The preparation of wheat and other
grains, in the form of bread, is one of the most important
of all culinary operations, and to many persons one
of the most difficult. It is impossible to set
exact rules as to the quantity of flour or liquid
to be used, for the quality of the flour varies as
much as that of the grain from which it is made; and
some varieties, excessive in gluten, will absorb nearly
one-third more liquid than others, and produce correspondingly
more bread. For this reason in buying flour we
must choose that which contains the most gluten; this
kind will remain in a firm, compact mass when pressed
in the hand, and will retain all the lines and marks
of the skin; or if mixed with water it will take up
a great deal in proportion to its bulk, and will form
a tough, elastic dough. Gluten in flour corresponds
with the nitrates or flesh-formers in flesh, and abounds
in hard winter wheat. The flour containing much
of it is never extremely white.
The object of making bread, that is
of mixing water with the flour and subsequently exposing
the dough to intense heat, is to expand and rupture
the cells of the grain so as to expose the greatest
possible surface to the action of the digestive fluids;
this is accomplished in several ways; by the formation
of air cells through the medium of acetous fermentation,
as in yeast bread; by the mechanical introduction
of carbonic acid gas, as in aerated bread; by the mixture
with the flour of a gas-generating compound, which
needs only the contact of moisture to put it in active
operation; and by the beating into the dough of atmospheric
air. No organic change in the elements of the
flour is necessary, like that produced by the partial
decomposition of some of its properties, in bread
raised with yeast; so long as proper surface is obtained
for the action of the gastric juices, the purpose of
raising is accomplished. Bread raised without
fermentation can be made from the following receipt,
and there is no question of its healthfulness.
254. Aerated Homemade Bread. Mix
flour and water together to the consistency of a thick
batter; then beat it until fine bubbles of air thoroughly
permeate it; for small biscuit, pour it into patty
pans, and bake in a good brisk oven; for bread in
loaves more flour is thoroughly kneaded in with the
hands, until the dough is full of air-bubbles, and
then baked at once, without being allowed to stand.
When bread is to be raised by the
acetous fermentation of yeast, the sponge should be
maintained at a temperature of 89 deg. Fahr.
until it is sufficiently light, and the baking should
be accomplished at a heat of over 320 deg.
When yeast is too bitter from the excess of hops, mix
plenty of water with it, and let it stand for some
hours; then throw the water off, and use the settlings.
When yeast has soured it may be restored by adding
to it a little carbonate of soda or ammonia. When
dough has soured, the acidity can be corrected by
the use of a little carbonate of soda or ammonia.
If the sponge of “raised bread” be allowed
to overwork itself it will sour from excessive fermentation,
and if the temperature be permitted to fall, and the
dough to cool, it will be heavy. Thorough kneading
renders yeast-bread white and fine, but is unnecessary
in bread made with baking-powder. Great care
should be taken in the preparation of yeast for leavened
bread, as the chemical decomposition inseparable from
its use is largely increased by any impurity or undue
fermentation. Experience and judgment are necessary
to the uniform production of good bread; and those
are gained only by repeated trials. We subjoin
one of the best receipts which we have been able to
procure, for making yeast.
255. Homebrewed Yeast. Boil
two ounces of the best hops in four quarts of water
for half an hour, strain off the liquor and let it
cool till luke-warm, and then add half a pound of
brown sugar and two heaping tablespoonfuls of salt;
use a little of this liquor to beat up one pound of
the best flour, and gradually mix in all of it with
the flour; let it stand four days to ferment in a
warm place near the fire, stirring it frequently.
On the third day boil and mash three pounds of potatoes,
and stir them into it. On the fourth day strain
and bottle it; it will keep good for months.
256. Homemade Bread. Put
seven pounds of flour into a deep pan, and make a
hollow in the centre; into this put one quart of luke-warm
water, one tablespoonful of salt, one teaspoonful
of sugar, and half a gill of yeast; have ready three
pints more of warm water, and use as much of it as
is necessary to make a rather soft dough, mixing and
kneading it well with both hands. When it is
smooth and shining strew a little flour upon it, lay
a large towel over it folded, and set it in a warm
place by the fire for four or five hours to rise;
then knead it again for fifteen minutes, cover it
with the towel, and set it to rise once more; then
divide it into two or four loaves, and bake it in a
quick oven. This quantity of material will make
eight pounds of bread, and will require one hour’s
baking to two pounds of dough. In cold weather,
the dough should be mixed in a warm room, and not
allowed to cool while rising; if it does not rise
well, set the pan containing it over a large vessel
of boiling water; it is best to mix the bread at night,
and let it rise till morning, in a warm and even temperature.
257. Milk Bread. Take
one quart of milk, heat one-third of it, and scald
with it half a pint of flour; if the milk is skimmed,
use a small piece of butter; when the batter is cool,
add the rest of the milk, one cup of hop yeast, half
a tablespoonful of salt, and flour enough to make
it quite stiff; knead the dough until it is fine and
smooth, and raise it over night. This quantity
makes three small loaves.
