’s efforts to surpass
them both in methods of efficient production; and
the outcome of it all will be a greater degree of
progress - a more dynamic industrial world - than
there is any hope of realizing while foreigners are
excluded from our markets even when prices are there
extortionate. Prices will be extortionate so
long as the trusts are checked only by local rivals
and are allowed to club these rivals into submissiveness.
Keeping the foreigner away by competing fairly with
him is what we should desire; but barring him forcibly
out, even when prices mount to extravagant levels,
helps to fasten on this country the various evils
which are included under the ill-omened term monopoly;
and among the worst of these evils are a weakening
of dynamic energy and a reduction of progress.