258. Rice Bread. Simmer
one pound of rice in three quarts of water until the
rice is soft, and the water evaporated or absorbed;
let it cool until it is only luke-warm; mix into it
nearly four pounds of flour, two teaspoonfuls of salt,
and four tablespoonfuls of yeast; knead it until it
is smooth and shining, let it rise once before the
fire, make it up into loaves with the little flour
reserved from the four pounds, and bake it thoroughly.
259. Potato Bread. Take
good, mealy boiled potatoes, in the proportion of
one-third of the quantity of flour you propose to use,
pass them through a coarse sieve into the flour, using
a wooden spoon and adding enough cold water to enable
you to pass them through readily; use the proper quantity
of yeast, salt, and water, and make up the bread in
the usual way. A saving of at least twenty per
cent is thus gained.
260. Pulled Bread. Take
from the oven an ordinary loaf of bread when it is
about half baked, and with the fingers, while
it is yet hot, pull it apart in egg-sized pieces
of irregular shape: throw them upon tins, and
bake them in a slow oven to a rich brown color.
This bread is excellent to eat with cheese or wine.
Where bread is made with baking powder
the following rules should be closely observed:
If any shortening be used, it should be rubbed into
the flour before it is wet; cold water or sweet
milk should always be used to wet it, and the dough
should be kneaded immediately, and only long enough
to thoroughly mix it and form it into the desired shape;
it should then be placed in a well-heated oven and
baked quickly otherwise the carbonic acid
gas will escape before the expanded cells are fixed
in the bread, and thus the lightness of the loaf will
be impaired.
As a very large margin of profit is
indulged in by the manufacturers of baking powders,
we subjoin a good formula for making the article at
home at a considerable saving.
261. Baking Powder. Mix
thoroughly by powdering and sifting together several
times the following ingredients; four ounces of tartaric
acid, and six ounces each of bi-carbonate of soda,
and starch. Keep the mixture in an air-tight
The following receipts will be found useful and easy:
262. Loaf Bread. Sift
together two or three times one pound of flour, three
teaspoonfuls of baking powder, one saltspoonful of
salt, and one teaspoonful of fine sugar; mix with
enough cold sweet milk to make the dough of the consistency
of biscuit; or, if you have no milk, use cold water.
Work the dough only long enough to incorporate the
flour well with the milk or water; put it into a baking-pan
buttered and slightly warmed, and set it immediately
into a hot oven; after about five minutes cover it
with paper so that the crust may not form so quickly
as to prevent rising; bake about three-quarters of
an hour. This bread is sweet and wholesome, and
may be eaten by some persons whose digestion is imperfect,
with greater safety than yeast-fermented bread.
263. Breakfast Rolls. Mix
well by sifting, one pound of flour, three teaspoonfuls
of baking powder, half a teaspoonful of salt, and one
heaping teaspoonful of pulverized or fine sugar; into
a small portion of the above rub two ounces of lard,
fine and smooth; mix with the rest of the flour, and
quickly wet it up with enough cold milk to enable you
to roll it out about half an inch thick; cut out the
dough with a tin shape or with a sharp knife, in the
form of diamonds, lightly wet the top with water,
and double them half over. Put them upon a tin,
buttered and warmed, and bake them in a hot oven.
264. Tea Biscuit. Mix
as above, using the same proportions, and cutting
out with a round biscuit-cutter; when they are baked,
wash them over with cold milk, and return them to
the oven for a moment to dry.
265. Finger Biscuit. Mix
as above, cut out with a sharp knife in strips three
inches long, one inch wide, and one-quarter of an inch
thick; lay them upon a buttered tin so that they will
not touch, brush them over with an egg beaten up with
one tablespoonful of milk, and bake them in a hot
266. Cream Breakfast Rolls. Mix
as above, substituting cream for the milk in moistening
the dough; cut them out with an oval cutter, two inches
long and one and a half inches wide; brush the tops
with cream, and pull them slightly lengthwise; then
fold them together, leaving a slight projection of
the under side; put them on a buttered tin, brush
the tops with cream, and bake them in a hot oven.
267. Breakfast Twist. Mix
as for breakfast rolls, cut in strips three inches
long and half an inch thick; roll each one out thin
at the ends, but leave the centre of the original
thickness; place three strips side by side, braid
them together, and pinch the ends to hold them; when
the twists are all made out, lay them upon a buttered
tin, brush them over with milk, and bake them in a
hot oven. A little fine sugar dusted over the
tops glazes them and improves their flavor.
Hot rolls and biscuits should be served
well covered with a napkin.
268. How to freshen stale Bread. A
loaf of stale bread placed in a close tin vessel,
and steamed for half an hour will be completely freshened.
269. Toast. But few persons
know how to prepare toast properly. It should
be made with the aim of evaporating from the bread
all the superfluous water, and transforming its tough
and moist substance into digestible food: for
this reason the slices should be exposed gradually
to heat of a gentle fire, first upon one side and then
upon the other, for one minute, and after that they
may be toasted golden-brown; at this stage it has
become pure wheat farina, and is not liable to produce
acetous fermentation in the stomach; besides, it will
now absorb the butter thoroughly, and both substances
will be in condition to be freely subjected to the
action of gastric juice, and consequently will be
digested with ease. Dry toast should be sent to
the table the instant it is made. Buttered toast
should be set into the oven for about five minutes
to render it crisp.